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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME SLOWLY – Episode 11 & 12

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(Love, kisses, hugs & bites…)

THEME: Hold Me Tightly. 🤝💖


By: Diamond Zayne. ✍🏾






Snowy clutched tightly to her bag as she walked
to her class, smiling sweetly as always.

Her smile broaden the moment she got to the
classroom to see Starr already in. He was
scribbling something in his book.

It was still early in the morning and not enough
students had arrive. She pressed her lips lightly
before walking to her seat which was just right
in front of his.

“Hey Starr. You’re already in school. I actually
stopped by at your house and was told you had
already gone. Good morning.” She greeted,
dropping her bag on the chair, and sitting to
face him.

Starr simply nodded without taking his eyes off
his book and Snowy scowled.

“I thought we’re friends now, you should speak
when I talk.” She told him with a frown on her

Starr looked up, “I don’t remember.” He said and
Snowy gasped.

“You…” She swallowed the rest of her words and

“Alright, let’s be friends.” She said, stretching her
hand to him.

Starr looked at it expressionlessly.

“C’mon, I have no ulterior motive. It’s just a
harmless friendship. Why do you find it hard to
trust people?” She asked with an eye roll.

“Once broken trust is hard to fix, and I don’t like
physical contact, including shaking of hands.”
He said and Snowy stared at him in disbelief.

“But you do like holding hands?” She smirked.

“Actually, I also don’t like physical contact it’s
just that my hand is cold and I thought yours
could be warm, so I just wanted to like warm
mine up a little bit.” Snowy said, biting her lower
lip as she took her hand back.

Starr looked up at her and she smiled again. He
simply nodded and returned to what he was

Snowy looked at what he was writing only to
see he was solving some maths problems.

“Oh, you’re solving maths.” She said even after
seeing it but he didn’t reply.

“Can I join you?” She asked and he looked at her
with a raised brow.

“Uhm, I mean… I came early today and we still
have about thirty minutes before the school
activities begins, so maybe, I can join you. I’m
not really good at maths, it won’t be bad
learning. Will it?” She asked and Starr returned
to his book without replying her and she took
his silence for a yes.

She excitedly brought her notebook and maths
textbook and went to sit beside him.

“What’s the question?” She asked and Starr
handed her his textbook.

“Where is it?” Snowy asked, flipping the pages
and Starr faced her.

“Why did you close it?” He asked and she looked
at him.

“Huh? Close? I didn’t-“

He took the textbook from her and began
flipping the page back to where he first opened
and handed her the book.

“Question 7.” He said to her before returning to
his book.

Snowy smiled, staring at him before she facing
her book. She bit her lips on seeing the question.

She doesn’t even know BODMAS, talk more of
subject of the formula and that was the
question he was solving.

She bit the cap of her pen and slowly turned to
see him seriously his own.

‘Is he a wizard?’ She wondered in question. She
couldn’t help but stare.

She slowly placed her two hands on the table
then she rested her head on it, staring at him

Just staring at him gave her butterflies in her
stomach. He was indeed handsome that she
couldn’t help but crush on him over and over

Starr suddenly noticed the peering eyes on him
and he turned to catch her staring at him.

Snowy blinked her eyes repeatedly, choking on
her spit. “Uhm… I…” She gulped down nothing in

“I’ll leave now. Maybe some other time.” She
said packing her things whilst avoiding his gaze
on her as she walked to her seat.

She pressed her lips and hit her head on the
table, completely abashed.


The bell for lunch went and the teacher left the

“Great! I’m starving. Let’s go. ” Rayne said
holding her stomach dramatically. She turned to
Snowy when she didn’t get any reply from her
only to catch her stylish staring at Starr as if not
to get caught.

Rayne leaned closer and whispered in her ears.
“Tell him you like him.” She said and Snowy
jolted in fear.

“Rayne, it’s you.” She muttered and Rayne

She leaned close and whispered.

“You like him, isn’t it?” She asked with a wide
grin, even tho she already knew the answer.

Snowy pressed her lips and leaned closer as

“Is it that obvious?” She asked in the same tone
and the both looked at Starr who didn’t care
about the peering eyes on him – of course, he
was obviously aware of it.

Someone suddenly wrapped her hand on the
two’s neck from behind and they screamed but
stopped the moment they saw who it was.

“Aubrey!” They yelled and Aubrey grinned.

“You scared us.” Rayne snapped and Aubrey
rolled her eyes.

“As if you aren’t worst. Let’s go for lunch, I’m
really starving.” Aubrey said holding their hands.

“Wait, I need to–“

“C’mon, c’mon!” Aubrey said, pulling them out of
the class before Snowy could finish what she
was saying.

Starr released the breath he didn’t know he was
holding the moment he felt her presence gone
and he looked up.

He has never for once regretted his sitting
position like he was today. He has never for
once felt so uncomfortable and unease like he
when she was here. There was something
fascinating about her but he just he couldn’t
place his fingers on it.

He just met her, but he always wants to be
around her and at the same time, he wanted her
to be far away from him.

He was perplexed, he just doesn’t know what he
wants at all.

He heaved deeply.

“Those nuisance!” Brielle scoffed as Aubrey left
the classroom with Snowy and Rayne.

“Let’s go for lunch, I’m famished.” Baby said,

“I don’t see Pierce around.” Brielle announced.

“His probably f-__-king a bítch, my bad.” Brittany
chuckled and Brielle glared at her.

“At least he’s better than someone who lives a
boring life alone, and someone keeps sitting on
day, crushing and waiting for him to notice her.”
Brielle shot back, knowing that was Brittany’s
angry button.

Brittany clenched fist, glaring at her.

Baby shook her head. She wondered how she
became friends with this two at all.

“I thought I saw Pierce in History class?” Baby
chipped in.

“Yes, but he didn’t attend Economics class.”
Brielle said, referring to the class that just

“Wh@ťěver, let’s just go for lunch.” Baby said
completely uninterested.



Snowy and the rest were almost at the cafeteria
when Aubrey stopped walking.

“I suddenly feel like using the restroom. Go on
guys, I’ll join you soon. Just order for burger and
milkshake for me.” She said and left them.

“That rabbit, am I her maid or something?”
Rayne scoffed and Snowy chuckled.

“C’mon, let’s go.” She said and they walked in.

“Orange juice and cookies, then a cup of
milkshake and burgers.” Snowy ordered and the
waitress immediately took it.

“What about you Rayne?” She asked Rayne who
was engrossed in her phone which she was

“Rayne?” Snowy snapped and she jolted,
immediately hiding her phone.

“Who’re you chatting with little miss grumpy?”
Rayne heard someone whispered in her ears
and she could swear she felt a cold shiver, ran
through her spine on recognizing the voice.

She turned around to see Nico and Max
standing next to her and Nico was actually the
one who whispered to her.

A deep frown settled on her face.

“Àsshole!” She scoffed and Nico smirked.

“Flat @zz got a boyfriend?” He asked and Rayne
glared at him before smiling.

“At least I’m better off than someone I know. I
got someone with my flat @zz, but dude when
you see someone that falls for the two Ɲīpplës
on your flat chest, let me know.” Rayne said and
turned to Snowy who was holding herself from

Max placed a hand on Nico’s shoulder.

“Sorry dude.” He laughed and Nico slapped his
hands off and looked at his chest.

‘How dare she call his nice abs, flat!’ He
wondered with a frown.

“Apple juice and salad please.” Rayne said to
the waitress and she was given her order then
she began walking to her seat with Snowy.

“That was too much Rayne. Seriously?” Snowy
laughed, she was actually carrying two tray of
food – hers and Aubrey’s.

“Seems like the cafeteria is filled up, where do
we sit at now?” Snowy asked looking around
with Rayne.

“That’s true.” They said, scrutinizing the place.

“There!” Snowy pointed at a seat, close to the
window that was vacant.

Rayne’s eyes flashed.

That seat was actually reserved for the B³. It
was their favourite seat and no one dares sit on
it, even tho they weren’t in school.

“Let’s go.” She said and the two walked to it.
The other students gasped as they saw them
sitting on the seat.

🗣️ What’s she doing?

🗣️ That’s B³’s seat!

🗣️ Rayne really has guts!

🗣️ Yo! The B³ are here!

🗣️ I can’t wait for the drama!



Pierce could be seen in the restroom, eating up
a girl. That was the business he was doing
while the class was on – hitting on a girl.

“Oww! f-__-k Pierce!” The girl Mõ@ɲed as he
licked her ćƖĩť.

The restroom door suddenly opened as they
were so engrossed in what they were doing, they
didn’t hear it open.

Aubrey gasped and immediately brought out her
phone to record the wonderful scene before her
but she almost groaned when she saw her
phone was dead.

“Damnit!” She cussed and that caught their
attention. Pierce eyes widened immediately he
saw her there and the way she was holding her
phone, one would think she was actually taking
a video of them.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Please continue. I didn’t see
anything.” She said and immediately rushed

Pierce immediately zipped up and went after
her, leaving the girl he was with.


“Geez, such a wonderful opportunity but you
messed up. This f-__-king phone!” She gritted as
she walked, holding the phone tightly as if to
destroy it into piece.

Someone suddenly grabbed her wrist from
behind and pulled her.

“Ah!” She gasped as the person turned her
around and made to grab the phone but she hid
her hand behind her back.

“Delete the video!” He said and Aubrey frowned.

“Let go of me!” She yelled but Pierce refused.

“Delete the goddamn video!”

“I won’t, let me go!” She forcefully yanked her
hand off his.

“Geez, you think resulting to violence will make
me succumb?” She scoffed, rubbing her the
wrist he held.

“What do you want?” Pierce asked coldly and
she smirked.

“That’s more like it.” She smirked, tapping her
phone on her palm.

“What do I want? You promise to give me
anything I request for?” She asked and Pierce
glared at her.

“Glaring won’t get us anywhere, neither will
acting stubborn. You know what that means.”
She smirked and Pierce sighed.

“Anything, name it.” He said and Aubrey smirked

Exactly what she wanted. Life is just so easy, if
you’re smart enough. She thought swinging her
dead phone on his face.



“I h@ťě them!” Rayne suddenly cussed, staring at
her phone.

“Who??” Snowy asked.

“Who else if not the arrogant three bítches! 3
BEES or wh@ťěver they are called. Can you see
what this person tagged on Brittany’s photo,
‘Most beautiful girl in Cupid High’, ridiculous.
(Scoffs) They haven’t seen you, explains why. I
need to upload your photo immediately.” Rayne
ranted on, tapping her keypad violently.

“C’mon Rayne, remember I told you I h@ťě
attention.” Snowy said looking at her at her.

“Trust me baby girl, I just wanna–“

“Are you mad are something?! What the heck
are you two doing?!” An angry voice thundered
and they both looked up to see the 3 BEES, as
Rayne referred them.

Brielle was actually the one that spoke.

“Are you seriously asking? Do they look like
normal people to you?” Baby asked, beside

Snowy looked confused.

“Okay, you’re the least person I expected that
from. Talking of normal, does your height look
any bit normal at all. I mean, how on earth can
you be sharing height with kindergarten at your
age. Is that how short your dad’s Ďïčk was?”
Rayne asked and the students couldn’t help but
laugh out loud.

Amongst the B³, Baby was actually the shortest.
Infact, she was the smallest in Grade 11 as a
whole with her talkative nature. Her name really
suited her.

Baby clenched her fist already boiling in anger.

“I love Rayne.” Max said from where he was
standing, they were actually also looking for a

“How dare you Ɓîtçh!” Baby growled with her
little voice and Rayne scoffed.

“Get up.” Brittany said calmly and Rayne

“Why should I?” Rayne asked.

“That’s our seat you Ɓîtçh! f-__-king stand up!”
Brielle yelled, boiling in pure anger.

“Where in this cafeteria is it written that this seat
belong to you guys? Where also in this seat is
your names inscribed?” Rayne fired and Brittany
angrily picked up her glass of apple juice and
emptied on Rayne’s face.

Brielle did the same to Snowy who gasped.

“Bítch!” Rayne slapped her salad on Brittany’s
face, then she picked up Snowy’s food and did
the same to Brielle who dodged and the food
landed on Baby.

“WTF!” Baby whined.

Brittany made to slap Rayne but Rayne grabbed
her hand, and twisted it in her back and Baby
yelped in pain.

Brielle charged at Snowy who immediately gave
her a black flip kick on her face and Brielle fell
to the floor, groaning.

Snowy folded her hands in a fist, jogging as she
waited as she waited for Brielle to stand up.

Like that a hot fight had already started. Baby
seeing this was beyond her, stylishly began
walking away but she bumped into Max.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Max asked
and she glared at him.

In the cafeteria, Starr could be seen at the
counter. He was actually there to get himself
snacks and return to the class as he don’t dine
with others in cafeteria when he met the

He didn’t know when a chuckle escaped his lips
as he saw Snowy, pouncing as she waited for
Brielle to get on her feet.

He found it funny at the same time, intriguing to
watch. She was such an hilarious character he
has ever met.

TBC… 🌺

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