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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME SLOWLY – Episode 9 & 10

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(Love, kisses, hugs & bites…)

THEME: Hold Me Tightly. πŸ€πŸ’–


By: Diamond Zayne. ✍🏾






“What are we doing here?” Snowy asked as she
stood at the parking lot with him(Pierce).

“What else? Remember I said, you’re owing me.
It’s time to pay for it. Get in the car.” Pierce said
and began walking to his car.

“I’m not going with you.” She said bluntly and
Pierce scoffed.

“That’s not for you to say. Seems like no one
told you I don’t take no for an answer.” He said
and Snowy just stared at him.

“Get in.” He said and she stood transfixed at the

Pierce clicked his tongue.

“Wow… I like that.” Then he walked back and
grabbed her hand, and pulled her along but she
didn’t budge.

He turned only to see Starr holding her other

“She said she isn’t going with you, so back off.”
Starr said and Pierce glared at him.

Snowy smiled on seeing him there.

“Let go off her.” Starr added and Pierce scoffed.

“And if I don’t?” He asked with a wry smile but
Starr maintained a straight face.

Just then, Brittany, Brielle, Baby, Rayne and
Aubrey got there.

“Snowy?…” Someone suddenly called from
behind and they turned to see it was Snowy’s

“Mr Karl?” Snowy called and faced the two boys.

“I need to leave now. My driver is here.” She said
to them and looked down at her hand.

The two boys glared at each other before letting
go of her hand.

“Bye!” She waved at them, then Rayne and
Aubrey before running towards the car. She got
in and the chauffeur drove off.

Starr took his gaze to Pierce who was glaring
h@Ε₯Δ›fully at him. He rolled his eyes before
walking away, holding firmly to his bag.

Brittany left as well, followed by Baby and
Rayne now they were left with Pierce and Brielle

“What was the meaning of that Pierce? Don’t tell
me you have a thing for the new girl?!” Brielle
inquired, already seething in anger.

“It’s none of your business, stay out of this!
Mind your f-__-king business and don’t butt in, in
my affairs!” He warned sternly before getting in
his car and driving off.




Snowy walked into the house to meet Clara
sitting on the couch, with her laptop on her lap
while her fingers walked on its keys.

“Mom, you’re home!” She exclaimed, rushing to
her and she hugged her before sitting beside

“Yeah sweetie. How was your first day at
school?” Clara asked, closing her laptop a little
bit and Snowy smiled widely making Clara raise
a brow.

“Okay, lemme guess. School was great?” She
asked and Snowy nodded.

“Yeah, It was awesome, it turned out that my
best friend from the orphanage is also
attending the school and I also made another
friend.” She said and Clara raised an eye.

“Is that all?” She asked and Snowy nodded

“Yes mom. What else?” She chuckled and her
mom laughed.

“Nothing, I was just wondering. Could all this
smiles be all because of that?” Clara said and
the two laughed.

“Cmon, go freshen up and come down for lunch.
” Clara said and she nodded and stood up.

“Alright mom, see you.” She gave her a quick
peck on her cheek before running upstairs – to
her room.



Starr was washing his hand in his bathroom
when suddenly he stopped as if remembering

His mind went to everything that happened in
school today, starting from when Snowy asked
for his help with the maths question, to the
lunch with her to when he stopped Pierce from
taking her with him and he stared at his
reflection in the mirror.

This was the first time he was getting involved
with someone since he knew himself. He’s the
snub, what he h@Ε₯Δ›s the most is interfering in
someone’s business and he h@Ε₯Δ›s when
someone pried on him. Even his rival with Pierce
has always been quietly.

Pierce was the one always getting on his nerves
and he had never had to exchange words with
him but he did today because of her.

Who is she??

For some reasons he couldn’t fathom, he didn’t
find her budging today annoying nor prying.

He exhaled heavily before turning off the
running tap. He walked out of the bathroom,
whilst wiping his hand with a towel.

He got to his room and dropped the towel on his
bed, before walking to his study table to start
studying and immediately he opened a book, he
met a small piece of paper, neatly folded and he
furrowed his brows.

He didn’t remember putting it there and he was
sure he never gave anyone the… He suddenly
remembered, Snowy actually asked for his note
earlier today so as to update hers.

‘What could be in it?’ He wondered before
picking the paper and he slowly unfolded it.

‘Hey friend, everything will be alright just hang
in there, and smile.’ He read the content

His eyes soften and he re-read the letter again.

He sn_gg@ed.

She called him friend. When did they become
one? He wondered before returning his gaze to
the letter and a small smile appeared on his lips
but it didn’t reach his eyes, the sadness in it
remained clearly visible.



“Phew!” Snowy exhaled, dropping down her pen
in satisfaction.

“Now, all assignments done. Good job Snowy.”
She praised herself covering her books with a
smile on her face.

Her mind suddenly went to Starr and the smile
on her face broaden, she stopped what she was
doing and rested her elbow on the table,
supporting her chin with her palm.

“He’s cute.” She said, reminiscing the moment
he held her hand and she touched the wrist
which he held and blushed.

“Gosh Snowy. Calm down. Take breath.” She
said rubbing her red cheeks with her palms and
she chuckled, touching her racing heart.

She could feel butterflies in her stomach just at
the thought of it.

Her smile suddenly fell as if remembering
something unpleasant.

“But he looks sad. What could be the cause?”
She wondered, then she remembered the letter
she wrote for him.

“He must have seen it by now. I hope it helps
him, or I’ll write another one.” She said picking
up her pen again.

She took a slim, long piece of paper and began
writing on it. She smiled when she was done,
before making a star with the paper.

“Yes.” She squealed, holding it carefully.

She hurried to where she hung her school
uniform which had already been ironed for
tomorrow and dropped the folded paper in the
shirt’s pocket then she smiled.

“I’ll give this to him tomorrow.” She said before
walking out of her room with a smile on her

“Ms Sara, where’s mom?” Snowy asked the
maid in the kitchen immediately she walked in.

“Oh Snowy, she got a call from the office and
she rushed off. She asked me to give you your
milk and make sure you have a nap.” Ms Sara
said, giving her the glass of milk which she took
from her.

“Thanks Ms Sara. But I ain’t feeling sleepy, so I’ll
pass that. I’ll just take a walk instead.” She
winked at her before gulping down the milk.

“But your mom said –“

“I won’t go far Ms Sara, just around the estate
and I’ll be back! I promise! Bye!” She said
dropping the empty glass before rushing off.

Ms Sara chuckled.

“Lovely child.” She said before returning to what
she was doing.


Snowy smiled as she walked down the estate,
she would jog for a while then stop and crossed
her hand behind her back, walking slowly as if
counting her steps.

She took in her lips, enjoying the sweet evening
breeze hitting her and a smile curved on her lips.

“This is good.” She exhaled, with her eyes closed
and her hands spread out.

She began turning around, and as she did that
she was moving forward unknown to her she
was about bumping into someone.

The guy raised his head and his eyes widened
immediately and before he could step back she
already hit him.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” She apologized to
the hoodie guy who immediately looked down,
covering his face with the hoodie cap.

He simply nodded and began walking away

Snowy scoffed. “Hmmph!” She turned to
continue walking and her eyes widened as if
recalling something.

She immediately ran back to the guy and pulled
his arm, turning him to her then she removed his
hoodie cap.

“Starr!!” Her eyes shone in excitement.

“It really is you! What are you doing here?” She
asked and Starr touched his neck nervously, his
other hand holding a polythene bag.

Snowy understood he was uncomfortable with
people around, and that was one of the way he
shows his unease but she wasn’t gonna leave.
She wasn’t people, nor is she anyone. She
convinced herself.

“Well, I’m sorry but I ain’t gonna leave.” She
answered his unspoken words and Starr
dropped his hand down. He began walking and
Snowy followed.

“To say I’m surprised is an understatement.
Bumping into you, in my estate of all places.
You live here?” She asked but Starr didn’t reply
and she took his silence for a yes.

“Same here, my house is the last in the estate.”
She said even without been asked, pointing
further and Starr looked at the direction she

“I was actually bored, staying in that big house
all alone so I decided to take a walk. And here I
am.” She grinned.

“Actually, I wanted to say thank you for getting
me away from that punk at school. Thank you
so much, tho I would have been able to get a
way from him if you hadn’t showed up anyway.”
She said and Starr looked at her.


“Well I was only returning a favour. I h@Ε₯Δ› feeling
indebted.” Starr said with and eye roll and
Snowy mouthed and ‘O’.

So he did it because she helped him earlier and
she was already thinking something else.

“Oh… I guess we’re even then.” She said and she
smirked as an idea popped in her head.

Starr suddenly stopped walking in front a house
and Snowy looked at him.

“Oh, is this your house?” She asked and Starr

“Yes.” He said softly and she smiled.

“Alright, I guess this is where we’ll say goodbye.”
She said and waved at him.

“Goodnight Starr!” She waved before leaving –
hopping happily as left with her hair pouncing
on her shoulders.

Starr released a short smile before walking in.

On getting into the living room, he was greeted
with the shock of his life.

On a couch in the room, was his mother without
a man licking her ÇüñΕ₯ shamefully and his
mother MΓ΅@Ι²ing stupidly.

She was half naked on the couch.

He knew his mom to be having an affair with
other men but she bringing him to his father’s
house and the two fornicating in their living
room was what he never imagined in his wildest

“Mom!” Starr shouted and Cassidy looked at
him, then she hissed with no remorse in her

TBC… 🌺

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