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Friday, October 18, 2024
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No! Lisa! Please!” Jack rushed over and Lisa stared at Jack

“Don’t listen to him,pull the trigger” Kelly shouts but Lisa stopped,Kelly immediately collected the gun from Lisa and shot at granny,but Jack rushed over and was shot in the abdomen,blood gushed out

“Kelly! Why! What have you done!” Lisa screamed and rushed to jack

“I’m just doing what you failed to do ” Kelly uttered and Lisa starred at her angrilly.

“Look,what you’ve done now,you’ve injured an innocent man” Lisa yelled at Kelly

“How do you know he’s innocent?” Kelly uttered but Lisa ignored her and turned to Jack

“Jack hang in there,I’ll call the ambulance now” Lisa panicked,jack was groaning as he was in pain.

Kelly stared at granny who was still finding it hard to breath

“Look!” Jack uttered as he pointed and Lisa looked in the direction,Kelly was gonna fire to granny,Lisa then rushed over and she got shot instead

“Oh no! Lisa! No way!” Kelly panicked as she dropped the gun and rushed to Lisa
“I’m sorry,please don’t die,you’re my life saviour” Kelly panicked and grabbed her phone calling 911

“Hello,please hurry!” Kelly panicked on the phone

“I’m not gonna die” Lisa mumbled to Kelly and passed out.

~ Flashback~

“Hmmm, something is fishy” Lisa mumbled as she walked home

“Please help!” Kelly called for help and Lisa turned and saw Kelly,she immediately bent over

“What are you doing here? And why are you in this state?” Lisa asked Kelly and pulled her up

“Something happened,help me get to the hospital,someone is after me” Kelly said slowly

“Ok,I will help” Lisa said and took Kelly home

“Mom,please help my friend” Lisa said as she brought Kelly home

“Lisa’s mom then examined Kelly’s body and saw that she was shot,she then pulled Lisa aside

“Can we really keep her here,she has gun shot” Lisa’s mom mumbled to Lisa and Lisa gasped,Kelly heard them and she got up

“I’m leaving, thank you for everything” Kelly uttered and was leaving

“But you’re not feeling well,you can stay” Lisa uttered and Kelly stopped

“Why are you nice to me,I’ve been cruel to you,why aren’t you cruel to me too?” Kelly yelled and cried as she fell to the ground.

“Cause I’m trying to understand you,I’m trying to be in your position,I’m wondering how much pain you must have felt when that bullet pieced into your body,it must have hurt badly right!!” Lisa said as she was concerned about Kelly

“Stop it!’kelly shouts

“You think I don’t h@ťě you,I h@ťě you Soo badly too,but I couldn’t leave you to die,just because I h@ťěd you” Lisa shouts too and this made Kelly laugh

“Lisa,I’m truly sorry for everything,I’ll make it up to you,I’ll help you,I’ll do anything you ask of me ” Kelly said to Lisa and Lisa smilled

“Who did this to you?” Lisa asked Kelly

“Jack’s grandmother ” Kelly responded and Lisa gasped

“Oh no! I knew it! Everything is clear now,you’d need to help me big time” Lisa mumbled and scoffs .


They all were moved to the hospital,both Lisa and Jack


“Hello” Ariana said over the phone.

“What! Jack has gotten into another accident? That guy is just a mess,Godamit ” Ariana scoffs and ended the call briefly and stepped out.


George who was in his house heard the knock
“Hello,jack is in the hospital,come over now” Lucas said to George over the phone

“What!” George gasped
“I’ll be right there now” George responded

“Who’s there?” George uttered as he walked to the door and opened the door and he saw Ariana looking very segzy

“What are you doing here?” George asked and Ariana pushed him aside and kissed him roughly as she jumped on him and started taking off her clothes,this got George all excited.

“Have you called George?” Noah asked lucas

“Yeah,I just did,I’m sure he’ll come on his own” Lucas scoffs as he dove off with Noah.

“My son” granny cried as she already got to her senses

Some men walked in on them

“Are you the police,please arrest this girl,she shot my son” granny uttered and wanted to hit Kelly

“What are you doing?” Kelly yelled

“Since you’re alive,I’ll make your life a living hell” granny whispered to Kelly

“Officers,what are you doing,take her away quickly” granny shouts

“Miss Kelly you’re under arrest for the attempted murder of miss Lisa and Mr Jack ” the officer said to Kelly and handcuffed her

“I will come back for you surely” Kelly screamed as she was being pulled away by the officers.

“The operation was successful,your son is safe ” the doctor said to granny

“Thank you doctor” granny said happily and entered Jack’s room

“It’s all because of that girl Lisa, that you’ve been all around hospital,I will make her pay,I won’t let her get away,I will make sure she doesn’t leave this hospital alive ” granny uttered as she left Jack’s room and walked to Lisa’s room

The room was dark,so granny walked in

“I’ll inject this and she’d be gone forever,Lisa ,good bye,you’d be forever in our hearts thou….” Granny uttered and was opening the injection as she wanted to inject it,but someone opened the door

“What are you doing here ?” Lucas entered and puts on the lights and granny wanted to hide what was in her hands.

“What’s in your hand,are you a doctor now?” Lucas teased, and granny left suddenly
just then Noah entered

“Why was she here?” Noah asked Lucas

“How would I know,maybe she likes Lisa now” Lucas uttered and walked to Lisa ,as she saw her he broke down in tears

“Oh no! Why is my crush suffering like this,your mother in-law wanted to turn a doctor cause of you,everyone loves you,please wake up!” Lucas cried and Noah walked to him

“What did you just say?” Noah asked Lucas

“Jack’s grandmother had an injection with her,I saw her, but it’s weird,isn’t it! She h@ťěs Lisa,it can’t be right!” Lucas uttered and Noah looked at him sternly

“What would she gain from ki||ing Lisa ” Lucas scoffs and stopped

“What if it’s actually what she came to do? We need to inform the police ” Noah uttered and Lucas stared at him.


The police knocked on Jack’s hospital room and granny opened

“Officers,why are you here again! Are you here for questioning?” Granny asked the officer

“No,we are not,we are here to arrest you,for the attempted murder of miss Lisa,someone saw you trying to inject something on her ” the officer said and handcuffed her

“Do you know who I am? I’d sue you all,I’d make you pay,your career would be over,I bet you ,remove this handcuff from me now!!” Granny yelled angrily but the officers ignored her whinnings and pulled her out of the room,granny walked out and she saw Lucas and Noah

“What have you done?” Granny yelled And scoffs.

“ lawyer” granny yelled to her secretary

Granny was pulled to the truck and to the station,granny was pushed into the cell.

“You all will pay for humiliating me!” Granny yelled

“And you’d pay for all what you did ” Kelly yelled and granny turned to see Kelly behind her,Kelly then immediately and roughly pulled granny’s hair

“I will show you what hell is” Kelly yelled and pulled the hair more violently

“Help help!!” Granny cried .



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