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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 60

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 60

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Lady Mafia
(From Revenge To Affection)
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 60
(Sketching Pad)
Walking up wasn’t a problem for Jade, but that throbbing headache that came long made her wish she never woke up, at least not yet. Tucking the pillow over her head, she breathed out, silently cussing the fellow that pulled up the drapes, causing the ray of sun to fill the room. Her eyes was yet to get used to the brightness, making her flicker it repeatedly.
The rumbling in her stomach made her push her lazy self up. “d@mn…I’m starving” she mumbled, grabbing her stomach with squeezed face. A mouth watering aroma stung her nostril, as she sniffed more to get where the smell is coming from. Her thought was right, the aroma was coming from her table where a covered plate was placed. She hurriedly went towards it, flipping it open.
“Who the hell placed this here? She thought, digging into the soup as she takes sips from it. “I hope it’s safe, can’t be poisoned” she thought within.
The door to her bathroom opened almost immediately as Kyla stepped out of it, cleaning her hands with a towel. Their eyes met, as silence took in. Jade’s question was answered, Kyla had made the soup. For her, or who? She thought, dropping the plate back to the table
“Good morning…how are you feeling now” Kyla muttered, walking closer to feel her temperature.
“You were really burning up last night…thank God your temperature is ok now….here I made you a hangover soup. Finish it up, it will ease the headache…” She smiled
Jade doesn’t know how to react. Should she still act pissed or just smile along, she felt caught in between the reaction to portray.
“Thanks” she muttered after a while. Kyla nodded. “I made your bath, you can go freshen up afterward. I will be having a meeting today with the S. Members..but you can take the day off…and rest properly know… alcohol really works bad on you” Kyla chucked, her smiley face fell when Jade didn’t react. She sighed, rubbing her palm gently against each other
“Fine….I will take my leave now” she noted, making her way to the door only to stop. She turned back to look at Jade. “And ermm…about yesterday…I’m sorry I slapped you..I shouldn’t have done that. About Evans…I will try to stay away from him, if that’s what you want…and ermm..I really don’t know what I feel for him..but giving some space will be the best.” She stated, not waiting for Jade’s reply before leaving the room.
The latter sighed, rubbing her temple. “I’m sorry too” she mumbled, though Kyla was out already. She simply shrugged, picking up the plate of soup as she hurriedly sip up the whole content
Kyla’s POV
Walking into my suite, I met it in a different state; I could feel the presence of someone around. I was yet to contemplate who had broken in when Evans walked out of the kitchen, holding a napkin in his hand.
He has an apron tied to his neck and waist likewise, having a chef cap on his head. I muffled my laughter seeing his mood of dressing, but frown suddenly remembering that I didn’t give him the access in.
No wonder the living room is kinda clean…not like it used to be dirty, but the fact that I didn’t spend the night here might have made some differences.
“What are you doing here…and how did you get in?” I asked, walking to the cellar to pour myself a drink.
“You gave me a spare key, remember?” He cooed. Oops, I have totally forgotten about that.
“And why are you here” I asked again, making my voice a bit stern. I’m trying had to ignore Jade’s words, but it kept coming to my mind.
He smiled, coming closer. “Decided to make breakfast…you might be starving” I scoffed
“You re making use of my utensils without my permission? What if you end up getting it burnt like the other time” I roared, clenching my fist on the glass cup. He kinda noticed my harsh mood, shifting backward a bit with a confuse look on.
“Kyla….are you alright?” He asked. I breathed out, cussing slightly. “Wh@ťěver” I mumbled, ignoring him.
“How is Jade…is she awake now” he asked, making my heart churned. I nodded, drinking the whole content from the glass.
“Ok….I made Waffles and Omelette….it’s on the dinning. I will take my leave now and ermm….if..if you feel like sharing anything with me..I’m all ears” he stated. I didn’t turn to look at him, I feel guilty within for yelling at him that way.
I heard his retreating footsteps, he had taken off the apron while he laid gently on a stool close to the couch. “Evans_ I called out in whispers. He heard me, halting immediately
“You called?” He asked, closing up the distance between. I decided to face him this time, bracing up myself for the hurtful words I’m about to say, that will break me down.
“Let’s stop this…all of this immoral deeds we engage in. I’m your boss for gawd sake…and it’s against the law of the clan for a boss to mingle with the members. In as much as I want this, I aslo h@ťě it. Get that….” I noted, gulping in. His shoulder fell dejectedly..he nodded, pressing his lips together before heading out. He didn’t even say a word
Blood Clan
The beeping sound of a life machine was the only sound heard in Don’s room, where he lay silently on his bed with his eyes close. Only a figure was present. Mercury. She watched him take gentle breathes, his chest heaving up and down likewise.
Grabbing his hand in hers, she gave it soft caress, placing it on her chest. “I hope you wake up soon, I can’t wait to carry out the revenge on that b!tch who ruined this clan.” She gritted, remembering the scene of the last mission; how some of their members were brutally ki||ed. Out of the eight SE members of the blood clan, only 4 is remaining.
Some of the trainees that went for the mission all died..though a good number of trainees are left. Pluto, pascal, Jaguar and Scar who was less expected to die was also shot. Leaving just Mercury, Rodent, Amazon and Don, who is yet to wake up.
“Please wake up in time….everyday, I taste for nothing but revenge…my blood boils for it.” She paused, watching him closely if he would move, but he didn’t. She decided to leave him to rest, not until she heard her name..
“Mercury” Don called out, with less stress. She gasped, turning to look at him. His eyes were widely open, with a soft smirk resting on his lips. He stretched his hand forward, she placed hers in his.
“You’re awake?” “As you can see ..perhaps your wish come through.” He chuckled. She bits her lips, as he squeezed her hand softly. He doesn’t know the effect that touch is having on her.
“Thanks to God” “hmmuu” he hummed, trying to sit upright, she assisted him.
“I woke up last night ..just couldn’t call out for any help here …I heard all that you said..and I’m ready to carry out your wish….only if you will do something for me” he muttered softly, caressing her palm. Her heartbeat tripled.
Yea, she might be Mercury, the girl with a Stony heart, fearless, ready to ki*ll or break skulls, but that heart do melt sometimes and she can’t help but feel this way around Don. She had a thing for him and has always been jealous of Amazon.
Don on the other hand had known of Mercury’s feelings for him, but hasn’t really paid attention to her. Right now, it seems like the log has been pulled off his eyes; was he blind to see how beautiful she look, or is it because she rarely wear revealing clothes like she is wearing now? His little brother twitched as he pulled her closer.
“I will do anything boss” she replied. He smirked. “I want you to work with me…we both shared the same murder that b!tch called Lady Mafia. The death of my father still haunt my soul…I won’t rest until I peel her skin off her body” he gritted. She nodded, tightening her grip on his hand.
“You are in my heart….” She gave a crook smile. “Then that’s a deal then….you have to seal it with something tasty…” He winked, “A kiss”
Her heartbeat tripled, what the hell is he asking her to do. Yea, she has always wanted that..but has never expected him to ask for it. “Ermmm….o..ok” she shuttered, bringing her face closer to his as their lips interwind, he nibbled on hers for a while before breaking it. She isn’t a good kisser, perhaps still a learner, he smirked, giving her a quick peck.
He relaxed back into the bed, smiling at her. She blushed, trying to hide the sparks she felt in her cheek. “Nice lips” he commented “,Thanks boss”
“It’s Don” he noted. She nodded, taking steps away. “I will go inform the doctor that you are awake….”
“Your kiss is enough treatment…I don’t need the doc anymore”
“Nahh…you still need to do some check ups ..I will be back” she beamed, turning to leave only to bump into Amazon who rushed in. The latter pushed her off the way, glaring daggers at her as Mercury tried maintaining her balance.
“Don” Amazon called “Take her out…I don’t need nuisance here” I slammed
“What?” Amazon exclaimed, scoffing “You can’t possibly call me that…it’s me Amazon…Don I came to check on you… just like always” she voice out in broken voice. Don ignored her
“You heard him…get out” Mercury chipped in. The former shrugged her hand off, sniffing in. Her eyes were already fille with tears which she prevented from falling out.
“Wh@ťěver” she growled loudly, stumping out of the room. Don gave Mercury a thumbs up, she nodded before leaving. He rolled his eyes, exhaling. “Girls..huhn”
Evans’ POV
I can’t believe she said all that…I really can’t describe how I feel right now. I feel like a part of my life was taken away from me. My shoulder dropped at the mention of those words that spurted out of her mouth. Does she consider my love as an immoral act, why the hell will she say that…why does she wanna take it for granted.
I wish I had poured out my mind, but perhaps later will do. She might have been pissed by someone to react that way.
One Week Later
“I believe we all understood my explanation….is there any question?” Bruce asked, as he stood in front of the trainees which he just finished lecturing on the use of guns in their different categories. The setting is much like a classroom, having a good number of tables and chairs.
The trainees had gladly listened to the explanation made, having it in mind that the practical aspect will surely be quite hectic. Dismantling and rearranging a gun is a big task.
The silence was taking longer, he believe they understood him perfectly, else there would have been questions thrown at him. His face hardened on sighting Evans at the extreme of the classroom, engross in something as he nibbled with a pencil his hand, sketching a picture in his notepad.
The young lad hadn’t paid any attention right from the beginning of the class making him more piss. He just h@ťěd the guy with passion for no reason….wait, there is a reason…he is The mask’s son…his sworn enemy, even though he is nine ft below.
“In absence of none…class dismiss” he muttered, his gaze not leaving Evans. The other trainees dispersed in groups or individually; Evans noticed the silence and looked up. His gaze met that of Bruce first. He looked around wondering where the others had gone to… Perhaps the class is over he thought, closing the pad as he place it in his bag.
“And where do you think you are going to?” Bruce asked coldly. Evans scoffed
“Back to my dorm of course, the class is over isn’t it”
Bruce snickered
“Yea it is…as*** weren’t concentrating during the lesson”
“And how is that your business…your work here as the Senior Member and teacher is to teach….you shouldn’t be bothered if I learn or not” Evans snapped. He was clearly pissed, having this boring conversation with Bruce. And the fact that he hasn’t seen Kyla for the past one week is really making him sad.
Bruce smirked, using it as a facade to cover his furious look. “I won’t punish you for talking back at me that way…you will get your punishment during the practical lesson…anyways…..I think I dropped my back in the other office….go get it for me” he spoke with gritting teeth.
Evans glared at him for a while, dropping his bag as he left for the errand. Bruce waited for his exit before zipping his bag open. “I wonder what he is always doing with this pad” he thought, flipping it open.
On the first page is a beautifully sketched flower, he flipped it more seeing other drawings until he got to that of a woman. Beautiful is an understatement, her physique is perfect, she look so real in the picture, just the same way she is in reality. His face hardened, he almost squeeze the paper. He flipped more pages to see same picture of the nude lady…in the bathtub, kitchen, on the bed, at her reading table….but the annoying part is that three quarter of those pictures are nudes.
“Kyla” he voiced out…gritting his teeth, as his fist folded. How the hell did he mange to see her nude…
“You shouldn’t temper with others property?” Evans spoke from behind. He knew Bruce was up to something when he sent him out. He would have gone with his bag if his phone was in there ..but it was only the drawing pad. He never wanted to raise suspicion, that’s why he left it.
Bruce faced him angrily. He flipped the page to the last drawing.. that was what Evans was sketching earlier, though, not done with it. It’s still Kyla…
“I said stop” Evans yelled trying to grab the paper from him, but was pushed off, a punch followed. Dropping the pad, Bruce pulled him up by his collar, sending a hard punch to his face. “What the f…” Evans yelled, struggling to break free.
“Tell me this is a mere imagination…tell me that you f-__-king didn’t see her nude” He yelled, tightening his grib on Evans neck. The latter chuckled bitterly. “You wanna hear the truth huhnn…yea…it’s real..isn’t that what you wanna hear” he snapped, earning another punch
“You bas***d…how dare you…you have been peeking at her right….you have f-__-king been peeking at her nude” he snapped, pushing him off. Evans chuckled, getting off the floor. He cleaned off the blood from his cut lip.
“I’m not an as***ole like you…wanna hear more secret…hunh”
Evans was bent on making him pissed, he decided to continue the act..though more of truth is in it
“She made me see her that way, sketch her, bath her…..”
This time Bruce anger was increasing to the apogee “I fingered her tight wet pu$$y ….and f-__-ked her too” he smiled.
“Argghhh….you bas***d” Bruce roared, launching at him with full speed. Unknown to them, Jade had been watching the scene right from when Evans walked back in. She saw him leaving the office, wanting to speak to him. So she followed him behind, only to meet the fight scene. She decided to step in before Bruce ki*ll him.
“Stop….stop it Bruce….what the hell” she snapped, pushing him off. Evans face was almost disfigured. He struggled to his feet, spitting out blood. Bruce breathing hitched, he pushed Jade off his way and walked out furiously.
Jade sighed staring at Evans who had a guilty look on. She picked up the pad from the ground, flipping it open. Her heart broke.
“Is it true…..all that you… said…all you told him?’ she asked. Evans’ mouth quivered. He thought of the reply to give


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