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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 44

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 44

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 44
(Blood Taste)
Garth Warehouse~~
“Let’s move it…move it..come on, stop working like fast with it men” Hades yelled at the warehouse workers, who were busy moving in items in crates. Some could be seen shirtless with just a piece of trouser while the others simply wear working dress.

He pulled out a cigarette from his side pocket lighting it up, while smirking heavily. His gun hang steadily on his shoulder as he supervised the work. He checked the time cussing loudly

“We need to hurry up men, it’s almost dawn….move it” he yelled, as the workers doubled up, taking each crates into hidden rooms in the warehouse. The crates contains substance of cocaine and other hard drugs. It was shipped down earlier the previous day, in large cartons, which concealed its identity.

He walked to the vehicles where the offloading is taking place, hitting the door with his hand, harshly

“You all shouldn’t act like snails, move this thing out in a jiffy”

“Yes boss” they replied. Just then, his phone rang, he picked it immediately

“Boss” he called out as silence followed.

“What’s the news” he had Marshal’s from the background, he seems to be having drags of cocaine at the moment considering the nature of his voice and how he sniffs repeatedly.

“We are almost done with the offloads boss, everything is in order”

“Good… single pack should miss, I will be there to check it out for myself soon.” He replied. Hades nodded.

“Yes boss”
The call hung up, as he returned to his duty.


The men were done with their work, standing on a straight file as they were being searched with a detecting device. This is usually done after each offloads, considering the fact that some might escape with a pack of drug hidden underneath their clothes or bags.

A blonde man who stood at the far end could feel his life leaving him as Hades came closer with the device, he knew he would be a dead meat if anything is found on him. Thinking of a fast way to escape, he cited an opening close to where he stood. He mentally made calculations and took to his heels before anyone could notice

“Hey…..he is running away” one of Hades guys noted, as everyone turned to his escape direction

“F***k this” Hades cussed, corking his gun, he targeted the man’s leg and gave it a shot. He had almost gotten to the exit but the bullet was faster, it pierced into his leg making him stumble to the ground with groans; blood gushed out of the bullet wound.

Hades laughed, walking closer to squat before him. The blonde man groan in pains, struggle to get on his feet

“And do you think you will be able to escape every gaurd on stand point, where do you think you are heading to” Hades asked, sniffing the man’s body. He signaled one of his men with the device to scan his body, it detected a pack of cocaine hidden under the man’s overall. It was taken out immediately as Hades eyes burns with anger

“You dare steal from the boss?” He gritted, grabbing the man’s neck, choking him out

“Arghh…please…I’m sorry…I just needed the money…please don’t ki|| me” He pleaded, Hades laughed, releasing his grip.

“You should have thought of that before stealing, remember the work code, touch and die….so you know what’s coming next” he spoke huskily.

The man fell to the ground, pleading.

“Please don’t ki|| me….my wife is pregnant, I have a sick mother….I really need to see them again, they won’t be happy to see me dead.” He cried out, sobbing loudly. Hades acted in pity, pouting while rubbing his hair.

“Ouch…so sorry to hear that” he mimicked his voice

“You are gonna see them again” he noted, giving the man a little hope. He cleaned his tears, gulping in
“Really… will let me go?”

“Oh no…not that….you will see them…….in hell” he snapped, grabbing him forcefully by his hair as he slashed his throat with a dagger

“Kiss the devil’s @zz for me” He gritted, dropping the man’s corspe on the floor. He cleaned his knife, getting up on his feet.

“And that’s gonna be for anyone who steals from this warehouse, a word is enough for the wise”
Kyla’s suite<< She could feel his hot breath across her neck as he cleaned her wound. She stared into the mirror waiting for his next move, he brought his lips closer, she turned to look at him, he didn't look away. They both stared into each other's eyes She gulped in, watching his enticing lips, how she wants to suck every bit of it, but it won't be right letting him know her weakness. She is not ready to act weak at this time of danger. Lust...that word is strong and can bring one to ones knees. He closed his eyes leaning closer, what nerves, does he had the same mindset, he is getting so confident, more than she could ever imagine. Or was he just teasing her, she looked down at his pouted lips, pink in nature, softer than that of a lady, tempting to the core. Her lips were fully ready to be kissed, it was just an inch away from his when the door bang open. They both jerk, turning towards the entrance, as Bruce stepped in, hurriedly. Kyla frown, folding her fist. Evans simply shift backward, Bruce gaze fell on him at first as he sent dagger glares "Boss....I'm sorry for barging in this way...are you okay?" He asked. She squinted, folding her arms "I thought you were injured...." "What are you doing here this time of the night?" She asked coldly "I...I am on patrol boss...I saw two figures entering your suite from afar with one leaping....another gaurd said so too, we thought you were injured and erm...maybe someone helped you in" He lied "As you can see...I'm fine" she noted, moving towards her bed "But-" "Leave Bruce......and the next time you barge into my room this way without a reasonable issue, then consider yourself dead" she snapped. He couldn't believe she will say such to him. "Ok boss" he muttered, glaring one last time at Evans before stepping out. She exhaled, taking off the ninja clothing on her, left in just her pants, with an unclad upper body. Her fresh looking b00bs jingled as she walk her way down to the bathroom, while Evans watched on. "Get out of my room" she ordered without turning to look at him. He didn't move until she entered; the sight of her skin alone is enough to get him crazy. Kyla relaxed in the bathtub filled with warm water, reminiscing on the last scene that happened before Bruce barged in. She had almost kissed him again, or let's say he would have kissed her....perhaps. What if Bruce hadn't entered, will they be on the bed f-__-king hard...or having few smooches, will he be able to make feel good "$h|t...Kyla...he is just 23" she thought, closing her eyes. The door clicked open making her eyes flutter. Who is coming in? She thought as Evans surfaced "I thought I asked you to leave....I'm f-__-king having a bath" she yelled at him, though still in the tub. He shrugged "You said out of the room, not the suite...." He replied, making her eyes pop out. "Bastard" she gritted "Get out before I lose my temper" He gulped in, his foolish self wouldn't consider his head before taking drastic steps "But .....I thought you called me your puppet....that I will always be around you, no matter where you are, or what you do" he replied, taking slow steps towards the tub. He couldn't see her nudity, she was beneath the soapy water, but coming closer will give him the perfect view he longs for. "I can't remember saying such....leave for the last time" she snapped, angrily this time "Just know that if you take a step closer, I'm gonna chop of your Ďïčk and give it to the dogs" she thr_@tened. What nonsense? She thought, glaring at him He took back his steps and left. ~~~~~ Morning^^^^ Breakfast time>>>
“I like to move it move it….he likes to move it move it, she likes to…..” Jayden sang heatedly as they wait to be served on the dinning.

“Can you just shut up, d@mn you suck at songs” Audrey snapped, earning a soft glare from him. He chuckled, increasing his pitch.

Moonlight walked in, dragging a seat noisily, she sat beside Mica who muttered a good morning. The others came in just in time to meet the maids already dishing out their food.

“Who is up for a game with me after breakfast” Jayden asked with his hand raised up, the others simply hissed shaking their head.

“Goodness that was harsh…” He feign sadness, touching his chest

“You really want the boss see you play games when you should train?”

“All work and no play makes jack a dull boy” he defended

“Jayden, actually…leave Jack out of it, you’re the dull one” Mica replied. He smirked.

“Come on you know I’m the IT guru here, you ain’t close to my level Mica…..just shut up” he mocked. She gave him a f-__-k sign

“Well, I’m free so we should play the games…but it must require some betting… I’m sure you will always lose to me.” Kelvin noted, winking at Moonlight whose gaze met his. Jayden chuckled.

“You’re sure about that”

“Fine…I’m in too, since money is involved” Audrey chipped in

“That’s my baby girl…..come and get a kiss” Jayden pouted his lips, drawing closer to place it on hers.

“f-__-k off” she snapped, punching his face, he succeeded in dodging the blow. The chattering continued among them except Bruce, Jade and Wizard who were clearly not interested in their talk.

Wizard and Jade kept exchanging glances, having different thoughts running through their minds. She is suddenly becoming uncomfortable, close to him. He could clearly remember what had happened the previous night, though, it was triggered by the excess alcohol he took, but he couldn’t help but want more of the brief moment they shared.

“Jade…” He whispered her name, loud enough for her to hear, being that she sat opposite him.

“We need to talk” he muttered after her response.
“Jade…I’m…I’m really sorry for what happened last night” Wizard pleaded, just after they left for a secured place to talk

*It’s ok…I also got carried away, you were drunk.” She replied, pressing her lips together

He sighed, rubbing his temple

“But why did you get so drunk….it’s unlike you”

He stared at her for a while wishing he could just make her his at the moment. Of only she knows how crazy he is about her

“I missed someone” he replied.
“Oh…sorry about that…..”

“It’s you Jade….you” he cuts in
“I don’t get”

“You are getting far away from me….I admire you so much Jade, and trust me, all that I said last night is nothing but the truth. You make my heart beat sweetheart… I’m tired of keeping it in check. I want to love you for real. I don’t want anything to come in between us” he poured out his mind to her
She sighed

“Wizard….I just…you know the clan rules”

“No one is gonna know about it….” He interrupted

“We are not to date our fellow member, it’s prohibited….I don’t want get implicated….I’m sorry” she replied coldly, leaving him out of words
Unknown Location>>>
“I will be there by 12” Donald muttered into the phone as he hung up. Just then, Emma walked out of the bathroom, clad in a string pant and bikini top. She climb up the bed, relaxing her body on his unclad chest, while drawing circles on it with her index finger.

“Who was that?” She asked, placing a soft kiss on his chest, giving his n!pple a brief suck. He exhaled.

“My dad” he replied, as silence took in, only the sound of her mouth and his hitched breathing. Taking his hand to her butt, he caresses it softly. His mind drifted to the last conversation he heard with Marshal concerning her betraying them.

“Emma?” He called. She didn’t respond, until he stopped her from the job taken. She smiled pecking his lips.
“Wanna discuss something?”

“Have you heard from the b!tch?” He asked, referring to Kyla. She shook her head.

“Nope….perhaps still having her plans, all is gonna be futile by the way” she let out a chuckling sound

“What about you? Who are you working for….Emma?” He asked, staring into her eyes. She frown

“What sort of questions is that?”. “Just answer”his cold voice deemed her ear

“The Blood clan of course, I’m working for you…else why will I sacrifice my time and everything to get that b!tch, you should know how much I h@ťě her” Emma gritted

“Just the way you h@ťě my dad” he resorted. She gulped in, wondering if she was still save around him. Did he notice a foul play, doesn’t he trust her anymore?”

“You know that your father doesn’t like me, but I’m being the best for this game….I alone can bring Lady Mafia to your feet…..wait a sec, are you suspecting me” She asked, getting on her feet. He sighed, sitting up.

“I just wanna make sure your head won’t end up rolling down when I descover any foul play….get that” he cooed, lighting up a cigarette, smoking from it. She surged closer to him, leaving just an inch space between their faces.

“Then do it….f-__-k the hell out of me and give my meat to the dogs if I dare betray you.” She seethed, confidently. He smirked, liking the act she put on. He loves her courage and strategic mindset. Blowing the smoke into her nostril, he bits his lips staring down at her body.

“Get that string off and spread your legs” he ordered

She smirked, liking his response

“Yes…your highness”
Kyla’s POV
Taking sips from the cup of tea, I glance through some documents I got from chief’s mansion, containing reports of Marshals firms and companies, mostly the ones considered legal. The world knows him as a multi-billionaire business man who has shares in many well know business enterprises. But in the Mafia world, the word drug is gold.

Flipping through the pages, I took note of some business partners he works with, especially those who ended up becoming his enemy after looting through hard earned properties.

“Vincent Jacobs” That name sounds familiar to me. Oh, he is also a Mafia Lord, but detest Marshal to the core, though they are still business partners.

Hmmm, I can ki|| two birds with one stone…first is Emma, and the other willl be Jacobs
Picking my phone, I place a call to Chief

“Calling so early in the morning” he muttered in deep voice

“Can I get more details on this man.. Vincent Jacobs, can you reach him” I asked

“I don’t want to have anything to do with that man, he ain’t different from Marshal”

“And that’s why he is going to be useful….make arrangements, I want to meet him. We need to strike a deal before the next 24hour”

“You need to think Kyla, he isn’t just a mere civilian. You won’t be able to get to him easily”

“And that makes things more easier…..tell me, who wouldn’t love to taste the blood of their enemies”
There was silence for a while.

“You will get your report soon….my boys are on it” he replied. I smirked
“Thanks are a lifesaver”

“Just don’t get yourself ki||ed girl…I won’t forgive myself”
“I can’t die now until I make my enemies pay……why am I Lady Mafia?”


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