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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 19

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 19

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 19
(A mole)

Jones left the room to attend to his men, who he believes will have done the job
“Boss” One of them stated, looking up as he entered the passage way
“Is it done?”

“She wasn’t found, boss. She has been kidnapped, if not ki||ed already” he replied. Jones frown
“What do you mean by that? She called me few hours before you left for her place” He grited folding his fist.

“I think we were late, we saw traces of blood on the floor, with a towel lying carelessly. They forget to clear up the evidence” The other stated
“$h|t…f-__-k this, bullsh!t.” He seethed, releasing his fist

“I think lady mafia went for her after all” Jones stated, being restless. He knew the implications of Lady mafia getting any bit of information from Cindy, they should have been smart enough.
“Anyways, we need to be really careful, don’t say a word to anyone about it. I will inform the boss” he stated. They both nodded and went their own way. That was when he remembered the lady he left in the room.

Something came to his mind, his heart beat tripled, as he prayed that what he was thinking wouldn’t come through. He ran down towards the room, pushing off the gausrd standing by, as he surge into the room. His heart skipped a beat, meetng it empty.

“$h|t! Where the hell is she?”he roared with rage, as the guard came forward
“Shut the f-__-k up, whrre is the lady I lfet here…”
‘She didn’t leave…i..” the guard was still speaking when his eyes landed on the window.
“Dammit, Cindy had sold me out in one way or the other”
Next Morning~~
Annabelle woke up with a banging headache, with her body strapped to a chair and fastened with strong ropes. She let out a groaning sound, trying to force her eyes open, which she eventually did. She was surprised to come in contact with a dark room, having a small window at the top. The sun was already rising, as its rays lingerd down the window.

She shivered with fear seeing her condition, and was about screaming for help, but paused on seeing a fellow in the room.
“Thought you were going to be the next sleeping beauty. Too bad, you are not” Kelvin muttered, walking closer to her. She shivered, on hearing his cold voice
“Where am i…what have I done wrong, please don’t ki|| me…hauhn” She sob, fidgeting. He smirked. She couldn’t see his face properly due to the face cap he was wearing, even as he came closer.

“No one is ki||ing anyone, well, that’s if you are reay to provide the necessary informations”
“Which information, I didn’t do anything wrong, I swear. I’m actually an easy going girl, I don’t cause troubles for anyone, please what do you want from me…please” She pleaded in tears, annoying Kelvin. This is one reason he h@ťěs doing the interrogation job; some people like Annabelle have this weird emotions that get to him

:”Shut the f-__-k up and let me speak” He shunned her, as she repeatedly nods her head
“And make sure you answer to every d@mn thing I ask”
“Ok” She gulped in
“What’s your name”

“Annabelle Osborn”

“Good, you are meant to be somewhere today right?”
“Yes, “
“I was …to resume….my job as a housekeeper…” she explained in details to him. He took note of everything she said.
“So dear Annbelle, sorry about this, but you won’t be needing the job for now” he stated. Her eyes widened in shock

“Why?” She was tempted to ask, but was scared of his reaction. She nodded
“So you know what you are going tpo do for me….forget about it” She was yet to get his point when he quickly injected her with the syringe with him. She let out a loud scream which later reduce to low mutters, before passing out.
“So how do I look” Jade asked Jayden a she entered the power room. She rolled her eyes on seeing him flirting with Autumn
“Wow….you look like a princess” he grinned, mocking her,. She rolled her eyes, stretching her hand forward to receive the ID card he had made for her. She was simply dressed in a sky blue blouse with a straight skirt, with light make up to enchace her pretty face

“Well, let’s be serious here, you look…god d@mn, seriopusly Jade, you should dress more like this. The CID won’t hesitate to f-__-k your big a$$….”
“Shut the f-__-k up and give me what I need” She snapped, already piseed at his flirty attitude. He gave her what she wants, and was about making another annoying statement when Kelvin entered.
“How was it?” She asked him. He shrugged

“She gave me the right info, just that the CID will be expecting her by 10 o’clock. Though she doesn’t know who she was about working for, but according to the mail sent to her yesterday evening by the agency manger, he said she should be at the venue by 10”

“Phew…thank God…I have just 2 hours left.” Jade muttered
“And the girl” Jayden asked
“I injected her already…Wizard will dispose her somewhere safe. Once she regain consciousness, she will find her way home”

“Isn’t she going to make a report, did she see your face?” Autumn asked
“I induced her with large quantity of drugs, she won’t be able to remember events of the last 48 hours” Kelvin replied
UB Hotel~~
Two adults could be seen lying on the Queen size bed; the only difference between them is their gender and age. The lady sprawl across the bed sheet, bare to her birthday suit, while the middle aged man of fifty five was partially covered with the blanket. He was awake already unlike the lady, who was still sleeping soundly.

They had had a good number of rounds late in the night, making the lady really weak and worn out. Marshal hadn’t had a good s*x in a long time; he really enoyed the lady brought to him this time unlike the others.

She was sweet, but not innocent, just the way he likes it. He glanced at her sleeping face, pushing her off his body. He has been awake for about an hour, but was trying to draft out a plan on how to make Kyla become his prey. He knew his son was still held captive, but a fast move from his side might lead to his downfall. Evans will have to be patient until his plans falls in place to get him out

But for now, he will play a low key, and at the same time carry out important jobs from clients that will fetch him more money. Lady mafia isn’t his only enemy, why will she be the bone in his throat? Getting up on his feet, he strides into the bathroom for a warm bath. He got out after he was done, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

The lady was already up, she had worn her cloth and was about leaving, but paused on sensing his presence in the room
“G….good morning sir” She shuttered. Staring at her, he belived she was new in the game; she doesn’t look like a wayward type to him. It reminds him of Evan’s mother, when he first meet her.

“Morning…” he replied in a gruff voice. She wasn’t supposed to stay overnight, but he just couldn’t let go. The death of his wife also affected him, and that is why he will make Kyla pay of his loss. He went to his briefcase and picked out a bundle of cash, throwing it on the bed. Though her mistress has been pain for wh@ťěver service rendered
“That’s yours” He stated. She beamed, hurriedly picked the money, as she stuffed it in her purse
“Thank you sir” She appreciated and left the room

He watched her leave with a smile on his face. He picked up his phone and called someone
“Boss” A voice sounded
“Turn on the connection…” he ordered
Evans’ POV

I woke up to hear groaning sounds of someone. I flickers my eyes open to behold and unholy sight of the boss torturing someone. I was yet to see the face of the victim, since her hair prevented me from seeing through. When her face was revealed, I gasp
” Miss Cindy” I called out without noticing my flaws. The boss turn to smrik at me
” Fine…sleeping boy is awake. I was coming to wake up up with this after I’m done with her…too bad I couldn’t fulfil that” she noted referring to her fist. I gulped down my saliva. How did miss Cindy get here, and why is she torturing her. I though
” Now for the last time…I will ask you again…… Jones to you” she gritted..referring her question to miss Cindy, who weeped loudly.
“The only Jones I know of is the one who owns Rakelight…I’m telling the truth” she pleaded. She was strapped to the chair with a rope, unlike me who was just with a cuff on my hand.
” What business do you both have together? What’s his business with The mask?”
Cindy gulped in before speaking..she has been trying to keep on lying. But the beatings had made her change her mind.
” I think he works for George…I can’t really say..”
“You are lying” Klya gritted. Sh shivered
” No I’m not…he paid me to keep and eye on Evans’ mum and told me to give the wrong infos I gave to Evans” she dropped the bombshell as Evans mouth dropped
” Hmm…so the mask wasn’t at the brothel right?”
She nodded
” Words” Kyla yelled. She jerked and replied a yes
” Tell me all you know”
” I don’t know why he gave me that task…but we used to be lovers. He had given me the task to always be around joycelyn and get any information about her son. I don’t know why he wanted those answers…not until the day he called me and told me to watch out for Evans if he will come to Miami…and told me some certain lies to tell the young lad once he ask about his dad” Cindy explained.
“Dammit” Kyla cursed. There is only one way The Mask can know of her mission to track him down…and that’s if there is a mole in her clan who is selling her out.
She didn’t waste more time..she has gotten the info she needs. She brought out a syringe filled with liquid andstab her on the neck
Cindy passed out after few struggles
” What..what did you do to her?” Evans asked panicked. She smirked and toss it to the floor
The young lady who left Marshal’s hotel room, filled with smiles entered into her room after getting home. She wasn’t from any brothel, but was hired for the job that night, without the clue of Marshal’s men.
Bringing out the money from her purse she gladly hug it to her chest. She wouldn’t just be receiving payment for her job done..but will also get to spend this whole money. Something caught her attention and she was jubilating. It was a little fancy hair clip that fell off the bundle
She believed he might have mistakenly packed it with the money or is it a gift..she thought, clipping it to her hair. She hurriedly took her bath and left the room to report to the man who sent her.


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