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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Romantic h@ťěs… }

THEME; Entangled With You.



By: Summer Gold R.





There was total silence in the cafeteria,the students eyes on the trio,some are even making videos already.

“Let me go” Vanessa said in a low voice,not facing anyone in particular

“Let her go” Giovanni said to Valentino and he glanced at her

“I’m talking about the both of you!!!!” Vanessa yelled angrily and they released her hands immediately

Vanessa glared at Giovanni and then Valentino before storming out of the cafeteria

“Pumpkin” Gigi immediately called as she packed Vanessa’s stuffs and went after her,Quinn,Erica and Angelique also followed.

Valentino and Giovanni glared at each other but Valentino broke it first,he turned to Becky and grabbed her hand,dragging her out of the cafeteria.

“Tino wait” Becky called as he continue dragging her but he didn’t stop,he was looking so angry that he was pressing her wrist so hard as he dragged her

“You’re hurting me!” Becky yelled and Valentino released her roughly,she almost fell

“Can you tell me what the f-__-k is your problem?!! Tell me!” He yelled

“My problem is you!! I h@ťě the fact that you’re getting close to that Ɓîtçh!” Becky yelled back

Valentino grabbed her neck and pushed her against the wall

“Ahh!” She winced,looking at Valentino shockingly

“Call her that once again and I will ki|| you” He said

Becky’s eyes widened

“You need to get this straight right now,you and I are nothing but f-__-kmates,I have no d@mn feelings for you,when I say it’s over then take it that way,so stay the heck away from me!! Do you understand?!!” He yelled

Becky coughed out

“Valentino” His friends called from the back

“That’s enough” Reed pushed Valentino from Becky who staggered immediately

Valentino snapped Reed’s hand off and walked away

“Never knew it’s up to this” Terence muttered

“I think I’m right,He’s in love with her” Virgil muttered

“Complicated” Reed said


The girls caught up with Vanessa finally In the library

“Hey babe,are you okay?” Quinn asked

Vanessa sat down and sighed

“I’m fine” She muttered

“Gosh that Becky,I don’t understand why you stopped me,I would have taught her a great lesson” Gigi hissed and Erica chuckled

“Now I’m scared of you” Angelique touched her chest

“But honestly I was eagerly waiting for you to choose Valentino so she can die for all I care” Quinn said and Vanessa looked up

“Valentino? The f-__-k” she Scoffed

“So you would have chosen Giovanni…..”

“I’m not choosing anyone,none of them own me,they are just annoying to bring that up” Vanessa snapped

“Right I know” Gigi muttered

Their phones suddenly buzzed all at once and they checked at a time

“Class? We still have like one hour left right?” Erica spoke up

“I think it’s an emergency,Prof Kelly wouldn’t call a class for nothing you know?” Gigi said and Vanessa sighed before getting up. They walked out of the library and their eyes caught with the S3 girls who were chatting so happily

“I bet they are behind everything” Quinn said

“Me too,they obviously did it” Erica muttered

“Don’t worry,I don’t really blame them,they are all in a one sided love right now” Angelique said and Gigi laughed

“For real? One sided?” Vanessa asked

“Of course,Sasha is crushing on Finn,Soraya loves Reed and Shirley can die to gain Giovanni’s attention,don’t ask me how I got the news” Angelique flaunt her hair and they laughed

“That’s crazy” Quinn said

“Trust me” Angelique chuckled

“Hey Vanessa!” The S3 waved at Vanessa as they got closer,smiles playing on their lips

Angelique and Gigi passed their middle,pushing them out of the way,Soraya almost fell but Sasha caught her

“Are you crazy!!” Shirley yelled

“What did you say again?” Vanessa asked and they faced her

“We were just……”

“I guess you don’t have time to think about your life,reason why your crushes will never look at you,dumbest trio I’ve ever seen” Erica hissed

“Stay away from my brother” Quinn smirked at Sasha

Vanessa only glared at them and they walked away,leaving the S3 speechless

“Did they just said all that to us?” Sasha asked,folding her fist

“Did Vanessa charmed them or something?!!” Shirley screamed

“Don’t worry babes,let’s go to class first…..”

“You three are really dumb like she said” They heard a voice from the back and they turned to see Finn and Otto

“I don’t understand why you’re blaming us,blame Becky not us” Soraya scoffed

“Well sorry I saw you showing Becky the picture,what else do you have to say?” Otto asked and they kept quiet

“Gosh” Finn muttered,walking away.

“Finn wait” Sasha immediately grabbed his hand

“I can explain…..”

“I don’t understand,why would you explain to me? I don’t think we are even friends to begin with,don’t be blinded by the kiss,it was a mistake so come off it” Finn throw her hand off and left with Otto

“You kissed her?” Otto asked

“It wasn’t even a nice one” Finn scoffed

“Well….I think she likes you for real” Otto muttered

“Her headache,not like I care” Finn said


The hall was filled already,the students chatting as they waited for Mr Kelly

Becky came in with Channel and Jessica,she still have the angry look on her face but she didn’t even spare Vanessa a glance as usual,she only found a place to sit with her friends.

Valentino and his friends walked in last and his eyes met with Vanessa’s own,unlike before,she didn’t look away and Valentino gave her his most charming smile before going to the back.

“Vanessa watch this” Angelique handed her phone to Vanessa

It’s a video of how Valentino had got angry with Becky earlier and how he had shouted at her. It’s all over the school site already

? Seriously,I thought they are dating

? f-__-k mate,hilarious

? So shameless

? This is crazy

? So Valentino is single now??

? He’s defending Vanessa,does that mean he’s in love with her?

Becky got up immediately and walked out of the hall angrily,Channel and Jessica followed

“Who uploaded this?” Vanessa asked

“Just a random student” Erica replied

Vanessa turned back and once again her eyes met with Valentino’s own but she quickly looked away

‘Why did he do that?’ She thought but then ignored it

Soon after,Professor Kelly walked into the hall and it was more silent than before

“Morning everyone” He said bluntly and didn’t bother waiting for the students response before switching on the projector.

“Do you all know what’s going on right now?” He asked and the students were silent

“It’s so disappointing” Professor Kelly said

“You should know you are not ordinary students here,this is a law school and you have to be mindful and careful of wh@ťěver is going on,be watchful too,how can you all stay here without getting a single news about the popular ki||er who just came into the light?” He asked and the murmurs started

“Silence” He said and began displaying some pictures on the projector. It consists of numbers of dead bodies,their necks separated from their bodies

The students watched while whispering to themselves but Vanessa was quiet,she couldn’t help but remember her nightmares,this was the same way that woman was ki||ed,her head chopped off.

“Ahh” She groaned and held her head

Gigi and Quinn immediately turned to her since she’s sitting between them

“Are you okay?” Gigi asked and Vanessa nodded

“I’m fine” She muttered and looked up again

“The investigation is ongoing and it was said that this murderer has existed for about 15 years now,he suddenly left after committing numbers of crimes but now he’s back” Prof Kelly said

A boy raised his hand


“So….are you saying for the past fifteen years,he was not caught…not even once? And maybe probably got released again?” He asked

“Not at all,never” Professor Kelly said

“But the reason for the sudden call is….We’ve been given the chance to take part in the investigation” Professor Kelly said and everyone gasped

? What?!!

? How can we take part in this?!

? He’s a murderer.

Prof Kelly hit his hand on a table and there was silence

“Are you all here at all? If you can’t face a little challenge like this how are you gonna take care of a criminal case? You think we are here to joke?!” He snapped

“Oh wow” Gigi muttered

“I’ve never seen him so mad” Quinn also muttered

“Listen up,this is just gonna be like a test okay? I’m not telling you to go into the city and look for the ki||er,all I’m saying is….Investigation,it’s part of your work as a prosecutor,Lawyer or wh@ťěver,so stop acting like puppies. Anyway,I got the names ready” Professor Kelly said and the students shifted on their seats,praying that their names wouldn’t come out

“I personally want my name there” Gigi muttered

Vanessa was only quiet all these while

“So,we are gonna be having two teams. You will be given some information and you will work on them,the winning team will be rewarded” Professor Kelly said

“But what about the case we are working on?” Otto asked

“Yeah right,the rape case” Angelique said

“It has been suspended” Professor Kelly answered

“What?!!!” The students screamed

“Oh no,I wanna be a judge!” Gigi cried out and everyone laughed

“I never said it was cancelled,Suspended until this is over” Professor Kelly said and Gigi pouted

“Sorry baby” Erica roughed her hair mockingly and Gigi chuckled

Finally the team lists appeared on the projector

“Some of the senior students are there” Professor Kelly said as the students stared,checking their names

TEAM A….Giovanni,Valentino,Gigi,Terence,Channel,Becky,Vanesaa and Erica

TEAM B…Quinn,Otto,,Sasha,Finn,Reed,Virgil,Angelique,and Toby

The students started whispering among themselves


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