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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 26

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 26

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻

Chapter 26
(The Task Begins)

Jade’s POV
“What are you doing here” a voice came up as my heart beat accelerated. But as always, just as we have been taught in the clan, we try to conceal our fear in the time of danger or when caught doing something illegal, and that, I’m very good in.

Thanks to God that I had put off the system before he came in; now pretending to arrange the files that were scattered.

“Erm..just arranging the scattered files” I replied in a calm voice, though I know he won’t take that lie, cos the door was locked.

Walking in with rage, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the wall as his palm grabs my neck. I choked as he applied pressure to it

“Are you a spy..what the hell are you doing in my office” he lashed. I tried to speak beneath the hard grip

“I just told you, I’m fixing it….” I lied again, not like I was going to say the truth

“You liar…you bad b!tch liar….how did you get in” he asked, his eye beaming anger, with venom exploding out of his mouth

“Through….hargghh…” I gasped for breath

“Speak dimwit”

.”I..can’t….breath…” I managed to say. His grip ws really tight, but I just have to remain a weakling in front of him, if it was someone else, I would have broken his wrist while he grabs my neck.
He pushed me roughly to the floor, adjusting his coat; I coughed out loudly, trying to gasp my breathe before getting up, though it was done in a slow motion

“I came in through the door” I resorted calmly

“I don’t want to ki|| you here.,it’s better you tell me the truth or dig your grave” he snarled

“But I’m not lying….”

“The door was locked”

“No it was not…. perhaps you thought you did but you didn’t lock it” I stated, raising my hands towards him, as a sign of telling him to hear me out. I tried as much as possible to be innocent, and at the same time thinking of a genuine lie to tell him

” Are you trying to taste my intelligence here young lady…”

“No no no….I actually heard a sound coming from this direction…you know after you left..I went to take my bath and erm…was about taking a walk round the house when I heard it…and I found myself here”

“What sort of stupid story is that…what sound will come from here”

“The TV…the TV was on..I thought it was a room and decided to come in and met this….”

“But it isn’t on now” he gritted, cracking up his fist

“That’s because I put it off…I was about leaving when I heard steps of someone coming in through the entrance door. I was in a haste to go check out the fellow when my leg collides with the table, scattering the files…I was just putting them together when you came in.” I explained, hoping he buys it. If he doesn’t, well, there are other options, and one of it is to fight my way out of his grip if he tried taking me as a criminal. I will just find a way to quicken his death

I noticed his hardened face soften a little, as he released his fist. His eyes glanced round the whole room, perhaps trying to find any clue to hold me guilty, while I remained calm, massaging my neck a little, trying to feign pain.

Our eyes locked contact afterward, perhaps he was expecting me to look away but I didn’t, I stared back still rubbing my neck, trying to make him feel guilty. I heard him sigh, his shoulders dropped.

“I locked the door….I was sure of that…and the TV wouldn’t be on unless someone does that. I still don’t believe you, so don’t feign innocence…”he gritted, though calmly.
I gulped in, this guy is a hard nut…f-__-k him

“Welll…I hope you believe me more in the future…I’m sorry for trespassing…I shouldn’t have come here by the way…next time… I will mind my business. But remember that you asked me to keep the house in order…it’s my job to check out things that are going wrong in the house….I’m really sorry sir” I pleaded.

I looked up to see him carried away, staring at something, my chest. Opss, did I just say chest? By b00bs by the way; I have actually forgotten that my clothes are revealing…I’m putting on a very transparent crop top, with bum short, that didn’t cover all my butt cheek.

Everything is clearly visible to him, and I think this is his weakness. Letting out a smirk inwardly, i cleared my throat making him jerk back to reality. He looked back at me pretending not to stare, but I won’t be so daft not to have noticed the bulge under his trousers.
He rubbed his temple, turning to look the other side. This wasn’t what I wore earlier this morning
“And why are you putting on this” he asked with a scoff

“Oh…I eem…love dresses like this… especially when I’m alone…I’m sorry.” I muttered, playing with my finger at the same time butting my lips, seductively.

“Get out…and don’t you very step your feet in here when I’m not around…make sure you clean it in my presence.” He ordered. I stepped out after replying him, but walked into the living room. Perhaps I wasn’t caught for the second time, but there might be no next time, I must move fast.

Taking slow strides up the stairs towards my room, I felt his presence in the living room, perhaps he forgot something at home and came to take it. My thoughts were right, he came for a certain key. Our eyes lock contact again, but I was the first to break it this time, I felt his eyes on my butt as I move further upstairs. With a wicked smirk on my face, I thought of how to carry out my plan tonight


Walking out the office, John tried to calm his erection, her dressing had turned him on. He actually came home to pick his work office key which he forgot at home. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t lock the office door, perhaps he didn’t, he will just check the footage latter. He thought
But on getting to the living room, his mind drifted back to how plumpy her apples stand out, as the round ring te@ts gave an attractive sight. He was still trying to keep the devil’s words out of his mind when he came in contact with her again walking up the stairs. But this time, she was backing his, he had the access to stare at her a$$, jingling along as she walked.
Gulping in, he made his way out of the house to clear his lustful mind; though he didn’t take her as a criminal, she looks so innocent. But he doesn’t know what she has in stock for him?
Wolves Clan~~
The atmosphere in the clan has changed to a tensed one; every senior member of the clan could be seen getting ready for the task to be carried out. The trainees simply watch and assist in anything they could do, why the maids carried on their duties.

Bruce, already dressed in his fighting armour, matched into Kyla’s office where she stood, re-filing her knife. It was still early in the morning, but they will move in the next minutes. She didn’t look up when he came in, she had called for him.

“Boss…you called” he stated, in his baritone voice.

“What’s the current situation” she asked, placing the knife in her side pocket, checking out her revolvers

“The men are ready, Jayden is setting the van…and erm…Kelvin is making sure the truck is in good position.

“Good…. tell him to do that fast and get the lad out of his hole” she stated.

“Yes boss” he acknowledged and was about leaving when she called his name. He paused and turned to face her again.

“You did something wrong…really wrong” she stated. He furrowed his brow, not getting her point.
“Erm…boss..sorry if I may ask…what?”

She smirked, picking up her phone.

“Why did you pick out some trainees to join us, when you know that we are going on a life and death mission” she asked, coldly. Bruce gulped in

“Well…those guys are already well trained, they are just waiting for promotion. And I believe we need more hands, we are just few…”

“But strong…United…trianed than they are…you did this..without my permission” she cuts in. He swallowed in

“Look big guy..I know you want the best for us…but I want the safety of my clan members. I don’t wanna lose the trainees to this, same way I don’t wanna lose any of you senior members. The trainees can go on menial missions until when they get promoted…get that”
He nodded, standing straight
She walked out of the office while he followed suit, but not without letting out a curse sigh silently.
“Is everyone ready…”Kyla asked after they all have assembled in the power room

“Yes boss” they choruses

“Fine….bring him in” she ordered Bruce who went out to where Evans was kept, dragging him into the room . Evans glanced round the room as his stare met that of other cold faces, looking back at him until it landed on the boss. He knows why he was here, perhaps he has suddenly become useful to them in this case.

“Evans here will be going with us on this mission…I will give him his assignments when the battle begins. If any of you notice a fowl play you can blow off his head. She ordered, Evans gulped in, he knew he was in for it.

“We have all been assigned our mission, but I need to make some corrections here. We won’t be communicating with our name of Nick names, we will make use of numbers.”

“Bruce is number one, moonlight 2, Autumn 3, Kelvin 4, Evans 5, Jayden 6 and the last person is 7” she muttered referring to herself.
“Let’s memorize our numbers; Bruce is taking the first car with moonlight, Autumn will ride with Kelvin on a bike…I will go with the truck and the lad. Jayden, the van is your spot to control the cameras…no mistakes guys…we will leave and return in one piece.”

“Amen” Autumn replied, making the sign of the cross. Moonlight scoffed

“It’s not a prayer.. dimwit….” She mocked. Autumn rolls her eyes

“Leave everyone to their faith” she replied her
Blood Clan~~
“For the last time…no mistakes…Reed here…my best friend will be joining us in the game, we should all work hand in had and get what we want…now move it” Donald ordered at the top of his voice. His gang mate replied in unison as they scurried out to their various vehicles

“I will Ride with you” Reed muttered with a smirk
“As always…”.”Phew…. bad a$$e$, here we come” Reed stated, a their car zoomed off to the location; the others followed
The truck containing the vault has just arrived New York, heading for the first bridge which it’s gonna pass beneath it; alongside a bullion van and two police vehicles.

They steadily under the first bridge about to continue their journey when they got cornered at the front by the Blood gangs. Other vehicles came behind them, creating an ambush. The gangs had waited in secret corners, awaiting the presence of the vehicles while watching their movement through the street cameras

Rodent tampered with it immediately the truck enter under the bridge, blocking off the cameras. The police came out at aleat with their guns as the combat began. They were seven police men in number, so it was to an advantage to the gang.

Two police men were shot down by Don as Mercury headed for the truck $h00ting at the driver; his Brian popped out as his head fall forward. He was pushed out of the truck as Jaguar took position, starting the truck.

A space was created in the bullion van using brimstone cutting iron, as tear gas was thrown into it. The police officer in it who had been trying to reach of gmto his comrades for backup was forced to go out after a set of tear gases were thrown into the vehicle.

“ you copy…we can’t get a bite of you from the cameras…do you copy” a voice sounded from the phone the police officer had dropped. Reed fired two shot into their chest, while Don picked up the phone.

“Yes….we were attacked by some petty rubbers, but we got them covered” he replied in less husky voice and dropped it. The police men had all been gun down, it was kinda easy compared to what they were expecting. Perhaps the CB governor didn’t assign trianed personnels, because the money was going to be snuggled, and the government at hand mustn’t know about it.

The were already dressed in police uniform, as they went ahead to take more identity
“Get their badges…and let’s move” Don ordered. They did accordingly, and drove off, heading for the second bridge and at the same time hoping they don’t get caught before reaching the next bridge.
“Boss….I think we gat a problem here…”Jagaur spoke through his earpod, which every other person connected could hear. He was the one driving the truck, and had to stop just after they got to the next bridge. The other were behind, trailing it carefully

“What is wrong…you gat police men?” Donald asked. Someone came forward to show him a sign which indicates stop, on it, dressed as a road contractor

“No…the road is blocked..I think there are road contractors…..phewpp” a bullet ran through his head just before his speech ended. He died instantly
“Jagaur!!!” Mercury, who was sitting close to him at the front yelled his name, bringing out her gun with rage, as she jumped down the truck. An explosion sounded causing the ground to vibrate
“What the f-..blow off the brains of those motherf-__-kers..” Don ordered,


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