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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LISA AND THE ARROGANT 4 – Episode 7 & 8

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πŸ’˜ FOUR (4)πŸ’˜

THEME- 🌼(She was ugly
but now pretty) 🌼


🌼 CHAPTER 7&8🌼


“Are you by chance crying cause I hit him?” Granny asked Lisa but Lisa still continued crying

“Ok,I won’t hit him anymore, Jack I think this girl likes you Soo much” granny said to Jack and Jack was shocked

“What’s making her cry?” Jack wondered.

“Come over here and do something” granny called out to Jack who was standing, Jack walked to Lisa and sat on the bed.

“What is wrong? What happened,tell me ” Jack said and Lisa starred angrily at him and started hitting him

“I h@Ε₯Δ› you! I h@Ε₯Δ› you!” Lisa cried and Jack grabbed hold of her hands and hugged her,granny was watching

“Hmmm,it’s a love fight,I hope this girl changes Jack,I would need too see her later” Granny mumbled as she was leaving the room swiftly.

“It seems jack is getting matured,hmmmmm” granny mumbled and smilled and walked on.

Lisa stoped crying

“Get away from me!” Lisa yelled and got up

“Where are my clothes,and wait ,what did you do to me? Did you by chance undressed me yourself?” Lisa asked and Jack scoffed

“Wait! Did you really!” Lisa yelled and was embarrassed

“I need to leave now,you pervert,get off my way” Lisa yelled ,but Jack was standing before her,he noticed some kinds of black scar on her face,as the tears has washed up some of her makeup

“What is this?” Jack asked while pointing to her face,Lisa immediately panicked
“Hope he didn’t see the scar on my face” Lisa wondered and pushed Jack aside and left the room

“Let’s see,how she’ll get out of this huge mansion ” Jack mumbled and sat down with his leg crossed.

Lisa was walking around,she walked for hours and couldn’t find the exit

“Oh my! I need to go home now” Lisa yelled angrily,her phone rang and she picked,it was from her mom

“Hello,mom” Lisa said over the phone

“It’s late already, why aren’t you home yet?” Lisa’s mom asked

“I’m on my way, Mom” Lisa lied and hunged up.

“I need to go home now,I can’t keep my makeup till tomorrow “Lisa mumbled and found herself in front of Jack’s room

“1,2,3,4,5……. Jack was counting when lisa opened the door and saw Jack,he immediately stoped counting and smiled.

“How was your journey outside?” Jack teased

“Please help me,I need to go home” Lisa pleaded with Jack

“Hmmm,on one condition” Jack said and Lisa eye brow rosed

“And what condition?” Lisa asked

“Unblock my number” Jack said

“Just that! Done” Lisa said and picked her phone pretending to do something on her phone,and Jack walked to her

“Did you really unblock me?” Jack asked

“I just did ” Lisa said and hid her phone and Jack sat down back

“What are you doing?” Lisa yelled .

“Show me the proof,that you’ve unblocked me,I’m calling you now” jack said and dialed Lisa’s number,Lisa immediately unblocked his number and her phone rang,

“Hello” she picked

“Is this really Lisa?” Jack asked and Lisa was pissed

“Yes,it is,I’m hanging up now,bye” Lisa scoofed and stared at him angrily

“Can we go now!” Lisa said

“Yes” Jack replied and got up

“Hope you’ve saved my number?” Jack asked

“Yes ,I have” Lisa lied as they walked out,finally they walked out of the mansion

A car came before Lisa

“Enter,my driver will take you home” Jack offered but Lisa was adamant.

“No, thanks” Lisa turned down

“It’s late,I can’t leave a young cute lady,roaming the streets by her self,so please overlook my errors and accept my help” Jack pleaded and Lisa opened the car door and entered the car.

The driver drove softly and Lisa got home,she pressed the passcode and entered the house .

“What happened? Why are you Soo late?” Lisa’s mom asked

“I had a long day, Mom” Lisa said and relayed to her room and landed on her bed

“Should I block his number again or should I not?” Lisa wondered and finally saved his number

“Flirt,wow,what a good name for him,he’s kinda cute anyways” Lisa mumbled and laughed and slept off.


Lisa was in the class waiting for lectures ,when her phone beeped and she got a message

“I know who you are,you monster,and I will tell the whole school who you are ” the message reads and Lisa got up in shock,suddenly a picture pooped up, pictures of her scar face,Lisa panicked

“What happened?” Ariana walked to Lisa and touched her

“Nothing happened” Lisa replied

“Ok,let’s sit,the lectures is starting soon” Ariana said to Lisa and Lisa sat down back.

“Who could have done this? George?” Lisa wondered.

After class ,Lisa rushed to the A4 lounge

“Where’s George?” Lisa asked as she walked in

“George isn’t here,but I’m here,why do you want to see him?” Lucas asked

“I just have something to ask him” Lisa said and Jack walked to her

“Hope you got home safely last night?” Jack asked

“Yes,I did and thanks ” Lisa replied and was walking out ,when she saw Noah and his babe walking in and smilling ,Lisa felt her heart shattered,

“Wait,what happened last night between you two? You need to be careful of him,he’s Soo dangerous ” Lucas warned Lisa and Jack immediately went ahead to hold his mouth before he talked more.

Lisa immediately wanted to leave swiftly

“Hey ,wassup” Noah stoped Lisa and smilled

“How dare he smile, after hurting me like this?” Lisa mumbled

“I’m good” Lisa said

“Meet my babe,her name is ……. Noah was saying but the girl burted in

“Hi,my name is Kelly, nice meeting you” Kelly said and smiled

“I dislike this girl,I just feel like grabbing and pulling her hairs out” Lisa foamed from within

“Nice meeting you too,I’m Lisa” Lisa said and smilled back

“Oh my, you’re Soo pretty” Kelly said to Lisa and Lisa smilled

“Let’s go over there ” Noah said and grabbed Kelly by the waist,this made Lisa Soo angry

“What’s with this atmosphere,does this mean Lisa likes Noah,but why?” Lucas wondered

“No,not possible,why would she,when I’m there,I’m cuter than him,aren’t I?” Jack asked

“I’m getting Lisa, stay back, you’ve gotten a lot of girls already,so leave Lisa for me” Lucas said firmly

“No way,it’s different,how I feel about her is different from other girls ” Jack uttered and Lucas looked serious.

“Wh@Ε₯Δ›ver,but Lisa will be mine soon, just wait and see,I’ll charm her and make her mine ” Lucas bragged.

Lisa was walking around looking for George,finally she found him in the library,she immediately signalled him to come out,which he did

“Did you send me any message? Did you find anything about me yet!” Lisa asked

“Anything,like what! I haven’t and that’s why I’m Soo frustrated,I need to find something against you quickly ” George said to Lisa

“And I’m sorry about the other day, Ariana misunderstood ” Lisa pleaded

“It’s okay,to be sincere I was Soo angry when it happened,but it’s okay now, we’re cool” George said and smilled

“Sorry for disturbing you,you can go in back now” Lisa said to George

“I heard you were extremely good academically ” George said to Lisa


Lisa explained some of the subjects George didn’t understand to him and George stared at her all through

“I’m amazed ,not only is she beautiful,but also intelligent” George thought

When Lisa was done explaining

“Thanks for explaining” George said to Lisa and Lisa smilled

“It’s my pleasure,so I’ll take my leave now” Lisa said and left.

“Hmmm,if it wasn’t George,then who could it be?” Lisa wondered as she walked to her locker .

“Where have you been,I’ve been looking for you” Ariana said ND this brought Lisa out from her thought

“I’ve been in the library” Lisa replied and grabbed her bag

“You’re going home already?” Ariana asked

“Yes ,i am” Lisa replied and locked her locker and walked on,leaving Ariana,then she got a message again

“It’s show time,time to be exposed finally ” the message reads and Lisa panicked, suddenly someone pulled her and water from nowhere fell on the space,and they both collided on each other again,that’s Jack and Lisa third time kissing now

Lisa immediately hits Jack on the forehead with her fore head and Jack groaned

“What’s wrong with you? I just saved you from getting drenched,but what do I get” jack yelled angrily at Lisa but Lisa ignored and got up and was leaving

Another water from nowhere wanted to be poured on Lisa again but Noah this time pulled her to himself and they hugged each other

“Are you alright!” Noah asked and Lisa looked up and saw that she was actually hugging her crush Noah,her heart started beating fast

Jack stared at the two of them jealously

“So Lisa really likes Noah,I won’t let that happen,I’ll make them both suffer” Jack thought



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