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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 57

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 57

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 57
(Blow His Head Off)
Getting to the location, he halted the car swiftly, picking up his phone as he made his way out of the car, slamming the door shut with force. He swipe the screen to unlock his phone, as the time came up. It’s past six already; he is seven minutes late than the given time.
Dialing the number that called him earlier, he ruffled his hair ruefully, kicking the tyre of the vehicle, just when it went into voicemail.

“d@mn….this is bullshit” Jack cussed, gritting his teeth as he made to dial it again. He is currently in a location far away from the town; it’s very hard to get help from here if any danger arises. The large oak tree some meters away from the road is considered a sacred place for some asian-african traditionalist.

According to the news that spreads like wild fire, no one is to go beneath the tree, it signified death. But that’s just a myth of centuries ago…not everyone believes such in this modern day. The call kept bouncing, he was almost running mad at trying it over again .He turned to face the other direction, seeing if he could get the glimpse of his trackers.

“Am I being fooled?” He asked himself, regretting why he came here alone, he should have informed his boss or take other allies. Someone supposed to be aware of his location incase this people play a foul play. He decided to call one his friends, who is also part of the gang.

“You are not permitted to make any other calls” a voice stopped him. It came from behind, perhaps an inch away from his body. He could feel a cold object with round mouth, kissing his back. He needs no soothsayer to tell him what the object is.

“Raise your hands into the air dirtbag” the voice ordered coldly. He gulped in, wishing he had taken a smart step. The thought of his mother and girlfriend being f-__-ked by some hooligans twisted his brain, making him lose his senses.

“I’m here for my girlfriend…what else do you want from me” he seethed
“You have no right to talk too….move towards the oak, boss wants to meet you” the voice noted. He couldn’t tilt his head to have a look at the fellow, being under gun point. He agreed, walking forward with his hands raise into the air. He made his steps directly into the woods, where the oak is, as one of Hades men who held him on gun point followed suit.
Getting to the tree, he noticed how large and wide it is,; it could cover up ten people hiding in their body which will look so tiny behind it. There, he could see a number of three men, leaning on either sides of the tree. He wondered while he couldn’t see them earlier, perhaps the distance caused it. One of them who seem to be their leader, held a pipe in his lips which he smoked from.

“Move forward” the man behind snapped, pushing him. He didn’t struggle, but kept his calm. Hades smirked seeing the confused look on Jack’s face.

“Well..well, you are here at last…but about seven minutes late. You need a punishment for late coming…Mr. lover” Hades snickered, infuriating Jack. He frown

“My name is Jack, bullhead, and why am I here…I need my mother and girlfriend”. He yelled. Hades wanted to smack him for the little insult he threw, but decided to keep calm.

“Your love ones are fine….only for the moment though…but they will be really fine when you agree to work with us”

“This is not the plan….what else do you want from me…I need to go back with them” Jack spoke up, rashly. “Just keep that running mouth of yours or get f-__-ked up. Don’t get on my bad side, because it’s not nice”

Jack’s face hardened, he folded his fist, releasing it after a while. He looked up to see the annoying smirk on Hades face before speaking up.
“What’s the deal all about?” He asked in a cold voice; one could detect the venom in it. Hades smirked.

“Now you are talking”
Wolves Clan★
The morning came brightly, just as the sun decided to show its face out in the clouds. The trainees could be seen, trooping to their different sectors of training, while the senior members simply head to the power room. Kyla had sent them a message concerning the meeting that will take place at the early hours of the day
Evans on the other hand had received the message to be present. He didn’t sleep in her suite the previous night; he left after dinner which she permitted him to. They had quite a good time, having a brief friendly talk through the night before he retired to his dorm. Seeing her message this morning brought joy to his face. He is gonna be part of the meeting, which means that if they are to go on any mission, then he might tag along.

His smiley face fell on remembering his previous encounter; how bullets were flying round, hitting the truck he was driving. It was really scary but kinda fun, escaping them. Freshening up, he dressed in one of his best black tee, on a black pants, wearing white sneakers. He ruffled his hair allowing it to fall free across his face, giving him a hot bad boy look.

“Perfect” he winked at his reflection on the mirror, wearing a wide grin. Satisfied with his look, he went out of the room, locking the door while placing the key under the foot mat. His roomies had already been out for the early morning training which he wouldn’t be attending

Everyone was already present when he got there. The scheduled time was 7:00, and it’s just 2minutes past seven. Does it mean that they don’t go late all? The weird glares he was getting from some of them almost made his legs wobbled. His eyes wandered to Kyla’s, she had an expressionless look on. He cleared his throat walking towards the table where they all surrounded.

“You are late Evans…” Kyla spoke up. Though there wasn’t any venom in her voice, and her aura depict calmness. He nodded “I’m sorry, I saw the message late” he apologized. Though he lied, he hope she buys it, and even if she doesn’t, he was expecting her to still scold him, but she did otherwise.
“Ok. that we are all present, let’s go into the reason why I called for this meeting.” She noted, giving other information. Evans mind wasn’t really in the talks, he was lost in her beauty. He doesn’t know why she keeps glowing each day, and another surprising thing…they seem to be wearing the same outfit colour. Black. Though she has a black leather jack over her tee shirt. Her white sneakers stood out, aiding her segzy legs.

“Do you get that Evans….Evans??” He heard his name, which jolted him back to reality. “Ermm…ma” he shuttered, wondering why she called his name.

“What are you thinking about?” She asked. He gulped in “huuhhn…”

“Is anyone having any other question concerning the party?’ she asked, ignoring him. “Party?” Evans blurted out, confused. He actually didn’t listen, so what party is that.

“Yea…the party…too bad you have no say in it, cos you weren’t listening. There will be a party coming up next week..not just our gang alone, but another clan will be joining us….” A message came into her phone interrupting her. She swiped the screen, reading it before facing us.

“I think that’s all for now…if there is any suggestions then let me know…for now, we are dismissed” she noted. “Ok boss…yes boss” they responded, dispersing. Evans tried leaving but halted on hearing his name

“Evans….you will go with me…have this” Kyla muttered, throwing a car key at him, which he caught effortlessly.

“You’ll drive” she simply stated, walking out as he followed behind.
Jack’s POV
“Now you are talking” the huge , scary looking man replied as I glared at him
“So here is the deal…. If you still wanna see your loved ones alive…then you have to take us to where Jacob kept Don…deal or no deal” he stated, rubbing his palms together. I felt a wave of panic urging me to puke. This is a delicate decision; I can’t go against my boss or the clan, that bastard needs to be ki||ed. I need to get my own share from what boss will get from Don’s properties. I need to own my own clan too….but my mother…my sweetheart…their lives is at stake. This thoughts bothered my mind, a thousand idea running into my it.

“Are you in or out”
“I don’t know where Jacob kept Don, he alone knows” I lied, trying to save my head. He laughed out.

“Smart guy, I like you already….” He muttered, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. “You know, one thing you should know about Hades is that, I don’t take no for a answer….so for the last time my dear comrade…where….is….Don?” He gritted, his angry look coming up, making him look more scary.

“f-__-k” I cussed. “Can I see my mum and babe first….I need to be sure they are save” I blurted out, not wanting to give in easily. He paused to stare are me, signalling one of his men.

“If that’s what you want..then you will go with us in our van” he said. Just then, an orange van drove out from the wood towards us, as we made our way in.
Driving out of the clan, Evans cast his glance on Kyla who seem to be typing into her phone. He has been given the privilege to know the route out of the clan, u like before when he goes with blindfold. Well, as a driver…he wouldn’t have his eyes covered…right?

“You didn’t react to my lateness?” He voiced out, she didn’t reply until after she was done sending the message. “I know that you didn’t know the rules…next time won’t be favourable” she simply replied, looking up at him. He concentrated on the road. “Where are we heading to?”

“Just follow the GPS”.

“Ok. You’re looking gorgeous by the way” he complimented. She smiled
“Was that why you couldn’t take your eyes off me…huhnn…getting lost in your own world of thought?” She asked. He smiled, almost blushing. Did she notice his stares…goodness. he thought

“I was wondering why we choose the same outfit, without planning it” he tried to wave her question.

“What if we do other things without planning it” she asked naughtily with a smirk. He arched his brow. “Like what?”

“Keep your eyes on the road” she mumbled. He turned back to the road, almost colliding with an oncoming truck, which horn blared into his ears

“Ahhh” he shouted, pulling out of the way to the other side to avoid being hit. Kyla simply kept a calm face, not freaking out.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier that there was a truck coming…do you wanna get us ki||ed” he snapped, breathing heavily with his heart thumping harder against him chest

“I should be asking you that.”
Evans’ POV
“So what else did he do to you” Kyla asked the teenage girl in front of her, who she had been interrogating ever since we arrive this little town. I wasn’t expecting her to come here, like what mission does she wanna carry out, I thought me watch their ongoing conversation.

“He touched me too…he has done that several times. I h@ťě to believe his lies and promises…I didn’t know I was doing wrong until his took my virginity….” The younger girl of fourteen muttered, citing her sister shut. Kyla’s face hardened, I could see anger in it.

The other teenager of about eighteen nodded. “I thought he was having his way with me alone…I never knew he was f-__-king my sister behind, thr_@tening her to keep shut. I got to know about it the day he came to our house for prayers are the late hour of the day. That night, he made his way to her room while everyone was asleep except me…he…he…d@mn” she paused biting her lips as her sister was forced to break down

“He R@P£D me..” she said out with her tiny voice. I couldn’t help but feel anger too, but I can’t place my hands on what they are talking about.

“And you allowed your daughters to be used by that thing…without saying a word” Kyla snapped at their mother, who was also in tears, sitting in between the two girls. One look at them shows their financial statues. They belongs to the poor background.

“I didn’t know at first….and when I later find out, we reported the case to the police. But he got out of it, he has power, money…he has a reputation everyone look up to. No one will ever believe us or any other person he had inflicted. Please just help us….” She whispered the last part.

“Fine….I will see what I can do…but to keep your heads still up…not a soul should mention about this to anyone….is that clear” she asked. They trio nodded. Kyla signalled to me as we got on our feet, heading out.
We parked the car in front of an Abbey, pulling in to a halt. “Here…wear this” she stretched forth a black mask
“What am I to do with this?” I asked “Don’t ask questions, just do it” she noted firmly, getting off the vehicle. I wore it out, groaning at how tight it is. My face will surely not be recognize in this; but she had none on, aside her dark sunshades and nose cover.

We stride into the church empty of soul, since it’s not a service day. A nun walked closer to us, meeting on at the center. She has a smile on her face with clearly didn’t reach her heart, I would say.

“Welcome brethren…how can I help you?” She asked. “Where is the priest?” Kyla snapped with a cold voice. The nun stared at my masked face, having a puzzled look.

“Erm…the priest is not available for now….I will suggest you come back at the ninth hour for your….”
“Get out of my way” Kyla gritted, folding her fist.

“Please daughter of God…” “f-__-k out” she slammed, pushing the nun off with force, as she made her way further.

“No…no…you have to listen to me. You can’t go in there…..” She paused, when Kyla pointed a gun on her hand. “Now…..take me to the priest” she ordered, pouring out the venom of anger in her.

The nun nodded, shivering to her bones. I stood transfixed, wondering why she would do such to God’s annoited.

We followed the nun down to the confession room, where we heard mo@ns, few meters away.
“Goodness” I mumbled, as Kyla forced the door open, pulling out the God forsaken priest and a lady…..wait a minute… she’s a minor.

“You bastard” Kyla gritted, kicking his groin which was out in the open. He groaned grabbing it with his two hands; trust her kicks to have strong impact.

The little girl scurried away after wearing her clothes. She nun who brought us, whimpered.

“You are such a fool to be called a holy name, priest. Your doom is now, Mr. Fornicator” Kyla spat. He shivered, clamping his hands together in plea.

“Please don’t ki|| me…please..” Kyla brought down the gun, pulling the trigger as the bullet hit his Ďïčk… splitting out blood. “Arrghhhhhhhhh” he shouted at the top of his voice… writhing on the ground. I felt the pain myself….this is so disheartening.

“I won’t ki|| you….he will” Kyla noted…passing me the gun. “Blow his head off” she ordered. My eyes bulge out.

“What??” “Don’t allow me to repeat myself.” She whispered. My hands shook, I could collect the gun. “Take it” she snapped. I collected it, not being able to shot.

“$h00t him!!!” She exclaimed. “I can’t” I resorted. “EVANS” She sounded my name devilishly. I slowly closed my eyes, raising the gun up to the groaning man’s face. I attempted $h00ting only to stop.

“Do it” ” He’s a priest” I responded

“You are a mother**ker…” She snapped…bringing out another fun as she fired two straight shots into the man’s head, he dropped dead. The nun went on her knees pleading for mercy

“Trust me…I’m not his Ally…I’m also a victim” she cried out….don’t ki|| me” she pleaded. Kyla ignores her and walked out. I followed suit, she took over the driver’s seat this time, zooming out of the location with a hard frown on her face.

“I….I don’t wanna be a murderer” I choked on my words

“If I hear your voice one last time…then I will turn a murderer by blowing your head off” she voiced out, roaring the engine to life


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