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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” So ……you hook up with Bella Suarez huh the Victoria secrets model ? He asked and I turned .

” I don’t hook up ….” I said and he chuckled .

” You’re getting hyper just at the mention of her name she must be something huh …”

” How’d you even know about it .” I asked tiredly.

” I’m the eyes of the De Luca’s family …Kris …. nothing gets past my watch ” he said smirking.

Oh God

” It’s nothing ….she’s just being childish , she’d get over this very soon ….” I said and Dylan jaws dramatically .

” Wait you mean Bella is into you ? Like she asked you out ! Wow and you refused ?he asked and I rubbed my forehead.

” How many times do I have to repeat myself ? I refused to have anything to do with her …she’s nothing but trouble ” I said frustratedly .

” You regected one of the hottest and highest paid models in the world ? This is crazy …” Sergio said with a chuckle .

” I’m beginning to think mom has a point when she called you gay bro …I think you’re gay …it’s not too late to come out of the closet ” he teased and one glare from me shut him up immediately .

” At least you should’ve gone in between her legs …. there’s no harm there ” Dylan said smirking .

” That’ll hurt her bro …I might not like her but she doesn’t deserve any of that …no woman Deserves that ” i said and they chuckled.

I went upstairs and got ready to go out with them. I dressed up in black as I joined them .

Sergio got into the driver’s seat and Dylan and I sat at the back .

” You know who we’re dealing with ? I asked Sergio and he smirked .

” Salvador bermundo bro remember him ? He asked and a frown immediately appeared on my face .

” Salvador bermundo ? You guys still do business with the bermundos ? Isn’t that sick ? I asked and Sergio shrugged .

” It’s business Kristov …stop being emotional about it ” Sergio said and I scoffed .

The bermundo ‘s Deal mainly on drugs , but these people are so dirty and cruel when it comes to business …they weren’t like us .

We took care of our men and …. although there’s still blood shed , we don’t kidnap young girls …o
Into S*x working or stuffs like that . Especially since Grace started working with Sergio …the escorts have more rights than any other familia .

The girls that work for us ,are girls who are willing not …the bermundo’s ….those people are into child trafficking escort business and the list goes on I’m sick at the mention of Working with them .

” I can’t believe Massimo signed a Deal with that ….. heartless Salvador ” I scoffed and Sergio chuckled .

” I’m sure wh@ťěver he’s planning is dirty but if things go as planned then we’d have a successful business transaction but if it doesn’t work as planned and they try to double cross us we’d end them immediately ” he said like it was nothing .

I was already used to the dangers that came with the mafia life , this is the reason why non of my Ex knew the nature of my job …and I never went around exposing them ….or their identity Everytime.

Dating or having any sought of relationship with a De Luca is putting ones life at Risk 247 .

We got to the Beach and I got down as Dylan followed .

” We’re meeting at his yatch ” Sergio said as he lit another Ciggerrate .

He saw my disproving frown and he groaned frustratedly as he threw it on the floor and stepped on it thrice .

” Good ” I said and he chuckled .

” You’re such a prude ” he said and Dylan chuckled.

” I don’t see reasons why y’all do that , you wanna die of heart failure or what ! You slowly ki||ing yourself when you smoke ” I snapped angrily and he looked away .

” Boss ” our men bowed immediately we got to them and we got into the Jet ski as we moved towards the yatch .

Which had the initials …

{ Salvador bermundo } boldly on the yatch .

I was already having a bad feeling about this meeting because I h@ťě men like Salvador bermundo who had no pity ….but then again the mafia business required people with no pity .

Salvador knew I didn’t like him …and maybe he feels the same way .

” Welcome to my humble abode ….” He said immediately we got into his yatch .

His philipono accent was so obvious. He was shirtless and their where different girls in the yatch half naked and dancing to an erotic music .

His men stood with their Guns ….Dylan and Sergio looked at me and we knew that letting our guard down would be plain a*s stupid.

We all sat down for business and The girls came over to us as one of them walked over to give me a massage I raised my hand indicating that I wanted to be left alone .

” Kristopher ” he said smirking .

” Kristov ” I corrected as We placed the briefcase and went straight to business .

We talked for sometime and He went inside after the payment was made .

That’s when his men pointed guns at us ….

” This is the part I love after every business transaction bermundo ” Sergio said out loud and we brought out our guns .

We De Luca’s never give up on a fight ,if you want if we’re ready to give it to you hot .

They opened fire and the whole place got bl**dy . We we’re known for our combat ski||s and ski||s in when it came to handling the gun .

” Dylan ” Sergio called and we jumped into the water .

The Bermundo’s stared into the water for a trace of us .

” Get those animals ….the notes are f-__-king fake ..D*m*it” Salvador screamed at the top of his voice .

We all got on our jetski and the sound of it got their attention .

” Go after them. …! Go after those m*therf_ckers and f-__-king end them ! He screamed and his men Chased after us .

They went after us and even when we got into our car they still chased after us .

” Now this is getting Interesting ” Dylan said and Sergio took over the wheels .

He drove in circles around circles and We shot at the Bermundo’s from the windows while Sergio drove .

We where able to get rid of the guys and Sergio drove straight to the De Luca estate .

” Boss ” the men at the entrance bowed as Sergio Dylan and I walked in .

The De Luca estate was shinning and sparkling in it’s usual luxury .

Dylan removed his shirt as he hung it on his shoulders .

I was getting angry by the minute and didn’t wanna loose my temper .

I’m the kind of guy that loved to keep my emotions in check .

” The Don ….wants you in the office ” one of the men said and we all walked towards his office .

When we got there it was already a full house …Dad and Mom , Uncle Alfonso his wife …

Massimo had The Donna Grace on his laps … frederico and a heavily pregnant Aria on the opposite Side … frowning cutely .

Yvonne and her husband Dimitri where present too …okay I’m beginning to wonder what’s going on .

Emelio was the only one who wasn’t present ,well he’s never present anyways …his relationship with our father has only gotten sore as the years run by .

” How was it ? Mom asked immediately we walked in .

” Why are we still doing business with the Bermundo’s ? I asked immediately .

” Kristov ….at least sit down ” Dad said and I groaned frustratedly .

” I’ve never liked the Bermundo’s …those people are nothing but trouble ….we should be staying away from them big time not doing business with them …haven’t the issue with the Balladins and De nero’s thought us enough lesson ? I asked and frederico rubbed his forehead .

” Kristov …” He scolded and I looked away .

” You’re getting hyper by the minute …it’s unlike you, finally letting your De Luca traits out ? Massimo Asked cunningly and everyone chuckled softly.

” He’s seeing Bella Suarez ….it’s bound to happen …” Sergio said and I glared at him .

“” What …. really ? That’s like one of the hottest and highest paid models ….I didn’t know you liked such girls ” Fred Smirked.

” oh my goodness now I’m Sure my son’s not Gay …. he’s still functioning Quiet properly ” mom said dramatically and I rubbed my face in embarrassment .

” What about the doctor ? Grace asked .

” They broke up ” Dylan chirped in .

” Our prayers where answered ” Aria squiled .

” I’m not Dating miss Suarez and I’d never date her …” I said immediately .

” That’s what we all say …bro ” Rico said and everyone laughed .

” Aren’t we talking Business ? I asked softly .

” You’d be whipped bro and you wouldn’t even know it …” Uncle Alfonso said and I looked away .

” The Bermundo’s Are one of the most Dangerous mafia family of the phillipines and they base on child trafficking …the cases have gotten worst and ….they want us to join forces with them ….Which of course we wouldn’t do .

” But …Dad has done business with them in the past and if they’re brought down today ….we’d be going down with them if we’re not careful ” Massimo said and I frowned .

” I don’t understand? I asked camly .

” When Dad was the Don ,his father and him did business with the Bermundo’s and those people outsmarted them ….of course the Alliance ended between the two group , but they still have something on us ….if they go down today we’re going down with them ….so we need those files and Documents …Even if it means finishing the Bermundo’s in the Process. ..

” We’ve tried to get men in their mafia …but Salvador isn’t a fool , he’s smart but we have to prove that we’re smarter .” Frederico said .

” Oh I thought the De nero’s were enough problem ” i said tiredly .

” You’d be Working more on this Kristov ….”Massimo said and I gave a nod .

Immediately the meeting ended , I made to escape before my sister’s in-law and mom got hold of me .

” Kristov ” Grace called.

” Donna ” I said as I turned with a smile .

” So how’s Bella …? She asked teasingly .

” Miss Suarez and I are not dating …Donna , forget the rubbish Sergio said ” I said and Yvonne chuckled .

” That’s what y’all say at first ” Aria repeated what was said earlier and I chuckled when i saw Rico massaging her feet whilst she drank orange juice .

This woman has turned a whole frederico to a love sick puppy .

” I’m sleepy I have work tommorow ” I said and escaped before they start investigation .

Immediately I got to my room my phone rang .

” Hello ” I said immediately I picked up .

” Awwwwwwwwn your Voice sounds so segzy over the phone …” She said and I caught the call immediately .

Miss Suarez ? How did she get my number ? Doesn’t she sleep at night ? I wondered and my phone rang again ,I tried to ignore again .

When it rang for the 20th time I picked up .

” Sugar ….” She said and I made a crying face as I picked .

” What have I done to Deserve this Miss Suarez …? I need to sleep …don’t you sleep at night ? I asked and she chuckled .

” I forgot the time difference saint Kris I’m sorry ….I’m in New York ” she said happily..

” I didn’t ask ” I said immediately .

” You’re trying your best not to like …me I know you do , admit it you want me …” She said and I chuckled at her confidence .

” I’m blocking your number miss Suarez. …my No remains my No …you’d have to up your game if you think acting stubborn would change anything “I said and cut the call and without hesitation blocked her .

The next morning immediately I got to the hospital and Greeted matron fair ….

” Good morning amico ” she said and I chuckled .

” Doctor Kristov Deluca” the postman said and handed me some flowers and chocolates .

I froze immediately he handed them over to me .

” Awwwwwwwwn ”

” I think you’re mistaken. .I’m not a girl to start receiving flowers and chocolates ” I said and ma’am fair slapped my arms playfully .

” Oh don’t mind the young man let me sign it ” ma’am fair said and signed .

” Awwwwwwwwn” she squiled staring at me in awe and I looked away in embarrassment .

What have I done to deserve a witch like miss Suarez in my life ?

Who did I offend ?



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