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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LISA AND THE ARROGANT 4 – Episode 43 & 44

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Jack was in his home when he noticed that granny was in a good mood

“Give me more wine” granny ordered and wines were brought to her,she continued drinking

“What’s making her happy?” Jack thought and walked slowly to grabbing her phone

“I need to know the location of Lisa,if she’s home or not,I want to badly see her,even though I can’t go to her for now ” jack mumbled and immediately opened granny’s phone and he saw the location of Lisa ,so he rushed over to the place .

Noah was walking back to the lounge after visiting the toilet and he saw Kelly,he saw everything that happened,how Kelly sprayed pepper spray into Ariana and George’s eyes,he immediately followed them .

He then saw Lisa walk into the small room

“What’s she doing here? What’s Kelly planning?” Noah thought.
Suddenly the room started burning,Noah immediately rushed to the room,he saw Kelly leave,but he broke into the room and saw Lisa lying on the floor

“Lisa,are you alright!” Noah panicked and immediately carried Lisa.

“Please help us too” ariana and George pleaded,so Noah dropped Lisa and untied the rope used to tie them.

“Thanks” ariana said as she immediately ran out

“Go on to,why are you standing?” Noah asked George

“I will follow you to the hospital” George said and this made Noah surprised,

“Ok,we don’t have much time ,call the fire fighter too” Noah said to George and then Noah carried Lisa and they all rushed out,jack got to the scene and saw the house on fire

“Oh no! Lisa!” Jack panicked and wanted to rush in,but then he saw George and Noah with Lisa,and he became sad

“I couldn’t even save her,$h|t!” Jack yelled at himself angrilly but he didn’t go close to them,he followed them to the hospital.

Lucas also rushed to the hospital

“How’s Lisa? And what about Jack ?Lucas asked Noah.

“Lisa is being attended to right now,why do you ask about jack?” Noah asked back

“I was with Lisa, when she told me that she got a message that jack wants to talk to her and she left” Lucas said and this enraged Noah

“Is it’s all because of jack again!” Noah was angered.

“Calm down!” Lucas said to Noah.

“There was a fire” Noah uttered and Lucas gasped

“Jack would never do that” Lucas tried to convince Noah
The doctor came out of the attending room and walked to Noah,Lucas and George

“She’s alseep right now,she was traumatized that’s what called the seizure and made her faint,are you her boyfriend?” The doctor asked Noah and Noah smilled

“I’m her boyfriend” jack said and walked forward,and all the guys were shocked,Noah was angry

“What do I need to do doctor?” Jack asked

“I’ll prescribe some drugs,I need you to make sure she takes it constantly” the doctor said to Jack and hands over to Jack a written paper

“Make sure to get those drugs ” the doctor said and was leaving

“Can we go into the room now” jack asked

“Yes, you can ” the doctor replied and left.

“What are you doing? I thought you guys broke up already,so what do you want again?” Noah yelled

“Do you know that Lisa is like this because you ” Noah yelled and grabbed Jack’s shirt as he wanted to hit him.

“What! How?” Jack mumbled

“Stop it, we’re in the hospital ” Lucas stopped them but George couldn’t even utter a word

“You’ve been here,I’ve not been seeing you lately ” Lucas said to George but George just smilled.

They saw throught the window that Lisa got up,so they all rushed in….

“Are you alright!” Jack was the first to enter,he then went ahead and sat beside her.

“What are you doing here! Get out of here,I don’t want to see you ” Lisa yelled in tears she pushed Jack and almost fell,but Noah held on to her.

“I’m sorry,hit me and forgive me,please” jack pleaded with Lisa and still stayed in the position he was.

“Even though I hit you,I would never forget how you humiliated me,I h@ťě you Jack,you disgust me too”Lisa uttered and gave him a very hot slap,all the guys in the room gasped at the sound of the slap.

“I’m at the wrong side,please forgive me” jack pleaded.

“Jack get out of here,I don’t want to see you ” Lisa affirmed but Jack was still adamant

“Doctor, nurses,please come take out someone from here ” Lisa screamed and suddenly the nurses rushed into Lisa’s room

“Take him away from here please” Lisa cried.

“You have to leave now sir ” the nurses said to Jack as they excorted him out of the room.

Lisa was still in tears

“It’s alright” the doctor said as he injected Lisa

“What did you do to her?” Lucas asked

“We made her sleep,she just woke up and she’s been in a lot of stress” the doctor said and left the room.

“Ooh ,poor girl ” Lucas mumbled.


Jack drove his car home,he was driving and crying

“What have I done! What have granny done to me! Now I will lose Lisa,or I’ve already losed her” Jack cried as he drove, suddenly he stopped at a human,that he almost hit.
He looked up and saw that it was Kelly

“Watch were you going” Kelly yelled and walked away

“What’s she doing in my neighborhood?” Jack mumbled as he continued driving.

Jack drove to his home

“Welcome back my son,where have you been?” Granny asked Jack

“Just leave me alone,you’re the cause of all these,I h@ťě you!” Jack yelled at granny and angrilly walked to his room.

“Lisa wants me to stay away from her,what can I do! I’ll just give her some space” jack thought.


Lisa was discharged,she went back home
Door bell rang at Lisa’s home ,she walked out and saw someone,a delivery guy

“This is for you ” the delivery man said and hands over to Lisa some nylon of dugs ,and some chocolate,Lisa collected it and smilled

“Who could have sent this ?” Lisa thought and smilled as she unboxed the chocolate and eat it,

“It’s from Jack” Lisa thought “no,it can’t be!” Lisa thought again

The delivery guy then walked up to Jack

“I’ve delivered it and she collected ” the delivery guy said
“Thanks ” jack said and hands over to him some huge sum of money

“Thanks sir” the man thanked Jack and left

~At school ~

Lisa walked up to the A4,Lisa walked to Noah

“Thanks for the other day,I really appreciate,thanks for saving me,and you too George,and Lucas ” Lisa said to them and smilled,jack too was with them, but Lisa ignored him.

“And you George are you changed now!” Lisa asked George.

“I regret everything,I’m sorry,please forgive me,I’m sorry for everything Lisa ” George pleaded with Lisa.

“What did George do to you?” Lucas asked surprisingly

“It’s nothing Lucas,it’s all in the past now,I wish you change for good,and become a good person,I really hope so” Lisa said to George and smilled.

Ariana then walked to them

“Hey jack! I didn’t want to say this but” Ariana whispered to Jack and Lisa’s eyes was on them,she was jealous.

“Hope you enjoyed our date the other day,for me,I enjoyed it,how about we go on another date tonight again,since you have no girlfriend again,what do you say?” Ariana asked Jack
Jack looked and saw that Lisa was staring at him intensely,he then turned back to Ariana.

“Fine,let’s do it again to night” jack uttered and Ariana happily hugged him.

“See you tonight” Ariana said happily and left jack.

“Lisa,what are you looking at! Look at me,Lisa you know I’ve always liked you,and this is my chance now,Lisa would you please be my girlfriend?” Noah asked and all his friend were surprised, including Jack

“What are you doing Noah?” Lisa asked Noah and saw Jack’s jealous eyes.

“Ok, fine,let’s do this,I agree to be your girlfriend” Lisa uttered

“Really!!” Noah said happily and hugged Lisa tightly.

“Can I?” Noah asked as he leaned to kiss Lisa , Jack stood still,with raging anger.

“What am I doing?” Lisa thought

“What is this,another fight is about to go down” Lucas mumbled.



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