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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 28

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 28

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 28
(Mission 1 Successful)
Jade’s POV
The fact that I haven’t carried out my plan is seriously pissing me off. The night I wanted to do it, his crazy girlfriend came and spent two days straight. She left this morning, giving me the chance to do what I want.

Stripping down to my birthday suit, I stride into he bathroom for a warm shower. The boss will be back soon, so I need to be ready before he comes. I had made sure his dinner is served, alongside setting his bath and putting his room in order

Stepping out of the bathroom, smelling nice like I have always loved, I picked out the bikini I bought from the market this morning. Just then the day’s event flashed through my mind, I could remember meeting up with Wizard this morning.

Well I think the boss asked him to keep an eye on me incase anything goes wrong with the mission. How dare she lose trust in me, it’s not like I’m a kid to handle such missions. Luna had given us worst than this, and I had pulled through.

He has told me about the mission which the gang was going on that morning with him exempted, because of the job assigned to him. He felt sad about it, but had to obey the boss when it comes to me too. I told him I was getting these bikinis and he was annoyed about it, asking me what I needed it for. He told me not to get intimate with anyone, because with the look of things he believes I was about seducing the officer

Huhn…weird guy..I wonder when he became so caring. Wearing the buttom on, I tied the knot, liking how it fitted my butt, with the string into the @zz line, while leaving the two cheeks out in the open. The top did justice to my b00bs, it fitted it just the way I want. If this is the last thing to do, then I will do it.

Walking out, I headed for the pool, dipping myself into it, just to be wet a bit, the little clothing I had on press across my skin, my tea@ts stood erect, almost forcing its way out of the tiny covering.

I haven’t spent up to five minute when his car zoomed in, I watched him alight, to be sure if he is alone. After the confirmation, I headed straight into the building, pretending to be rushing in as we both meet in the living room. He still held his briefcase, and had this frown on his face.
Perhaps he had been calling out my name but got no response, and that’s exactly what I wish for.

“Welcome sir…” I muttered, wiping off the water on my face, at the same time pretending to be shivering from cold. He didn’t respond at first, his eyes roamed round my body, scanning every inch of it. Check it out as much as you want, you won’t live to keep on seeing it. I thought inwardly

“Huhn…” I cleared my throat. He breathed out staring away, before feigning annoyance

“Where were you when I came in?” He asked rathered harshly, but there was a hint of lust in it. I know what he wants, I could see his rod bulging out to display his urge.

“I’m sorry sir..I..just decided to cool off at the pool .I was feeling hot earlier…I”

” My pool…you went to swim in my pool” he snapped

” Sir?..”I was still speaking when he first in

“Where is my dinner”

“It’s on the dinning sir”

“Bring it to my room” he ordered, giving me one last glance. This time, I had deliberately allowed my te@t out, pretending to be oblivious of it. He stared at it briefly before leaving. I smirked.

First impression, checked.
Holding the tray firmly, I knocked on his room door, as he summoned me in. He was already off his work cloth, dressed in just a short with singlet. He had a laptop on his laps, working on it when I stride in, still in the wet bikini. Well I didn’t plan on taking them off until he succumbs to my plan

He pointed a stool where I should leave it, pretending not to stare at me, but I know that, that was just a facade. Because when I backed him, I felt his eyes on me, my huge @zz especially. Placing it on the stool, I made sure I bend there for a while, pretending to set the tray well. I poured out his wine into the glass cup, which already had a substance in it

After finishing up, I turned to leave but he stopped me, pushing his laptop aside.

“Annabella, come here” he stated. I hesitated, trying to act scared, while fidgetting with my fingers


“You heard me..come”

I surge forward, while he dragged me to sit on his laps. His hands roam round my body, resting on my b00bs.

“Sir…what are you doing” I asked in a whisper, trying to get up, but he held me still

“Trying to do what you want…isn’t it…huhn..or why will you be seducting me with all this..” he muttered, losing the string of my top, as he lashed on my b00bs, sucking ferociously on the te@ts. I whimpered, trying to pull his head off, but he went for the other, sucking on both like his life depends on it.

Struggling to break free from his grip, I shifted backward, grabbing my exposed b00bs as they jingle. My te@ts were already reddish, due to how hard he sucked on them. Feigning tears, I pleaded to be let go, but he scoffed

“I wanna f-__-k you girl…you aint getting out of this room, unless after being f-__-ked by me. For d@mn sake, you have been oppressing my little brother here for the past days and you think I will let you go when it’s ready….come on let’s get this straight…why are you doing this?” He yelled, ruffing his hair. I smirk inwardly, but gulped in, allowing my apples to be fully exposed, not bothering to cover it anymore.

“Fine…but…you need to eat first” I noted, he scoffed

“I don’t need that yet….”

“No…you just…have to take something…perhaps by then I will be ready” I rushed my words, staring down at his rod which was already standing erect. I’m sure it wouldn’t go down unless he finishes up with me, but I won’t allow that

“Fine..get me the wine…” He stated, he was already sweating. I know he succumbed to take something because of what I have agreed to give him. Men…some are foolish.

Drinking the wine to the last drop, he signalled me to do the needful, while his pulled off his brief. I let go of the bottom, walking closer to the bed, he resumed his sucking job, teasing my cl!t with his rod, trying to gain entrance, but I locked up.

“You are proving stubborn” he gritted, spreading me legs

“I’m gonna rape you if you don’t cooperate…”.”You are not with protection” I yelled out. It was as if his brain was reset. I know what I’m doing, I really need to buy time inorder for the drug to work. I don’t want to get intimate with this idiot, but if it deems, then I will.

“Fine I will get the CDs” he noted, getting off me. I notice him stagger a bit, I think the drug is already working.He regained his stance picking up what he needed, as he walked back to the bed. He started with teasing my entrance with his rod, expecting me to beg for him to come in, but along the line, the drug hits his brain shutting him out. He collapsed before the next tick of the clock hand.
Wolves Clan~~
Evans POV
Groaning slightly, I opened my eyes to behold a new environment. I wasn’t sure of where I am, but one thing I know for sure is that I am not dead. But if I should check, the last thing I remembered was a gun shot, the wood.

The boss had shot me with a gun. I thought, bewildered at the fact that there wasn’t a sign of blood or wound on my arm where she shot me. Or did I just faint due to the sound of the gun, or what? But I thought I felt something pierced through my skin immediately she did.

Still dazed in my world of thoughts, I struggled to seat upright, I could feel slight body pains, even around the region of the shot arm, but there wasn’t any bullet wound. Strange.

Just then I heard voices from the outter room, there seem to be two women out there. I hope I’m in safe hands

“But he looks so innocent…and cute” a voice I haven’t heard before stated

“Wh@ťěver…” The boss voice came up, that gave me the assurance that I was back to the clan, or perhaps somewhere else

“But why will you transfer your aggression on the poor boy, it’s his father you want..not him”

“I don’t care…and I have every right to do whatsoever I want with Marshal’s family, the boy included” Kyla snapped

“Ok fine…but don’t go too hard…I believe you will get Marshal soon and end his madness”

“Sure aunt…and I’m very close to doing that…”

“I trust you dear”

Aunt???? I thought, listening further

“Tell him to meet me in my room when he wakes up” she muttered as if she knows that I am awake…f-__-k this.

I lay back, and after some seconds a woman came in. She looks like someone in her late forties, she wore a smile on her face on citing me.i didn’t know she will come in so soon, I should have pretended to be asleep

I struggled to sit up again

“Where am I?” I asked

“The clan…where we do you want to be?” She resorted with a question

I shrugged

“Who are you?” I asked

“I’m Jessica, but you can call me Madam Jess, just like everyone does… Evans” she noted

“You know my name?”

“Like…who doesn’t know you in this clan….the son of our enemy” she stated sarcastically. I sighed out, sadly.

“Why am I feeling so weak..I feel pains all over” I muttered, ignoring her last statement. At least she isn’t as commanding as the others

“Oh…it’s as a result of what happened earlier this morning”.
I frown

“Was I shot?” I asked. She shook her head, mouthing a Nope

“You were sedated. It wasn’t a bullet gun fired at you”

“But the sound…..”

“Kyla have her ways of thr_@tening her victims, perhaps she shot two guns at the same time..or Moonlight shot the sedative…anyone…find it out yourself. Now get up, and wear your’s over there. The boss is waiting for you at her suite. Take this, it will give you strength”

She handed me a cup of drink which I know not of. Gulping it down, I felt a bit relieved, more like it works in seconds. I made my way to her suite and was directed by a guard on standpost to her room.
“Jesus….what does she have for me this time?” I asked, wishing I could get an answer
Blood clan~~
Donald could be seen in his room, frustrated to the last pint of his blood. From his lips and nostril came smoke taken from the cigar he held.

He kept reminiscing on the day’s event, cursing Kyla and her crew. Now there was suppose to be celebration in the clan, while he makes plan on how to share the money, but it’s currently the opposite.

While he was still in thought, the door opened as someone stepped in. He knew at once who it is, because no one will attempt coming closer to him at this period when he can ki|| at a slightest mistake.

“I want to be alone” Don noted, taking in more drags. Reed scoffed, ignoring his request. He went closer to him, pulling out a chair to sit on.

“Didn’t you hear me” Don gritted, folding his fist. His eyes were as red as blood, depicting how angry he is.

“f-__-k it Don, you ain’t the only one affected today, so stop passing your aggression on me…d@mn it” Reed resorted. He picked out cigarettes, lighting it

Done exhale, ruffling his hair, as silence took in for a while

“That b!tch thinks she is smart….she didn’t just take the money, but also the precious lives of my members” he snarled. ” Two trainees are down, with one senior member; Jaguar….d@mn..harhh” he seethed in pain

Reed smoked on, not saying a word. He was more concerned about the money they lost, he had made plans already thinking the mission will be successful

“I will make sure I ki|| her….squeeze her with my bare hands….drain her to her last blood. She will regret ever stepping on my toes again” Don continued

“Just make it fast then….she has bitten more than she can chew, why don’t you just end her life immediately….still waiting for orders from your dad?”

“I wish I can’t….and very soon…I won’t”
Back in the Wolves clan, the members were all having a drink, celebrating the success of the mission.

“I just can’t imagine the look on the police faces when they later find the other truck empty. You know, they will be like, did we use magic to pull the vault out” Jayden stated, as everyone busted out in laughter.

“Well I wonder what Don will be doing now…crying?” Kelvin stated as the laughter increased

“He truly wasn’t expecting this defeat though, so…kudos to us, the wolves” Moonlight muttered, raising her glass up as the others did accordingly, before drinking from it.

“But isn’t it strange that we both went on the same mission, I’m very sure the police officers were attacked at the first bridge. I was so shock to see Don’s gang in police uniforms, those guys are something else” Autumn noted

“And they weren’t also expecting us…but I love the way boss handled everything…she is so smart and intelligent…the best boss ever” Jayden muttered again. Bruce simply watch following their talks but didn’t contribute, no one mentioned how he made the job easier by capturing Amazon, all they talk about is Kyla’s intelligence.

Wizard simply drink while trying to reach Jade but couldn’t, her line wasn’t going through. He felt bothered, but couldn’t leave the clan, because boss had asked him to give her a little breathing space. Did Jade ask for it?

As the little celebration continued, one of them stood up to receive a call. He walked out in haste, going very far away from human hearing, before picking up.

“Boss” he noted. A husky voice sounded from the background

“Where is the Vault?”

“Eem…it’s not here boss….I don’t know exactly where the truck was driven to, but I’m sure we will get our share soon, so it’s possible they bring it here tomorrow” he replied in a low voice, watching his back for eavesdroppers.

“Hmm…that girl thinks she is many steps ahead…not knowing she is right under my nose. Get me any information that you find important, I don’t want it to take long before hearing from you”

“Yes boss”


He hung up the call, straightening his shirt before walking back to his comrades


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