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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 47

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 47

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 47
(New Babe)
Kyla’s POV
Just after I dumped Emma, I zoomed off to the clan. I chuckled seeing Emma’s reaction, through the rear mirrior. She seems to be sending curses at me. Her bad, it won’t work. I had planned everything from the start. Just after I got to the school where we met, I sent a message to Bruce telling him to go to that location, and wait until he sees my car.

The b!tch didn’t know that she is dealing with a mafia lady, thinking she can play smart with me and end up going scot free.

Just after Bruce’s call came in, stating that he had planted the bug on her, I placed a call to Jayden to activate it and watch her activities. The work for today is over, I needed rest. Arriving the clan, I headed for my suite to have a rest, but heard the claging sounds of swords, coming from my private trianing ground, behind the suite.

I’ve not given any order relating to using my properties so which clan memeber has the nerves to train here. I thought.

“Jade” My subconscious muttered. I went forward to have a look, hiding behind the walls to avoid being seen. She seems to be having a fun fight with Evans. I watched their every move, until she hits the sword off, helping him up. I turned to leave, but paused on seeing their change of mood. I thought it was part of the act, until she pressed her lips on his.

I froze, gulping down nothing as my fist folded. I don’t know why I feel this way, but seeing him kiss her back burns my heart. The kiss continued, both were deeply into it; I cleared my throat, startling them.

“It’s just mere kiss” Jade’s wrods rings in my mind. “You are just being a b!tch, he is innocent of all you are doing to him” That word hurt so much. She was in tears when saying all that, I didn’t wish to give that order but couldn’t help it. I feel broken.

Madam Jess came in just after Jade left. ” What’s wrong with Jade, she ran out in tears” she asked. I gnored her, laying on the bed.

“And that’s what I h@ťě most. Silent treatment” she snapped. I sighed “she is gonna be fine” I replied.

“You both got into a fight again, what is it about this time?” She pondered, sitting on the bed beside me, caressing my hair. I close my eyes

“Don’t touch my hair that way, I ain’t a teenager” I muttered, and heard her scoff. The next thing I will feel is a stinging pain on my scalp, she pulled my hair badly, hissing, as she gets on her feet
“What was that for?” I whined, sitting upright

“Shut up, how dare you disrespect me, for goodness sake, I’m more of a mother to you….you are just so stubborn… d@mn, I’m out of here” she cussed, walking away. I hurriedly went after her, hugging her from behind.

“I’m sorry” I muttered, smiling. “Let go of me Kyla” she gritted. I chuckled tickling her. ” I won’t let you go until you forgive me” she laughed pulling off my grip.
“Fine, so why did Jade leave that way?” I rub my temple

“It’s just a little misunderstanding, don’t worry we’ll sort it out, I will speak to her” I noted
“Ok, I don’t like seeing you both quarell, fix it up”

I nodded in response
Running out of Kyla’s suite, Jade made her way to the clan garden, bumping into a body.
“Sorry” She muttered, and tried leaving but he pulled her back

“Jade…” Wizard called, holdingher face up towards his. Here eyes were red already, with her cheeks sticky with tears. He look stunned
“Let me go…” She mumbled, struggling to break free

“No I won’t, you are in tears, what’s going on” He asked, with concern
“Just let me go…please” she cried. He pulled her into a tight hug, patting her back as she sobs on his shoulder. He cleaned her tears with his thumb, after disengaging the hug

” Can you speak now…tell me…who hurt you?

She hiccupped
“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with her…she is just so…she is” she stammered.

“Shh…calm down….okay” “And why should I calm down, I have my life to live and I h@ťě it when it’s being controlled, I need a peace of heart, of mind, of everything….I…I… just” she rushed her words, shuttering in between, speaking gibberish. He pulled her closer, slamming his lips on hers, to perhaps ease her nerves.

She tried to break loose, but he deepened it, she reciprocated after fruitless trials. He nibbled on her lips giving each a hard suck. Autumn, who was on her way to the gym cited them in the act, her heart broke as tears welled up her eyes. She couldn’t continue to watch her crush kiss no other person but Jade.

“Are you ok now” Wizard asked, after breaking the kiss. Jade bits her lips

“You shouldn’t have done that” she replied, he shrugged.
“Just wanted you to be ok” he noted. She nodded

“It’s ok…thanks for it” ” You are welcome” He smiled, satisfied that she wasn’t pissed about the kiss.
Autumn’s POV
Seeing wizard kiss Jade hurts so much, I just cants help this strange attraction I feel for him. Should I call it love or lust? I ran into the power room where Mica seem to be working with Jayden. They noticed my presence and look towards my direction. I couldn’t control the tears rolling out of my eyes, even when I tried checking it in.

“Autumn” Mica called, getting on her feet. I sobbed more. She pulled me out to a safe location.
“What’s wrong, why are you crying” she asked, cleaning off my tears with her palm.

“It’s wizard” I mumbled. “Oh…don’t tell me he turned you down, did you speak to him” I shook my head negatively
“Then what” ” I saw him….kissing Jade”

“Oppss…that’s bad..but why are you getting worked up”
“I love him…what if he is dating Jade”

“Nahh…I’m not sure about that…it might just be mere kiss”
“No it’s not, it was passionate, I can’t help it anymore” I lamented
Jayden who had been eavesdropping on their conversation sighed out, rubbing his temple. He can’t believe she cried for a man that is not him. It shows that she is really in love with Wizard, he felt broken hearing those words she made.

Ever since he set his feet on this clan, he had been captivated by her beauty, ski||s and intelligence. He wished he could just oepn up to her, telling her about his feelings. Though, they were still very young, he had kept it to himself, waiting for the right time

But it seems all hope is lost, she wouldn’t hear him out, she loves someone else….Keith.
Evans’ POV
It was just as if Justin knew what was gonna happen before giving me such advice earlier. Just after Jade left I headed for my dorm but stopped to think of the consequences she will face for disobeying an order. What about me, mine might be worst if Kyla finds out that I wasn’t punished as stated.

I will just turn myself in then. I walked down to the cell where I used to be kept, seeing those gaurds incharge, having a fun chat. They cited me coming and casted fearful glances at me.

I gulped in, wishing for a miracle to happen and clear this mess, but it had happened, no going back. I wouldn’t have kissed her, but she kissed me first, and turning her down might hurt her. I just had to give in.

“Hey…where do you think you are going?” One of the huge ones asked, closing up the distance between us. I shivered, looking inside the stinking cell I am about going to.

“I…erm…boss gave me orders to come here….she asked you to lock me in” I noted. They all looked at me and busted into laughter.

“Guys I think this guy is mad” one of them said

“He is sick in the head…” Another noted. I watched them with folded arms waiting for them to end their mockery

“I’m serious” I noted. Their expression changed to a fierced one

“You can’t just come her and make pranks”
“But I’m not”

“Wh@ťěver…just push him in, whereas, he is our usual client so….” The one with the keys said, unlocking the cell door. The huge one dragged me by the collar, pushing me in.

“Enjoy your night… Williams” he winked, locking the door, as the others roared with laughter. This place is barely clean…well, it’s for criminals. Now I will wait for tomorrow’s outcome
Blood clan>>>
“Argh” Mercury groan as she fight with invisible enemies, under the heavy rain. She had been having a sword training for the past one hour, until the rain started heavily, but retreating isn’t in her dictionary. She trained more, slicing the drops of rain with her sword; the water, giving her more strength.

Scar, who had been watching her from the building decided to step out. He had a stick of cigar between his fingers, which he smokes from.

Allowing the rain to soak his clothes, he stood behind her, taking his time to admire her features. Though he might beat her in a fist fight, but wouldn’t try her with sword and guns. He only attain the second in command role because of his ski||s in drafting out stategies and his high rank.

Puffing out the smoke from his mouth, he called her name
“Mercury” She stopped her act, turning to face him. He walked closer to her.

“Good fight…but you’re gonna get a cold” he noted. She shrugged. ” I love the rain”
“You should stop…I don’t want a sick member. Whereas…boss will be having a meeting with us soon” he stated.
“Boss? The Mask is back?” She asked. He nodded. ” You have been here all day…you wouldn’t know”
Marshal, Don and Emma had returned to the clan that evening. She had related the issue on ground to him, excluding the makeout she had with that stranger. They had planned to get the clan members involve in the game, incase Kyla bring hers.

According to the mole from the Wolves clan, there hasn’t been any discussion relating to napping The Mask, but one can’t predict that lady, she is smart.

Amazon, on hearing that Don is back decided to visit his room, before the meeting will commence. She has missed him so much, and wonder why he has decided to snub her.

On getting to the door, she wanted to pull the knob open, just like she usually do, but decided against it. She doesn’t want him to get pissed, since they haven’t been in nice time for a while now.

Knocking on the door, she got no response at first. She decided to knock again. This time, it was pulled open, revealing Emma. Her face scrunched up in frown. She had totally forgotten about this strange lady, seeing her face again irritates her.

“Who are you…and what do you want here” Emma asked, glaring at Amazon who returned the same glance.

“What sort of question is that. I should be asking you what you are doing in my boyfriend’s room” Amazon resorted. Emma was forced to laugh, closing the door as she step into the corridor, opposite Amazon.

“Did I hear you well…cause the last time I checked, he only have one girlfriend, and that’s me” she noted with pride. Amazon scoffed, her fist folded

“B!tch…harlot, you think you can have him to yourself huhnn….who do you even think you are?” She snapped

“I am Emma, the smart girl, not like some nincompoop with a lunatic ability. Jeez, who will wanna date a wide stinking hole like you? You suck, Amy…he is tired your wide hole…”She was yet to complete her sentence when Amazon sent a hot slap across her face. Emma retaliated, punching her jaw as they both grab their hair.

Mercury and Scar walked in, in time to see their fight. The former ignored the scene walking away to her room while Scar tried disengaging them.

“Stop this fight…what’s wrong with you both” he ordered.

“Leave me alone, lemme beat up this Ɓîtçh” Amazon yelled. Emma chuckled, tucking her hair backward.

Right in the room Don smiled chatting with a lady he met at the Warehouse, who was among those sorting out the hard drugs. They both had a section in the restroom, and exchanged contact. He doesn’t mind if those two out there break their heads, he has found a new babe.
Next Morning>>>
“Where the hell is he?” Kyla yelled out to the gaurds in charge who pointed to the cell where they kept Evans. She had sent from him that morning only to get a report that he wasn’t in his room or anywhere in the clan.

She got furious thinking Jade had hid him, or perhaps he had escaped, only to organize a search and was told by one of the gaurds that he turned himself in to be locked up.

Evans listened from the room how she lashed at the guards before entering. He looked directly at her not moving
“Why are you here, get up” she ordered angrily. Why will he turned himself in, was he testing her patience. He rolled his eyes

“You asked me to be locked up…just ki|| me already…I’m tired of all this” he resorted. Her face hardened.

“Drag him out of here…to my suite” she ordered the gaurds, since he wasn’t gonna respond to her. They dragged him out.
Getting to her suite, he took his bath in her bathroom, since she didn’t give him the freedom to go to his. The bathroom door opened, as he stepped out in nothing but her white towel, wrapped around his waist.

His hair was dripping wet, down to his body. She gulped in, seeing his bare skin, from his biceb to his abs and his muscles. He noticed this and smriked. Now he knows her weakness. She is slightly attracted to him, but covers it up with her fierce character.

He knew she was only being jealous seeing him kiss Jade. ” I will use her weakness against her” he thought. She frown on seeing his smirk, comporting herself

“I told you not to use the white towel …you are so stubborn” she gritted. He shrugged ” Just like you” Her mouth dropped at his utterance.

“Like what you see?” He asked, drawing closer to her. ” I can just take off the towel for you to see more” he snickered. She gulped in, folding her fist. ” What do you mean by that word” she gritted

“Oh come….I know….I know about every d@mn feelings you have in that heart of yours. Tell me you weren’t jealous when I kissed Jade yesterday…tell me” he whispered, closing up the space between them, staring down at her lips which she took in, wetting it. He gulped in, he want to play her, but her beauty is playing him. His Ďïčk twitch beneath the towel, the bulge was becoming visible.

“f-__-k you” She whispered. He smirked ” Let’s turn the tables….what if I f-__-k you hard…. instead” he winked.


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