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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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{ Romantic h@ťěs… }

THEME; Entangled With You.



By: Summer Gold R.





Quinn applied the lip gloss on her lips as she stood in front of the mirror,her mind suddenly went to Finn,his soft lips on his own is all she could think of. She immediately moved back from the mirror and swallowed

‘He’s your brother Quinn,your brother’ she said inwardly and sighed out

She was still standing there when the door burst open,Angelique entered

“How do I look?” She asked,turning around in front of Quinn

“We are going to eat,not a date” Quinn scoffed and Angelique frowned

“Now it’s hard to tell me how I look….”

“You look pretty” Erica came in and Angelique smiled

“Thanks” She muttered with a flushed face

“Can we go now? I’m starving” Quinn said as she walked out

“You’re not the only one hungry babe,come on” Angelique stomped her feet on the floor as she followed her

Erica’s eyes were on her,she kept smiling as she watched her acting cute.

They all left the mansion

“I thought we are taking the car” Erica called after them

“Nope,I want to feel the natural breeze” Angelique said

“Not like we are going far,there’s a restaurant just down the school right?” Quinn asked

“Yeah” Erica nodded

They got to the restaurant after few minutes

“Whoa,it’s my first time here” Erica said,looking around

“Oh.. is that not Finn?” Angelique pointed and they turned to see Finn and his friends eating together,Quinn’s eyes met with Otto’s own,Finn’s was the one backing them so he didn’t see them.

Toby waved at Quinn and that was when Finn turned,the girls sat down and a waitress came over to them.

“Evening girls” She smiled

“Hey” Angelique grinned and Erica scoffed

“Fried rice and chicken please” Quinn said

“Okay,how about you two?” The waitress asked

“Same thing” Angelique said

“Me too” Erica added

“Okay,I will be back” The waitress smiled and walked away

Some group of girls suddenly walked into the restaurant but as soon as they sat down,one of them recognized Finn and she gasped out

“Finn!” She screamed and Finn looked up

“Wow,Harley” he also called with a smile playing on his lips,he got up and the girl hugged her tightly

Quinn rolled her eyes

‘Does she have to hug him that tight?’ She thought,the girl and his friends joined them

Quinn suddenly hissed

Angelique and Erica looked up at once

“What happened?” Erica asked and Quinn blinked

“Oh….that was…nothing” she bite her lips

“But you hissed” Angelique said

Quinn was about talking when the waitress returned with their orders

“Enjoy” She winked before leaving

Quinn looked at Finn again,he seems to enjoy the girl’s company and the most annoying thing is,the so called Harley wouldn’t stop touching and smiling at him.

She rolled her eyes and started eating.


“Wow,Valentino look at that” Vanessa pointed at the most brightest star among the others

“That’s Sirius” Valentino said and Vanessa looked at up

“Sirius?” She asked and Valentino nodded

“It’s derived from a Greek word Seirios which means glowing,you can see it’s the most luminous star there,I think the name suits it” Valentino said

“Wow,never knew you’re this smart” Vanessa chuckled before returning her eyes back to the star

“What do you think of me? A dumbass?” Valentino asked

“No,a spoilt brat who think the world revolves around him,a silly playboy who think all girls are the same and a jerk who I h@ťě so much that I don’t wanna have anything to do with” Vanessa said and there was silence until Valentino spoke up

“Then….what about now?” He asked

“Maybe I no longer h@ťě you,but you’re still the silly playboy I know” Vanessa said and Valentino smiled

“At least the h@ťě is gone,that’s enough for me” he muttered

Vanessa almost talked but was interrupted by the sudden light which covered them up

“Who are those!!” A deep voice asked

Valentino and Vanessa exchanged glances and Valentino winked at her,she understood immediately and they both took to their heels

“Stop right there!” The security man yelled,running after them but they already entered the elevator

“Wait,what if they catch us at the entrance?” Vanessa asked

“They won’t,just trust me” Valentino said

“Fine” Vanessa muttered

After few minutes,they got to the last floor

“Stop right there…..”

Valentino grabbed Vanessa’s hand and they ran out of the building immediately,panting heavily when they finally got to the car

“Are you okay?” Valentino asked

“That was quite fun” Vanessa said breathlessly

Valentino arranged her scattered hair

“Thanks” She muttered

They were about going into the car when suddenly they heard the loud car horn and they both turned to see two cars behind Valentino’s car.

“Who are they?” Vanessa asked

A guard came out of one of the cars and went to open the door,Mrs Tucker came out of the car and Vanessa looked at Valentino but his eyes was only on his mom who had a super cold expression on her face as she stared at them

“What are you doing here??” She asked Valentino and then looked at Vanessa

“With her” she completed

“Why are you here?” Valentino questioned back and Mrs Tucker frowned

“Is this the reason why you’ve turned deaf ears to my calls….”

“No mom…”

“Get in the car” She cut him off

“Mom please not now….”

“Get in the car right now” Mrs Tucker snapped angrily

“Don’t worry,I will find my way back to school” Vanessa said and let go of Valentino’s hand

Valentino tried going into his car

“No…here” Mrs Tucker said,pointing at her own car

Valentino entered the car grumpily and Mrs Tucker moved closer to Vanessa

“I see you’re the pest here,but it will be nice if you stay away from my son,you’re not in any way suitable for him,is that understood?” She said and walked to the door,the driver drove off and then another guard drove Valentino’s car behind them.

Vanessa sighed out loud,soon she got a taxi and also left the place.


Vanessa walked into the school,it was already getting so cold and she was in a hurry to get to the hostel mansion. As soon as she entered the compound,she saw Giovanni just about going out but he stopped when he saw her.

“Giovan……” Vanessa couldn’t finish when he rushed to her and hugged her tightly,leaving her speechless. He held her so tightly as if she was running away,she could hear his cold breaths on her neck and he was almost choking her.

“Vanni” She managed to call him and he broke the hug,his hand on her shoulders

“I’ve been waiting for you….”

“Why?” Vanessa asked

“I saw you leaving the school with Valentino,and I was worried” Giovanni muttered and Vanessa smiled

“You don’t have to be worried,I’m fine” she said

“I can’t help it” Giovanni said and hugged her again

Vanessa hugged him back this time,her head resting on his chest,he’s actually taller and muscular than Valentino,did she just noticed?? Maybe because she only hugged Valentino recently and now she could feel the difference.

The hug lasted much longer than expected before Giovanni finally let her go

“If you want to go anywhere….just tell me,please” he said and Vanessa nodded

“I missed you,seriously” Giovanni said and Vanessa chuckled

“I will see you tomorrow…goodnight” she waved at him

Giovanni smiled and kissed her cheek before she finally went in. He run his fingers into his hair and then left. He just couldn’t take his mind from fact that she actually went out with Valentino,since when did they started going out together? The last time he checked,she h@ťěd him right? So what the h*ll happened??


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