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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Legend of the
Phoenix ?
(Bride of the three Demi-Gods)

Chapter 51?52

By;Nira P (J.y.D)




“This’s very impressive! I didn’t expect you to master the sword heart very soon. You’re really a fast learner just like your mother…”Her guardian commented her…

“My mother? You know my mother? Can you tell me how she looks or anything about her? Is she really dead?”

“Crystal Yuan, one question at a time,are you that curious?”She laughed at her inquisitiveness.

“Well.”She evaded.

Crystal yuan watched with keen interest as she was about to began.

“Your mother’s the Phoenixs Queen, but she fell in love with the person she never supposed to fall in love with, Zhi xin fan. Your mother saved his life when they were both young. Years past,they met again they childhood began to grow than ever.

But Zhi xin fan suddenly became desperate for power when he found out that his father happens to be the former King son. But the present king made a false allegation against him. Which eventually;many believed he did it and he was banished from the kingdom.

So, his aims his to rule over the kingdom and avenge his father. But he later found out that he had to let go of your mother to make his aims and desires comes true.

Your Mother was a friend of the present Queen. He knew if he didn’t let go of her, she’ll surely be the one to reveal his hidden secrets and to avoid this he stopped visting your mother at first.

Knowing that he’s one of the King favorite subject, Your Mother went to the palace several times, but the servants never allowed her in. Yuxi couldn’t tell the Queen that she and Zhi xin fan were lovers coz if she does, her mother would surely finds out.

She couldn’t faced the insults from her mother coz she doesn’t expect her to stoop so low; sleeping with a man without becoming his legal wife yet.

Your mother stopped going to the palace, asking for him. But he already stabbed her heart with a sword and she was still bleeding. She never knew what she did wrong.

At that terrible time, your mother was pregnant. She didn’t know until the day, her sister witnessed the pregnancy sign; she suddenly fell on the floor while walking.

Chen rushed to her and carried her into her own room. She took good care of her and After some minutes Chen woke up and she announced about her carrying someone’s child in her womb…

Your mother was reluctant on hearing this. She didn’t know whether she should happy or sad for carrying Zhi xin fan’s fruit.

As the pregnancy grow older each day, Yuxi couldn’t stop thinking about your father every single day. And before she gave birth to you, she had informed her sister about her lover evil.

She told her sister to leave the Phoenix clan, that she was ready to face wh@ťěver he did herself… And at that time,your mother was the Queen. So, chen had to obey her…

She left the clan and met a pregnant woman who is in labor, but couldn’t find anyone to help her in delivering the baby. Chen happens to be the woman’s saviour that night.

The woman successfully delivered the baby, but died some minutes after. Chen couldn’t left the innocent baby alone. So, she carried her along with her. And eventually went to the woman’s hometown as instructed by the deceased woman.

Chen lived in the woman’s hometown till Ancy Deng grew up. But after she became a grown up child, trouble got it way in.

The villagers began to call Chen a witch as a result of a villager who once saw her performing magic. And called Ancy Deng”The witch daughter.”

Though,Ancy Deng never been once believed her mother was a witch..

Zhi xin fan had to destroy the Phoenix clan in order for his desires to come to pass through his devil tricks, he succeeded. And In order for his secrets to remain hidden,he ki||ed his lover, Queen Yuxi…

He found out where Chen was after destroying the Phoenix clan and send his trusted servants to ki|| Chen. And luckily, Chen sent Yuxi on an errand before the terrible incident happened.

That was how Ancy Deng escaped the attack and wanted to avenge her late mother who she doesn’t know she wasn’t a mother biologically.”Her guardian explained, After the explanation, she said.

“You need to get what truly belongs to you! Their are lot of tasks you are to do… And you need to find out your destined soulmate.

Before your mother died, she put a spell on you which can never make you know what love means and sealed your power.

This’s just a kid play of what you are capable of doing coz you’re different from other Phoenix. You are an ancient Phoenix.

Don’t be surprised that Ancy Deng hasn’t yet discovered her power yet, that depends on how fast she found her soulmate. And her poison has an antidote, but if only she found her soulmate can it triggered it to be cured by you.

You and her soulmate has to work together if you want her to be cured..”Her guardian explained further…

“What if I can’t find my soulmate? Since I don’t know what love means and I haven’t discovered my true power yet?”Crystal Yuan asked.

“She only has five days more to live if only she was able to find her soulmate will you be able to cure her within the limited days she has on earth…”Her guardian explained.



Crystal Yuan woke up. So many unanswered questions ran inside her brain.

“Will she be able to cure Ancy Deng?

Can she ever find her soulmate?

How can Ancy Deng find her soulmate??”Those questions ran inside her brain.


“Do you truly love me?Ancy Deng. Why’re you playing with my feelings?”Liu Jing suddenly asked, making her stared at him in the eyes shocked.

“Playing with your feelings?As how? I told you I love you but my love isn’t enough, Liu Jing..”

“You haven’t tell me reasons why we can never be together.”He said, heartbreakingly.

“Ancy Deng?” He called.

“Why did you deny yourself what you desire? I can see in your eyes that you love me. Whenever I engulfed you in a warm hug, I know how you feel. Your emotions said it all. But your eyes see danger.

Why do you reject me?”Ancy Deng.” Liu Jing suddenly muster the courage to tell her what have been troubling his mind each day, while staring at each other passionately..

Ancy Deng couldn’t resist the stare,so she began to sob siliently…


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