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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*Last Flight ✈️ To Dubai*

Episode 3

“Welcome to the UAE, Chidiogo. The country is made brighter by your presence.” It was lawyer Abaskus who warmly ushered Chidiogo into his car waiting right within the airport. Before she departed Nigeria, she had contacted him online after he was recommended by a friend who once had a legal issue in Dubai. She paid him handsomely to the tune of N3 million to handle Chike’s case.

“Thank you Abaskus. Please, let us start immediately.” She said as she dropped her handbag on the car seat. The sun in Dubai was so hot that lawyer Abaskus’ car felt like heaven for Chidiogo. She wanted to remain in the air conditioned car forever, but she was not in Dubai for enjoyment. She had briefed him online, so they soon stepped out of the car and proceeded to the airport police department to enquire about Chike.

“We have released him. We found out he is innocent so we let him go yesterday.” That was the short and sharp answer offered by the airport police. Chidiogo and lawyer Abaskus were shocked. It is very unusual for someone suspected of drug trafficking to be let off the hook just like that.

“What do you mean you have released him? And if you released him, where is he now?” Chidiogo asked the receptionist-police lady at the counter. The officer was very rude and unfriendly to them. Chidiogo did not know that there are bad police officers abroad, as she thought that only existed in Nigeria.

“We do not keep track of people once we let them go. I suggest you look around town.” The police woman said as she ordered lawyer Abaskus and Chidiogo to stop disturbing her.

“She is lying. I think something is fishy.” Lawyer Abaskus said to Chidiogo. When they got into the car, Chidiogo reached for her bag and brought out her laptop and started tracking Chike’s bag with the help of the tracking device she had fixed on it before he left Nigeria. She found out that the bag had left the Dubai International Airport and was now at a hotel in Abu Dhabi. There and then, she booked a direct flight to Abu Dhabi.

Chidiogo arrived at the hotel a few minutes to 6pm. She found a comfortable corner where she relaxed and once again, tracked Chike’s bag and found that it was on the last floor. She jumped on the elevator and headed for the last floor of the tall building without delay. Her heart was beating because she had no weapons at all. She was not sure what to expect in the hotel room. But she prepared herself for the worse.

“It’s either I die or I go home with Chike.” She said to herself.

When she landed on the last floor, she tracked Chike’s bag again and found it right inside a room beside her. There were loud voices coming from the room as if someone was being interrogated. Chidiogo immediately knew that Chike was being held or was being tortured or worse. She drew closer and listened from an opening on the door.

“Do you know what is happening to you? You must be confused about how cocaine got into your bag. We did it. We bribed the police at the airport to plant it and blame it on you” The husky voice said with a conspiratorial laughter. It was so disgusting to Chidiogo’s ears.

“Do you know why the police released you to us? Do you know why you were not charged to court? We were hired to ki|| you. We have been paid handsomely by our boss in Nigeria. But we can let you go and he won’t know about it. Only if you cooperate with us.” The huge voice said again from the hotel room. Chidiogo was not entirely shocked by what she was hearing. The only thing she would want to find out later is who is paying the assassins, who the Nigerian boss is.

“If you cooperate with us, we will not ki|| you. We will let you return to Nigeria.” The husky voice came again. That was a lie and Chidiogo knew it.

“The investigation you did about the N3 billion fraud at Authority Bank, where did you keep the evidence?” The husky voice asked. Now, the voice was more serious.

“The evidence is in my hard drive.” Chike answered. His voice showed someone who is very tired and in need of help.

“And where is the hard drive? Talk very fast before I release bullets into your head.” The voice barked. The accent was Asian and was a bit difficult to understand, but Chidiogo paid close attention.

“The hard drive is in Nigeria.” Chike said to his captors. That moment Chidiogo heard as Chike was given a hot slap and also, a gunshot was released. She could hold it no more so she kicked the door of the hotel room open with feminine force.

“I have the hard drive.” She shouted as soon as she was inside. Her hands were up in the air in total surrender and she knelt down in a wise display of defeat. Everyone in the room was shocked to see her, but Chike was more than shocked. He was speechless as he never expected any help not to talk of Chidiogo casually breaking into a dangerous situation as if she was entering a restaurant to buy vanilla ice cream. When he saw Chidiogo, hot tears dropped from his eyes. He was partly happy and partly scared for their lives.

Chidiogo looked at Chike and inwardly blamed herself for pushing him to come to Dubai. She went straight and tried to hug him, but she was pushed away by the assassins who immediately pointed a gun at her head.

She pointed at her bag which she dropped on the ground and told the assassins that the hard disk was inside. True to her words, they found it because she had searched through Chike’s room in Nigeria and brought it. She knew about the investigation he did and also knew where he stored the evidence. Her experience as a security personnel tells her that someone was after Chike because of the hard disk and the strong evidence against top bankers, so she brought it along.

As soon as the assassins found the evidence, they decided it was time to finish the job and leave.

“My love, we are going to die.” Chike said to Chidiogo in whispers. “We are not dying.” She responded. She was weak but she was just trying to be strong. As a security personal, she was trained to be a source of courage in hopeless situations.

“Say your last prayers.” The assassins barked as they got ready to $h00t the two lovers dead. It was a very difficult moment. Their voices always sounded husky and rusty like motor park touts who have smoked hemp all day.

That final moment, Chike and Chidiogo held each other as it dawned on them that the assassins were serious.

“If we die together, then so be it. I will be happy to die in the arms of my love. I’m happy I have found you alive. But I will not just give up. I will fight this last time before they ki|| us.” Chiodiogo said in her heart. She was prepared to make her move.

Chidiogo quickly sized up the two men in the room. She was not sure if they are trained in hand combat, but she was going to try to defeat them. She is very good at karate.

Chidogo decided to distract the attention of one of them, because discretion and treachery sometimes is the better part of valour and of course, war is not fair and can be fought in any means depending on the weapon at your disposal. She had no gun, but she had one more potent weapon: Her femininity and her attractive body. She was going to use it.

She decided to let go of Chike and instead sat down and lifted her hands in total surrender. One of the men was getting ready to $h00t her. She quickly opened her legs wide apart and her white undies and clear skin thighs became visible to the assassin standing and holding a gun to her head.

She was putting on a short skirt, so it was very easy for her laps and undies to become clear to the man. Immediately, he lost total control of his senses and he kept looking at her opened legs.

That was when Chidiogo sprang to her feet and kicked the gun from his hand and quickly picked it up and shot him dead. She was very fast and she successfully shot the second man in the heart and he died instantly too.

“Let’s go!” Chidiogo shouted at Chike before he had time to process all the action she just took. He signaled to her that he was tied to the chair where he was seated. Quickly, she took a knife from the waist of one of the dead assassins and cut the rope. They came out of the room and jumped on the elevator.

Soon, Chike and Chidiogo were on a flight back to Nigeria. When they landed in Nigeria, Chike received a call from the board of Authority Bank. The board denied knowledge of his chaotic transfer to Dubai and they asked him to report back to headquarters in two weeks time and present the findings of his investigation into the N3 billion fraud.

Mission acomplished but crazy days are still ahead!


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