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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LIVING WITH MY TEACHER – Episode 16 & 17

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By Terri Savage πŸ–ŠοΈ


Pascal could felt her breath on his face, it was
directly hitting on his skin and that causes
goosebumps on his skin, he felt her lips so
close to his lips and he was expecting a kiss
from her but it seems the expectation of a kiss
took his hearing senses away cos her throat
made a grunt sound..

Pascal felt something on his face and he
quickly opened his eyes but it widened… She
puked on him.

“What!!!” He gasped.

“That feels better now, Kiddo” She said and fell
on the couch, sleeping off immediately.

“Miss Josephine” He shouted but all he could
hear was her cute soft snoring sounds.

He was lucky she didn’t puke on his face
directly, only part of it touched his face.

He looked at himself and he felt like crying.

He looked at her and quickly went into his room,
he entered the bathroom and had a quick
shower, he changed into another thing and
came out to find her sleeping on the couch.

He looked at the sleeping beauty and he gently
carried her to her room. He laid her beside

Her hair sprawled on her face and he bent,
taking it away from her face, his eyes got stuck
looking at her face and he didn’t know when he
started stroking her hair.

“You puked on me, drinking is not for you” He
said and frowned.

Josephine pouted in her sleep like she heard
him, and he smiled.

“Are you hearing me?” He asked and laughed

He kissed her forehead and after covering them
up he walked out of the room.


Nathan dialed Camila’s number and it kept
ringing till it stopped. He called again and it kept
ringing till it stopped, he tried it for the fourth
time and she didn’t pick up.

“What is wrong?” He asked.

“Let me call her for the last time” He said and
redialed the number again, it didn’t take
seconds when she answered the call.

“I’m sorry Nat, I was in the bathroom” She
quickly apologized.

“Oh!!… Hope I’m not disturbing you?”

“No” She replied.

“Sorry for not picking your calls”

“Camila I’m not offended” He smiled.

“You didn’t come today” She said.

“I had an assignment to do, why are you not in
school? He replied but his question rendered


“Can I answer that when we see?” She replied.

“Ok, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to sleep” She replied.

“Good night” He said.

“We are going to see tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I will come over”

“Good night” She said and he smiled before
cutting the call.

He stood up from the chair and lay on the bed.


Manon was about to go to bed when she saw a
card on her table, she stood up from the bed
and walked there. She picked the card and a
scoff left her lips immediately she recognized it.

“That arrogant guy, does he really think I will
call him, he’s so full of himself, such
confidence?” She said and dropped the card.

She got in bed and covered herself up.

“I’m trashing it tomorrow” She said, closing her


Pascal opened the door to Josephine’s room
and saw the two ladies sleeping on the bed,
they were even cuddling each other. He
remembered when they almost kissed yesterday
and he started laughing.

He looked at the time and he smirked.

“I’m not waking you up, that’s your punishment
for puking on me” He said and closed the door

He was already in his school uniform and his
backpack was with him.

He already prepared breakfast and he ate before
checking up on them.

He left the house afterwards.


The ringing of a cell phone on the bed stand
woke Josephine up.

The brightness in the room hit her eyes and she
closed them before opening her eyes again.

She looked beside her and saw Mindy still

She remembered how Mindy and her went to a
bar and how they got drunk. How did they even
get home?

She yawned lightly and her hand went to her
cellphone. She took it and saw a missed call but
what she saw next made her gasp loudly.
10am… Her eyes widened.

“What!!!” She shouted and that distracted Mindy.
She woke up.

“Why are you shouting? You just interrupted my
sleep” Mindy groaned.

“I’m so late for school, this is all your fault”
Josephine said, rushing down from the bed.

“How is it my fault?” Mindy asked.

“You brought the idea of us going to the bar, I
h@Ε₯Δ› you” Josephine said and took a pillow
hitting Mindy with it . She instantly rushed into
the bathroom.

“I’m hungry” Mindy came down from the bed
and walked out, heading straight to the kitchen.

Josephine hurriedly came out of the bathroom
after five minutes and started dressing up.

She dressed up in five minutes and dashed out
of the room.

“You are leaving? You won’t even have
breakfast?” Mindy asked, coming out with a
plate of what Pascal made.

“Don’t talk to me, I h@Ε₯Δ› you” Josephine replied
and ran out.

Mindy stood there and started laughing.

She ate another spoon from the plate and

“Pascal is so good” She said with admiration.


Josephine got to school and it was already
lunch time, she missed the class she had. She
came out of the car and started cursing Mindy
as she ran to her office. She got there and found
Laurent already on her door.

“Laurent” She called surprisingly.

“Miss Josephine, finally!” He smiled.

“You were waiting?” She asked.

“Yes,I was worried” He replied.

“You shouldn’t have” She replied and unlocked
the door, he went in with her.

“What happened? Did you get sick?” He asked.

“No but it’s so embarrassing, I don’t want to talk
about it” She replied and he nodded.

“Your call actually woke me up, thank you”

“I sent some messages before calling, it was the
fifth call” He said.

“I’m sorry”

“It’s fine, see you later” He smiled and walked to
the door, he opened the door and met Pascal
outside with tons of notebooks in his hands.

He looked at Pascal and Pascal returned the

“Sir Laurent” He said and pushed himself inside.
Laurent scoffed and left.

Josephine was leaning on the table and when
Pascal came in, he walked to the table and
dropped the notebooks

“Good morning, Auntie Josephine” He said

Josephine frowned as he expected.

“I thought you weren’t coming to school” He
said with a smirk.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“I didn’t want to disturb my teacher” He replied.

“You and Mindy came home drunk yesterday, it
was part of the punishment for what you did to
me yesterday” He said and she raised her

“What did I do?” She asked curiously.

“My secret” He replied and she frowned.

“Keep frowning it make you prettier” He winked
and she stopped frowning immediately.

“The assignment” He said and started leaving
but he suddenly turned back and walked to her.

“What?” She asked but a shout left her lips as
his hand went behind her head.

“Wh…. What… are you doing…We are in the
office” She stuttered as his body was slightly
placed on her body.

Pascal smiled and pulled out the hair band she
used in holding her hair with. Her hair sprawled
on her face, he faced her and started arranging

Josephine became speechless and unmovable.
She was just staring into his eyes.

“This looks better on you” He smiled and left.

Josephine slowly held her chest as she felt the
irregular movement of her heart.

“What… he??…


“You finally remembered you have parents?” Mr
Joseph asked immediately Mindy came in.

“Papa” Mindy pouted.

“You came back some days ago and you’re just
visiting us now?” Mrs Joseph said.

“Mama” Mindy pouted again.

“Now that you are here, I want to let you know
that you….

“If it’s about taking over the company don’t say
it cos I will leave immediately” Mindy said and
Mr Joseph sat down with a low groan.

“You should take over…

“I’m leaving” Mindy said.

“Okay, we won’t say a thing again” Mrs Joseph
said and sat down with her husband.

Mindy smiled and sat in between them.

“I love you papa” She said, hugging Mr Joseph.

“If you really love me you would…


“Ok” Mr Joseph stopped and Mindy hugged him

“I love you Mama” She hugged Mrs Joseph but
the woman rolled eyes.

“Dinner is ready” A maid announced.

“I’m hungry, let’s go” Mindy grabbed her parents
hands at once, dragging them up.

“Mindy!!!!!!!” They screamed.


Nathan and Camila were the only ones in the
eatery and they sat on a table facing each other.

“Can you answer my question now?” Nathan
said and she looked at him.

“I don’t have the brain for school so I asked my
sister to stop wasting money on me” She replied

She looked at Nathan and saw him laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” She asked.

“You are smart” He said.

“Not academically” She said and he laughed

“Should I tell you about myself too?”

“Yes” She nodded.

“I’m the only child of my parents, my dad is late
but my mum is still alive, I got a scholarship
because of my brain, that’s what brought me to
Paris” He said.

“You already told me” She smiled.

“I forgot I did”

“Will you allow me to visit you?” She asked,
looking down.

Nathan smiled.

“Look at me” He said and she looked at him.

“We are friends, you can visit my place if it’s fine
with you” He said and patted her cheeks.

She smiled.

“I think we should be going home now” He said
and she nodded.


Josephine was making dinner in the kitchen
alone, Pascal wasn’t with her as usual.

He was doing something but immediately he
finished with what he was doing, he came to the

He smiled when he saw her back view, she
looked sizzling and pretty in her flower gown.

Josephine’s nose picked up a familiar smell of
cologne and she looked back to see him at the

“Kiddo” She said.

“Auntie Josephine” He replied with his hands

“I’m old enough to be your auntie anyways” She
rolled eyes.

Pascal went closer to her and when she felt his
presence she looked back.

“Don’t drink next time, you almost did what you
would have regretted” He said and her curiosity
got to the highest peak. She was curious when
he told her that in the office but when he
refused explaining she let it slide but she isn’t
doing it now.

“Can you tell me what I did last night? Stop
triggering my curiosity” She said.

“It’s a secret”


“Not kiddo again?” He smirked teasingly.

“Pascal” She shouted.

“You won’t like to hear so it’s better it remains a
secret” He smiled.

“Get out” She said and turned her back on him.

Pascal noticed she packed her hair.

His hand went to the hairband and he pulled it
out again, her hair fell on her shoulders.

She gasped and looked at him again.

“You look better with your hair down” He said.

“Give me back the hairband” She said and
rushed to him but he moved away from her.

“I’m not giving it back” He refused.

“I’m not joking” She said trying to maintain a
firm expression so that he would think she’s
angry but Pascal wasn’t buying that.

“I’m your teacher” She said.

“My teacher, my teacher” He said and knowingly
started walking closer to her.

Josephine started moving back as he kept
coming closer.

“What….” Her legs tripled on each other and she
almost fell but he quickly got to her and slipped
his hand around her slim tender waist.

Her hair fell on her face and he took it away
with his fingers. Their eyes locked and she
started feeling the irregular movement of her
heart again.

It wasn’t new to Pascal as his loud heart beats

They stayed in that position staring at each
other till Pascal’s eyes went to her chest and a
silly grin fell on his lips.

He leaned closer to her and Josephine
swallowed hard.

“You are not wearing a bra?” He muttered in a
small voice.



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