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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 33

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 33

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 33
(Keep an eye on him)
Evans waited in front of Kyla’s suite, just as he was ordered to. Jade walked by only to meet him waiting

“Hey…” He called with a broad smile, showing that segzy dimples of his. This is the first time she is seeing his smile in broad daylight.

“What’s up guy” she asked, returning the smile, though briefly. She doesn’t want him to think she is totally free with him; though she wish to, but Kyla won’t allow that.

“Finally part of us?” she asked, giving his arm a pat. Evans shrugged

“”I don’t have a choice…it’s better than losing my head isn’t it…I still feel like I’m not accepted” he muttered in soft voice. She smirked, getting his point.

“But be cool and don’t step on anyone’s toes .. everyone will get to like you if you stay your lane” she advised. He nodded, staring more intently at her

“You left the clan for too long….went on a mission?” He asked, she was yet to say a word when Kyla came by.

“I didn’t authorize chatting with any senior member, you will only do so when I allow it…my room now” she ordered, giving Jade a short glare.

Evans obeyed getting into the room after sparing Jade a glance. Kyla didn’t go in immediately, she turned to stare at Jade who also didn’t leave her spot

They both stared intently at each other, having different thought boiling in their minds, still not saying a word. Perhaps waiting for the first person who will speak; Jade eventually broke the silence

“Why are you doing this Kyla” Jade asked with gritting teeth, her voice beheld venom of anger, she felt pissed, not because Kyla had done wrong by keeping Evans in the clan, but asking him to join is out of it.

Kyla scoffed

“It’s boss”

“As a matter of fact I have been calling you Kyla for the past ten years, it’s not new neither does it sound strange to my hearing, it’s your name so you take it…” Jade snapped, though in low tones.

Kyla frown, she felt like Jade is going off limit. She is growing far beyond her age in courage and actions. She decided to let go of her flaws, and listening to the only member she considers family in the clan

Kyla knew she was referring to Evans and her new decision, so she gave a direct answer

“The last time I checked, I’m the boss here, owner of the clan. It is in my right to do what I want to do, no questions”

“But a good leader should also ask for the followers opinion to get better result” she resorted

“Not all opinions bears good fruit, as a matter of fact, according to the law of the clan, any enemy captured should be ki||ed alongside his family members if they fall victim”

“So why did you keep him in the first place, why didn’t you ki|| him alongside his step mother” she raised her voice a little. Kyla ignored it

“Isn’t it better than dragging him into this mess we call a lifestyle, isn’t it better for him to have rest than live a life of being haunted” she seethed. Kyla gulped in, folding her fist, inorder to resist her anger

“Mind your words Jade…in life there is a reason for everything” Kyla took her words slowly, depicting the fact that her anger was growing to its peak. Jade noticed this

“He is innocent…his father is the guilty one…don’t use him for selfish purposes” Jade reduced the tension in her voice this time

“The same way we were once innocent, and used for several useless purposes. And you know why, because his father caused it, else you will be out there…having the life you hope for, with your late parent” she snapped. Jade scoffed, taking a step to leave, but stopped to say more

“You are becoming more of Luna…you ain’t the Kyla I once know” Jade gritted in a painful tone, walking away, but Kyla’s last word made her pause

“I am Kyla trained to be a ki||er, what less were you expecting” she uttered, coldly, walking out of the scene.
Jade’s POV
I marched into my room, closing the door hard. One could tell I was angry, considering the last sentence she muttered. Has she totally agreed to be what Luna made us for? One thing I have ever known about Kyla is that she rarely admit her wrongs, only on occasions.

“A drink to ease your anger” a voice spoke out. I froze, checking round to catch a figure siting on my bed with her legs crossed. She had a cup of coffee in her hand which she stirs

“Madam Jess?” I called out in glee, pushing my anger to the back of my mind. I hurriedly walk closer to give her a side hug, which she gladly accepted.

“Can’t believe you were here all along”

“Yea..I came to check on you, since you decided not to come see me for yourself” she pouted. I laughed out

“Come on aunt you know I arrived from my mission earlier this morning, been busy though. I was planning to come see you later in the evening, d@mn you are looking more beautiful” I smiled, touching her chubby cheeks. She shove my hands off playfully, sipping her coffee, which I dragged off her hand, gulping the whole content down

Less I forget, Madam Jess is more like mother to us in this clan, yea, she really doesn’t interfare with our missions or plans, but sometimes gives better advice on how to go about them. She is Kyla’s aunt, the immediate sister to her late dad. She knew about her brother’s clan, which was passed on to him after the death of their father, who had started the clan from the crash

According to what we were told, he was once a soldier who had a high rank but was dismissed from office due to a certain act of violence that took place which he was innocent of. Out of anger and determination to shame his oppressors, he decided to form his own barrack by training young men from the street, mostly touts and those who belongs to a cult group, promising them a better life.

The first clan house he built was deserted after being huanted by ghost of some corpse which was found on the land where the structures were laid.

The clan didn’t last a year when he died and handed it over to his son, Kyla’s father, who was just a young teenager as at then
Madam Jess, who is his sister was living out of the country as at then, until her brother’s death. Well, that will be a story for later

“So why was my sweetheart angry earlier, you almost broke the door you know” she asked
I chuckled, my mood changed to a sad one

“Was just pissed…” I replied not wanting to go into details, but trust Madam Jess to always get to the root

“By who?” She squinted

“Kyla…” I breathed out, not wanting to meet her gaze. She will surely give me some scolding I know, she has warned me not to get into a fight with Kyla, I also don’t want to, she is like a sister to me, if not one already. But most times, I can’t get to control my anger, and she loves to act too cold for my liking.

“Jade…come on, what happened this time…why are you both always at loggerhead this days.

“We ain’t at loggerheads, just a mere disagreement, though we will settle our differences…trust us for that” I smiled, trying to assure her that the quarrel isn’t something much.she sighed

“I hope to see the two sweet girls of the past years…when all they have was love for each other” she muttered, patting my hair

“People change” I shrugged, but wouldn’t dare say it out, because I wasn’t sure of it

“I will take my leave now, need to prepare lunch” the door bang close after she left leaving me to my own thoughts.

What she said is true, I and Kyla were best of friends more than sisters, though the thought of what had happened before still makes me feel hurt. It still feels like yesterday, when I stared into those cold eyes, pleading in silence with no words that she doesn’t pull the trigger.

But she did, making the bullet hits the left eye of my father, few minutes after my mum died from a heart attack, losing her breath.. I felt life leaving me after seeing my dad go down, with blood pumping out of his eyes socket.

The gun was pointed towards me, her eyes peered into mine, with fidgety hands and wobbly legs, she was asked to do the same she has done to my father, to me

“All you have to do is focus” Luna’s voice came up, whispering into the fifteen years old Kyla. She nodded, gulping her saliva, her eyes were teary. I could see the glittering in it as she pulled the trigger, my heart jumped out in fright, I gave a shrilling scream, grabbing my chest. I was expecting to feel a piercing pain from the bullet, but got none

I heard a loud resounding slap, sent across young Kyla’s face

“Bastard” Luna spat, and that was all I could remember before passing out. Throughly, I should have been dead, but Kyla didn’t focus her target on me, or perhaps she missed it. I am very sure that what Luna would have done to her that night, isn’t what she will ever want to talk about, I’m still curious
Gym room~~
Kelvin walked into the room with a broad smile on his face as he watch her do some push ups. He knew this was another opportunity giving itself out. Moonlight is the only lady that has captured his heart right from when he joined the clan, but she is just so stubborn.

He waited for her to be through, standing closeby with his hands tucked inside his pocket. She did the last push, standing to her feet. She had felt the presence of someone coming in, but didn’t know who it was

“Hey” he called, after she faced him. She scoffed, picking up her face towel

“You are back with new woo quotes” she asked, picking up the bottle of water she kept, uncapping it as she doesn’t out its content. He wished he could replaced the bottle’s opening with his lips. He can’t imagine how soft hers will be when he smashed his lips on it.

“Come on…haven’t I tried enough”

“I don’t want to break the law…Kelv, I love my head”

“I’m not asking you to date me…”

“ want me to be your f-__-kmate?” She asked sarcastically. He sighed, frustratedly

“Don’t jump into conclusions…yes…I will love that…but come on moon ..that’s not what I was about saying. We wouldn’t have to date in public, we can keep it a secret. I love you so much, I can’t help it anymore, come on” he pleaded, going closer to her.
She folded her arms, watching him as he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer. She was waiting to see his actions, if he planned on kissing her, then she wouldn’t give in. What is she Moonlight for, she doesn’t give in easily. Though they have made out several times, but that doesn’t mean she loves him

“Keep deceiving yourself” her subconscious mind told her. The moment was cut short when Jayden barged in, holding a basketball with a towel. Kelvin frown, why will he ruin such moment, he thought angrily

“Opss…did I just interrupt something” Jayden asked with a smirk on his face
Kyla’s POV
I staggered into the room and met him waiting for me, just like I asked him to. He seem to be checking the room out until he noticed my presence. I felt a bit sad and pissed at the same time, considering the words I said to Jade and the ones she said likewise. Is it true that I am becoming like Luna?

No…I am nothing like her, I only want the best for the clan, and how to take our enemies. No one knows while I’m keeping Evans in the clan, but they will, very soon, and be grateful for that.

Walking towards my reading table, I brought out a moderate box from the drawer, stretching it forth for him to collect, which he did.

He didn’t know what was in it until I told him

“In it is your phone and your other accessories we took along from Marshal’s house. You can now have them, I will send you a laptop soon, you will register for online classes for the main time”

“Thanks boss” he acknowledged.

” You can leave” I ordered. He bow and left, I returned to my thoughts.

The fact that I’m doing all this doesn’t mean that he is already trusted, but he surely will now to my wish no matter what. I grabbed my phone and dialed a number.

“Keep an eyes on him” I ordered, ending the call before the receiver will reply


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