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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LIVING WITH MY TEACHER – Episode 72 & 73

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By Terri Savage 🖊️



“What!! No!!… that bag doesn’t belong to me, it’s not my bag” Pascal said, his eyes coming wide again.

How did the bag get into his room without his knowledge?

“You can’t deny anything here, the bag is clear evidence that you are into hard drugs” Another cop said, and brought out a handcuff.

“I’m his roommate and he’s my boyfriend, I know him too well, that’s not his bag” Josephine said.

“Really? Then how come the bag is in his room?”

The question came but no answer came from them. Pascal swallowed as he became speechless.

“I can’t believe you are dating this guy, from the look of things you are older than him, he’s a drug dealer and you are proud to say he’s your boyfriend…” The cop was talking when Josephine matched angrily to him and a blinding slap landed on his face.

The other cops gasped.

“How dare you talk trash about my boyfriend? What’s the relevance of age in a relationship motherf_cker, tell you haven’t f_ck a sixteen year old girl before, what do you know about him, this is clearly a trap, my boyfriend isn’t a drug dealer” Josephine completely lost it, and the cop swallowed.

“Miss, getting violent here will complicate things”

“If he talks trash about my boyfriend again, I will not mind punching his ugly face” she yelled.

“We are taking him to the station with us”

“I swear, I don’t know anything about the bag, I’m not into drugs”

“Baby believe, I don’t know anything…

“I believe you, I know you are not the one with the bag” she said and tried touching him but the cops stopped her.

Pascal was handcuffed.

“Where are you taking him to? He’s innocent” she shouted in tears.

“You can’t follow us to the station now, come in an hour” The leader said, and they started taking him out, she tried stopping them but she was pushed back, she started struggling with them but the cops overpowered her.

“Baby” she called in tears as they took him out.

“I will make sure I get you out of there” she said tearfully, and he nodded.

He was pushed into the car, and they got in with him, Pascal looked back and his eyes met with her.

“Pascal” she called, crying more.

The car drove away and she started crying loudly.

She rushed into the house.


The eatery was so much more filled with people than normal, it was so much that some had to wait for others to finish eating.

This was because Camila was trending on the internet and since the fans found out she was serving there, they started making videos and posting online, it kept making a large publicist.

Manon was smiling as she saw the eatery filled up, she even had to hire people to help in serving.

Camila showed up, and the screams started again. It has been like this since morning.

👥Nat X’s girlfriend

👥 I’m a fan

👥I watched your videos on my TikTok and you are fire

👥 Please serve me

The crazy fans started fighting and struggling for Camila to serve them.

Camila was smiling as watched the drama going on.

“I’m going to serve everyone” she said.

👥Aww, her voice

👥 She’s an angel

Camila started serving the fans though it wasn’t easy but she kept doing it till she got a text on her phone from a number saved as “Bunny”. She smiled widely and quickly left.

She met him standing in the kitchen, he was backing her. She coughed and he turned.

“Bunny” she called excitedly, and ran to him. He widened his arms and she went in.

They hugged tightly and he started kissing her forehead and she started giggling.

“How did you get in?” she asked, smiling cutely.

“I used the backdoor, your videos of serving are trending online” he replied.

“Why didn’t you use the main door?” she teased.

“What? Do you know what happened today in school? I signed autographs till I almost passed out, I even had to fake a faint, gosh!!!” he groaned.

“You need guards then, I’m facing the same thing here, you asked me out on stage remember?” she smiled.

“You didn’t like it?”

“I didn’t say so, that was the best confession, girls will stay away from you knowing you have a girlfriend”

“You don’t have to be jealous, I’m yours alone, no one can take me away from you”

“Do you know what my craziest wishlist was?” she asked, and he looked at her.

“No, tell me”

“It was to have a black guy as my boyfriend” she smiled prettily.

“Really?” he smiled, and she nodded.

“So you fell first?”

“I didn’t even know I fell until the kiss but I didn’t show it, I was scared you might not feel the same, we kissed again but I wasn’t sure, I didn’t want to talk about it since I know what you were aiming at that moment but I couldn’t control the jealousy when you smile at that girl” she pouted.

“I fell for you too but I wasn’t really sure, so I wanted to be sure”

“So you wouldn’t have confessed if you didn’t win the award?”

“I planned to confess even without winning it” he replied, and she smiled.

“You are so sweet” she said.

“You are sweeter” he said and kissed her.

His phone started ringing and he took out his phone to see Pascal’s name.

“Is he missing me already” he smiled.

“Pascal?” she said.

“Yes” he nodded and answered the call but he heard Josephine’s voice instead.

“What, Pascal got arrested, why?” he shouted shockingly.

“Drugs were found in his room, Pascal doesn’t do drugs, I’m coming now” he said and faced Camila.

“Pascal is arrested?”

“Yes, I’m going to the station now”

“I will go with you” she said.

“Don’t worry, I will handle it” he said and kissed her forehead before leaving.


Josephine rushed into the station and met the cops, the same cops that arrested Pascal.

“Where is my boyfriend?” she asked.

“In the cell room”

“What? He’s innocent”

“What evidence do you have to show he’s innocent?” A cop asked and she went silent.

“You can’t defend him without evidence” he said, and she started running to the cell rooms.

She located Pascal in one of the cell rooms.

“Baby” she called tearfully, and he looked up. He was sitting on the floor. He stood up and rushed to her but the metals stopped him.

“Love” he called.

“Baby” she called, and pushed her hands in between the metals, she held his hands, and she started crying.

“Can you stop crying, your eyes are red” he said.

“I will get you out of here, someone put that bag there to frame you, and I’m sure it’s Laurent” she said.

He took a hand from her, and he started cleaning her tears.

“I believe you, I love you for believing me…” he was still talking when she noticed blood on his head.

“What happened? Were you beaten up?” she asked, and he nodded.

Josephine’s eyes became so livid and she released his hands. She rushed out and the first cop she met received a low blow and she started kicking him.

“What are you doing?” the cops rushed there and tried to stop her but she kicked a cop directly in the face, he landed on the wall, and she low blow another cop before kicking him.

“How dare you touch him? He’s innocent, he is framed, my boyfriend doesn’t do drugs” she shouted, and three cops rushed there, grabbing her from behind. She started struggling with them.

“Release my boyfriend now, release him!” she said when the commander came there

“You can’t intervene in this Miss Josephine, your father is personally involved in this, even you can’t save him, he’s a criminal and you came here fighting the cops because of him, we don’t have any permission to do anything until your father speaks” the commander said.

“My father?” her eyes widened.

“He bribes you, fools , right? He paid you to do this?” she started shouting.

“Josephine” Mindy got there and took her away from the cops, she started taking her out.

“Causing ruckus here won’t solve this, I heard the cop saying your father is involved in this, he is a member of the drug committee remember, so if you want to get Pascal out of there, you know what to do”

“Josephine” Landon called as he got there, almost immediately Nathan too arrived.

“My brother doesn’t do drugs, this is a trap” Landon said.

“Someone framed him” Nathan said.

“I know, I have a big suspect”

“Laurent?” Mindy and Nathan asked at once.

“I will be back” Without answering them, she got in her car and drove out.


Laurent had a roll of weed between his lips as he shook his head to the riddim of the music playing in the living room. He was enjoying a small party of his own.

He heard sounds from the stairs and he looked up to see his Ɓîtçh. She came down in only P@ŋtîēṣ, smoking heavily.

She smiled and sat on his lap.

“You are so good” he said and kissed her.

“You deliver so well, and involving her father in this is the best thing to do, it will be hard to get him out” he said, and she grinned, kissing him again.

“I can’t wait for you to love me back”

“Keep following my words like a good girl, huh!” he grinned evilly but she didn’t notice.

“I love you” she kissed him but he broke it.

“So what next?” she asked.

“Let’s see, I want your p@zzy now” he said naughtily, and she smiled.

“I will please you” she smiled and dropped her smoke.

“S*ck my Ç0çƙ as I smoke” he ordered, and she went on her knees in front of him. She started pulling his trousers down.



Josephine’s car drove in roughly and she didn’t even care to park well before coming out. She rushed into the mansion and met the chairman and her mother.

“You are here because of that criminal boyfriend of yours right?” Chairman asked.

“Order the police to release him” she shouted.

“And what makes you think he’s going to do that?” her mother asked.

“Cos he’s innocent, he is framed”

“So what evidence do you have to prove his innocence?”

“You got involved in this because you know it’s him, he’s innocent and you know, Laurent talked you into this, that bastard framed my boyfriend up” she said.

“Watch your words, that’s your future husband” the chairman yelled.

“Over my dead body, even my corpse won’t get married to Laurent”

“Get ready to see your boyfriend in jail as long as I still remains the chairman. My words are commandments, don’t try me Josephine” the chairman said.

“You are so heartless father, you disappoint me” she shouted and started crying.

“You are going to marry Laurent, you have no say about that, stop disgracing our family name, what does that boy have to offer, you are older and he’s your student, how can you stoop so low?” her mother said angrily.

“I love him ok, and that’s what matters, nothing in this world will make me marry Laurent”

“He’s going to jail, that’s final” chairman said, and she went on her knees.

Pascal can’t sleep in jail, not even for today, her father has the power to send him to jail, and she has no option but to beg.

“Please, I will do everything you want me to do, please release him” she cried, and the chairman faced her, smiling creepily.


Landon, Mindy and Nathan went to the hospital with Pascal for his treatment, and he was treated.

He got released after some hours, and he got home thirty minutes ago.

Landon, Mindy and Nathan left after he told them he would be fine.

His mind went to one person and he knew it would be Laurent behind this… He’s the one trying to take him out.

He looked at his phone as he started calling Josephine again but she didn’t pick up, he was about to try again when he heard her car zooming in.

He waited for a minute, and the door opened and she came in.

“Baby, are you okay, I have been calling” he said, and she looked expressionless at him. She was looking different.

“Baby” he called, and she started going in but he ran after her and stopped her..

“What?” she asked harshly, taking him by surprise.

“Did I do something wrong?” he asked, getting scared by her sudden action.

She gave him a deep stare, and sighed.

“Let’s break up” she said blankly, and his eyes widened. His jaw dropped. His heart skipped a beat fearfully.

“You are joking right? This is a prank right?” he asked, holding her shoulders.

“I mean it, let’s break up” she said, and pushed his hands away.

Tears started coming out of his eyes instantly.



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