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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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As the lecturer was going on in class,Giovanni wasn’t himself. He couldn’t stop thinking about Vanessa and the fact that she ignored his calls and never bothered to call back was so disturbing.

He was wondering if she’s mad at him,is she angry because he refused even after she accepted his proposal? He was trying not to regret that but he is already.

“Gio” Pierce called and he turned

“What the f-__-k are you thinking bro,I’ve been calling you” Ace said

“I didn’t even hear you,what do you want?” Giovanni asked

Pierce was about talking when the lecturer walked out of the hall and immediately Giovanni stood up

“Where are you going?” Ace asked

“Let’s talk later” He said and walked out

“Is something going on with him?” Pierce asked

“Who knows” Ace muttered.

Vanessa was just coming out of the hall with her friends when Giovanni showed up.

“Vee” he called

“Oh,it’s Giovanni” Angelique said and they all turned

“Meet us in the cafeteria” Gigi said and Vanessa nodded gently before turning to Giovanni

“Hey” She managed to smile

“I called you last night…..”

“Oh I….I slept off” She said nervously

“I was worried,I thought you’re mad at me” Giovanni said

“Of course not,I’m sorry for not picking up” Vanessa said

“Can we just talk for a minute?” Giovanni asked and Vanessa nodded

Giovanni held her hand softly and they both walked away

Meanwhile,Valentino was watching them as they talked and the moment they both left,he also walked out of the hall.


Giovanni and Vanessa entered and empty class together,there was total silence. Vanesaa could hear her heart beating so fast,it’s not a weird beat,it’s only because she’s nervous and scared of what he’s going to say or what her answer is going to be,she would have tried her best to avoid this conversation but like Gigi said,it’s going to hurt more if it’s not done now.

“Vee?” Giovanni called and she looked up

“Why are we here?” She asked

“Coz….I…just want to remind you that I love you” Giovanni said and Vanessa swallowed

“I promised to give you enough time but the truth is…I’m going Crazy already,I think about you every single second,I just….I don’t think I can hold it anymore. I’m madly in love with you Vanessa” Giovanni confessed

Vanessa said no word,their eyes bulging into each other’s own.

“Say something….please” Giovanni held her hand but she immediately moved back



“Don’t tell me you’re rejecting me” Giovanni said

“I’m sorry” Vanessa said lowly,avoiding his eyes

“But I love You Vanessa,it’s the truth…I’m crazy about you” Giovanni said hurtfully

“I like you Giovanni,but I know that’s not enough,I don’t feel the same way…..” She stopped when she saw a tear drop in his eyes which surprised her


“Is this because of Valentino?” Giovanni suddenly asked,cutting her off

“No that’s not it…..”

“Then why? You told me just two days ago that you would like to be my girlfriend,were you only trying to make a fool of me? Why are you rejecting me now??” Giovanni asked

“Giovanni I’m sorry,I just…….don’t want to hurt you” Vanesaa said

“But you’re hurting me now,if you don’t want to hurt me..then be my girlfriend. My love is enough for us….”

“You said you won’t force me” Vanessa immediately said

“It’s not my fault that I am getting crazy as the days pass by” Giovanni said

Vanessa stared at him for a minute

“I’m sorry” She muttered and made to leave

Giovanni grabbed her band and pulled her back,he pinned her against the wall and Vanesaa let out a gasp

He started bringing his face closer,but Vanessa looked away,avoiding his lips. Giovanni stared at her in shock

“Did he told you to avoid my kiss too?” He asked

“Giovanni stop!” Vanessa snapped

“Why can’t I kiss you too?!” He said loudly and tried kissing her again

The door opened loudly and Valentino came in,Vanessa turned to the door immediately

“Let her go” Valentino said

Giovanni released Vanesaa and turned to Valentino with an angry glare

He didn’t think twice before throwing a punch on his face,Vanessa gasped with wide eyes

“Valentino!” She called as Valentino fell on the floor but Giovanni didn’t leave him,he grabbed him and punched him again

“Who the f-__-k do you think you are?!” Giovanni yelled and continue hitting him

Valentino’s face was already covered with blood But Giovanni ignored Vanessa’s screams

“Giovanni stop!!” She shouted and rushed in between them

Mistakenly,Giovanni’s hand met her

“Ouch!” She winced and fell

Valentino’s eyes widened immediately,somehow the strength came from nowhere

“What the f-__-k?” He got up and pushed Giovanni to the floor and got on top

“How dare you hurt her?!! You bastard!!” He yelled angrily and began returning the punches on his face,even heavier ones

“Valentine!! Stop it please!!” Vanesaa broke into tears.


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