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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 16

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 16

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Lady Mafia
(From Revenge to Affection)
By: Vickie Dora ????

Chapter 16
(Trail Them)
Wolves Clan~~
Jayden could be seen typing something into the keyboard as he swirls sideward on the swivel. In his mouth is a gum with he chews and blows at intervals. He titled his head backward on noticing the presence of someone entering the power room. His face brightens up in a smile on setting his eyes on Jade

�Hey..big lady� he smirked. She rolled her eyes, not replying him, but pulled out a chair, sitting close to him, as she looked into the screen to view what he was typing

�What are you doing? � She asked, even when what he is doing is clearly visible

�Nothing much, just trying to send a mail to our agent out there. He had sent the necessary details and records of the lady you will be swapping position with. Here, we need to go through it� He stated, switching to the window as he clicked on another file.

�Her name is Annabella Osborn, a citizen of California; age 22. Though the CID haven�t seen her yet, so it will be easy to manipulate him. All you need to do is play smart�yea..that�s gonna be easy for you though; and try not to be intimidated� he muttered. She looked at him and let out a scoff

�Are you teaching me my work� she asked. He breathed out funnily

�Ouch, I forgot you are the boss here�sorry�.� He mocked. She rolled her eyes
�So when are we getting hold of the lady�

�This night�we will bring her down to the clan, so as for you to carry out your job. Boss has given you details right?�

�She said you will�

� ain�t just going on an assassination job; there are actually some criminal records which needs to be deleted from the officer�s case file. The man is currently working on one of our client�s case, and if he succeeds in bringing out the truth, then our client is done for. So all you need is go through his system files and delete everything you find suspicious or related to the case on ground.

�Isn�t our client�s name already in the police black book, won�t they still fish him out� Jade asked
�This case is different, it�s a murder case. Yea, he hasn�t been held captive, neither are they yet to get results.

But our client claims innocent and believes that there is a foul play going on within. The ones responsible are top officials of the government; they only wanted to paint it on him due to circumstances surrounding the murder.

It�s best to just clear all evidences they have to keep a clean record, else they will have their way, because they have money and power. The god d@mn CID agent isn�t clean too� he explained, printing out a document

�Wh@ťěver, all I work for is the money, nothing else� She smirked. He laughed out
�Sure..we all work for money; the government gat their own problem to solve, God d@mn them�

He stood to his feet

�So�.we move tonight�Kelvin will go with us�you need to get ready for tonight and also tomorrow, cause the big head wouldn�t like late coming�
�Sure� She replied
12: 00 pm

Evans watched his mum coming out of the pool, striped in the tiniest bikinis, showing out her full curves and perfect shape. Her tan dark skin shone beneath the sun, as a warm smile plastered across her face. In her right hand is a glass of juice which she gently sips from as she walks closer.

One look at his mum, one will think she is in her mid twenties, but she is already approaching her forties, though the lifestyle of a youth is still warm in her blood. He could see some of the men around, both young and middle age staring lustfully at her a$$ from behind, as she walks towards him. He felt this surge of anger welling up in him, as he folded his fist.

�Sweetheart� She called, closing up the distance; he tried to hide his furious face, releasing his fist
�Mum�� He muttered, as she gave him a hug, patting his hair

�We need to talk mum�I don�t have much time� he rushed his words, disengaging. She gave him this puzzled look

�Ok fine�let�s go in, we can�t talk out here� She suggested. He doesn�t know if he should go in or not. He was still being conscious of his nappers; though he couldn�t get a glimpse of the lady asked to follow him. He shrugged and went in

�Why the hell will you suddenly want to see me�.you should have just�harggh� she gasped, having a clearer look at his face. Some part where Kyla had punched him is visible, giving a reddish mark
�What happened to you�.your face��

�It�s nothing�just had a slight accident�
�But this doesn�t look like one�it�s more like a punch�

�And I said I�m fine�� he yelled out to her surprise, she gulped in and scoffed

�For goodness sake mum, what�s all this, ain�t you done with this lifestyle huhn�.do you know some idiot out there were busy staring lustfully at you without your notice�I�m tired of all this, you are a grown up, get a man and stop this lifestyle, it�s annoying� he huffed, ruffling his hair

His mum folded her arms, glaring hard at him

�Wait a sec Evans�are you telling me you came here all the way from L.A just to tell me about my lifestyle�do you have a business with that huhn. This is what I want, and not you or anyone should decide for me.

This lifestyle was what I used to feed you, train you and care for you; or where do you think I get my money from.� She snapped at him

�At least dad sends you money for me, you should stop this for once, get a clean job, order than being everyone�s woman�

�f-__-k your d@mn as***ole of a mouth�your f-__-king dad never cared for me for once, not until i forced you on him..get that. I strip to fend for you when you were little, so don�t you ever speak to me that way again� She pointed her index finger in his face

�You are missing the track�that wasn�t your mission� he heard Kyla�s gritting voice through the ear pod

�f-__-k� he cursed. He had almost forgotten why he was there. His mum was already fuming, clearly pissed

�Fine�mum..i�m sorry�I�m�I�m really sorry�I just lost it and erm�I�m sorry� he went closer to her, hugging her from behind

�d@mn�you just pissed me off�for what� She huffed. He pouted
�I�m sorry..I really am�

�Fine�it�s alright��
He breathed out. Now he can go on with why he is here
�You have 20minutes� That was Kyla�s voice again

�Erm�mum..i�m sorry I had pissed you earlier, that�s not really why I�m here�I really need to know about some things�

She folded her arms and shrugged
�What is it?�
�Mum it�s about��

�Hey�who do we have here�the little guy� A voice disrupted him, as a young woman stepped into the room, also clad in a bikini, though she has a hat on and sun shades, which she gently pull off her face to get a better view of Evans.

�Hello Miss Cindy� Evans greeted, though rather grudgingly. He doesn�t know why she will come in at this moment; he is very sure that he won�t fulfill why he came here, because the women will start their long and unending talk.

Miss Cindy is his mum long time friend, also single and does the work his mum does. Their friendship has been long bounded, but he never liked her for once, not like she had done any wrong to him.

�Yea Cindy, but my boy is no more little, you can see for yourself��
�Yea..I see�isn�t he the one you had for that mafia lord� She chipped in with a smirk
Evan rolled his eyes and let out a silent curse, this is what he h@ťěs about her; she is too poky

�You know the answer Cindy, not like I have any other child�� his mum replied her

�Hmm�did I tell you about George presence in Miami..he was at one of my man�s brothel yesterday�did you get in touch with him?� Cindy asked. This time, Evans� ear pricked to listen further. George is actually his father, he goes by that as a first name.

�No�you�re sure it�s him�Cos� George is discreet, he won�t reveal his identity anyhow�that bas***d� His mum smirk, picking up her drink, as she takes sips from it

�Opps, I thought he came for you��Cindy smirked
�Erm�Miss Cindy?� Evans called
�Yes sweetheart�

�Which brothel are you talking about?�
�Oh�Rakelight Brothel�the popular one� She winked. He felt disgusted, though his mother wasn�t watching

�Really�was he with anyone�I mean..ermm�
�Cut it out Evans, that�s� not George, he can�t be so careless to go anywhere someone can recognize him� His mum cuts in

�And how do you know about that�
�Because I know him well�

�But he was the one, I saw him with my own eyes�I think he came for a deal with some bad guys in the club house�though I can�t say�perhaps, I will ask Jones about it� She stated referring to her man

�Wh@ťěver, leave Cindy we were having a discussion before you interrupted��
�Opps�.ok..i will leave�

�No wait�she shouldn�t leave mum..i think you both will provide an answer to this� Evans stated, fidgeting. He looked sideward thinking he will get a glimpse of Moonlight lurking around

�What�s wrong�why are you acting scared�� Cindy asked mockingly but earned a glare from his mum
�Mum�I need to see dad..� he forced his words out
His mum scoffed

�Because it�s important�I just want to see him�do you know anywhere I can find any location he is mostly found, his favorite spots�or..�

�Cut it out Evans, what do you want to see him for?� She snapped
�I can�t tell you�

�Why? You wanna go ahead and join his dreadful clan, you wanna become a mafia like him huhn�ain�t you satisfied with your current life�I don�t want you anywhere that dirt bag� She yelled out in fury

�But he is my father, I haven�t seen him for good five years, what�s the point..� he resorted

�And I don�t know about anything related to him, what we had, was a one night stand which resulted to you. I don�t know why you find joy in knowing more about him, after all that I have revealed. If you want more information, then go ask his wife� She snorted

He gulped down his saliva, it�s true that she doesn�t know about their death yet; doesn�t she listen to news. He thought

�Mum please�.� He pouted

�Look son, I just don�t want you anywhere that man, I never also wanted you close to his family, but you just wouldn�t listen to me��

�Do you know any of his friends�.or�
She scoffed again
�I don�t�

Silence took in for a while�Evans doesn�t know what to ask of anymore, he had been listening to Kyla, giving him those questions to ask, but she isn�t saying a word. He is only doing this to save his mum and his life; he knows they will come for her if he doesn�t play to their tune. But he can still try to create a little fear in his mum, to make her leave this city.

�Uhn�I think you are missing something, Jocelyn�have you forgotten Max�.� Cindy chipped in
Jocelyn rolled her eyes

�Who is Max? Evans asked, eagerly

Cindy glanced at his mum first before speaking

�Erm..Jocelyn, just let the lad meet his dad�come on stop being selfish. Ok, Max is actually close to George, though I can�t say about now. But then, he was in charge of the call girls who he hires for clients like George. Max Harrell, he lives in Albany�..�

�You don�t have to tell him about his locations� Jocelyn snapped
�But he can get to his dad through him right?� Cindy shrugged earning a hard glare from her

�Time up, get out of there�.� Evans heard Kyla�s voice from the ear pod
�Ok�mum�I think you need to change location, you know�go on a vacation�to somewhere else if you�want�� he shuttered, as they both looked at him, puzzled

�Why� She asked, perplexed
�Because�you just�

�Get out of there now�Moonlight� Kyla called
�Hold on for a sec� he yelled out, fidgeting

�On it boss� Moonlight voice sounded through the ear pod, he could also hear clicking sounds from the background. He turned round to look but couldn�t find any of them close by

�What�s going on, are you talking to someone� his mum asked
�I need to go mum�bye� he rushed his words, running out of the room

�I�m out, don�t do anything� he yelled into the microphone. Kyla smirked
Cindy and Jocelyn ran after him

�Are you sure he is ok, Evans�� they called but he had already slipped out of the gate
Evans ran back to the position where the car was parked, he opened the door and entered, breathing out

�You are late� Kyla gritted, she seems to be typing something into the laptop on her thigh.
�I�i..just wanted to ask all the questions you threw at me��

�Shut the f-__-k up� She shunned him. He gulped down his saliva; just then Moonlight also entered. She gave him a weird smirk

Bruce ignited the engine to life, none of them said a word as they continued their journey.
Few meters away from where they were, parked a black jeep with tinted glasses. Seated at the front are two huge guys with strong physique.

�Boss�.� One of them spoke into the android phone with him
�Speak� A voice from the background sounded

�You are right�he left her apartment a second ago, they are on the move� he stated
�Track them�and give me report� The voice muttered. He nodded
�Yes boss�we are on it� he replied, ending the call before turning to the other. He gave him a curt nudge

�We trail them?� the other asked
�You heard boss�just drive on a low key� he stated
�f-__-k this mission�phew� The other whistled, as he raise the car to life, zooming off
Love y’all ????
Vickie Dora ????

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