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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 36

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 36

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 36
(Target 1)
Los Angeles‡‡‡
Skid Row★★

Jothan’s POV
Bringing out the last pack of cereal from the cabinet, I heard my phone ring from the other room. I wasn’t ready to receive any call now, my stomach comes first. Fixing up my meal, the phone call came in again for the second time, I went into the room to pick up my phone, checking out the number.

I was thinking it will be some stupid n_gg@s calling me, but was stunned to see Evans’ name displayed on it. It hung up just as I was about picking. I wasn’t expecting his call, with what I have had I was being careful not to get caught.

Dropping the phone, I went out to check the window, looking out to see if there was anyone lurking behind. Walking back to the kitchen, I flip open one of the cabinet brining out a small pistol, loading the bullets. I’m currently on a run from The Mask, I need to protect myself at all cost.

The phone call came in again, it seems like an Emergency, the Evans I know wouldn’t call more than twice. I picked it up placing it on my ear without saying a word.

“Hello”I said afterward in a gruff voice.

“Where the f***King hell did you keep your phone” Evans voice sounded from the background. He seems to be speaking in whispers, meaning his kidnap is true

We spoke for a while with me being alert.

“I saw your dad, few days here in L.A, they came to your house to rampage it”

“What??? They???

“Yea….him and some weird looking guys, I think he has a…….$h|t” I muttered, hanging up. The smell of what I placed on the fire filled the whole room as I made my way there.

“d@mn….goodness mehn…it’s burnt…this is my last breakfast” I cussed, dumping the burnt food. Checking my wallet, there were just a few bucks, not enough to get groceries. I also don’t have money to travel down to Miami and try to get Evans’ mum. How the hell will I explain all this to Evans…God this is a mission impossible.

I’m also not having Airtime to call her….jeez”
Pool House~~
Sitting on a long bench in the front yard are two police officers, while Evans mum sat on the one opposite them. She had a teary face with a white handkerchief on one hand, sniffing in.

“So Miss Hathaway, can you give us more details about your son’s kidnap, have you been called by any of the Kidnappers asking for ransom.” One of the police men asked, she shook her head before replying

“No…not at all…I just don’t know why they took my son…he haven’t been picking his calls, he…” She broke into tears again. The police sighed. She has been crying in-between words and it’s taking away their patience

“He was taken from the house of George Marshal, I didn’t hear about the news of his wife death and mother in law until after my son came here to Miami asking me to leave the state and go into hiding. I didn’t get his point, he seem to be monitored by someone and left in hurry.

I noticed a tiny winy earpiece connected to his ear , he was behaving weird…I believe he was taken by the gang that assassinated the occupant of that house”

“Who is your son to George Marshal?” The first police asked while the other put down the statement. She hesitated

“He is his son…I had him out of wedlock” she gulped in

“But ma’am, according to the news, only the maids and the house owners were present when the incident happened” the other police noted

“He was in the house that day….he called me to tell me so. I was pissed with him, I didn’t want him to go there, but he is so stubborn” she resorted

“Why didn’t you want him to go there, if I may ask. Isn’t that his father’s house?” The first police asked. She didn’t say a word at first; revealing the fact that Marshal is a Mafia lord and doesn’t wants her son to be like him is something she doesn’t want to get involve in with the police. They can take their investigation far and her head might pay for it if The Mask finds out.

“I just don’t like his wife”

“Kind of a family crisis?”

“It’s personal….this isn’t what we should be discussing officers..I need to get my son back”She yelled out

“Calm down ma’am we need to do our findings properly. Since you said your son was kidnapped by the assassin guys….do you know the gang?”


“Then what gives you the assurance that your son was present at the scene and was taken”

“I am sure….we can try figuring it out from the call we made that day…and whereas, there are CCTV cameras in the building.”

“The footage was actually wiped off after the incident, the assassin made sure of that.”

“Then how are we gonna do this….I need my son….d@mn….” She cried out. The police men sighed

“Ma’am….I will need to ask something else”

“What??? Hope it’s not some.personal.questions?”

“Not at all ma’am. Actually, do you know anyone close to your son, that might have a clue about this situation?”

She sighed, giving the question a thought

“Yes…my son has just one friend that I know about…his name is Jothan. I think I have is number here….he lives at L.A” she stated, picking up her phone

“Does he know about the kidnap case”

“Yes…he was the first to tell me about it…” She replied, flipping through the contact on her phone. The policemen glance at each other, shaking their head

“Put the phone on loud speaker and tell him you will need some help with packing Evans’ properties down here to Miami…and hear his reply” the police ordered. She nodded in haste, dialing the numer. It rang for few seconds before the receiver picked it

“Thank God…. Ma’am…did you read my mind. I was about calling you, but had a short airtime” Jothan’s voice sounded from the background

“Hello Jothan….how are you?”

“Not fine is the answer ma’am, as it stands now you are advised to leave Miami, I can’t come over there, I’m not with cash….”

“What the hell are you talking about?” She cuts in

“Evans called”

“What?!! He did what” she reacted, returning her gaze to the police officers. They were taking note of each conversation

“Yes he did. He told me he had been trying to reach you but couldn’t, perhaps the distance caused it. He wants you to leave Miami….you avoid troubles”

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

“I think The Mask is at it again… won’t wanna be his victim….I need to go now”

“But….wait….” He had ended the call

The police officers stared at her waiting for her to strike another conversation before asking their questions. But she did the opposite, slumping into the bench, with her head placed on her palms

“Of I may ask ma’am….who is The Mask” the policed officer ask, as her heart beat accelerated. This question is what she dreaded most, she doesn’t have anything to do with that name. She knows him as Marshal, the father of her son.

If not because of the fact that she needed money to raise her son and still look like a model taking care of herself with it, she wouldn’t have revealed to him that he has a son with her.

She was so young and immature, looking for a life of luxury but doesn’t know it will haunt later, now her son has gotten into her mess.
Evans’ POV
I tried reaching out to Jothan again after he abruptly ended the call, but it kept saying busy, perhaps he is calling my mum or someone else. I pray he does what I sent him, I can’t trust him less.

Walking out of the hidden place, I bumped into someone.

“Hey…calm down…don’t rush out” Justin muttered shoving me back a bit with smiles on his face. I breathed out, I thought it was one of the senior members

“What the hell were you doing there?” He asked with his brows furrowed

I shrugged
“Nothing much….how long have you been standing here?” I returned the question.

“Came just now and bumped into you, I have been searching for you though. Well, wanna get some shot with me? I’m heading to the bar room.”

I sighed, not wanting to get into trouble. He noticed my demeanor and chuckled

“You are gonna be fine bro…come on, you are part of us now…isn’t it” he smirked

“Yea…..but I don’t drink”

“You are gonna learn….don’t won’t get drunk”

I followed him as we walked side by side. He kept glancing at the phone in my hand

“Your phone?”

“Yes….boss gave it back to me”

“Wow… that’s cool of her…so you are free to call anyone….”

“Not really, perhaps only the clan members…I think…I’m not permitted to call people from my last life” I replied with a sad tone. He hummed

“So…who where you calling earlier”

I gave him a sharp look, I thought he didn’t see me call. He kinda noticed my look and shrugged

“I just guess you were on a call”.

“Oh….that…just someone”

“Your girlfriend” he teased. I shook my head, not wanting to say a word about it, but seems like his pushing won’t let my mouth shut.

“Come on guy….we are friends now…I ain’t gonna sell you out to anyone….okay” he tapped my shoulder. I nodded, though I can’t trust anyone in a danger clan, but Justin is quite different, unlike Raphael

“Just a friend….I missed him, I just wanted him to know that I’m fine…that’s all”

“You made a wise decision, else they might start looking for you…and place you on the wanted list…I mean…they might have thought that you were kidnapped or so”.

“There is no difference”

He laughed out

“Don’t worry…you are gonna like this place. Just don’t piss the boss..and one more can get her to like you …you know… by doing what she wants”

I couldn’t ask him why he said so, because we got to the bar room already, as he ordered the drinks

“What brand do you like”


“You ain’t gonna take soft drinks while I’m here….you need to man up”
Kyla walked into the power room where Jayden is, she had a tablet in her hand

“Have you done it” she asked him

“Yes boss…I have tracked the location of the call, it’s coming from Skid Row, a slum in Los Angeles. ”

“And the record?”

“He doesn’t have much on his record.” He replied, switching up the system, while clicking on a file

“It states his name as Jothan Josiah, often called JJ by his peers, his parent died during the last pandemic few years back, making him an orphan. He is also a student of Crestland University, studying Mechanical Engineering; 24 years of age. His records didn’t state more than that” Jayden muttered

“Good….Mica” she called, who was at the other end working on a system

“You are coming with me….we need to get him first thing tomorrow morning”.

“Ok boss…”

“We’ll leave for L.A tonight”
Mercury watched Jothan from afar, she had been keeping track of the house he stays in right from the previous day. That was the job given to her by The Mask.

“Track him and bring him here” he had stated just after giving her the details. The area he lives in is considered a slum, he stays in an abandoned apartment which seems to be isolated from other buildings in that area.

There was no surveillance cameras present to aid her clear visibility. She had to make use of a telescope to view the area from afar, just to avoid suspicions from him, if her car is parked close by.

After ending the call he had with Evans’ mum, he walked out to get some groceries, though it’s gonna be on credit due to the fact that he is quite broke from not being able to go to the bank and withdraw some money, mostly the money sent to him by The Mask

He believes his accounts might have been freeze too, he knows what the dreaded Mafia lord could do to him, he needed to be on a safer side.

Just after he left, she alight the car and walked on a different route towards the house, to avoid close by neighbors from seeing her. She was dressed in a smart police uniform with a fake badge clicking to her belt.

Her gun was fixed perfectly into the gun pocket with the police cap covering her head and face likewise, with black gloves on her hands aiding to her outfit. She walked in, surveying the nature of the house, walking round into each rooms to get anything harmful that he could use against her.

She found some sharp cutlasses and axe beneath his bed, with few other harmful equipments. She let out a wicked chuckle

She dropped the equipments on a small stood, searching for more. Her eyes wandered towards were he kept a baseball bat, the sight of it brought back memories of her past. She used to love baseball as a game, but what ignited that strange love was the fact that her savior, The Mask used it to rescue her from that ki||er, Leonard, who ki||ed her parents.
She watched him with tears as he pulled the trigger, $h00ting her dad first; her mum tried to retaliate but he shut her up with a bullet piercing into her chest. They both dropped dead in front of him, just after their little argument.

She was behind the curtain when all this was going on, he heard her whimpering sound and surge forwards towards were she stood, pulling off the curtain.

“Hey…come little one, you are going to be fine…ok” Leonard muttered while she shook her head crying more. She viewed the corpse of her late parents sprawled on the floor with blood gushing out of their bullet wounds.

“What’s your name dearie?” He asked her with a concern look in his eyes

“Mercury” she replied with fear in her voice

“Mercury….I’m not going to hurt you, come on, we need to leave” He pestered, but the five year old clung tightly to the curtain, not letting go of it. Her face scrunched up in anger

“You ki||ed my parent….you want to ki|| me too”

Leonard gulped in, sighing

“I didn’t…” He paused, knowing the little girl had seen him

“They are not your parents…..they are….” He was cut short by a heavy blow hitting his head, as he crumbled to the ground. The intruder hit him again several times with the baseball bat, drifting him into unconsciousness.

Marshal’s face was revealed, he dropped the bat and faced little Mercury with a warm smile

“Come on, he won’t hurt you anymore….let’s go” he muttered. She rushed to him, happy that he had rescued her from the wicked ki||er. He took her out of the country the following day, where she lived with his God mother for five years and was brought back later on to serve the Blood Clan.
She stopped thinking about her past and decided to continue with the search, she found his gun in the kitchen cabinets and added it to the equipment she took earlier.
An hour later
Jothan arrived with a plastic bag of groceries, he had succeeded in convincing the store owner to give him sometimes to gather up money in order to pay back for the groceries he got on credit. Getting into the house, he met it just the way he left it, with the lights all switched off.

Without turning it on, he walked into the kitchen, dropping all he got, as he finds the switch to on the light. Just as the light came up, it was followed by a heavy blow sent across his face. He viewed the attacker with a side eyes, but couldn’t retaliate on time

“F***k…” He cussed trying to pull out the small pistol in his pocket, but Mercury beats him to it. She kicked his leg, picking him up and shoving him to the ground. He groaned loudly coughing out blood. She pulled out the pistol from his pocket, emptying the cartridge off bullets.

“You should know your mate in the fist game, now you are gonna do what I say Jothan” she called his name, sending chills down his spine. He needs no one to tell him that this is one of The Mask men, his doom is near.

She clamped the handcuff with her, around his hands after dragging it both to his back.

“Get up, and walk with me…if you do anything stupid or give signals to anyone around, then consider you head off.”


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