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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 43

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 43

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 43
(Lustful Imaginations)
Wolves Clan~~
Waking in the middle of the night was more of a stress to Evans, but he managed to scale through; the noisy alarm he set the previous night made a loud buzzing sound, jerking him off his bed

“Jeez, what sort of crazy sound is that” Justin asked drowsily, he stirred tiredly on the bed, shutting his ears with a pillow to cool off the annoying sound

“I’m sorry” Eva’s muttered, turning off the alarm without hesitation, and dashed into the bathroom for a quick freshen up. Turning on the faucet, he splashed some water in his face exhaling loudly.

“I can’t believe it’s morning already, goodness” He yawned, taking a quick shower after cleaning his mouth. He wouldn’t want to keep Kyla waiting; their schedule meeting is to take place by 2:00am, it’s just 1:35am.

Dressing up in a simple leathery shot and jacket, with a Maroon tee within, he dashed out into the cold morning, heading directly for the gym, where he is to meet her.The red light in his wrist watch blinked, showing the time

“d@mn, I’m running late” He mumbled, hastening his steps. The street lights aid his vision as he walked along the path that leads to the gym room. He pushed the door open, as it made a silent squeaky sound.

He paused to stare round at the cold and almost empty room, that can easily be called a hall, for its length and width. The gym’s equipments had all been moved out, giving it an empty space.

“Did I come too early” he thought, taking steps off the entrance. He was yet to take the sixth step when he felt the presence of someone, walking out of a hidden room, dreadfully dressed, with an intimidating aura oozing around her.

With eyes popped out, he gulped down his saliva, watching the figure about taking its position at the center of the hall. Her physique depicts her feminine gender, covered in ninja clothing and a mask on her face. She held two swords steadily in her hands.

No doubt, he knew the lady behind the mask is no other person than Kyla but what’s the show about, he thought with a pounding chest..

“What… what’s going on?” His question was replied with silence; she placed a sword on the floor, kicking it with her foot as it strides toward where he stood, stopping few inches before his feet. He stared down at it, returning his gaze to her.

“I didn’t plan for this” he cooed, picking it up. Though, he had undergone few sword trainings, but fighting with the boss isn’t what he would bargain for. She swung the sword in the air like a professional, marching towards him, while he simply held his still with two hands, waiting for her attack while he strikes back

She launched at him furiously, as he shield himself with his sword; each making clanging sounds at they collided.

“This is bullsh!t” He exclaimed, dodging her hit by chances while she lurch further. Swinging the sword into the air, he surge for her throat missing the target woefully, she gripped his hand, sending a hard punch into his stomach as he groaned painfully.

She stamped on his feet, turning him over with a single swing, landing his back to the hard ground.

“Argh….b!tch” he cussed. She chuckled beneath the mask, swinging her sword as she waits for him to regain his stance. He struggled to his feet, picking his fallen sword. Feeling something cold along his lips with a metallic taste filling his mouth, he touched the liquid. Blood.

He scoffed, furrowing his brows which migrated to a frown. His fist folded in a round ball; holding the sword firmly with two solid hands, he gave it a slice in the air, swinging towards her fiercely. She simply dodged with less effort, sending a wicked blow to distract him.

“Too slow” he smirked, dodging the blow. Gat this; he thought, sending a quick kick with hit her stomach.

“Not bad for a start” she muttered in whispers, staggering backward. He felt elated giving her a hit. She smirked dropping the sword slowly, she felt fed up of using her weakest ski||, she wouldn’t want to injure him.

Evans noticing the change of fight dropped his sword, standing in a set position for a fist fight. She wasn’t attacking first this time so he made the first move, giving his best punch which seems to be the weakest to Kyla. She twisted his arm earning a loud groan from him, he retaliated with his other hand, grabbing her hair in a tight grip.

“Sh!t” She hissed, pulling his hand forcefully off, but not without his fingers leaving a bloody scratch on her neck. Kneeling his stomach, she sent him downward with a last blow. He writhe and groan, spitting out a little blood.

She pulled off the mask , breathing heavily.

“Get up and let us get out of here….you suck” she muttered, but got only groans and gasps as reply. Dropping the mask and sword in a safe place, she walked up to him, stretching forth her hand which he grabbed with much effort. She pulled him up, as they made for the exit.

It wasn’t up to a minute since they left when Bruce walked out from another hidden room in the gym hall; he had been there before the fight, taking note of each scene. Though, the duo were oblivious of his presence, he only got to know about the night training by eavesdropping on Mica and Audrey’s conversation earlier on.

Audrey was ordered to set her outfit and clear the gym with some trainees. He knew immediately that Kyla would be at it again, carrying out her usual night training or test, just the way she does to other senior members, tasting their abilities. But he was curious to know who it will be this time, until that bastard came in…he thought.

“She will only implicate herself and us all by training that boy, the Marshals are still the same, no matter what. But I’m gonna end this at all cost” he gritted, walking out of the hall.
“No…no…mum..mum!!! Come back!! Don’t leave me” Little Jade cried out running after the dispersing figure of her mother, who wouldn’t wait for her daughter to catch up with her.

‘”Mum!!!” She screamed, bursting into a loud cry. This made her mum stop, though still backing her.

“Are you gonna listen to me mum…you have left me for long…I miss you..I miss you so f-__-king much, now that I found you, you wanna leave me alone? Again? Mum, I’m talking to you….it’s me… Jade…mum” she cried, sobbing. The figure didn’t move a bit

“You ain’t gonna stay there and hear me speak without saying a word, mum it’s your daughter….your ten years old daughter….I’m suffering mum…come back to me…please….” She beckoned, walking closer to her mum’s figure.

She almost lost her breath when she turned to face her…this wasn’t her mum that she knows, her face was now more of a dead corpse….rotten and pale. She smiled wearily, also shedding tears

“W…what…is this why is your face this way……this is not you mum…not you”

“I am…but we can’t be together daughter….we can’t…you have your life now… revenge our death… revenge us” she screamed and went with the air.

“Arghh….no… no” Jade screamed, taking to her heels, she stumbled into the woods, falling countless in between shrubs and thorns. She bumped into another body, a shrill chill went down her spine like an iceberg, her throat went dry.

It was her dad, looking dreaded with just an eye. The other eye was gone, a bullet hole was found in it, it has fresh blood, bleeding profusely.

“She did this to me….she shot me in the eye…. revenge us” he muttered. She shook her head, clamping her hands across her mouth, to avoid the sob about emitting from it.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” she sobbed, shifting backward. His face scrunched up in a fierce look, his fist folded into balls as more blood gush out of the wound, he squeezed it more

“Revenge us!!!!!” He roared


Drifting back to reality with a swift move, she gulped in, seating profusely. She hadn’t had this nightmare in a long time…why is it coming back, she thought, kicking the blanket off her body.

She walked towards the drink bar in her room, taking a quick shot. It burns down her throat making her groan. The sweat on her forehead multiply tickling down her face. Walking into the bathroom, she turned on the faucet, splashing water on her face.

Staring into the mirror, she could see the face of someone, her mother. Nope, it belongs to her, she only grew up to look like her mother. Memories of their lovely moment filled her mind, bringing a tear from her eyes. She tried to cheek in the pain, but couldn’t, the nightmare’s picture kept flashing in her mind.

Her mum shouldn’t have died, she was so innocent of all that she got entangled in. All this wouldn’t have happened if The Mask and Luna weren’t involved, her parents were mere victims, including her and Kyla.

Walking out of the bathroom, she picked up a long robe to cover herself, walking out of her room. The f-__-king nightmare ruined her sleep, she won’t be able to sleep comfortably.

Heading for Kyla’s suite, she paused seeing her figure with that of an injured person who was clearly leaping. Evans. She was helping him to her suite. This ruined the vibe to go there, she wondered what might have gone wrong….and Kyla might not take it lightly seeing her come in at this moment.

Her eyes wandered round the clan buildings, she really doesn’t have a friend among the senior members, talking about the females. Audrey and Mica are cool, but they just don’t get along, those two are friends by the way. And talking about Moonlight, she is always bent on teasing or picking on her…..that’s gonna be a last option

“I will just head back to my room” she thought, but halted on citing Bruce, walking some meters away. He might be on patrol, she thought, turning back to leave, only to bump into a body.

“Jeez….” She uttered, gripping the fellow who almost stumbled

“Wizard?” She called, checking his face out. He smiled at her, hiccuping

“I know it’s you….I dreamt about you” he replied sulkily. His mouth smell of alcohol, he seem drunk

“You are drunk Wizard….it’s really late…are you just leaving the bar by this time.?” She asked, not waiting for a reply

“I will walk you to your room”

“I’m not drunk” he responded

“You are….you see…you can’t work properly”

He didn’t want to argue with her, just like he couldn’t keep his eyes off her as they walk. She entered his room, dragging him to the bed where she lay him on.
“Jade…..” He called

“You need to rest….you will be ok by morning” She turned to leave, but he grabbed her, tightening his grip on her wrist while gulping in

“Don’t leave me….please, don’t” he pleaded. This brought back the nightmare memories of how she was begging her mum

“Wizard…” She called softly, trying to pull his hand off hers, but he struggled up, pulling her closer to him. His breathe casted air upon her face, as he stared down at her lips. Her eyes popped out, with heartbeat thudding loudly

“I love you Jade….I love so much, what else can I do to prove this…the sight of you alone takes my breathe away. I can’t live a day without thinking about you, my heart leaps at the mention of your name.

Your lips, reminds me of sweet honeycream, soft and fluffy…..your eyes beholds diamonds, reflecting joy and gladness.” He caresses her cheeks, looking deeply into her eyes. She gulped down, she doesn’t know how to react to all this

“Allow me to do this, this once Jade….please” he cupped her cheek, pressing his lips on hers, she tried to break off but his grip was stronger. He forced his way in, sucking on both parts of her lips, giving her a soft bite to let him in.

His hand caresses her body, loosening the robe, leaving her in just the nighties. She struggled with him but gave up. Her body lit up on fire, reacting to his touch. She felt his hand delve into her gown cupping her soft bre@t, which he gave a tingling squeeze. She mo@ned in his mouth, reciprocating.

Her body wants this, she long to be f-__-ked, but that will means taking advantage of him. He is clearly drunk, and all he said just now….well, might be true…she wouldn’t want him to get the wrong answer.
With the last strength left in her, just as he was about taking off her nighties, she pushed him off, sending a blow along which landed on his face. He passed out

“f-__-k this…..d@mn.” she touch beneath her; it’s soaked and wet

She managed her way out of his room heading for hers…..what a night..
Evans’ POV
I watched her as she clean my wound. I had gotten a cut from her sword earlier on my wrist, didn’t notice it during the fight until.we got here. She was kind enough not to leave me there to find my way out. My twisted ankle had been bandaged and I could say she did quite a good job, for not being a medical personnel.

My whole attention was on her face throughout the treatment procedure, I wonder why a beauty like her would opt for a Mafia queen, instead of making money as a model or making men’s pants go down….goodness me.

Her pink pouted lips stood firm and enticing as I watch it from a close distance, I could feel her breath slightly and she would feel mine. Silence was the only word in the room, except that my heartbeat seem to get in its way. I could imagine myself taking this lady to a different world, bleeping the hell out of her hole, teasing those pinkish n!pples with my tongue, fínģƐŕing her cl!t…..argghh, I winced as she added the iodine.

She glanced at me, tripling my heartbeat, taking her concentration back to the wound dressing.

“So….ain’t you… gonna talk about” I bit my lips, wondering why that crazy question is popping up.

She didn’t act like I was talking to her, well, perhaps listening

“Ait you gonna talk about what happened that night…..the party night” I rushed my words. She paused, glaring at me

She dropped my hand and scoffed

“I think I have given you more or less chance to ask foolish questions” she gritted

“It’s not foolish…I’m sorry…but I just need to know….why did you kiss me”

This time, I was expecting my head to be on the tray within few seconds.

She chuckled

“Because you are my puppet, and I have every right to do whatsoever I want to do to you” she replied, a little huskily

I gulped in

“In fact…I shouldn’t be doing this” she snapped, letting go of my hand. She walked closer to the standing mirror, checking her injured neck.

I stood up with the aid box, towards her.

“Let me help you with that” I cooed…adding a please when her expression changed

She didn’t resist, taking out the cotton wool, I dipped it into an absorbent, cleaning the scratch. She didn’t flinch, but continue staring at the mirror, until the space between us was just an inch. My breathing hitched, I stared down at her lips

“Kiss her….just this once” the voice in my head stated

“Murderer” I replied within…but my body was saying otherwise. I wanna taste her lips, I wanna feel her touch…I want her to mo@n my name.

I leaned closer, closing my eyes, waiting for her next move.


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