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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 38

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 38

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 38
(Heart Leaped)
Blood Clan**
Dark Room~~
Jothan’s groans could be heard from the dark room, as blows upon blows followed, hitting across his face, and the lower region of his head. He exhaled spitting out blood, trying to remain conscious. His hands were fastened to the back, tied to a chair. The predator lashing on him, loosen the piece of clothing wrapped around his hand, cleaning off his stained blood

“You ain’t gonna ki|| me…will you?” Jothan asked, breathlessly. Scar smirked

“What if I do?” He replied with a smirk, bending to his level, just to see how bloody his face is

“I’m a member of the clan”

“You were. Get that. But you have betrayed the clan, you thought you weren’t watched right? You thought you could escape from the boss, do you think there is anywhere too small to hide without being seen” Scar asked. He has already fully recovered from the bullet of the previous mission. He was given the task to deal with Jothan for his recklessness before the boss will give his final judgement.

“I never betray the clan…I did the right thing, the clan betrayed me” Jothan gritted, raising his voice a little, as Scar landed another punch on his face, splitting his lips

“d@mn it…d@mn you” Jothan yelled out, not wanting to surrender. Scar chuckled, getting up

“Let’s see who will be damned” he was about pouncing on him again when The Mask entered. Scar held his fist in the air, shifting backward for The Mask to come in fully. He bow in respect to him

Dressed in his usua outfitl, with a pipe in his mouth, and a deadly aura surrounding him, he stride into the room, breathing out smoke from his mouth and nostril. Jothan struggled to look up to him, he glared daggers at the man who made his life bitter sweet.

“J.J, long time no see…Mr. Runaway” Marshal mocked, giving a sarcastic grin

Jothan hissed, shaking his head. He hope in his next life never to come in contact with a man as The Mask. The man had picked him from the street when his was just a teenager, just after his high school. He was forced to join the clan and promised to enjoy luxury to the fullest.

His only job was to watch over Evans, more like a secret bodyguard, though Evans knows nothing about that. He sees Jothan as a friend he made some years ago, not knowing about the mission behind it. Jothan on the other hand had been diligent in his job, he gives the boss every report of anything that goes on, so The Mask eyes was invisibly watching his son, despite not being there in physical.

He was to attend the same University with Evans, just to be on a safer side, and was sponsored by The mask. He became so close to Evans that he took him as a best friend, not just his boss’ son

He also doesn’t like the clan job, but had to do it for the sake of the mercy Marshal had shown to him, only to find out sometimes later that Marshal had a hand in his parents’ death, they didn’t died of the disease that everyone believed it to be. This ignited deep hatred for Marshal, and he swore to reveal some of the clan secret to Evans or anyone, and go into hiding.

He couldn’t fulfil his wish though, Evans was taken, he couldn’t face Marshal, he knew he would be ki||ed

“You betrayal, after all I have done for you, treated you like a son, give you the best education, make you feel alive again after picking you from the street. All you do in return is try to play smart….huhn”

“I don’t know what you are talking about …it wasn’t my fault that Evans was taken….he wanted to go for a vacation, I couldn’t hold him down”

“I gave you orders….”
“He was visiting your mansion, the security is enough for him, I’m just a one man guard, whereas he wasn’t their target”

“But he was taken”

“He would have been ki||ed if he was their victim, just like you wife..” Jothan spat, earning a slap across his cheek. He groan


“Traitor….huhn…you think I won’t know….you ki||ed my parents” Jothan yelled, furiously, his eyes turned red with grievance

Marshal smirked, smoking from the pipe

“I only quicken their death…the doctors did a good job, if they were to be alive, you wouldn’t be here. Not only that, I brought to dust your father’s business, inflicted pain on them, added salt to their wounds just because they failed to submit to me.

Your father wanted to compete with me in the business game, but unfortunately…..he lost…now you know” he whispered. This time, Jothan’s eyes was already filled with tears, he felt like launching at him, shredding his skin to pieces.

“You murderer…..I h@ťě you” he gritted, folding his fist into balls. Marshal chuckled

“I was only using you….but now….your time is up. Won’t it be better if you join your parents in hell, you have missed them right?” He snickered, getting on his feet, pretending to walk out of the door. Scar was about resuming the torture but Jothan knows what was coming next, that’s his tactics of ending his victim, giving them a little hope of freedom and later taking them unaware with a bullet bursting their brain out.

He gulped in, ready for the inevitable. All he hopes for is his mail getting to Evans, he had sent it when he went to get groceries the previous day, he could sense danger that morning and was prepared for it. He needed Evans to know all about his plight before going to the great beyond, he wished he could meet him again, but that wouldn’t be his fate. In his next life, he wouldn’t accept help from a Mafia Lord.

Marshal turned swiftly with a gun in his hand, pulling the trigger; his bullets never miss, it went straight into his forehead, breaking the skull, with blood gushing out. Jothan’s head fell downwards as he gave his last breath.
Wolves Clan
“Here, check this phone and see if there is anything you can get from it” Kyla muttered, handling the phone to Jayden. It was Jothan’s phone which they had taken from his apartment.

“Ok boss”

“Mica, get me Evans” she ordered. The latter nodded and left

“You are not to relay any message you get to anyone, if you find anything suspicious let me know” she added, leaving the room. Jayden checked out the phone, shrugged before turning on the system

“Goodness, from work to work” He mumbled
Evans’ POV
Today seems to be a free day, there wasn’t any training or work to do, and with what I heard from Justin, there will be a little club party tonight, so everyone is getting ready for it. Not just the members will partake, the maids and servants are free to join, order from the boss though

Right now, I’m about doing what I love most, painting. But my equipments ain’t complete aside the pencils and drawing pad I took from the studio room. So I will just draw something; the sudden thought to draw Kyla came to my mind.

“No…I won’t draw that woman” I thought, kicking against it. But the picture kept coming, I could remember the first day I met her, the day I was brought here, she was dressed in all black, wearing a nose mask, while her hair was allowed to fall freely, she looked hot in that dress but scary at the same time.

I should be hating her than life itself by now, considering all she had made me pass through, but I can’t help but push behind that hatred. Anytime I remember her word, telling me about my dad ki||ing Hers, I feel guilty of being called a Marshal, I wish I never have him as a father.

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice when I began to sketch her, putting all effort to make it look perfect. I was done in less than an hour, staring at the beautiful piece I had sketched.

“She would love it” my subconscious mind muttered. I scoffed closing the pad

“It’s worthless….I’m just a slave to her”

A knock came on the door, I was the only one in, and my roommate wouldn’t knock when coming in, who then will be at the door. I went for it, meeting a lady

“Hey…” She smiled brightly

“Eem…hi” I replied, not knowing how to react

“I’m Mica…a senior member” she noted, stretching forth her hand for a handshake

“Oh….nice to meet you Mica…I’m Evans” I replied her, taking the handshake with a smile this time.

“Yea….boss needs to see you…go to her suite” she stated and left

“Jesus…what am I expecting this time”
Kyla’s POV
Walking into the room, I strip bare to take a shower; allowing the cold water to wet my skin. Memories began to flood my mind, I didn’t let them get to me, my aim to make my father proud, building the clan is one of my priorities.

Stepping out of it, I felt refreshed, though I wasn’t happy at the outcome of today, if Jothan had been captured by anyone, either the police or the Blood clan, then it might be a loss for me. A knock came on the door just after I had dressed up.

Perhaps Evans, I thought, but was surprised to see Bruce. After the last mission, I haven’t been calling for him, I wonder what his mission here is. He walked in after being ordered, glancing at my outfit before clearing his throat.

He is fond of doing that, most times, I have caught him checking me out. Bruce is one of the guys who had attempted hitting on me while Luna was still boss, too bad I wasn’t ready for Love, and even if I am, he isn’t my type of man.

“Good day boss” he greeted, gulping in. Is my outfit really having an effect on him? I thought, well, I’m currently wearing a crop top with leathery black bum short. Sometimes, I just love dressing crazily hot, not to ki|| or give urges to my male members, it’s just part of me.

“A surprise visit” I asked, walking towards the wine bar to take out a drink and two glasses

“You might say so….you haven’t been calling for me..and eem…I just wanna know if you will be needing any help” He replied. I smiled, pouring out the drink into the glass cups

“Here…have a drink with me” I muttered, stretching the glass forward to him. He hesitated

“You don’t have to …boss…”

“It’s an order…take it” I used a tone of finalization

“Thank you boss” He collected it from me, taking a seat

“So why did you come if it isn’t a surprise visit” I asked, staring directly at him, to catch any strange action from him

“I only came to check on you….I…noticed you wentto L.A earlier today”

“Yes” I replied, not wanting to say more. Though with the look on his face, he wanted the full story, but I ain’t the type to tell my plans before the results. This isn’t a group mission, so it should stay with only those I chooses

“Oh…ok” he simply replies, not want to ask more, I think.

“And..wrm…about tonight’s party?”

“What about it?” I asked, he shrugged. He seems confused, I knowI ain’t giving him the right attitude to chat freely. Well, it’s just him, we grew up together, he should know my attitude by now and how to relate with me

“The party will still hold…it’s what the members wants…so they will get it… everyone needs to have fun right….before the next mission” I stated. He nodded

“Sure boss…but are the new trainees gonna partake in it?” He asked, though he wasn’t that vocal, but I heard him clearly

“Both the maids and servants…..only the prisoners are exempted” I responded

He was yet to say another word when the door opened

“Holy $h|t!!!” The fellow exclaimed, closing back the door in haste. Bruce face scrunched up in a frown, he was about getting down the stool to check out the fellow, but I stopped him

“He didn’t knock…..” The fellow knocked interrupting him

“Come in” I ordered. The knob was pulled downward making the door give way as Evans entered with fear clearly written on his face

“Why didn’t you knock earlier” Bruce asked, getting off the stool

“I..I’m..sorry, I wasn’t thinking….” Evans stammered

“Bruce” I called out to him


“Please leave us…we have an issue to settle” I stated. Bruce hesitated, he glared at Evans one last time before leaving.

“Yes boss”

I waited for the door to bang close before speaking up.

“Come closer” he came forward, though not too close, with his head facing the floor. I almost chuckled at his nervous look, I wonder what could be going on in his mind right now.

“What were you doing before coming here?” I asked

“Sketching” he replied sharply, bitting his lips, more like he regretted giving a direct answer

“Sit…..on the chair there”

He quietly obeyed. I had it in mind to interrogatie him on the earliest occurrences. But later gave it a thought, if I should ask him about Jothan and why he disobeyed my orders by calling him, he might feel more insecure and derive other means to break my rules without my knowledge.

I would just let that go for today and give him something else to do, so that it won’t be like I called him for no reason. I still don’t know why I find it hard to ki|| or do away with him. Right from the first day I took him from Marshal’s mansion, I couldn’t get over the way he stared at me, even now, his eyes still melt my mind, but the demon in me wouldn’t surrender.

I don’t believe in love, so let’s say I only feel pity for him. For the fact that he is considered innocent of the deeds of his father.

“Can you sew?” I spit out, not knowing why I asked that

He nodded

“Yes ma’am…yes boss….I’m sorry” he whispered the last part. I smiled

“Fine…I have some torn sheets…I want you to stitch it up” I noted

“Ok boss” he breathed out

To be sincere, those bedsheets are worn out, ans needed to be disposed. I won’t use them anymore, but the thought of having him here, watching him work is bothering me. So I have no choice than to keep him busy, whereas, he hasn’t been busy for a while now.

The sheet were not really torn, I made sure I tear it more to take more time. He gasped on seeing it, perhaps it’s much to him. Well I did more than this during Luna’s reign

“Here….make sure it’s properly sown” I threw him the threads.

“Take it as a punishment for disrupting my meditations the other day” I mumbled, though he heard me, looking up sharply at me. Our eyes locked for few seconds, and I could swear I felt my heart leaped

“What’s going on” I thought, breaking contact.


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