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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 37

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 37

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 37
(Target 2)
Jocelyn (Evans’ mum) paced round the room, having several thoughts running through her mind. She pondered on what Jothan had told her earlier on, and the police men agreed to track his location, bringing him down to MIami for interrogation.

His phone will be needed to track the last call he made with Evans, they believe that they will get to know where he is held captive through that. And if Jothan has a hand in it, they are gonna find out.

But the thought of escaping is taking the better part of her mind, she has this strange urge of believing Jothan. He wouldn’t lie to her, he has been friends with Evans for a long time, and he had been the one to relay the news of his kidnap first to her.

Though she also saw it in the news; the assassination carried out in Marshal’s house. According to the maids testimony, a gang of men came in to ki|| the victims, but they can’t say if Evans was taken or had escaped miraculously.

Pushing the thought aside, she went for a small box, bringing out some clothes she will be needing with few important items as she stored them all into the box. She brought out her wallet, checking the amount of money left

“d@mn..I will need to withdraw some cash” she thought to herself, picking up her cards, she placed it inside her purse. She planned on leaving very early the next morning since the day is dark already.

Walking into the bathroom, she stripped bare, climbing into the bathtub, filling it up to her desired level, with flowery flavour to her taste, she relaxed her body, letting the warm water soak her skin.

She tried thinking of several cities she will love to go to, danger rings in her mind every now and then, the whole day haven’t been better for her. She just hope things work well, and the police carry out their duty.

She will just tell them of her sudden need to leave the city for a while and be back before the end of the next day. Enjoying the warmth of the water, she felt relaxed though the tension in her mind increased when a slight sound from behind blast into her eardrum

“Jesus Christ” she jerked up, rubbing off the water from her face

“Who is there?” She asked, with the little courage in her. There was no response; she walked out of the bathtub soaked to her skin, pulling out a towel to cover her nude. She switched on the light in the way leading to her room, checking each nook and cranny to find the intruder. She quickly grabbed a wooden bat beneath her bed proceeding to the living room.

The place was extremely dark aside the light emitting from the front bulb. She turned the light on as a black cat from from nowhere jumped out of the window.

“Argghhh…” She shriek, grabbing her chest

“d@mn…it’s just a f-__-king cat….pheww…” She whistled, breathing in and out. She walked into her room, about closing the bathroom door when her door bang close.

“Argh” she gasped, turning round to see a nightmare in human form. A huge muscular guy wearing black all through. He had a hoodie on preventing her from seeing his face, he let out a smirk seeing how scared she looked, and most of all, she was just clad in a towel, just the sight he wishes to see.

“Wasn’t expecting this sight” he voiced out in a husky voice, tilting his head sideward, pulling off the hood

“Who are you?” She asked in a whisper, shifting backward, while grabbing the towel tightly to her chest

“You will know soon” he replied walking further into the room, she could now see his face clearly, she almost collided with the bed while moving backward but held still to the ground

“Don…. Donald…” She called with shock all over her face. She hasn’t seen him in years but his scary face still remains the same.

Don smirked

“Now you know….going somewhere” he asked, sighting her box on the bed with clothes scampered around

“It’s not what you think…what do you want..” she spat, despite the fear in her heart, she still tried to stay strong

“I’m here for you ….or who else.” He took gentle strides forward

“If you have nothing to say just leave”

“Huff…still as arrogant as before, you home wrecker” he spat.

“I’m not any of what you call me, get out”

“Ohh…come chase me out. You think you can be free from my grip forever? After bringing that bastard of a son to my father’s house, a child you never cared about from the start. You placed my mum under pressure just before of what you did, dumping the child for us to take care of only to come back for him later”

She gulped in, watching him close up the space

“I was still a kid then, and I’m sure that Evans doesn’t know about all this because he was just a baby. You tried to take advantage of that to make my father take you in as a wife and despise my own mother, you witch. Only to find out about his dirty secret and run away with the child.

I h@ťěd Evans the day dad brought him home five years ago, reminding us of who he is to us, the baby who was brought in the last twenty three years ago. The child who brought nothing but bad luck to me and my family.

Just like the bad luck he brought home when my mum and Grannie was ki||ed, while he went into hiding, pretending to be kidnapped by the Wolves…haahaa….too bad, you are gonna pay for all that I have lost” he yelled out, his eyes turned red, remembering the brutal death of his mum.

“Wolves” Joycelyn thought in her mind. Was that the people that kidnap her son, she thought

“Donald….” She called with tears already thr_@tening to fall off her eyes. She knew about all he said, it is true. She was so desperate during her teenage age, getting pregnant after a one night stand was a huge mistake she made. After finding out about Marshal being a rich business tycoon, she saw that as a pathway to becoming rich, he wouldn’t reject his son.

The DNA was done and it was confirmed, Marshal promised to send money to her but it wasn’t enough, she wanted more, she wanted to swim in luxury, drive expensive cars, have a house of her own, she needed to be called Mrs. Marshal.

Only to find out his real deal, being a Mafia Lord, she doesn’t want to be entangled in his mess, she ran away with her baby, only to be caught after few years.

Donald scanned her body for a while, he went closer to her while she shifted backward

“Donald…you ain’t gonna do what I’m thinking” She cried out. He smirked, loosening his belt

“What if? You are a street slut…ain’t you” he asked, yanking the towel off her, as he grab her neck, pinning it to the wall

“Leave me alone you ba$tard…hagh…help!!!” She screamed, but he shove a piece of clothes into her mouth, slapping her hard

“Gat a wide hole right….I’m gonna bleep you till you get soar b!tch” he gritted, th-ru_sting into her.
Mercury who had arrived the place with Donald waited patiently for him in the car. She was actually sent to get Evans’ mum by The Mask, but was cornered by Don on her way to carry out the mission. She had taken Jothan already to the Blood clan, making this her second target.

Donald gave her strict orders not to allow his father know about him going with her. She still womder how he got to know about this mission. Taking the lead to bring her himself, he warned her not to step out of the car.

“d@mn…it’s almost five minutes…what’s he doing in there” she thought, becoming restless. She decided to ignore his warning, alighting the car to check out for herself. She heard muffling screams just as she entered the building, following the direction of the voice, it led her into the bedroom

The poor woman could be seen pinned to the wall with Donald having his way with her.

“What tf- Don….” Mercury yelled, pushing him off. He returned a blow to her face with she dodged, pushing his body off the woman

“You b!tch…I asked you not to leave the car. He punched her face, she returned it with a kick on his groin.

Joycelyn found this as an opportunity to escape, she picked up her towel and jumped out through the window.

“Hey….” Mercury yelled out at her, about running after her, but Donald yanked her hair backward

“How dare you disrupt me…you…”

“You ain’t following the bosses’ order” she snapped, pulling his hand off her grip. He chuckled evilly, tucking his rod into his pant

“I am also your boss” he gritted, pulling her closer by her jaw

“And you will also obey my command” He gritted

“f-__-k this” she seethed inwardly, regretting everything from the start. “I should have informed boss”
Joycelyn ran in her towel all the way to the police station, she tried forcing her way in, but was prevented by the police men at the gate.

“Hold on ma’am….where do you think you are going to” he asked, holding her down. She struggled with him.

“Let me go…let me go…I need to see officer Beck…let me…arghh” she screamed, shedding tears.

“You need to be calm down ma’am, you ain’t properly dressed, you can’t get in.”

The struggle continued, and just as fate will have it, Officer Beck walked out of the gate, meeting the commotion

“What’s going on here…”

“Help me….they came after me…they came after….get the f-__-k off me” she pushed the officer holding her off, going closer to him

“What is this ma’am, you ain’t dressed”

“I was R@P£D, I was R@P£D….they came for me, they….”

“You need to calm down, get dress and explain all you have to say” Officer Beck noted. She nodded, still shivering

“I…I can’t go home…he came for me….he R@P£D me” she cried out, sobbing

“We will go check on your house now….but you need to be dressed first…come on” he ordered, directing her to a secured place where she could get a female dress to change in.
Mica and Kyla arrived L.A few minutes after leaving New York by air. They rented a car to carry out their operations, surveying the slum, checking for cameras, and at the same time tracking Jothan’s location.

“We are there already” Mica voiced out, Kyla parked the car at a distance, turning off the car.

“We will go through the back door, and if there isn’t any, we will find a way to get in” Kyla noted, as Mica responded with a nod.

“Be on a safe track” Kyla added.

They both stepped down from the car walking towards different end, this time they are to communicate through wireless earpieces connected to their ears.

“Any suspicious activity on your end” Kyla asked, checking the environment, they were dressed and acts like sanitation officers, pretending to be checking out each environment.

“No boss…it’s cleared” Mica replied

“Fine….I can now see the back door, walk into it…I’m behind you”

Getting into the house, they met it silent with no soul in it. The groceries Jothan had gotten the previous day was still on the table where he kept it in the kitchen.

“No one is here…I have checked the other rooms” Mica stated, Kyla sighed

“Did he just leave or something….these groceries looks fresh, it’s either gotten yesterday or early this morning” She replied

“What should we do now”

“What do you suggest?” Kyla returned the question

Mica was yet to reply when stepped on something on the floor, she paused in her statement, bending to pick up the object

“It’s a phone” She stated, giving it to Kyla who collected it

“It’s his phone….dammit, something isn’t right” she muttered, checking the floor. She saw some bullets on the ground, with the dismantled gun Mercury had left. The axes, Cutlass and other object was still present on the table.

“I think someone came for him…we are late” Kyla stated, giving Mica a long gaze. The latter simply sighed, just then, the phone began to ring

“Evans_ she smirked, staring at the caller’s name
A police vehicle drove into the environment, just after they left the house. They watched from their car as the two police officers raided the house, searching for what wasn’t lost.

“I think they are looking for him too” Mica stated. Kyla didn’t respond but watched on; the fact that the car’s window is tinted, prevented people from seeing them onseid the vehicle

Kyla watched carefully as one of the police men walked out of the hand with a phone in his hand, he dialed a number placing it to his ear. Just then, Jothan’s phone began to ring, as Evans’ Mum, came up as the caller’s name popped up

“d@mn it….it’s a trap..the phone is being tracked…” Mica exclaimed

“Let’s get out of here….do something to the IP Address” Kyla stated, igniting the vehicle to life as she zoomed it off.


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