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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) - Episode 11

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 11

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Genre: Mafia/Action💥💗
Tag: Crime, Romance, Revenge, Fight, Love, Death🍁
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 11
(The Attack)

Mica’s POV
I tried hacking into the street cameras again to get the correct figure of Larry’s men right. According to Bruce, they were only five present, instead of eight, which means that three are hiding behind.

What is Larry up to, I sensed something fishy in this game, and Bruce should have find out by now. I will just wait and hear from him first before making a move.

“d@mn it” I cursed trying to log in again, but the server wasn’t connecting. I could hear Bruce communicating with them, there was silence for a while before gun shots blasts into the air.

“Jesus” I exclaimed, dropping the laptop as I tried tying my hair in a bun, to avoid it from falling across my face.

I picked up a revolver, loading the cartridge with bullets, sticking a knife in my belt as I step down from the car. I alight carefully, hiding behind the car shadow to get a better view of the space before moving forward.

“Hey Boss…can you hear me..” I spoke into the mouthpiece, but it was already disconnected.

“f-__-k…what the hell” I muttered, being at alert. I walked slowly in the darkness, towards where the gun shot is louder. Making sure that no one is lurking behind me, I push my whole body, jumping down the little fence that leads to the valley.

But my legs, giving way into the air, didn’t reach the ground, as it was kicked by another.

I let out a groan as my chest hits the floor, but didn’t give the predator a chance to strike again. I jumped up to my feet, ready to strike back, spitting out the blood from the cut in my mouth, as I pull out my knife.

I couldn’t get a better view of the figure in front of me, but with my mental calculations, I believe she is a lady. She stepped a bit forward, as a flash light from the street lamps shone on her face. She had a smirk on, holding my gun in her left hand. She chuckled

“I never knew that the Wolves Clan members are this clumsy” She spat, looking at the revolver, which had slipped out of my fingers when I fell. She flipped the cartridge apart pouring out the bullets.

“We don’t need this, cause I’m gonna give you a taste of my fist, before sending you to the great beyond” She snickered. She looks so confident in her strength, and walks steadily like a menacing panther.

I didn’t wait for more talks, I swing my knife forward for a strike but was attacked with a blow, sending my system to a sleep mode.

“Arghh” I groan, giving her a side kick, which she dodged, pulling my legs with her hands as she flipped me to the ground.

No doubt, she is really good, but this time, I got her with a little trick, sending her a head butt. She staggered a bit, as I attached more punches to her chest. I thought I was beginning to get an upper hand, but she surprised me with a grin, holding my wrist in a tight grip, twisting it backward

“Argh…f-__-k you” I yelled out, giving her a stinging blow, she groan, pulling my head towards her torso, butting my jaw with her knee.

“B!tch” She spat, pushing me to the ground with a loud thud. I felt the world going round, as I tried my best to stay conscious. The girl is having metal bones.

She laughed out mockingly, pulling a gun from her inner pocket, as she pointed it at me. I managed to drag myself off the floor, but still lay on my hands and knees, glaring daggers at her

“Any last word before I send you to your ancestors” She asked, Ç0çƙing the gun

“f-__-k you motherf-__-ker” I blurted out, laughing and spitting out blood from my lips

She frowned, and was about pulling the trigger when a voice sounded from behind

The gunshot had reduced as everywhere under the bridge became silent. The duo were still in their hiding place, trying to get connections to reach Mica

“I can’t still reach her” Autumn stated, flipping her tongue over her lips

“She might have heard the gun shots, we need to move now. The enemies might get to her, come on. Can you walk?” he asked, as she nodded

“And the stuff” Autumn asked as they glance at where Larry lay dead with the briefcase sprawled beside him.

“We will leave it; it’s a trap to get us. Those f-__-king guys don’t know where we are right now, and if we make any attempt to pick the briefcase, then we would be gun down.

They are still lurking somewhere. According to Mica, three were missing, which means they are the once we are fighting against.” He whispered, reloading his gun

“We seem to be fighting against two. One is $h00ting from the north and the other, west” She replied.

“Yea, and they are not Larry’s men with the way they $h00t. We are not sure if they are just three, more might be on their way. We can’t take them down since it’s late and the darkness is their strength; so we go south. Mica will be with the last one, come on…get up”

He ordered as they made their way through narrow ways, hiding at intervals behind the pillars.
“Are you alright?” Kyla’s voice sounded into Kelvin’s ear as she pulled him up. The bomb had exploded from within the building which means that the job was carried out by an insider. They had been dinning with an enemy without knowing.

“Yea..I’m ok” he stated, as they made their way forward. Smokes from the blast had already created a fog, making the atmosphere cloudy.

Some security personnel could be seen running helter skater with loads of ammunitions.

“Thank goodness, I was about reaching out for you” One of the chairman’s guard said to Kyla, trying to keep his breath stable. She could see the disarray in the office, as some medics rush out a man bleeding from his shoulder.

“One of the officials was hit, and the chairman has been taken away” He spoke out loudly. She didn’t wait for him to complete his statement, as she headed for the inner passage way.

“Stay here..get the guard to give order to the security men to surround the building, and stop all the elevators. The chairman is on the fourth floor” She stated, monitoring the watch like device on her wrist.

“Ok boss” Kelvin replied

She watch him leave and resumed her journey towards the stairs in the secret passage way. It’s faster than the public ones, especially now that the elevators will be put on hold. She wonders why the assassin isn’t going to the exit, instead, taking the chairman to the higher floors.

She had planted a tracking device on him secretly, though she wasn’t expecting any attack yet, just wanted to be on a safer side, and this happened. The red light is still moving, which means one thing, the elevator is yet to stop, and that bastard is currently on the sixth floor. What the hell is Kelvin doing? She thought
Kelvin’s POV
“What the hell is going on, the elevators are still moving” Boss yelled into the mouthpiece. I’m also confuse here, I had giving orders for it to be paused, and it was at first; I think something is going on

“Sure boss, but it was powered again, I’m heading to the power room now.” I disconnected, pushing the power room door open with a loud bang. I positioned my gun, to the computer point.

The room was pitch dark, except for the light erupting from the computer screen, giving it a little light.

“d@mn it” I curse, seeing corpse on the ground, including that of the IT operator. Someone is lurking behind, I thought.

I felt the presence of someone behind me, as I turn to $h00t, but was hit in the face. The figure attacked with another strike, but I was swift to dodge it. I could now get a glimpse of her face, she is a female.

I fired a shot at her, but she dodged it, kicking my hand as the gun flew off. I attacked back, sending a hard punch into her stomach, dragging her hair, as I crash it into the computers. She groans, biting my wrist. I yelped, pushing her off.

She picked up a laptop, throwing it at me. I managed to dodge it, as I quickly pull out another gun. I fired two shots at her, but she had had her way already into the passage. I steadily went behind her, but couldn’t find her shadow, except the trail of blood on the tiles floor.

“I think she got hit” I smirked, retuning back to the room. I don’t really know much about IT, but I managed to pause the elevator, and just immediately, boss connected.

“Meet me at the building top, now..” She stated
“Ok boss”
Building Top~~
“At last, we meet again..huhn…Lady Mafia” Donald, called out, holding his gun firmly towards the chairman’s head, who was clearly fidgeting

Kyla observed the building from where he stood, calculating the distance between them. The building is having ten floors, and they are currently at the top.

Donald is holding the chairman across his neck, pinning him firmly to shield his body, so that she wouldn’t get the chance to $h00t him, else the bullet will meet the chairman.

“Let him go Don” She snapped coldly, her fingers still placed on the trigger, but she made sure that she didn’t pull it. Kelvin will be up in few minutes she need time to hold this bastard down

Donald laughed

“So you still remember my name’s been a while. I wasn’t expecting you here, isn’t it a coincidence..huhn..why the hell are you always in my way” He yelled, pushing the gun further into the man’s neck

“No…oh..God” the chairman panicked, he cast a glance at Kyla expecting her to do something, but she was taking her time in calculating Don’s move.

If Don decided to bring the chairman here, then it means something, he wanna kidnap him, or throw him down the building. He will also need to escape, and that got her smirking.

She walks closer with her gun pointing towards him

“Don’t take another step, or I will blow off his brain. Drop your weapon now” Donald yelled in rage. He was trying to keep his panic state in check. He wasn’t expecting her to be this calm, which means that she is up to something.

What’s so special about this girl? He really needs to find out

“You heard him Kyla..please drop the gun…please” The chairman pleaded. He had already peed on his pant.

Kyla paused in her movement, she raise the gun into the air gently, not removing her finger from the trigger hole

“I’m almost there, boss” Kelvin spoke from the ear pod. She didn’t reply him as to not give Donald any clue. She was indeed buying herself some time

“Drop it on the ground and take three steps away”
She did as he ordered, going down slowly with her eyes not leaving them.

Kelvin paused on getting to the top; he didn’t come out, as he watched the scene from behind the exit doors which were a bit opened. He positioned his gun, pointing directly at Don who was oblivious of his presence. But he knew that Kyla won’t be alone, so he was also buying time.

“I’m hit boss..i’m out of the building, mission accomplished” Pluto’s voice came up in his ear pod.

“Boss..I got the chopper ready” Jaguar stated. He knew he wouldn’t complete this mission of ki||ing the chairman, but he has gotten what he wants anyway. Pluto has succeeded in clearing all the records, he needs to leave before that b!tch makes a move, he thought

“Just have it at the back of your mind that I will be back for you” he whispered into the chairman’s ear, as he shivers.

“Boss, I got him, I will pull the trigger now” Kelvin muttered
“Hold on…” She replied him

“Let him go…my weapons are down” Kyla yelled loud enough for Donald to hear, but he was smart.

The Chopper was already coming closer, he knew it was his men, but Kyla didn’t get that trick. She thought the police were on their way.

He smirked as the chopper drew closer, watching Kyla’s movement. She saw the chopper hovering high and squinted as a rope was thrown out. She quickly picked up her gun aiming at it, but got cut off by open fire.

“d@mn” She cursed, dodging the bullets as Kelvin also stepped out, opening fire.

“Boss…” Pluto yelled, throwing the rope which Donald caught, while pushing the chairman

“Seize fire, the chairman will get hit” Kyla yelled at Kelvin. He ran towards where she hid, as their opponent still rains bullets.

“I will be back for you b!tch” Donald yelled from afar, laughing hieratically.

“We need to leave now…the police are here” She gritted
“And the chairman…” Kelvin asked

“I think he got hit, but he will be taken care of…. Come on”


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