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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 41

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 41

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 41
(Sisters’ Day)
Blood Clan~~
Amazon’s POV
“According to boss, our victims are not far from our noses. We are gonna strike when it’s time, but we need to draft out more plans incase the first one got trenched out. We will be taking a break of one month to rest and carry out the plan…am I cleared” Scar muttered, as everyone either hummed or nodded to his questions. Being the second in command after The Mask, he is back to his role, after surviving the bullet wound.

These days we haven’t been having meetings with the boss, he is kind of distant, leaving the jobs for his son Donald, and Scar. Meanwhile, if Donald should be here he would have been the one to address us, but I’m surprised to meet his absence. Scar noted that he went for a vacation; I scoffed.

A vacation when the war is just around the corner, I smell something fishy, and whereas the new girl isn’t present. Hope it’s not what I’m thinking..I thought, with my heart pounding to a higher degree

“Where is the new lady by the way….erm…what’s her name” Pascal asked, rubbing his beard; looks like he has a thing for that lady, he had been looking round for a while now, perhaps searching for someone.

“She went on a mission, she’s working with Donald” Mercury replied, looking directly at me. I glared at her, gulping in

“A mission? That’s weird” Rodent chipped in

“But she’s still new, she haven’t spent up to a week here” Pluto added

“She has been staying with the boss, I think. She joined the clan a month ago, but wasn’t known to all of us, aside Don”

“So you mean Don had known her all along…for like a month” I asked under my breath

“Oh… you wanna know? Yea; and not just that, he might have also been f-__-king her hole” Mercury mocked, I didn’t give her a chance to say all before lashing on her.

“You b!tch…ba$tard” I growled, sending a punch to her face. She wasn’t expecting it so it hit her real bad breaking her nose as it bleeds through the nostrils. She stood to her feet, touching her nose with her finger. The reddish liquid stained the tip of it, as her face scrunched up in a frown, excavating to anger.

She threw a punch at me, which I dodged, retaliating. I ain’t a match for her when it comes to fist fight but I know how to give her pain

“I h@ťě you…..I h@ťě you so much” I yelled grabbing her hair, she did so to mine sending blows into my stomach. I fumed, tightening my grip on her hair

“You are the b!tch” she seethed

“Amazon…come on, stop this” I heard Pluto reaching out to me, with someone pulling me from behind.

“Hold them down” Scar ordered, as Rodent grabbed Mercury; she shove him away, sending a sparking slap across my face. I felt my world go round, seeing stars from the Orion. Mercury’s blows are made of steel, she launched another blow at my nose, before I could spell jack, I began to bleed through it.

I still don’t know how she let go of me, I got to know after gaining consciousness. It was Scar who pulled her away

“What the hell is wrong with the both of you” He snapped, looking beyond pissed

“You are gonna get a whole lot from me” I cut in, shoving Scar’s question aside. Though I am badly wounded compared to her, but that wouldn’t make me back out

“Shut the f-__-k up and get a mirror, to see how b!tchy like you look” Mercury resorted, spiting out blood

I gritted my teeth, folding my fist. Heaven can’t describe how much I h@ťě this lady, she disgust me in everything.

“I really don’t blame you…the fact that you have never had a guy to look you twice is your pain” I smirked, giving her a croaky glare

She chuckled, not acting pissed. She walked closer closing up the space between us, with a scrawl on her face

“Atleast I’m not the one with a drowning hole.

“Enough of all this both of you….or you both are gonna be punished.” Scar snapped, pulling us apart. How I wish I could add more scratch to her face, but if life gives me a chance, I won’t hesitate to do so.

“ need to calm down…okay” Pluto noted, pulling me away. I shove her hand off, walking away.
Wolves Clan~~
“I feel like going wild, I don’t think I can keep in these feelings anymore”Audrey muttered, walking closer to the bed where Mica sat. The latter, who fully concentrated on her phone looked up with a soft smile

“Then what’s stopping you from telling him” She asked. Audrey huffed

“The law”

“And how sure are you that many are still keeping to it”

“Are you dating anyone” Audrey asked, folding her arms. Mica shook her head with a pout

“I wish I can find love” she stated. Audrey scoffed

“You have guys flocking around you, you are just being a play girl”

“Well, that’s what we are meant to be… whereas, the boss doesn’t have a love”

“f-__-k this, I love Wizard…I just don’t know how to approach this to him. It’s kinda feel weird for me you know” Audrey muttered in a soft tone

“You just need to try your luck, you don’t need to carry the burden in your heart from too long…lift it off your shoulders, okay” Mica advised

“What if the boss finds out that we broke the law against dating, and eem…what if he rejects me” She thought, letting it know to Mica, who shrugged

“Well, no one’s gonna know. Some of the maids and servants here are going against the rule, and whereas you both are matured enough to keep it a secret. And down to your other question, if he does, you just need to take heart and know for sure that you ain’t meant for each other, perhaps you will find love someday” Mica dater

Audrey sighed

“Fine…I will give it a try”
Emma’s POV
Entering into the hotel room, I relax my butt on the soft bed, sighing briefly. d@mn, my journey had been a little hectic. Meeting with the one and only Lady Mafia is more of a privilege; can’t believe she is so young compared to what I think of her to be.

But I h@ťě the fact that she act so bossy like there was no one to put her in a tough place. The sound of the running shower from the bathroom stopped, signifying the fact that the fellow bathing was done and will be here any moment from now.

“Babe… you’re back” His husky voice sounded from behind, just as he exit the bathroom.

“Yep” I popped the P, getting on my feet as I walked towards him with a slutty smile on my lips,. I unbuttoned my shirt, giving a view of my apples; I could see him salivating

“You’re gonna be the death of me” he whispered

“Sure” I winked, wrapping my hand around his neck as we engage in a fierce kiss. He gave my B-__-bs a quick press, fondling this tips at all edges. I mo@ned into his mouth, giving him the chance to check out my soft spot. This guy surely makes me feel good

“You did the job?” he asked still between kisses

“Yes….hargg ..and I’m assuring you that the job’s gonna be done. Trust Emma, I’m the best at what I do”.
“And the clips”

“Come on Don….trust me, I gat everything covered. The Mafia lady isn’t gonna notice a thing, jeez….kiss me down there” I mo@n slightly as he found my soft spot.

“You are a badass” He replied, taking a te@t into his mouth

“Just take me already….I have been starved this past days”.

He flipped my shirt over, takin full control as we head directly to the bed.
Kyla’s POV
Taking out some files from the drawer in my room, I went through it for a while before deciding to check on chief. I’m still at his mansion, not yet back to my clan. Bruce is currently in charge of running the clan smoothly, and I can say that he is doing a great job, same as the others.

“Kyla….never knew you were still around, thought you left already” Chief asked, just as I was stepping into his office. He sat in front of a large table, filled with files of all kind, with a pair of glasses on his face. He had this handsome look that an old lady of his age will fall for.

I have known chief to be a quiet and handsome man, and his study is always this way, quite messed up with lot of files which I knew nothing about when I was little. You might be wondering, who is chief to me. He used to be a god father to my dad, he was once my grandfather’s business partner dealing with imported items.

He knows about the clan and has been a huge support to me right from when Luna died. He has been the one introducing clients to me and help expanding the clan for my benefits. He has his own gang, but they are just made up of trained experts and of which Emma is part of.

He trains little teenagers into becoming successful beings, until they are mature to go their own way. He doesn’t run it as a strict clan like mine, everyone had their freedom but beneath that freedom are rules that shouldn’t be broken, it could lead to needing one’s head . One last thing, he is a hard time politician, having the government around his fingers

“I will leave soon, my bags are packed, the car is ready…I only need a tiny winy information from you” I replied, taking a seat.

“Oh…” He cleared his throat, taking off the glasses. ” Seems it’s gonna be really important…right” he asked

“Sure Chief, it’s about Emma” I dropped the bombshell, expecting him to react in a funny way, but he simply smiled

“Oh…well, I will be glad to tell you more about her” he noted, more like he was proud of I relating any issue concerning her

“I need her records….I want to know more about her”

He shrugged, clamping his finger together

“Ok…but why will you need her records…Emma grew up here, she wouldn’t betray us will she?” He asked

“I don’t think so, she wouldn’t want to lose her head right” I asked with a smirk. He sighed, ruffling his hair a bit

“You wanna investigate her? You should be working on how to make plans of the mission”

“I need to know who I am working with, no one is to be trusted”

“Not even the fact that she was trained under my nose….what will she be looking for out there that I haven’t given her. Emma can’t play any foul play” he resorted

“Same way I can’t trust everyone…come on, why didn’t you give it a thought. I left my clan, my members just to carry out this plan alone, I don’t want to involve everyone…cause I don’t trust”

“You should learn to though…not everyone is The Mask”

“She attends a University outside the state, there is a high tendency that she would betray us if we ain’t smart, the lady is too wild for my liking”

Chief sighed frustratingly, looking perplexed

“And meanwhile, there is still something you might have not given her…..segz. she looks hungry for that to me too”

Chief laughed out

“You are just so funny Kyla…anyways, she used to be my best trainee, but…I will give you the chance to make any inquiries. Her records will be sent to you soon”.

“Good…I’m leaving”

“Can’t you stay for today, you know and make more plans…” He suggested

“I have plans for today…”

“What plans”

“It’s sisters’ day….” I replied, getting off the seat. He chuckled shaking his head

“Wait, don’t tell me you both are still doing all that” He asked, jovially

“Sure….and I mustn’t miss today’s episode…goodbye chief”

“See you then”
Evening ★★★
Jade’s POV
Kyla arrived the clan this afternoon, the other members went to welcome her. Well, it’s normal, she had been away for three days now. I can’t say if I miss her, cause I gat Evans to keep me company. We have become suddenly close these days, and it’s get me more drawn to him. I couldn’t wait to see his lovely face each day; but now that Kyla is back, we might still see though not frequently.

Dressing in a small knot top on black short I proceeded to her room, she had sent me a message to meet her there. I wonder what she has for me, we really didn’t talk through out her stay away from the clan

“Come in” she ushered me in on getting to her suite

She was dressed in same clothes as mine, looking dopely hot. I wish I gat her curves, kinda weird seeing her on short and knot tops with her long hair let loosed. It was like we planned this meeting, but it’s more of a coincidence

She had this smile on her face which seem genuine, spreading her hands wide for a hug which I took well hesitantly.

“I missed you” she whispered into my hearing. I felt stunned, not like she hasn’t said that word a lot of times, but now, I think there is a reason behind this.

“Here…I got you something” she directed me to the dinning table where a huge chocolate cake stood, I was forced to chuckle, now I know why.

” You got this for me?” I asked with a soft look. She shrugged, we both took our seats opposite each other. I thought she had forgotten, well I think I had too. Today is sisters’ day, a day we set aside to have fun as sisters, the day we agreed to be sisters. Kyla had always made this certain day remarkable for the both of us, she never wanted me to feel the pain of losing my parents..

Despite being under the law of Luna, Kyla still sneak us out to have fun, our location is usually the river down at the extreme of the clan. Sometimes she gets me cupcakes, because I love it alot, chocolate colour precisely, and I do get her lollipops.

Those childhood memories flooded my mind bringing tears to my eyes, I didn’t know when I burst into tears. It’s been a year now since the last sisters day, that day ended badly, due to a little clash we had, ever since then there had been this boundary, we no longer chat as usual

“I’m sorry” she pleaded, wiping my tears. I cried more

“Jade please….don’t cry…you are gonna make me cry” she voiced out in a cracky voice, more like she wants to cry. I sniffed in hugging her

“Thank you” I muttered in whispers

“It’s ok…come on, let’s dig in and liven the moment” she suggested.


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