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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? Legend of the
Phoenix ?
(Bride of the three Demi-Gods)

Chapter 55?56{FINALE}

By;Nira P.(J.y.D)




“What about you Crystal Yuan?”Liu Jing suddenly asked and she raised her eyebrows.

“Me?Oh me and my Aunt would love to go somewhere together.”Crystal Yuan said which amazed everyone except Ancy Deng.

“Who’s your Aunt?”They all choursed.

“My Aunt knew herself al…..”

Ancy Deng walked beside her and gave her back pat. They were all amazed. Li Qin couldn’t help it; she opens her mouth wide in awe.

“I’m her aunt..”Ancy Deng declared.

“How come you’re her aunt?”Liu Jing asked suprised.

“Should I say destiny? Yeah, destiny brought us together. And like she said, I have to go with her wherever she goes coz she said if I die she’ll die with me…. Right now, her wish is my command!”Ancy Deng said.

Crystal Yuan whispers something ear.

“Soulmate?”She called, suprised.

“Yeah…”Crystal Yuan said, in a whisper.

“But I don’t think I have one..”

“What of Liu Jing?”Crystal Yuan asked looking at her in the eyes.

“I don’t think we have any connections, so he can’t be my soulmate..”Ancy Deng said as she looked at him with an eye.

Crystal Yuan take some steps forward,far away from where the others are so they won’t hear their conversations.

And beckoned Ancy Deng to come closer.

“How do you always feel whenever you two are together? Don’t you feel a kind of connection between the two of you?”Crystal Yuan asked.

“Yes, always do. I have lost hope but he made the hope is I had lost for a very long time awaken again and he made me happy.. But I think that shouldn’t mean we’re soulmates…..”

“He’s your soulmate,Aunt. We’ll have to take him along with us. Let me make this more clear to you, he’s the only person that can help you cure the posion inside you. Without him, my power won’t work on you and you days on earth is limited.

You need to act fast and stop doubting his love for you!” Crystal yuan encouraged her.

“Will something happened to him af…”

“No, I just need his power combined with mine. His power’ll make mine stronger to cure the posion inside you..”Crystal Yuan explained further, cutting her off.

“Also, your Phoenix power’ll be awaken..”

Ancy Deng walked to the others and said:”Liu Jing, can you give me a minute out of your time?”

“Sure..”He replied with a smile and they both walked to the other side.

“Liu Jing, can you d..o me this… favor? I promise t…”

“There’s no need for you asking for my permission or begging me. As the matter of fact, I overheard some words the both of you spoke… So, I’ll be glad to help you,my love..”Liu Jing said calmly while smiling and she couldn’t help it as well. She smiled back at him, tears of joy welled in her eyes.

Li Qin and Guanxiaotong were still confused about the whole scenario. But they knew they would still find out very soon.



Hu Yixuan couldn’t stop thinking about the scenario;where she stabbed Chao to death. Even though, she was only following the queen mother’s instructions.

She suddenly wished to go to her father’s house that morning. So, she left her chamber with no guards or maids to avoid any suspections of the Queen Mother or the Empress dawager.



Zhi xin fan angrily removed the mask off his face and throws it on the floor with anger.

“Who could have taken the sword? Could be Yuxi’s spirit or her sister, chen?? But they were already dead for long. Who could it be?”He cursed under his breath.

A maid walked into his chamber with a tray of meals..

“Leave now!”He said commandly to the maid and she immediately turned to leave. None of his servants,slaves or maids dare to disobey him.

Whenever he says”NO”He meant his word.



“Your Highness, someone very important wants to see you right away..”A guard said, bowing from outside.

“Someone very important? Who could that be?Coz an outsider hardly vist him.

“Allow the person to come in.”Luo wuo said from inside still confused of the person who had come to visit him.

“Yes, Your Highness.”The guard said, and gently opened the door for a lady to come in.

“Bai Lu?”Luo wuo called, suprised.

Without replying him yet, Bai Lu move closer,then bowed and said:”Your Highness, do you miss me that much? The sight of me is making y..”

He didn’t allowed her to complete her words before he ran to her and engulfed her in a warm hug. He as longed waited for that moment..

“Bai Lu, I’m so happy you came to visit me. I thought I had lost you for someone else!” Luo wuo said in the embrace.

“Lost me for someone else?No, I’m yours only, I only did that to punish you for taking my love for granted..”Bai Lu said in the embrace. They stayed in that position for more than five minutes, Bai Lu finally separated herself from the hug..

“You thought you had lost me to someone else?” Bai Lu asked, looking into his eyes so he couldn’t change the topic.

“Yeah.”Luo wuo replied, unable to resist the stare.

“You can never lost me to someone else coz I’m yours alone. I only did all what I did because you take my love for granted.”Bai Lu didn’t know when those words came out from her mouth.

She immediately covers her mouth with her palm while staring at him.

“Do you really meant what you said or you were just mocking me?”Luo wuo asked with seriousness.

Seeing how serious he was, Bai Lu removed her palm from her mouth and stared at him passionately in the eyes.

“I meant every single wor…” He didn’t wait for her complete reply before he claimed his lips unto hers.

At first, she was shocked and didn’t know how to react to the kiss, but he noticed she was kinda nerve so he slowed than to her level and she began Mõ@ɲing in between the kiss.

And their lips soon began to move in unison..



Hu Yixuan decided to say a”Hi”to chao’s savior. And luckily, the woman was outside rinsing some clothes.

When she saw her approaching from the distance, she left what she was doing alone to go to her.

“Welcome, dear. It been a while since we last saw each other. What happened?” The woman asked flashing a smile at her..

“I was just so busy, ma’am.”Hu Yixuan lied and the woman happens to believe her.

She asked her if she should call chao out for her.

Chao?”She said, suprised.

“Should I call him out for you?”The woman asked again.

“Yes, I would love to see him it been a while since we last saw each other..” Hu Yixuan said, confused.

“Chao,My boy,a lady request to see you..”The woman said, happily.

Chao immediately stepped out. The sight of her almost makes him faint.

“What’s she doing here?!”He asked, angrily.

“What do you mean by”What’s she doing here?”She came to see you, of course.”The woman said, inaware of what happened between the two.

“I don’t want to see her!Tell her to get out of here right now!”Chao said, angrily…

“Why? Didn’t you told me you missed her?” The woman asked, suprise.

“No, I didn’t… Tell her to leave right now, this minute, please.” Chao repeated and turned his back at them..

Hu Yixuan ran to him and engulfed him in a warm hug from behind.

“I’m sorry, Chao. I was misled. I later found out about the whole matter, you didn’t ki|| my father neither are you an assassin.

It was the Queen and Queen Mother hand work. I regrets believing her, I regrets it every single day for falling into her tricks.

They were only using me for their selfish interest. I mean nothing to them,than their steeping stone. I’m awfully sorry for not listening to you. I doubted it at first, but she made me believed you were the one.

I’m so sorry, Chao.” Hu Yixuan pleaded in the embrace. His cloth were already wet with her tears.

“I have forgiven you, but I no longer felt the same as you feel anymore. My love for you has vanished since the day you stabbed me with the knife, but if not for her I wouldn’t be alive till now. I have transferred the love I had for you to her as my mother. I now sees her like my mother.

Go back to where you truly belong and don’t you ever comes back here! When next I saw you, I’ll make sure I did exactly what you did to me back then. And you won’t dare try me!”Chao said and free himself from the hug and walked back inside.

Leaving Hu Yixuan who was crying like a baby begging for its mother love and care.

The woman walked to her and said calmly:”I didn’t know what might have transpired between the two of you, but I’ll beg him on your behalf.”

“Ma’am, I stabbed his heart with a sword and he’s still bleeding, do you think he would accept me back wholeheartedly??”Hu Yixuan asked, while sobbing.

“I don’t have an answer to that question,but if he still loves you he’ll accept you back wholeheartedly.” The woman replied.

“You should give him some time to think it over. Though, I know it is a sad thing to be rejected by someone your heart desires and want to be with till you grow old. But in this kind of situation, you had no other choice than this.

Give him some time, I’ll continue begging him on your behalf. And I have the believe he’ll accept you back. Rest assured, my dear. Chao is my gentle boy.”The woman concluded.

Hu Yixuan left, heartbrokened. But she knew it was all her fault,so she put all the blame on herself.

? ?


Blood gush down from Crystal Yuan and Liu Jing mouth. As they tried to remove the posion from her body,Ancy Deng’s demon spirit took over her.

Her eyes becomes dark just like a charcoal. And she stood up, she turned back and the sight of them irritated her and she brought the two to herself, wanting to strangled them to death.

Her demon spoke inside her:”They ki||ed your mother, it’s your time to make them pay for all what they have done to you! Want to avenge your mother’s death? ki|| them! This’s your last chance ki||ing them. They would run away from you after today ”

Her demon voice was ringing inside Crystal Yuan’s ears.


She stretched her hand forward and a Golden magic appears in her hand. She stretched the hand forward to Liu Jing, the magic freed him from the demon trap and he entered into Ancy Deng’s body.

The demon was very angry, angry because someone was about saving her when he wanted to take her life at the moment.

Liu Jing cut off the demon’s heart and it groaned and was forced to release Crystal Yuan.

Crystal Yuan turned into her Phoenix form and flew very fast to where the sword was being kept. She flew back to them and stepped down. She then transformed back into her human form.

But surprisingly, she couldn’t lift the sword up talkless of swinging it. She try again several times, but all to no avail. It only kept consuming her energy.

Fortunately, Liu Jing conquered the demon inside Ancy Deng and went out of her body. She fainted as soon as the demon vanished into the thin air.

“Ancy Deng….!!,Ancy Deng…..!!!” Liu Jing called shrilly while running to her, but her body started turning into red colour as she rose up from the floor with the same red magic.

“I think her Phoenix power as awaken!”Crystal Yuan declared.

Slowly,Ancy Deng turned into her Phoenix form. Being the first time to control this type of mythical creature,Ancy Deng flew up and lose control, but Crystal Yuan was so quick to get to her when she was about falling from the sky.

Ancy Deng didn’t fell on the floor, instead she fell on Crystal Yuan and she quickly changed her position to the right way. She stayed beside Crystal Yuan and their wings were dancing happily..

“SHE’S THE CHOOSEN ONE, AND YOU’RE HER PROTECTOR. THE BOTH OF YOU’RE TO MAKE WHAT HAS BEEN WRONG FOR YEARS, RIGHT THIS MINUTE.” A voice echoed in their heads. Ancy Deng went down and carried Liu Jing along with them….


They flew to Zhi xin fan’s chamber. Zhi xin fan was shocked to see two phoenixs in front of him.

“How can this happened.” He muttered to himself.

They transformed back into their human form.

Crystal Yuan said:”Do you know me? Of course, I know you won’t. I’m the ancient Phoenix, your daughter and also I’m here to destroy your empire!”

Zhi xin fan was shocked when she heard what she said.

“I don’t have a daughter and I don’t remember ever planning evils on you!” Zhi xin fan said, pluckily, but confused as well.

“Oh I know you won’t remember coz my mother many years ago. And you were the one that ki||ed her! You ki||ed my mother and her sister! How could you be this ungrateful because of power?

“My mother gave you everything she has just in the name of”LOVE” But yet you turns out to be an ingrate! I can’t believe I came to this life through you. This was our first time meeting each other, but my hatred for you becomes stronger, difficult for me to control!”Crystal Yuan lamented while he was still shocked about the whole scenario.

“So, Yuxi gave birth to my child before she died and she’s her?” He muttered under his breath.

“Pain for your sins!”Crystal Yuan said while running to attack him, but he blocked her with his power from getting closer still staring into her eyes.

And when he studied her throughly,he began to see that Crystal Yuan resembles her mother the most.

Zhi xin fan began to sob gently when he recollects Yuxi’s face. He realized Crystal Yuan was truly his daughter and this made him speechless…



“Why’s the sky changing it colour? Something must have happened to the sword “Lord Ruiun Liu declared.

The three lords teleported to where the sword was being kept, but couldn’t find it there anymore.

“Only a phoenix could carry and swing the sword, so this must Crystal Yuan’s doing. We need to find what she’s doing with it, this might endanger her life when not properly used.” Lord Zhao jin said, with worry

“What exactly is it wrong with her? Haven’t we told her not to use it if she can’t master the sword heart? She’s really something else!” Lord xiao wang said.



“You shouldn’t involve yourself into this, you’ll end up like your mother.”Zhi xin fan said with a smirk.

“Really?! You’ll die before me even if I would..” Crystal Yuan said, pluckily.

“You can’t even use the sword you’re holding and you think you can destroy me? After your death!” Zhi xin fan said and break the shield off his body as he runs to attack the two, forgetting Liu Jing.

He stretched his hand and a sword appears in his hand,he immediately disappears from sight and they could hear his voice in the air.

“Come out, you traitor!” Ancy Deng yelled. But still he didn’t showed up. He suddenly pushed Crystal Yuan on the floor, she fell and couldn’t stand up immediately and luckily, the sword was next to her.

“Try not to attack him using physical strength, try to attack him spiritually.” The war lords said,to them as they entered They superspeed to her and touched her hand on the grip of the sword She grasp it with a hand and press their hands on hers. The sword power awokened, she stand on her feet together with the war lords and she felt something powerful inside her.

Zhi xin fan was forced to reveal himself to them coz he couldn’t withstand the sight of the sword anymore.

“How can the war lords be my daughter soulmate? This was the very first time more than one Demi-Gods is having just a bride. “Zhi xin fan said to himself.

Ancy Deng teleported to him and stabbed him from behind, he looked at her and pushed him away with his hand. She fell and Liu Jing runs to her. The demon had consumed her energy, but she couldn’t just allowed Crystal Yuan go alone.

“Ancy Deng,are you alright?”Liu Jing asked in tears.

“It’s okay. I’m alright, Liu Jing. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, I just need a kiss from you so I can forever remembers the memories we both shared if I wasn’t able to make it.” Ancy Deng said, puffledly.

“Stop being silly! Why don’t you say you don’t have the energy to to fight before we came here? ! We’ll save your life at all costs, you can count on us. Don’t die, please.” Liu Jing said while crying.

Since you’re not ready to kiss me,let me d..” Liu Jing immediately claimed her lips, nothing minding of the blood gushing out from their lips. They continued sucking each other’s lips forgetting they’re some unfinished business left.

Crystal Yuan was able to swing the sword without the help of her soulmates.. She stabbed Zhi xin fan with it,he looked at her suprised as blood gush out from his mouth.

“”You’re not my father, the only father I knew is, Monk Cheng Yi! He gave me both the mother’s and father’s care, when I needed you, you weren’t there for me!”Crystal Yuan cried out and he suddenly bursted into tears.

Few minutes later,he fell and died….



Prince Luo wuo was crowned the King and he made Bai Lu his Queen. Crystal Yuan and the three Demi-Gods lived happily together, Liu Jing and Ancy Deng got married, Hu Yixuan and Chao also got married after they had ran far away from their village..

Li Qin went back to her granny while Guanxiaotong became a martial arts teacher….


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