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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 56

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 56

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 56
(Kidnapped Victims)
Donald’s POV
Breathing slowly, my lungs burns with thirst, longing for a drop of water to ease the burning sensation in it. My whole body grow limp day by day, as they lock me up in this dark and cold room, filled with nasty odour, mixed with that of my blood and sweat.

I have been in here for almost two weeks, getting little food and water to keep me alive, after a two days starve, tasting nothing.

The last few hours has been hell, I feel like giving up after the severe beating I was given by that bastard. How I wish father was here…he would have blown his head off. My face hardened, as I fold my fists into balls, remembering the death of my Father.

“Lady Mafia” I gritted, gnashing my teeth, giving my tongue a little cut. I tasted my blood coming out of the wound and hissed. I can’t wait to get out of here, she will regret being born to her father. She will blame God for creating her in the first place.

And about Jacobs, his case is gonna be very simple…he will make a great mistake keeping me in here. The only way he can escape my wrath is if he pulls the trigger, sending a bullet into my skull.

The door suddenly bang open, as the silhouette of a figure appeared at the doorways, shading enough light from entering the dark room. It’s morning already, a little ray of sun tried to peek it’s way through the sight opening.

Without giving it much thought, I knew who stood at the doorways. His footsteps broke into the silence. My partially covered eyes, resulted from the numbers of punches I had received, glared hard at his annoying figure, while he made his usual menacing steps forward.

I snarled, trying hard not to burst out my anger. I feel like crushing him; only if these ropes tied around my arms, fastened to the chair will break loose.
He smirked, just the way he always does when he wants to get something from me.

“Tired of this place huhn….” He asked, walking around in circles. “Or you like the way you are in this place?” He added. I coughed slightly, ignoring his question
“You ain’t gonna talk?”

“What’ is there to talk about” I slammed in a dimmed voice. He chuckled, pausing behind the chair

“The deal still remains, I seriously don’t have anything to do with you…trust me, your father was my rival…yea…but not his son. But you can only be, if you take sides with that pathetic dead soul. Or you walk out freely from this place, going back to the life you once lived” he noted. I smirked this time

“Do I look like a newly recruited member to you….I believe you don’t know who you are dealing with” I seethed. I could feel his brimming anger, resting to the words I said.
He turned round to face me, squatting

“You are such a pathetic soul. What more will you get without life; the free Pů$$¥$, money, fame, respect…hhn…name them. Your father who is rotting away in a canal isn’t getting that life any more, do you want to take that path?”

“My father died for the clan….I will live for it”

“Your life is in my hand Don…and not even the heavens can take it by force”

“Just the way they will snap your head with the tip of their finger, you croaked old millipede” I spat, spitting on his face. He launched a blow at my face; the force made me fall to the ground alongside the chair.
“You are gonna die by my hand Don….tell me where the other goods are…I need them” he flared, dragging me up, as he pushed me to the ground again; with a loud thud, I crashed with the hard ground, losing a tooth, as it contacted the floor. Blood began to gush out of the hole. I could feel life slightly drifting off me

“Who is in charge of his other warehouses” he asked again, but if sounded afar away.

“I don’t know” I whispered. “Don’t worry, you will after taking this shot” he snapped, pulling out a syringe from his side pocket, uncapping it as he injected me with it, on my neck, rendering my mind paralyzed, unable to resist his questions. But the force of sleep pulled me into it’s depth as I fall into unconsciousness.
An orange small van drove into the village after long hours of driving on the highway. The van was parked few meters away from the building in the little town, having a contrast reflection as the hot sun casted it’s rays on it.

“Phew, at long last…” One of Hades men, sitting at the passenger seat beside the driver muttered, looking out of the window.

“You’re sure this is the place she stays” Hades asked his victim, one of Jacobs men that was held captive.

“This is where he hides his family and girlfriend” he replied, confidently. He had determined in his mind to betray the clan….not really though, but Jack is of no use to him. He h@ťěd the guy so much back at the clan, due to his position. Being the boss P.A made him a proud Ç0çƙ, treating other members unfairly.

“How did you get to know about this location. Does he speak of it?” Hades asked, referring to Jack. The victim guy shook his head
“I once had a night stand with the girl…it was out of a bet though. I did it to get back at Jack for some reasons. She was really drunk, I made use of that advantage to f-__-k her; she wanted more, so I asked for her location and promised to visit her soon….but it wasn’t in my plan to. I only wanted her hole..”

“So you mean the girl knows you well”
He nodded
“Then you won’t be coming in with us…is it the house with purple roof” he continued…checking out the buildings a sight away. “Yes…she lives alone…that’s what she told me that night”

“Does Jack know you f-__-ked his gf” Hades asked with a smirk “Nope” the guy replied. He scoffed.

“Bad guy” he simply mumbled.
“We will wait till night time before breaking in….let’s get this van to another location” Hades ordered.

“So…what about me” the guy asked, Hades squinted “What do you mean?”
“I thought you said you would let me go if I help you” he asked. Hades smirked again

“Your job is not done yet” he snapped, rubbing his beard

“But…” The guy attempted saying something when a hard blow landed on his face, he fell into an unconscious zone. Hades had launched at him, to keep him silent. The others in the van laughed at the scene.
“I’ve missed you so much baby, when are you gonna come back” A young lady of 23 pouted, as she spoke to her boyfriend through a video call. Jack let out a frustrated breath.
“I really can’t tell sweetheart, but trust me, I will create time to come see you and my mum. I’ve missed you both….so much” he replied, blowing kisses to her. She smiled, biting her lips

“I can’t wait to get your full length into me, I’ve been starved for too long” she whined. He smiled sadly “Me too…but we can keep ourselves busy…you know” he winked, making her blush

“So’s been a while I saw your Çüñť…” He wriggled his brows. She laughed at his funny expression.

“Sure….I just had a clean shave, and will like you to see it” she grinned, placing the phone properly on the bed, resting it against the headboard.

“Fine…lemme see…lemme see” he giggled. “Yes, but I’m gonna take it slowly, I love the fun that comes with it” she cooed, taking off the towel, wrapped around her body. She was left in her sling bra and P@ŋtîēṣ.

“Fine…just get along with it ..I’m watching” he beamed, relaxing his back on the couch. He watched her pulled off the bra, popping her b00bs out, as it jingled. His smile brightened

“Can’t believe it getting more fuller” he muttered in a lustful tone, as he watch her caress it. She winked “Just for you baby”.

“Show me heaven now baby….” He voice out, already getting turned on by the sight of her body. He made to unzip his pants, stroking his rod from beneath it.

“I wanna see yours too”
“Show me first darling” he breathed out. She took off the pant, rendering her nude self to his view. He gulped in, watching the road to hell. His bulge was already becoming visible, he pulled his rod out, stroking it

“Aint you gonna touch yourself for me…huhn sweetheart..” he mo@ned. She bit her lips, dipping her fingers into her hole. “Yea…there baby, right there….”

They continued in their act which was cut short by the call that came into his other phone.

“f-__-k” he exclaimed, releasing his content as he stared at the contact. He face fell, she noticed this. “Who is that?” She asked

“My boss…it’s a video call….I will need to cut this off now…trust me I will be back. ” He noted. She frown. He pouted

“Please….I need to pick this” he pleaded. She gave a curt nod, pouting. “Stay wet for me…love you sweetheart” he blew kisses and ended the call.

She scoffed loudly, slumping on the bed. She was lost in her thought but jerked up at the sound made from the living room. It sounded like heavy footsteps.

“It wouldn’t be her best friend, Judith…nope she is out of town…or her neighbor who she do have a thing with. It’s pretty late. Perhaps she was just hallucinating. She tried ignoring it only to hear another sound.

Hastily she picked up her towel, wrapping it around her body, taking her phone to dial Jack’s number. But he didn’t pick up.

“f-__-k, why am I getting worked up…it might just be a rat….” She thought. “Or a ghost” her subconscious added, sending iceberg shivers down her spine. She shove off the thought, it can’t be.

Just when she took a step towards the door, it flip open, startling her as a figure stepped in. She tried screaming, but was shut off as the sight of a gun pointed to her face. Her legs wobbled, crashing her to the ground.

“Shh…you don’t dare scream” one of Hades men who was sent to kidnap her noted, keeping her under gun point. She nods severally, shaking to the bones. He smirked, checking her out

“What a beautiful sight to behold this night….tell me you are nude beneath that” he snickered. She raised her eyes to look at him with tears already falling off it.

“Come on, don’t cry…having a look isn’t bad right?” He grinned devilishly

“What do you want from me….I haven’t done anything wrong… please” she sob, giving slight hiccups

“Take off the towel now …” He ordered, buying time as he waits for his colleague, who was still stuffing his stomach with the food he found in the kitchen. They have been lurking around the house for the last two hours, and managed to get in after she retired to bed.

She took of the towel, leaving her bare in front of him. She was on her knees with the two hands up. He licked his lips, staring intently at her b00bs, which he slipped, squeezing it a bit with his left hand, as he gave her te@t a hard pinch

“Your boyfriend shouldn’t enjoy this alone…right..” he chuckled. She thought of grabbing his gun which he held, but he got her trick. “You wouldn’t dare….I’m gonna blow off your brains” he thr_@tened

“Rolf, come on…boss is waiting” his colleague entered, bringing out a piece of clothing which forcefully placed on her nose, not minding her struggles. She went into an unconscious state while her body was placed in a bag .

“You should get rid of your lustful passions pervert.. you might get ki||ed for that” his colleague noted, dragging her body out

“Just the same way you should tame your mouth and stomach foodie”
Jack tried reaching back to his girlfriend after ending the call with Jacobs, but it seems unreachable. Perhaps she had slept off, he thought, retiring to bed..

His phone rang at exactly 5:00 in the morning, jolting him out of his sleep. Checking the caller, his babe’s name showed on the screen. A smile plastered on his face as he picked the call.

“Hello sweetheart….”.

“Hello Mister” a husky voice replied. The sleep in his eyes vanished, as he stood to his feet..

“Wow are you, and why are you with my girlfriend’s phone” he asked, his heart beating father. The caller laughed in a deep voice

“Perhaps you should see this, but first…I want you to know one thing…your babe is safe with us…all we need is your cooperation.” He replied

“Just f-__-king tell me where my babe is and stop this play” he yelled. The call has already being hung up from the other end. “$h|t” he cussed, ruffing his hair. The call came in again, but as a video call. He picked it, gasping at the scene before him.

His girlfriend was stripped nude, fastened to a chair with her legs spread out, and her mouth gagged. She was sobbing profusely trying to speak as the phone was focused on her alone.

He gritted wanting to punch something. The call ended, as the voice call came in

“Now you know where she is….and her condition…she gat nice Pů$$¥ you know…and I gat four hungry men here…”
“What the hell do you want…How much is it.” He yelled, squeezing the phone in his hand.

The background voice laughed. “We don’t need your money Mr. Lover, we will have a deal”

“I don’t f-__-king do deals”

“Then we won’t get to destroy her legs alone….but that of your mother too” That word alone made his heart stop. The call ended as a video message came into his phone. He played it, watching how two men drag the unconscious body of his mother out of the house. He felt like peeing in his pant

“No…no..not my mother too” he gritted. His phone beeped, depicting a message.

★Orleans park, Fredrick road…beneath the large there by 6am, one minute late will take their lives★

The message reads. He ruffled his hair, wearing his pant and shirt, walking out of the building in haste. He entered his car igniting the vehicle, zooming off in full speed.


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