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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Legend of the
Phoenix ?
(Bride of the three Demi-Gods)

Chapter 44?45

By Nira P.(J.y.D)




“She won’t go that far…” Lord Zhao jin assured her…

“What just happened to her? Is she a phoe….”

“Apparently, she appears to be a phoenix… But how come she’s a phoenix? A clan died years ago….” And before Lord Ruiun Liu could complete his statement, they saw Crystal Yuan lying helplessly on the floor;unconciousness..

“Crystal Yuan……!!”They all choursed.

Ancy Deng and two students carried her back inside…

“Don’t worry, she’ll be okay without anybody help. She just needs some time to rest…”The three Lords assured them, when they saw how worried they were..



“This boy bleeds a lot… I wonder who stabbed him so deeply like this. This’s an act of wickedness!” The woman lamented as she squeezed the white cloth in her hand, containing chao’s blood.

She was about recleaning his chest, but he woke up, frightened…

“Who’re you?!”Chao asked, with scary voice.

“Chao,My boy. It’s me!” The woman said, smilling..

“Ma’am? How did I get here?” Chao asked, suprise.

“Well,My boy I saw you at my backyard lying in a pool of blood.. But why’s the Lady that wanted…”

“She has left, ma’am. Don’t worry about her,she’ll be fine..” Chao assured her, with a smile.

“Alright, I prepared some medicine that’ll help with the healing up of your wounds faster… Have some, my boy…” The woman said, handing over the medicine to him.

“Thank you, Ma’am…” Chao said, before drinking.



“My lady, don’t you suggest I should go and summons the royal doctor?” A maid asked, bowing.

“No, I’ll be fine. It’s just a minor fever… I will be fine before we get there.” Hu Yixuan said.

“Alright, My Lady if you say so. But empress dawager won’t like how…”

“I said, don’t worry… Let’s go!” Hu Yixuan said,half yelled.

She stepped out of her chamber, and some maids who had stayed outside,stayed behind her and they went to the empress dawager chamber…



Hu Yixuan entered majestically. She stopped walking when she was about reaching where she was sited. As a sign of respect, she lowered her head.

“Greetings to you, Empress dawager.” She said, still in her bowing postion.

“You may raise. I was just the one that was supposed to come visit you, but due to my health I can’t. Though, I sent some of my maids to give you some gifts after your weeding, but I still want to see you again, that’s why I sent for you…” Empress dawager said, smiling lightly.

“I’ll always honour Your Highness.” Hu Yixuan said, also smiling.

“Come here, My darling. Let’s play chess. Hope you know how to play it?” Empress dawager asked.

“Yes,of course, Your Highness. I begin playing chess since I was eight. And the techniques is still stick in my brain…” Hu Yixuan said, moving forward to sit beside the Empress dawager.

“I hope you can defeat me?” Empress dawager said,as they begins the chess game.



Crystal Yuan was placed inside the discussion room because that’s the place she could be in her current condition.

Ancy Deng opened the door and went inside. It has been up to 4 hours and she hasn’t yet woken up, this got her extremely worried and decided to check on her.

She sat down beside her on the bed and grasp her left hand passionately.

“Crystal Yuan, please wake up soon you’re getting us all worried.” She pouted, sadly.

And as if Crystal Yuan was already waiting for her to come, she woke up immediately, then looked at her..

And they eyes happens to met each other at that time.

“Crystal Yuan? You’re awake?!” Ancy Deng said, happily; hugging her on her sleeping postion.

“I saw you in my vision..” Crystal Yuan said, not in a sign language.

“You can talk now?!” Ancy Deng asked, suprise.

“I can actually talk before I came here. I didn’t know why I became a deaf all of the sudden. As I was saying, I saw you in my vision. Though, I wasn’t sure if it was you or not, but the face looks actually the same with yours.

Can I narrate what I saw to you?” Crystal Yuan asked.

“That isn’t necessary. I’m glad you have finally woken up after….”

“I know, but I’m glad as well.. But I don’t know why I want you to know what I saw in my vision so badly.. But I wanna tell you… Alright?”

“Alright. Go ahead..”






“Chen, Chen, please wait for me…!!” Yuxi shouted from inside.

“Yuxi, please hurry up.. Before our mother suspect us,we need to be back before then. And I really need some candies.” Chen said, from outside and Yuxi came out.

“I’m sorry, Chen. We both want candies that’s why we wanted to leave the clan. I’m sorry, Chen… Sister, don’t be mad..” Yuxi said, in a playful tone.”

“Alright, let’s go…” Chen finally said and Yuxi smilled.



“We would like to buy some candies how much is it?” Chen asked, the candies seller.

“3 coins each…” The seller replied.

“Alright, give us two each..” Chen said. And as she was discussing with the seller,Yuxi was busy watching a fighting scenario not about one mile away from where they were.

She soon left Chen to continue watching the scenario clearly..

“Yuxi, should I….” Chen said and turned on her, but she wasn’t beside her no more.

She left the candies seller shop and went to meet Yuxi..

“Yuxi, why did you leave without telling me?” Chen asked, angrily.

“I’m sorry, sister. The fighting scenario distracted me..” Yuxi pleaded.

“Don’t you see how he was swinging his sword? He must be a good sword man..” Yuxi said, admiring his ski||s.

“How’s that your own concern, Yuxi. Don’t get us into trouble!” Chen yelled
“I won’t. It’s almost ending. He has already beaten his opponents to death. Let’s watch for a couple of minutes more and we’ll leave.” Yuxi said, in a pleading tone.

And finally, the fight ended, but Yuxi wanted to meet the almighty great warrior. It was quite unfortunate that she was stopped by a servant from moving closer to him..

“What’s it?”She asked, angrily.

“He’s a slave, only to fight and fetch us money..” The servant said.

“Can I buy him, then? How much? Name your price!” Yuxi said, with boldness.

“A young girl like you wants to buy a slave? Are you sure you can afford the price?” The servant asked, suprise with her boldness.

“Yes, I can!” Yuxi said, with boldness again.

“Alright,pay 100 coins, then..” The servant said.

“Alright,wait..” Yuxi said, walking towards Chen.

“Chen, please lend me your money. I promise to pay you back..” Yuxi pleaded.

“You’re planning on buying him with the money you don’t even have? You didn’t even have up to the amount he demanded and you asked me to lend you my money, right?” Chen said, suprise with her foolishness.

“Please, Chen..”

“Alright, you must return the money back to me. I lend you the money. Remember?!” Chen said, giving Yuxi her money

Yuxi ran to the servant and gave him the money. He pushed the boy to her and he fell on the floor. Yuxi looked at the servant with angry eyes, then bend down and lifted him up

“Sorry, I’m taking you out of here now.” Yuxi said, smiling and grasp his hand. It felt so cold on hers, but she didn’t mind coz she didn’t like the way he was being treated like a trash.

Soon, they left the place. They stopped at a place.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Yuxi asked, the boy..

“Zhi xin fan.” The boy reply tiredly.

“Don’t worry, Zhi xin fan I won’t treat you like they treated you. I don’t buy you because I wanted to make you earn money for me, I want you to be free and live a happy normal life. So, leave. Go to wh@ťěver places you desired I won’t come for you there coz I didn’t need you to fight and make money for me. Leave now, Zhi xin fan.” Yuxi said.

Zhi xin fan falls on his knees.

“I don’t have anywhere to go, please accept me and I’ll…”

“I said, I don’t need you to do anything for me, just leave.” Yuxi said, cutting him off..

“Alright,bye master. Thanks for setting me free. I will repay you someday..” Zhi xin fan said, and stood up to leave.

Yuxi and Chen turned their back at him and take some steps forward, but Yuxi suddenly spoke:”Let’s meet at the market tomorrow.”


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