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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME SLOWLY – Episode 17 & 18

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(Love, kisses, hugs & bites…)

THEME: Hold Me Tightly. 🤝💖


By: Diamond Zayne. ✍🏾






Baby sat on a stool, painting on the board in
front of her. She was actually painting a
drawing of an evening view in an ocean side.

She wasn’t yet done but the painting was
looking really beautiful. She was really talented
on it.

“Wow. Your painting is beautiful, amazing.” The
painting master said to her and Baby smirked,
before tucking her hair behind her ear.

“As always. My painting is surely the best in
here. One undeniable fact.” She said proudly
and the teacher chuckled softly.

Someone scoffed beside her and she rolled her
eyes already knowing who it was.


“Wow, what’s this Max?” The teacher asked and
Max smiled and looking athe painting.

“A boy who doesn’t have a family is stuck in
forest which is now a new home, with other
animals who are now the family he never had.
That’s what this painting depicts.” He explained
and the teacher smiled.

He looked very impressed.

“Spectacular! I love that idea. Nice painting by
the way.” He complimented, giving him a pat on
the shoulder and Max smiled.

“Thank you sir.” He said and turned to Baby and
he gave her a mischievous smirk and Baby
glared at him.

She felt like strangling him right there.

Few minutes later, everyone was already done
with their painting and the teacher was taking a
look at it all.

“Wow! Most of you are improving, I like that.
Baby and Max, I love your painting. Keep it up.”
The teacher said and the two smiled at the
teacher before exchanged glare at each other.

“Well, you must have already been informed.
But if you haven’t been informed, it’s still no
problem. We’re having international school’s
competition, coming up before the exams which
is barely in a month and that, we have to
showcase our talents.” He said and the students

“So Baby and Max, as you two are the most
talented in here, I’ll love if you two cooperate
with each other to ensure we come up with
wonderful paintings that very day. I’m making
you two the leaders of these team.” He

“What?” Max asked, but his voice came in a

“No way!” Baby added, and the two began
glaring again.



💬 Oh my gawd! This is so funny!

💬 d@mn, she’s hilarious.

💬 Amazing dance moves.

💬 I need to join the dancing team, she’s a
laughing pill.

💬 I love her!

💬 WTF! 🤣🤣

“Ugh! I’m screwed.” Snowy slapped the back of
her head in frustration as she read the
comments. The video was already all over the
school’s blog.

There was actually no h@ťě comments, the
students only found the video funny.

“You did great.”, Starr’s words echoed in her
head and she groaned, burying her head on her
knee whilst ruffling her hair.

“Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Ugh!!” She yelled
slapping her head in frustration.

She suddenly felt someone sat beside her on
the chair and she sighed.

“Oh please, not now Rayne.” She muttered
without raising her head.

“Won’t you look up at least?” The person said
and her eyes widened in between her knees on
recognizing the voice and she immediately
looked up.

“Starr!” She gasped and Starr chuckled and she
bit her lips in embarrassment.

“Believe me, what you saw earlier was…”

“C’mon, save your weird lies for another time. I
understand.” He laughed and she pouted.

“He caught me.” She muttered, but he heard her.

“I know you’re disappointed at me, I don’t have
any talent like other girls. I can’t do anything
perfectly. I’m only good at embarrassing myself.
” She said and bit her lips sadly.

Starr chuckled.

“Who said so?” He asked calmly and she looked
at him.

“Who said you don’t have a talent?” He asked
and she pressed her lips tightly.

“You actually do have one. You have the talent
of putting a smile on people’s face.” He said
and patted her hair tightly and Snowy smiled.

“I… Have never laughed nor smiled, since I was
little. If I’ve ever done that, I can’t remember but
you made me smile effortlessly and I even
laughed, jeez.” He said and Snowy smiled and
covered her face shyly.

Her cheeks red like tomatoes.

“I wasn’t sad, so there was no need saying this
to make me feel better.” She said still covering
her face.

“Oh, my bad. I take back everything I said.” Starr
said with a serious look on his face and she
gasped, immediately removing her hands from
her face.

“Why would you take it back, you punk!” She
slapped his arm and he laughed.

She laughed as well.

“Thank you.” Starr suddenly said and she

“What for?” She asked and he chuckled.

“Just thank you.” He said and Snowy smirked,
folding her arms under her Břě@šť as she faced
him, so she could see his face very well.

“So you’re thanking me for what I don’t know.
But instead of a thank you, why not do
something to show appreciation.” She smirked
and Starr raised a brow.


“Yes.” She nodded.

“I take back my thank you.” He said and she
shook her head.

“Already out of the mouth is heard. Please be
my maths tutor!” She immediately requested
and Starr looked at her.

“Please. Don’t worry, I’m gonna be an obedient
student. I wouldn’t like to stress my teacher, so
I’ll always come to your house instead, for the
lectures. Please.” She pouted and Starr looked at
her and chuckled.

“You can’t be serious.” He said and she pouted,
giving that her irresistible baby face.

“Please. I’m really not good at maths. I promise
not to disturb you anymore.” She said and Starr

“I have a game to catch.” He said and stood up.

Snowy squealed, standing up as well.

“That’s a yes, isn’t it? You’re gonna be my
maths tutor?” She asked as she followed him
out of the garden.

Brittany hid herself immediately, and they
walked past her.

She was actually followed Starr out of the class
hoping to talk to him, but she ended up
following him here. She couldn’t be more
shocked with what she saw.

She has never seen Starr smile, talk more of
laugh and he was doing it freely with that new

The thought of that alone made her boil in rage.

She has been with him since elementary, but he
never gave her a glance talk more of a state.

She folded her fist angrily as the images
resurfaced again.



“Yes Cassidy. That’s what I’m trying to say.
Sooner or later, the management will find out
about his condition. I advice you keep him at
home. I’ll visit to give him the injections.” Doctor
James said to Cassidy – Starr’s mother.

“I don’t wanna keep him in the same house with
that boy. He’s very smart and before you know
it, he’ll find out what’s going.” Cassidy said and
the doctor James nodded.

“I understand. But it’s safer than here.” He said
and Cassidy sighed.

“Can I do it when I return from Chicago?” She
asked and the doctor shook his head

“I’ll advice you take him home now.”

“The f-__-k!”



The game was about to start and Snowy had
already taken her seat in the front were she
could see Starr clearly.

Rayne and Aubrey came in just at the last
minute, and they sat beside her.

“Thanks for keeping a seat for us.” Aubrey said
and Snowy giggled.

“You look excited, you were about crying few
minutes ago.” Rayne said and Snowy grinned.

“That feeling when you have a talk with your
crush.” She winked and the two gasped.

“Whoa! I see.” The girls laughed.

A girl suddenly sat beside Rayne and she
gasped when she saw Snowy.

“You’re the amazing dancer. You’re very
beautiful in person. Hi, my name is Lily.” The girl
said, waving at Snowy and Snowy smiled,
waving back.

“Snowy.” She replied and the girl smiled.

“Nice to meet you. I love your vibes.” She said
and Snowy smiled.

“Thank you.”

“Hmm, someone is getting popular.” Rayne said,
clearing her throat and Aubrey grinned.

“Stop it.”

“Some boys are in my DM, requesting for your
number. Should I give them?” Rayne asked and
Snowy immediately objected.

“No0!!!!” She screamed and everyone looked at

She smiled nervously and they immediately
looked away.

“It’s okay. I’ve heard.” Rayne said and they

Just immediately, the boys walked into the
court. Pierce and Starr being the leader of their

Snowy began clapping loudly immediately she
saw Starr, as if to get his attention and it worked
as his eyes met with hers.

She raised her both elbows up, giving him the
‘Go Starr’ sign.

Starr stared at her with her hidden smile before
going for the game.

“Whoa! Am I the only one who noticed the
strange look in Starr’s eyes?” Rayne asked
Aubrey who was beside her and when she didn’t
get a reply, she turned to catch Aubrey lost,
staring at someone.

She traced her gaze only for it to land on Pierce
and she looked at Aubrey.

“Don’t tell me you’re crushing on him?” Rayne
whispered in her ears and Aubrey flinched.

“What? Me? Crush? On that proud jerk!
Ridiculous!” She laughed out and Rayne looked
at her.

“C’mon, don’t give me such look. I was only
looking at banner.” Aubrey said and Rayne

“I know.”


The game to a wonderful end, and Starr’s team
won as always. Pierce stormed out of the court
angrily. He didn’t even get to win a point this

4-0, that was what Starr gave him.


Currently, the boys were in their locker room.

“Calm down Pierce.” Brett said to Pierce who
was pacing in the room, in nothing but rage.

“Don’t tell me that $h|t Brett!! I swear, I h@ťě his
gut!” Pierce gritted and Brett rolled his eyes.

How he even became friends with this maniac
is still a misery as he was the cool type.

“How on earth were you expecting to win
against Starr? C’mon dude.”

“Shut it!” Pierce yelled and everyone in the room
flinched, Brett scoffed.

Starr walked into the locker room just then, he
simply picked his bag and left without sparing
anyone a glance and Pierce kept glaring at him
till he was out of sight.

“I was expecting you to pick up a fight with him
the moment he stepped in. Tsk.” Brett walked
out of the room, angrily.


“Starr!” Snowy ran after Starr who had almost
got to his car and Starr stopped walking.

“You’re going home?” She asked and Starr

“Can I come with you? My driver…”

“Get in the car.” Starr said and hopped in.

Snowy grinned before doing the same.

Brittany who was just walking, towards the
garage saw this and raised her brows in

She watched her entered his car and Starr drove
away and she couldn’t help but wonder what
was going on between them.

But she didn’t think that much as the thought of
the two being together infuriated her and her
tightened her grip around the book she was

“Hey Britt.”

“F*”k you!” She yelled before walking away.

Brett exhaled staring at her retreating figure.


The moment Pierce stepped out of the locker
room, he was surprised to see Aubrey standing
at the door like she was waiting for him.

“Hey.” She called and he rolled his eyes, walking
past her.

“Is that how to treat your little sister?” She asked
with a fake frown and Pierce stopped walking.

“I told you never to say that when we’re in
school.” He said coldly, with a deep frown and
Aubrey rolled her eyes.

“Yeah I know. No one must find out I’m your
adopted sister.” She said and Pierce rolled his
eyes and continued walking

Aubrey scoffed. “Jerk.”

“I’m going with you.” She immediately
announced but Pierce pretended not to hear.

The school was already getting empty.

He suddenly bumped into Brielle who was
actually walking to him. Seems she has been
waiting for him.

She frowned the moment she saw Aubrey
beside him and Aubrey returned the unpleasant

“You wanted to talk to me Pierce? And what’s
she doing with you?” Brielle asked and Pierce
ignored the last question.

“Yes. Let’s break up.” He dropped the bombshell
and Brielle’s eyes widened.

Aubrey gasped, but a small sly smile crept on
her lips immediately.

TBC… 🌺

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