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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 66

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 66

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Lady Mafia
(From Revenge To Affection)
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 66
(Perfect Love)
One Week Later
Justin’s POV
Taking the last drag from the cigarettes in my
hand, I puff out the intoxicating smoke from my
mouth and nostril alike. My heart churned, my
head ache badly, thinking of how to get
information from Evans. That bas***d isn’t free
with me as before, I wish I hadn’t been cold, I
could have gotten the necessary information I
The blasting sound from my phone jerk me off
my thought. “f-__-k* I cussed, checking the caller
“You ain’t gonna waste my time any longer J
boy, I’m gonna do it my own way.” Don’s voice
drift into my ear.
“bas***d” I gritted, smashing the cigarettes on
the ground, crushing it with my foot. “Just give
me time, I’m kinda a ghost in this clan. I’m tryna
play cool or they find out who I really am…f-__-k
it man and do it your way if you want. You
might just end up falling into her trap.” I
seethed, ending the call.
The bang in my head continued, making me
Behind the shadows, a figure stood watching
him walk away. With furrowed brows, and
curiosity, he walked closer, checking out the
thing he dropped. “It’s just a cigarette” he
mumbled, bringing out his phone to message
Power Room★
The total number of the senior members could
be seen present in the room, wearing soft smiles
on their faces, as Kyla addresses them. She
brought out 8 keys from a small box, emptying
them on the round table.
“These are gift from me. Aside the payment
from the last job, I wish to gift you all a little
token. This clan is nothing without the senior
members; you’ve been the life to it, and I’m
forever grateful.” She paused, picking up one in
her hand.
“Like we have agreed on earlier. I will be giving
you the grace of a month vacation, use it well, a
little enjoyment isn’t bad, right?” She asked, the
others smiled and chuckled likewise.
“There are eight keys here on the table, pick the
one with your name on the tag.” She noted, as
the members each picked theirs, wearing
“I believe everyone has gotten theirs….so let’s
visit the garage” They walked out of the room,
down a passageway which led to an
underground building. A fleet of 50 different
vehicles of their kind and model, were perfectly
arrange in each sections.
“Wow….” Autumn exclaimed, looking marvelled
at the sight. “What” Mica asked, giving her a
squinting look.
“I seriously can’t believe there is a place like this
here…I mean, how did boss try to smuggle in
these cars” she asked in whispers. Mica
shrugged, giving a brief chuckle. “Don’t
underestimate boss, she is a smart from birth.
And….I think some cars were built here” she
replied. Just then, they saw some workers,
moving around in navy blue overalls.
Kyla walked up to one who seem to be in charge
of the workers. “Where are my orders?” She
questioned in a cold voice, th man gulped in,
trying to ignore the fear her voice had imbibed
in him.
“It’s ready boss…please follow me” he
muttered, walking forward with a tablet in his
hand. Entering into a separate room which had
a large exit gate behind, he walked towards a
large covering, flipping the heavy flex covering
of each cars, new in brand.
“Here they are….in perfect conditions, just what
you asked for.” He spoke up after the brief
silence. Kyla nodded.
“So here it is….press the key button, and walk
up to your car” she instructed. With happiness,
they all did accordingly, checking out their
designated cars each. She actually knew their
choices of cars, so getting it for them wasn’t of
much stress
Don walked back to the gym room, just after he
finished his brief meeting with the members of
the Blood Clan. He decided to do a few fist and
muscle trainings, boxing the punching bag. It
swings forward and backward, following each
punch he threw. His sweat tickled out of his
skin, soaking his brown singer.
Thirty minutes into the exercise, he heard the
door opening. Considering the fact that he was
the only one in, he knew he would be having
visitors from the entrance. He resumed his duty,
not looking back, until a feminine voice stopped
“You ain’t gonna take a rest” Mercury asked,
walking up to him with a towel and bottle. He
smirked turning to face her. He stretched forth
his hand to collect both from her, gulping a
good quantity of the water, cleaning off his
sticky sweat with the towel
“What’s there to rest, when we have a tough
mission ahead” he replied, moving closer to her
with a lustful smirk on his face. He viewed her
round hard teat, pickling out of the right singlet
she wore on.
“The mission is ours to win….infact, we have
won already” she replied, gulping in as he
surged closer. “Sure” his eye met with hers,
before landing on her lips, lifting her jaw a little
with his hand, he wet his lips a little, bending
forward to place it on hers.
He kissed her with lust, his hand, finding it’s
way into her shirt. She felt an intoxicating
pleasure surging through her system, filled with
sparks as he pinched her teats. She mo@ned
into his mouth, pulling his closer.
She can’t believe a simple kiss and touch is
making her wet. He was about dipping his hand
into her short when a voice disrupted them.
“Boss” Hades dim voice echoed in the room.
“f-__-k” Don cussed, breaking the kiss. He looked
up to him with quite an angry face. “The ladies
are here….” He simply muttered, not wanting to
say more considering the situation he met them.
“Fine….I will be there soon” Donald replied.
Hades left, leaving them both to their privacy.
“Wait for me in my room” he ordered, walking
away. She bits her lips, heaving a shivering sigh.
Mercury’s POV
Staring at my naked body in the mirror, I
marvelled at the beauty God has granted me. I
don’t know why I decide to hide all this beneath
my boyish dresses. The mark on my right
shoulder became more visible; I don’t know
what to call it, perhaps a birth mark. It’s been
there from birth.
I gulped in, imagining the next scene after
leaving this room. I wanna feel him buried
inside of me. I have had this crush on Don for a
long time, too bad he didn’t notice me until now.
Was it because of my dressing, or what’s his
ambition. I can’t call what I have for him love,
perhaps an infatuation…but still, I want a Ďïčk,
I’ve been starved for too long.
I bit my lips staring at the image of my perfectly
busty brea$t, standing firm with pointed n!pples,
down to my quite hairy V. I think I need to trim.
Let’s hope for the best night before war.
Wolves Clan
“So what are we saying…boss has given us a
go ahead to go on a vacation, and a f-__-king
brand new car to aid our travel. Which means if
we are going with our cars we will need a way to
transport it too…that’s if we are leaving the
country…we gat our papers by the way…where
have we decided to spend the holiday….cause I
and Autumn had settled for Hawaii” Mica
“You and Autumn, Hawaii?” Jayden asked with
a confused look. He wasn’t expecting both of
them to go on the vacation. He intended on
knowing Autumn’s place for vacation inorder to
stalk her, and perhaps try his luck on get her
“Yea…do you have a problem with her?” Mica
asked. The whole members are currently
present, having a group drink together, before
Mica brought up the topic.
“Nah…just that, that’s where I planned on
spending my vacation too” he smiled. Kelvin
rolled his eyes. “Hawaii is for ladies….let’s
leave the country bro” He noted, earning a glare
from Moonlight. It became dawn on him that
they planned on leaving together.
“Oops, sorry.. Hawaii it is for you, I have to go
elsewhere..” he chuckled nervously. “Where are
you going?” Mica asked
“Perhaps….” “Miami…. Moonlight cuts in….I
don’t wanna go too far, I might go on more
tours but Miami is the best option for now” She
noted, though he wouldn’t wanna go to that city,
but wouldn’t wanna leave his girlfriend, so he
“Fine… Miami is cool…what bout you
Wizard…and erm…Jade”
“We’ll leave together….I and my sweetheart,
Mexico it is….really wanna go back
there…”Jade replied, slightly pecking Wizard,
who returned it on her lips. The others whined,
some chuckled
“So are you tryna tell us now, that boss has
given you both a go ahead to date…I mean…”
Jayden asked. “Yep” Wizard replied.”ok
ok…enough of the kisses, don’t get us jealous,
it’s better you take it to the room. What about
you big guy….you ain’t leaving?” She referred
to Bruce. He sighed, he seem alone compared to
the others.
“I’m thinking of going somewhere a bit far from
here….perhaps Japan”
“Japan” the others exclaimed. He chuckled
“Isn’t that too far” Autumn inquired. He
“I can’t help it….I’ve always longed to go
there….I don’t know why” he noted. They
“If that’s your wish ..go for it then….but
remember boss wanted us to be available at
any emergency that involves life and death..but
still…Japan is cool” Jade noted. He nodded,
taking a sip from his drink. The talk continued,
as laughter filled the whole room. Some ladies
came in to serve more drinks. One of them
slipped, crashing before them on the table. The
tray she held fell off, as it’s content splattered
on the ground.
“What the hell” Moonlight snapped, the others
stood off the table. The other maids hurried to
pull her up, just immediately, one of them pulled
out a device from beneath the table, without
their notice. The maid who fell struggled up
after getting a signal from her partner.
“Why will you fall that way?” Bruce roared,
getting pissed at the maids clumsiness. Mica
calmed him down
“It’s ok…I think she slipped…just get up and
clean this mess”
“I’m sorry… really sorry” the maid pleaded
picking up the mess she made on the floor. The
others joined in clearing the table.
They went out after finishing up their job. “Did
you get it” the latter asked, rubbing her slightly
injured back. “Yea….here it is” she showed the
little device in her hand. A small black recorder,
which had been successfully placed underneath
the table.
Evans wriggled his brow as he watch Kyla
walked out of the bathroom. He had resented in
staying in her room almost every night. She was
looking enticing that night, he gulped in
watching her wear her night dress which was
clearly visible. He wouldn’t miss the pinkish
round te@ts pickling out of the lingerie nighties
she wore, or the shaved V shape, creamy in
color beneath her torso.
“You ain’t gonna spend the night in my room”
she noted. He smirked, eyeing her lustfully. She
rolled her eyes.
“I love what I see baby” he licked his lips. “It’s
either you tell me the game you were talking
about or leave…. I’m so tired” she snapped
tiredly. He rolled his eyes, sitting upright on the
bed, pulling her hands into his.
“Fine…here is the game….we are gonna ask
each other personal questions…you know, to
know more about each other.” He winked.
“That doesn’t seem like a game to me”
“Yea it doesn’t….but it will get interesting as we
start” “Fine…get on it”
“Ok..first question…who was your first love” he
asked. She squinted. ” You…. I’ve never get to
love anyone, just crushes that never last” she
replied genuinely. He smiled, placing a soft peck
on her lips.
“What about you?” She asked. He shrugged.
“You are the first true love…the others were just
crushes too like you said. I dated two girls, but it
didn’t last” he replied
“Oh…” She folded her arms under her brea$t.
He gulped in watching it plump up.
“Can I ask you something?” “What…thought
this is a question and answer game, why asking
for permission?” She questioned.
“What part of my body do you find attractive?”
He asked, give a broad smirk. She smiled,
checking him out. She has always love his segzy
features, but his lovely eyes is so captivating,
that when ever she stares at it, she finds herself
falling repeatedly.
“Your eyes” she blushed. He licked his lips,
holding her hand into his with a slight smile on.
“Let’s say, your face in general” she chuckled.
“Yea ..cos I’m cute” he winked, pecking her lips
“So what about you….you should have
something for me too” she asked. He grinned,
checking her out. His hand slowly left her hand,
cupping her brea$t…he winked. “This is so
soft…my best part” he whsipered, receiving a
hard strike from her
He chuckled, hugging her to himself. Her phone
rang, diruspting their moment. “Hello” she
muttered on picking tht call. “I think I got info
about him boss” a voice sounded from the
background. Evans will admit that the voice
sounded like that of Raphael, but he wouldn’t be
“Ok me at my study”
She hung up, walking out of the bed. She picked
up a long robe to cover her nightgown.
“Are you leaving?” “Yea ..gat something to do
urgently, I will be right back.” She replied,
packing her hair in a bun
“You can’t seriously tell me you are leaving in
such transparent dress…are you going to meet
a guy” he snapped
“It’s business Evans, and whereas, I’m gonna
cover up with this robe…I ain naked”
“No way…you ain’t leaving this room with that.
Come on” he dragged her back to the wardrobe,
picking out a cover dress for her to put on. “This
is better ..” he noted. She rolled her eyes. Never
has she been controlled this way, but here she is
getting it from a guy she is older than….love is
really crazy.
“No goodnight kisses” he asked. She sighed. “I
told you I’m coming back….”
“Come here…. you might stay longer…don’t be
stubborn huhn…I have tried a lot putting up
with that for long…please let’s not go back to
that” he whispered, planting his lips on her. He
made the kiss brief inorder to let her go.
“Don’t worry….I will be hard for you when you
arrive” he wriggled his brow at her with a wide
grin. She rolled her eyes walking out.
“Boss….” Raphael greeted as she made her
way into the study.
“What news have you got Raphael….thought I
asked you stop keeping an eye on Evans, he is
for the clan now…no need to panic anymore”
she noted.
“Yea…but I believe someone else isn’t for the
clan..or perhaps no more working for the clan. I
haven’t confirmed my suspicion, just wanted
you to know about it” he replied.
“Who?” Kyla asked, looking him back in the
eye. “Justin…Justin Markel
Action scene coming soon. Stay tuned


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