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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME SLOWLY – Episode 13 & 14

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(Love, kisses, hugs & bites…)

THEME: Hold Me Tightly. 🤝💖


By: Diamond Zayne. ✍🏾







The cafeteria prefects threw the broom and
mop on the floor, just right in front of the girls.

They had stopped fighting and were now
glaring at each other. Their hair dishevelled and
scattered on their face, Brittany and Brielle were
breathing heavily as they glared at Rayne and
Snowy, they had little bruises and their face was

But Rayne and Snowy were unharmed, no single
scratch on them. It turns out that the 3 BEES
were weakling.

“How dare you guys fight in the cafeteria, huh?”
The prefect queried – a female prefect actually.

“They started it!” Brielle growled.

“No, they started it!” Rayne yelled, pointed at the

“You bítch!” Brielle made to attack Rayne but the
prefect dragged her back by the collar.

“No, let her come forward. The design that was
given to her face is not a enough, I should pull
off a teeth as well.” Rayne said, showing her

“Shut it all of you!” The second senior said, she
was the assistant cafeteria prefect and she
seemed every strict than her superior.

“Whether you two pull your hairs off, it’s none of
my business, but make sure you all clear this
mess you’ve made otherwise, I’m taking this
matter to the school authority!” The assistant
prefect thr_@tened and the girls glared at each
other again.

Aside being a school for the rich, Cupid High
was also noted for its high level of discipline.
The principal was known to be a very strict and
principled man and the students feared and
respected him alot. He’s not like other teachers
whom they can get away with easily.

“But senior, they started it. We shouldn’t be
punished as well.” Snowy pouted.

“The five of you, pick up the broom and mop
and clean up this place, and that too before the
break runs out, have I made myself clear?!” The
cafeteria prefect stated ignoring Snowy’s
statement and they slowly nodded.

“Yes seniors!” They chorused, sluggishly picking
up the broom while Rayne and Brittany took the
two mops there.

“Uhm, senior, you’re mistaken. I’m not with
them. I just happened to be a victim–“

“Get on it now! Nuisance!” Assistant prefect
scoffed, interrupting Baby who was speaking
and Baby grumpily joined them.

The other students laughed within themselves.

Starr simply took his food and walk away
without covering up his smile.

“It’s not over bítches!” Brittany thr_@tened as
they began cleaning the cafeteria.

“And I never said it was. Bring it on rabbits.”
Rayne smirked.



Rayne and the Snowy were in, they just finished
cleaning the cafeteria and came to clean up
themselves, it was already the end of break.

“This shirt is ruined! Damnit! I feel like strangling
those girls!” Rayne gritted, staring at her white
shirt in her hand.

The two had taken it off and were only in their
skirt and inner vest.

“Mine too.” Snowy said, also looking at her shirt.

Thankfully, they had their Jersey which they
wore and kept the white shirt aside.

“Snowy, send me your photo on Instagram.”
Rayne told Snowy while pressing her phone as
the two walked to the class.

“Instagram? What’s that?” Snowy asked
innocently and Rayne’s eyes widened as she
stopped walking.

“Are you for real right now?” She asked and
Snowy nodded.

“I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know what it is.”
Snowy said and Rayne blinked.

“So which one do you know?” Rayne asked and
Snowy shook her head.

“None.” She answered and Rayne gasped.

“Even Snapchat, and TikTok? Are you even on
WhatsApp?” Rayne asked and Snowy shook her

“Geez! You know what, just give me your phone.
” She requested and Snowy handed it to her.

“What are you gonna do?” Asked Snowy.

“You’ll see.” Replied Rayne.

Suddenly a junior student walked up to them, or
should I say Rayne.

“Good day senior Rayne. Mr Rick demands your
presence.” The young girl said and Rayne

Mr Rick was their biology teacher.

“Okay, I’ll meet you in class Snowy. Let’s go.”
Rayne said to the girl and they left.

Snowy exhaled and began walking on her own,
when she felt someone’s presence beside her
and she turned to see the rude guy.

‘What’s that his name again? Pierce! Yeah!’ She

“Hey.” Pierce called with his hands in his pocket.

“Okay, am I supposed to be talking to you right
now?” Snowy asked and Pierce raised his


“I don’t like you. You’re too proud and rude, and
the other day you just dragged me off like that.
I’m still angry at you so do not expect me to
start talking to you like nothing happened.”
Snowy said with an eye roll.

Really? Was she expecting an apology from him
right now? He thought.

That was the first. No matter what and how he
treated girls,they never get upset with him,
rather they were the ones who apologized for
his own mistake and she was requesting for an
apology from him, really?

“Feisty doll, remember you’re the one owing me.”
He said with a smirk.

“What exactly am I owing you?” Snowy asked
and Pierce smirked.

“A lunch with me.” He said and Snowy mouthed
an ‘O’.

“You know what? Meet me tomorrow. I’ll pay
back the debt I don’t remember borrowing and
then it’s even on my side.” She said and walked

Pierce smiled.


<GRADE 11>

Snowy walked to her seat and sat on it. She
looked back, but Starr wasn’t in his seat.

‘Where’s he?’

As if answering her unspoken question. The
door opened and Rayne and Starr walked in.

The two were the class prefect of Grade 11 and
Mr Rick actually sent for both.

“Yo guys! Guess what!” Rayne squealed, the
moment she stepped foot into the classroom.
Starr simply went to his seat.

👥 What????

The students asked and Rayne smiled.

“Mr Rick is busy, which means no biology class
today! Free period!” Rayne exclaimed and the
class erupt in a loud scream of excitement.

The B³ hissed.

Everyone began changing their seats to sit with
their friends.

Rayne walked to her seat and Aubrey came

“Hello fighter friends.” Aubrey grinned, she has
already seen the video.

“Hi runaway friend.” Rayne and Snowy said at
the same time with an eye roll as if planned.

Aubrey chuckled.

“C’mon girls.”

“Wh@ťěver. Give me your phone Snowy.” Rayne
said and Snowy handed her her phone.

👥 Since Mr Rick isn’t coming, why don’t we
play a game?

A student suddenly suggested and they all
nodded in agreement.


👥 Who’s in??

The girl asked and everyone raised up their
hands except Starr. The students all turned to
him and as usual, he was acting as if wh@ťěver
was going on in the class wasn’t his business.

“I swear, I h@ťě his guts. What’s he always
feeling like?” Brielle scoffed and Brittany kept
quiet staring at him.

Noticing the eager eyes on him, Starr
immediately picked up his book and left the

👥 That’s not bookworm, he’s literally boring.

👥 What were we even expecting?

👥 He has a silly pride.

👥 I don’t like him at all.

The students dissed.

“C’mon guys, are you expecting a weirdo to join
in the game? You should be happy he’s not
tagging along before he inflicts his boringness
in the game.” Pierce said and the students

Snowy immediately dropped down her hand.

“I’m not playing. I just remember I promised my
mom to only read and not play at school. I
should go to the library now.” Snowy said,
before leaving the class with a book.

Really now?


The bell for school closing went and the
students began leaving the classroom with their

Aubrey hastily packed her bag and went after

Pierce was actually walking with Brielle when
Aubrey called him.

The two turned to her.

“What’s it?” Pierce asked and Aubrey looked at
Brielle from head to toe, before facing Pierce.

“What I want to say isn’t for three ears.” She
said, stylishly telling Brielle off.

“Are you mad or something? Who’re you to
speak to us that way?” Brielle yelled and Aubrey
completely ignored her as if she was nobody.

Pierce was actually glaring at her. If looks could
kíll, they’d have been seated round right now
and planning the date for Aubrey’s funeral.

“We’ll talk tomorrow Brielle.” He said to Brielle
without taking his eyes off Aubrey.

Brielle scoffed.

“Are you serious right now? Are you really telling
me off because of this thing?” She asked in

“Get out!” He yelled and Brielle angrily storm off.

“f-__-k you!” She yelled behind her.

“Nuisance successfully gotten rid of. Let’s go
straight to business… What? I already told you
glaring will only do more harm than good.”
Aubrey shrugged, unaffected by the look he was
throwing at her.

“What do you want?”

“Give me your credit card.” She said stretching
out her palm and Pierce scoffed.

“Are you crazy? Or do I perhaps look stupid to
you? What makes you think I’ll give you my
credit card?” Pierce asked, already terribly

“You won’t give it to me? You’re not gonna keep
to your words?” Aubrey asked and Pierce
continued glaring at her as dipped his hand into
his pocket and brought out his credit card.

Aubrey eyes gleamed on seeing it, she rubbed
her palms together, preparing to collect the card.

“Spend more than you should and you’ll regret
it.” He warned and Aubrey collected the card
from his hand with an eye roll.

“I know you don’t have money, so I won’t spend
much. What’s your pin?” She asked.



Snowy yawned for the umpteenth time that day.
Her head dangled and she jolted up from sleep

Her eyes immediately went to the wall clock to
see it was already close to an hour past school

She immediately looked at Starr to see him still

“”Seriously?” She yawned tiredly. She had
already informed Mr Karl not to come pick her
up. Her plan was to go home with Starr.

She resulted to wait for few more minutes.

Starr suddenly got up from his seat and began
leaving the library and Snowy immediately
swung up and ran after him. She caught him
outside the library.

“Starr!” She called and Starr stopped to look at

“Thank goodness you’re still in school. Uhm,
you see. My driver just called that he wouldn’t
be coming to pick me up, he had an urgent
situation to attend to and I have no cash on me
to take a cab home so I was hoping you could
drop me home. Please.” She made a puppy face
that one couldn’t resist, whilst pouting cutely.

Starr sighed.

“I promise I won’t talk throughout the drive
home. I’ll keep my mouth sealed. Trust me.
Please help a friend.” She said and Starr simply

Who was she kidding? She wasn’t gonna talk?
Such a joke.



Pierce could be seen sitting on the couch in the
living room, pressing his phone. He was actually
watching porn when his phone suddenly dinged
as a message got in.

His eyes widened immediately he checked the
message. It was a debit alert!

“WTF!” He exclaimed, his eyes still widened.

Suddenly he heard the door opened and he
turned to it to see the maids walking in, carrying
alot of shopping bags and he needed no one to
explain to him what was going on.

“Careful, careful please. There are alot of
breakable stuff in that bag, very good.” Aubrey
said as she followed the maid behind.

She grinned immediately she saw the shock on
Pierce’s face.

“Hey bro!” She called.

“Hold it there! I want to believe my eyes are
seeing things, how much did you f-__-king
spend!” He demanded, angrily.

“C’mon Pierce, I only used just $5000 and I
know you have more than that in your account.”
Aubrey said, with an eye roll and Pierce blinked.

Is this girl being serious right now?

“Careful Anne, that’s my make up bag.” Aubrey
said to the girl that was climbing the stairs.

“Okay ma’am.”

“Give me my card!” Pierce demanded and
Aubrey rolled her eyes bringing out the card
from her school bag.

“You’re just making a whole lot of noise. I didn’t
even get everything I wanted, those bags only
have some shoes, make-up kit and few clothes.
I was being a considerate sister and didn’t
spend extravagantly.” She grumbled as she
handed him the card.

Pierce yanked it from her and Aubrey made to
go inside but Pierce dragged her back, by her

“Where do you think you’re going? Delete the
video already.” He said to her and Aubrey

“Really? I never said I was gonna delete the
video if you gave me your card, or did I?” Aubrey
said and Pierce gritted.

“You little devil!”

“Mommy!!!” Aubrey suddenly blared as Pierce
raised his hand and Pierce scoffed.

Mrs Clarke rushed down immediately.

“Baby, what happened?” She asked and Aubrey
rushed to her embrace.

“Mom, it’s Pierce. He’s intimidating me again.
He just won’t accept me as his sister. I never did
anything wrong to him.” Aubrey said, faking
tears and Pierce stared in disbelief.

It turns out that Aubrey was Pierce’s adopted

“Pierce why are you making your sister cry?!”
Mrs Clarke demanded.

“Seriously mom. I didn’t do anything. She’s lying,
you little devil.” He made to hit her again and
Ms Clarke stopped him.

“You didn’t hit her? what are you doing now?”
His mom asked hitting his arm and Aubrey
grinned as she watched.

“Mom! Are you seriously choosing her over me?”
Pierce pouted.

“I’m not choosing anyone over the other, just
treat her nicely!” His mom said and held Aubrey.

“Let’s go dear.” He held Aubrey’s hand taking her
upstairs and Aubrey turned back to give him a
wicked smirk.

Pierce glared at her.


Snowy smiled as she looked out through the

“The trees are beautiful.” She said and Starr
looked at her. She pouted.

They were on their way home and Starr was
driving while she sat beside him.

“Sorry, I know I said I won’t talk but I can’t help it,
the place is too quiet. A music would do.” She
said and turned on the music before Starr could
even give her the go ahead.

“Yeah! That’s it.” She said, nodding her head to
the music. ‘Sweet but psycho’ by Ava Max was

“Yeah, I love this song. I love Ariana Grande!
This is my favourite song sang by her. Yo! And
now she’s screaming… Oh yeah! You rock
Ariana!” Snowy screamed, throwing her hands in

Starr looked at her, puzzled.

“This is actually sweet but psycho by Ava Max,
not Ariana Grande.” Starr said to her and she
looked at him with wide eyes completely

“Really?” She asked and Starr nodded and she
bit her lips.

“So that’s it. I thought as much, I knew it. Ariana
Grande isn’t the singer but Ava Max, my bad, I
always mistake their names for the other.” She
defended herself and Starr nodded.

The song ended and another started playing.
‘Super freaky’ by Nicki Minaj.

“Yeah! This is Rihanna’s new song playing!
Omg! I love Rihanna! I love you baby! My
favourite artist!” Snowy went on exclaiming
again and Starr couldn’t help but chuckled as he
watched her, at the same time, concentrating on
the road.

“F- F- R, E- A- K! AK, AK, AK! d@mn! I love you
Rihanna. Yunno my friends do argue that Nicki
Minaj is a better rapper than Rihanna, and I’ll be
like, bro WTF?! This is what we call melody!
Best rap of the year! Rihanna is amazing! Nicki
can’t do this. I love you Rihanna! You rock!” She
exclaimed again and Starr cleared his throat.

“Actually, this is super freaky by Nicki Minaj.” He
said to her and all the blood in Snowy’s body
froze the moment she heard that.

“What?” She whispered, her cheeks flushed in
another round of embarrassment.

‘Why can’t he just pretend he doesn’t know?
Was it necessary blowing her cover like that?’
She thought, glaring at him.

“Yes, Nicki Minaj actually released the song last
year and it’s a hit. And Rihanna isn’t a rapper.”
He said and Snowy cackled, slowly it turned into
a chuckle before it grew into a full fledged

“You got me there. I was actually lying to find
out how much you knew music. I must
commend, you’re really aware of music. This
song is Nicki Minaj’s own.” She said still
laughing, but anyone could tell that was a
tensed laughter.

Starr couldn’t help but smile.

Snowy sat quietly and didn’t sing again till the
song ended and another started playing. Alone
II by Alan Walker ft Ava Max.

Starr waited for Snowy to start vibing with the
song as usual but he was met with total silence
from her. He really did put her at the edge.

He thought and all of a sudden he started
hearing a tiny creaky voice like that of a
Ç0çƙroach who had been stepped on, now
crying for help and he immediately turned to

His eyes widened as he saw her, with her eyes
closed and her hand on her chest while the
other stretched forward as she tried to sing the
high pitched song. She looked so serious as tho
she was doing something incredible and that
was all it took for Starr to burst into an
uncontrollable laughter.

How can someone’s voice be so terrible?

He immediately pulled the car to a screeching
halt as he laughed hard, tears filled his eyes and
Snowy stopped singing to look at him.

“Why was he laughing?” She wondered, blinking
cutely whilst pouting.

TBC… 🌺

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