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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 9

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 9

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 9
(Get the Job Done)

Kyla’s POV
I stepped out of the bath tub feeling a bit relaxed. I will be going on a journey today, but that will be later in the day. Picking up the towel I wrapped it around my body, stepping into my room, as I wipe my body with another.

I quickly applied my body lotion, and other body ointment. One thing I don’t joke with is my looks; yea, I might be a bad @zz Mafia lady, but I still get this pretty and beautiful look that men are ready to die for.

I can pass for a model and no one will know about the hidden demon in me; because behind my innocent look is a deadly demon.

I chuckled, picking up the hair dryer, turning it on to dry my hair. After a few minutes, concluding that it was fully dried, I turned it off, walking directly into my closest to pick my gymnastic wears. I will be visiting the gym this morning for a little practice.

Packing my hair in a ponytail, I walk towards the window to behold the sight of the day. My eyes glance round the large clan, smiling to myself.

“I have done a good job, my dad will surely be proud of me” I muttered inwardly, shifting the drapes to have a better view. I squinted on seeing Jade with the dog as I do call him; having a conversation. She seems to be telling him something which brought smile to his face.

She left him afterward, as he walked towards the gym house. He has spent barely five days here, and he is already smiling. I think Jade isn’t acting hard on him the way I wanted her to. Perhaps because I didn’t have his time these past days, which have been hell busy for me.

I should have let Bruce do the job, but he might end up ki||ing him, and I don’t want that yet.

I want him to suffer the deeds of his father. Anytime I look at his face, though he didn’t really take after him, but I still see a glimpse of ‘The Mask’ in his eyes, and it makes me pissed. I scoff, closing the drapes, heading out of the room

I walked into the gym house, meeting it sparkling neat, the equipment are well furnished, just the way I want it. I heard a silent gasp and followed the direction, as it landed on him. He was dressed in an overall which is meant for the cleaners, holding a broom firmly, as he stared at me in fear.

I smirk, walking closer, making sure that my steps were menacing. He shook with anxiety, gulping down his saliva. His face bent downward; I know he is avoiding having eye contact with me.

“Drop the broom and come closer” I muttered in a stern voice

“Huhn” he replied, making me pissed.

“Are you trying to say that you are deaf” I yelled, folding my fist into a ball. He nodded, doing as I say. He took gentle steps forward until he was few meters away from me. We seem to be the only ones in the room, so it’s easy to teach him some lessons I think.

“Now….hit me” I proclaimed. He seem shock as his eyes bulge out
“N…no..i can’t “ he shuttered. I scoff
“You want me to help you do it right?”

“N…o” He shook his head

“Then do it, hit me” I commanded. He nodded, swinging his fist forward; I grab it with my left hand, twisting it a little. He gave out a loud cry, trying to free it from my grip. I grinned, pulling him closer to my face

“I thought your dad is a Mafia lord? Do you mean that he didn’t teach you how to use your fist?” I snickered. He whimpered

“Please I beg of you…I don’t have anything to do with him”

“But he is your father” I seethed. He nodded repeatedly, still groaning, holding his twisted wrist

“I don’t care if you can fight or not, all I want is that you hit me” I slap my chest


“Arghhh!!” he yelled surging forward as he directed his punch to my face. I dodge it, holding his arm, as I sent a striking blow to his stomach. I flipped him over, landing him to the ground, following it with another blow.

“Oh…my gawd….arghh” he groan, trying to hit me back, but that only made it worse. I elbowed his chest making him spit out blood, which infuriated me.

“You f-__-king spit that thing on me huhn…” I yelled, making sure that I disfigure his face with my blows.

I was about giving him another punch which will surely destabilize him, when I heard my name.

“Kyla!!!” Jade’s voice rang into my ear, making me pause in my act. I dropped my hand, releasing the fist. As I whisper angrily into his ear.

“Next time, when you come in contact with me, don’t hesitate to get down on your d@mn kneels and crawl out; else I ki|| you, get it into your skull” I snarled. He nodded in pain, coughing as he held his chest.

I stood up walking towards Jade, whose face was bent down. She seems to be folding and unfolding her fist, feeling nervous, or should I say remorse.

“What did you just call me” I snapped, she tried cheeking in her nervous look. That’s one thing about Jade, she always tries to appear bold even when fear is clearly creeping into her mind.

“I…i..mean boss…” She shuttered, breathing out

I scoff, looking at her and back to the guy still sprawled on the floor.

“It was a slip of tongue” She stated
“I hope it is” I replied, chuckling briefly before leaving the gym. I think I’m done here
Evan’s POV
I was shocked to the bones when she came in; yes, the fierce lady, who I believe is the boss. She was wearing a yoga outfit; her hair packed firmly in a ponytail, giving her a pretty look. But the scrawl on her face didn’t aid to the beauty. She looks like a demon angel, or what can I classify her with.

I knew my worst had come when she asked me to hit her, ending up beating me to the pulp, not until the other girl came in, shouting her name.

“So her name is Kyla” I thought inwardly, as I watch her step out of the gym house

“d@mn…what the hell did you do to her” The other lady asked furiously, coming closer to pull me up

“I didn’t do anything, she only came in here, asked me to hit her and ended up beating me” I replied, trying to catch my breath.

“$h|t…” She cursed

“I think she is pissed. Look, anytime you see her, anywhere, just make sure you pass another way. Don’t come in contact with her, or you will become a dead meat, understood” She stated. I quickly nodded

“Fine, let’s get you treated”
“Thanks so much” I muttered, holding her hand softly, after she had finished cleaning up the bruises. She smiled, nodding but quickly pulled her hand
“You shouldn’t hold me that way” She snapped

“I’m sorry” I whispered. We are currently in one of the boy’s quarter room.
“You will still be staying in the cell for now, until I create a space for you to stay with the trainees” She said

“Don’t thank me, I ain’t that nice”
“But you have been nice to me” I resorted

“I might change anytime”
“I will be glad if you change for good” I muttered, immediately regretting why I said that. She chuckled

“Just rest for a while, I will be back for you, you still have works to do” She stated. I breathed out a sad sigh; I can’t believe that after the whole beating I will still have to work. I’m tired of all this, I thought

She didn’t say anymore, but turn towards the door.

“Hey” I called out. She stopped and turned to me, placing her hand on the knob. I tried relaxing my breath before speaking

“What’s your name?” I asked. She scoffs at first. I was thinking I made a mistake by asking
“Erm…you don’t have to tell me though…just”

“It’s Jade” She spurted out
“Jade…nice name” I noted
“I’m Evans”

“I know” She said, and left before I could say another word. I relaxed my back on the bed, groaning a little. I remembered vividly the stern warnings given to me by the boss. How the hell do I want to escape meeting her, when she clearly owns the clan? Hmm, my life here is just beginning to experience hell.
Blood Clan~

“We are going on a mission, here is the plan” Donald muttered, placing a map on the round table, as he flag down his jacket, drawing out a seat.

Standing round the table is the senior members of the clan and two trainees. The mission is gonna be divided into two, due to some reasons. Larry, one of our trusted clients will be having some goods delivered to him tonight.

“It should have been done last night, but according to him, he wanted us to be his aid, in the game; in case of any wrongs. So I will pick some of you to carry out the job, while I and the others will head to the state chairman’s office, where his murder will be carried out. And that one will take place tomorrow night.” He stated, as they all nodded.

“Fine…so Mercury, Scar and Pascal, you three will go with the two trainees. You are in charge of the goods delivery, make sure you blow those bastards’ heads off and bring down the good with the money. And if Larry doesn’t cooperate this time, then blow his heads off.” He smirked

“Roger that” Scar stated. He used to be the second in command before Donald came; and being the son directly to the boss, he can’t go against his order. He is a bit older than Donald with three years, always wearing a fierce look.

He has been going on mission like this for years and most likely doesn’t fail any, except Lady Mask is involve.

“I, Jaguar and Pluto will do the assassin job. The state chairman has been getting on our toes lately; there are some files about one of our client in his possession. It shouldn’t get to the public or even the government. The chairman has lots of secrets under his sleeves and if he dare release it, then it won’t just affect our clients, but will also make us wanted. We need to finish him off, and get those files.”

“Rodent will be in charge of the IT; you will hack into the security power room of the chairman, and direct our moves through the CCTV. You shouldn’t get distracted”

“Sure boss” Rodent smirked, blowing a gum as he popped it.
“Amazon will aid you with anything you need” He stated, and faced the two trainee in their midst

“You both shouldn’t flip things up for us, I believe you have taken your training seriously and won’t make a d@mn mistake”

“Yes boss”
“The Mask will be going on a meeting with some of the top Mafia lords in Japan. He is leaving this job to our care, no mistakes because the penalty is death” he gritted, standing to his feet

“Any questions?” he asked, as they all glance at each other before Mercury spoke up
“Do you have any clue about those delivering the goods” She asked firmly; Donald let out a croak smile

“Lady Mafia’s gang” he dropped a bombshell. Scar frowned. He knew how it feels to have a rift with that gang, and if Lady Mafia is gonna be present, then the mission is as good as failure

“ mean…d@mn” Mercury exasperated. Donald scoff

“We as a team is stronger than those riff raffs so don’t try to say any discouraging word here. Whereas, Lady mask only send her men to do the job. I believe you can stand them. Get the job done and bring a good report” he snapped, banging his fist on the table before heading out.


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