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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Legend of the
Phoenix ?
(Bride of the three Demi-Gods)

Chapter 25?26






“We need to do something very fast.” Liu Jing said, trying to stand up on his feet.

“Sister,did they hurt you?Were you hurt?” Ancy Deng asked with worry.

“This’s the perfect time.. Let’s ki|| her now before she ki||s us.” Liu Jing said, standing up.

“We can’t ki|| her!” Guanxiaotong insisted, shaking her head in disapproval.

“Don’t you get it? This’s the right time. If we all attack her once, she won’t survive it.

“Guanxiaotong, there’s no time to waste. We’re running out of time! We also doesn’t want to do this, but we have no other choice..” Li Qin said half yelled.

“Alright. I’m sorry Ancy Deng. I hope You’ll forgive me..” Guanxiaotong said, Dewy-eyed.
And they all removed their swords from it scabbard.

The other students also did.

Guanxiaotong flew up,Li Qin and Liu Jing makes themselves invisible and they both took Crystal Yuan away from her.
Guanxiaotong runs towards

Ancy Deng, before getting to her, a magical chain appears on her second hand and she round it on Ancy Deng’s body.

Ancy Deng tried to loose the magical chain off her body, but Guanxiaotong kept on tighting it the more.

Li Qin and Li Jing runs towards Ancy Deng and they stabbed her at the same time. Li Qin stabbed her from behind and Li Jing stabbed her at the front.

Ancy Deng looked at them, and despite the fact that she was dying, she laughed wickedly.

“You think you can defeat me,Huh? I won’t die. Watch me..” Ancy Deng said. She stretched her hand and her power pulled Crystal Yuan in front of her.

She prevent them from taking Crystal Yuan away from her.
Li Qin and Li Jing removed their swords from her body.

“What’re you trying to do? This is wrong Ancy Deng! Think it over!” Guanxiaotong said calmly.

Ancy Deng was about inserting her flangs inside Crystal Yuan’s stomach, but her mom spirit appears to them.

“My daughter, what have you done to become like this? Why’re you like this? Don’t ki|| her because she’s all you have left. I once told you you has a sister, and the only way to identify her is the mark on her neck.

She might not be your sister by blood, but she’s your sister. I’m glad you two finally meet. You’ll discover what the two of you are truly are very soon and the truth.But after you discovered everything, don’t avenge us. Because you two wouldn’t be able to avenge us after the truth is being discovered.

My daughter, why’re you making everyone believed I was a witch?You always believed that I’m not. Don’t let your anger destroys everything you’re destined to become.

My daughter, don’t ki|| her, she’s the only person that could make everything clear for the both of you. Be a good sister to your sister and don’t forget everything I said to you..” Her Mom spirit vanished into the thin air and Ancy Deng regained back her senses.

Only Ancy Deng and Crystal Yuan saw Ancy Deng’s mother spirit. But Crystal Yuan’s so curious to know what she said.

Ancy Deng free Crystal Yuan from her hold. Guanxiaotong,Li Qin and Liu Jing quickly run to Crystal Yuan, thinking Ancy Deng might ki|| her if they didn’t act fast.

They lifted her up. The girls left Ancy Deng’s sight.

“We really doesn’t want to ki|| you, Ancy Deng. But, why’re you making us forced to ki|| you?” Liu Jing asked, facing her.

He said and turned his back on her.

“What happened?” Ancy Deng asked, and they looked at her bewildered.

“Look,we can’t fall into your traps anymore. You have been slaughtering innocent people and you’re asking us what happened. Seriously? Is this really you?” Liu Jing asked, turning on her.

“What did I do?” Ancy Deng asked, bewildered.

“Ancy Deng,are you yourself now?” Guanxiaotong asked.

“What do you mean?”

“It started four days ago after you were sent away from the college..” Guanxiaotong replied.

“You mean I have been slaughtering innocent people, right? And I did this to you?” Ancy Deng asked, staring at her in suprise.

“Yes.. Everyone fears you now.” Guanxiaotong replied, Dewy-eyed.

“I did?” Ancy Deng said, taking some steps towards her.

Guanxiaotong moved backwards coz she isn’t sure if Ancy Deng is truly herself.

“Even you?” Ancy Deng asked, moving more closer to her.

“Yes. You made everyone feared you.Can you please stop moving closer to us? We’re trying our best not to ki|| you..” Guanxiaotong said moving backwards. Li Qin, Liu Jing and Crystal Yuan were also trying to prevent her from getting closer to them.

“I won’t hurt you..” Ancy Deng said and they all stopped avoiding her.

“Am sorry I did this. But it’s something personal. I don’t want you to interfere in it.. Sorry. Am I forgiven?” Ancy Deng asked, looking straight into their eyes.

“Oh yes!” Guanxiaotong said and grasp Crystal Yuan hand.

They all hugs her at the same time, crying siliently in each other’s embrace.

“We promise to help you! We’ll help you get back into the college…” Guanxiaotong said, crying.

Ancy Deng hugged them more tightly, trying to control the tears in her eyes from falling.

“I’ll cure the children and free them.” Ancy Deng said after they detached from the hug.



A lady is seen chased by some people. The villagers watched as these people chased the lady.

The lady ran into a corner and sighed in relieved.

The people who was chasing the lady runs inside the place, but didn’t know where the lady was.

After searching for her for some time, they left and the lady comes out of her hidding place.

“Idiots!” The lady said, smiling and dust her dress then leave the place.

The lady was actually a man, but dressed like a man. His face looked like a girl face. He wears the cloth because he doesn’t want anyone to suspect that he was the one stealing all the missing rabbits from the villagers.

While walking,he bumped into a lady bathing inside a river. The young man didn’t know the area quite quite well that’s why he lose his way and bumped into her.

“I’m so sorry.” He said, turning his back on her; hidding the rabbit away from her.

“You didn’t see anything. I am almost done bathing before you came. Besides, you’re a lady. Aren’t you?” The lady asked. She has been fully dressed up.

“What’re you hidding in your hands?” The lady asked, when she noticed he was acting so nervous.

“Nothing…” He replied, trying to leave, but the lady grasp his arm and make him face her.

“You’re holding a rabbit? Then, why’re you acting so nervous?”The lady asked with worry.

“Actually, I didn’t know where to get the rabbit cooked..” He lied.

“Oh, poor girl. I can help you with it, but you have to follow me to my house..” The lady said.

“I’ll.” The man said, smiling.

“Follow me then..” The lady said and the man obeyed.



“Here we’re. But please do be careful with the way you speak. My dad doesn’t like someone who talks a lot..” Hu Yixuan warned before they entered.

“Father?” Hu Yixuan called.

“Yes. Why’re you back so early?” Her father asked, placing their meals on the table.

“I met her at the river and decided to help her with the cooking of her rabbit.” Hu Yixuan replied, sitting in front of him on the floor.

“You bring a stranger here?* Her dad asked, angrily.

“Dad, she won’t stay long. I just wants to help her cook her rabbit. She has no where to go!” Hu Yixuan said half yelled.

“Alright..” Her father finally said.

“Thank you!” Hu Yixuan said, happily.

“I’ll be back soon..” Hu Yixuan said before leaving.

The man stayed at the door entrance.

“You can come in.” Hu Yixuan father said.

The man entered.

“Thank you,sir.” The man said, polietly.

“You can stay here if you want to.” Hu Yixuan father suddenly said.


“I said, you can stay here if you want to since you’re homeless.” Hu Yixuan father repeated.


“No need to thank me. Also, you dress needs to be changed..” Hu Yixuan father said, opens Hu Yixuan wardrobe and brings out a dress.

“Wear this. It’s Hu Yixuan’s dress, but she only wears it once and neglected it since then. So,you may wear it from now on.” Hu Yixuan father said and hand over the dress to him.

“I’ll excuse you so you could change your dress.” Hu Yixuan father said and left.

He wears the dress and it fits him perfectly well.

He went out after wearing the dress and saw Hu Yixuan cooking the rabbit.

“Hu Yixuan? How do I look?” Chao asked, smiling.

“You look so beautiful, but how can father gave you my dress?” Hu Yixuan asked, bewildered.

“Well, he said you’re not wearing the dress and he gave it to me.” Chao replied.

“He even said I can stay here if I want..” Chao added.

“Oh, that’s so nice of him..” Hu Yixuan said and continue with the cooking.

“Should I help you with it?” Chao asked.

“No need..” Hu Yixuan said.



Crystal Yuan,Li Qin, Liu Jing,Ancy Deng and Guanxiaotong entered the discussion room.

The other students has went to the warriors courter. They met them discussing about something.

“Masters?” They all bowed.

“What’s she doing here?” Lord Xiao wang asked.

And the students falls on their knees.

“Masters, please Ancy Deng have realized her mistakes. Please take her back..” They pleaded

“Seems like what’s controlling you have left your body. But you can’t be accepted again..” Lord Ruiun Liu said.

“Please masters.. One last chance and we promise she won’t repeat it again.

“One last chance?* Lord Ruiun Liu repeated.


“She’ll be given another chance coz one of you came here to beg on her behalf and now, you’re all on your knees pleading for her.. What a nice friend.

If she repeats such again, she won’t be pardoned.” Lord Zhao jin said.

“Thank you,Masters… She won’t disappoint you again..” They all choursed.



“So,it was all your hand work, right? How could you accused the prince wrongly?” Zhanilia Zhao yelled at her father.

“How dare you talk to me like that?” Minister Gao said, angrily landing her a hot slap.

Zhanilia Zhao touched the affected cheek and stared at him angrily.

“Why? Why? Father. What’ll you gain from it?” Zhanilia Zhao yelled.

“Don’t you ever say a word to anybody not even your mother. If you dare me, I’ll show you how a father treats a disobident child..”Minister Gao said and stormed out of Zhanilia Zhao room.



Liu Jing and Ancy Deng sat down outside a building.

“What’s it that’s so personal that you could tell us?” Liu Jing asked

“I don’t want anyone to get worried with my own problems I can’t tell you. Am sorry.

“Never mind. Everybody has their own personal issues.. But you should know that wh@ťěver that might be bothering you, we’ll always be there for you..”Liu Jing said.

“Thank you..” Ancy Deng said, facing him.

“You’re welcome..”Liu Jing said, smiling.

A leaf falls on Ancy Deng’s head, but she doesn’t noticed.

Liu Jing saw it and take it away from her head.

“It falls on your head, but you didn’t noticed..” Liu Jing said, referring to the leaf.

“Thank you..” Ancy Deng said with a beaming smile.

She stared into his eyes, and he also couldn’t resist it. So he stared at her. They glanced away after some minutes. But Liu Jing suddenly make her look at him, stared at her in the eyes passionately and smashed his lips on hers..


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