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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME IN SECRET – Episode 20

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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022

Settings : ?? ITALIAN

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot ,billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





?️ BELLA ?️

” You said you we’re sleepy last night kristov …, I’d be sleepy throughout that trip don’t you think of doing anything naughty ” I said and he smirked at me .

” I’m definitely Making sure my name is all you remember before we get back …..” He said and my jaws dropped.

Is he planning to finally …..” I trailed as he led me towards his car .

My phone rang and I looked at the Caller ID …it was a strange number ,I didn’t need to be told twice ,I knew it was Kelvin .

He’s been trying to reach me after I blocked all his numbers .

I dropped my phone and Kristov stared at me Quietly.

” Who was that ? He asked and I looked at him .

” No one important ” I said and he didn’t ask again , just focused on driving .

We got to the airport and took his family’s Chopper that took us …to the island .

” Wow ” I gasped at how Beautiful the whole place looked .

” You like it ? He asked .

” Ya …” he answered

” I have one ” he said and I chocked on the juice box I was drinking from .

” Sorry I’m sorry Seniorita” he said rubbing my back .

” You have a private island ? I asked again and he chuckled .

” Is that why you choked ? He asked smiling .

” Don’t smile at me this is not funny ” I said and he just sent his hands to my waist .

We walked together and a man walked over to us .

” Mr De Luca right ? He asked and Kristov gave a nod .

” Please this way ” he said leading us .

We got into the car and as he drove towards their family house I looked at Kris .

” We’d be staying at their mansion ” I asked and he kissed the frown on my lips .

” One of their penthouses love calm down ” he said and I looked away .

I was already so uncomfortable about Attending his Ex’s Wedding , because c’mon according to the rumours Kris loved Women like Lana …

Mature …minded intelligent …she was around his Age .

They used to be the power couple before the breakup ..

In my Case , he’s only dating me because he wants me badly ….and my life is in Danger …

What if they Both end up rekindling their lost relationship during this Wedding ?

What if the wedding gets called off and they Elope together ?

God forbid it ” I said and Kristov looked at me curiously .

” Are you okay ? He asked and I forced a smile after .

” I’m fine ” I said and he went back to what he was doing on his phone .

My phone rang again …I wanted to ignore the call but it was Cora .

” Hello Coco” I said teasingly .

” Oh don’t call me that ” she said and we both laughed .

” The Security said you’re outta town ….? For what exactly? Because the last time I checked I’m with your work schedule” she said and I bit my lower lip softly .

” I went on a 3 Days trip with Kristov ” I said and she gasped .

” Seriosely ? You’re finally gonna screw this guy ?hope it turns out good’ she said and I can’t believe she just said that .

” Cora that’s disgusting ” i said and she chuckled .

” There’s nothing disgusting Bella ,you’ve always wanted to f-__-k this guy , go on ….ride him out of your system so we’d know if it’s just segzual tension or it’s real ” she said and I decided to plug my headphones before Kristov gets an hint of the R rated things we were talking about him .

” Cora what ever happened to keeping ones self till marriage ? I asked teasingly and Kristov looked at me whilst I pretended I didn’t notice .

” Nah ….it’s a big no for me girl , people do it and it’s good and healthy ,but for me , I Rather f-__-k the guy I’m getting married to , C’mon let me know what I’m getting myself into ” she said and I burst into laughter .

” Cora …” I laughed .

‘ you better f-__-k that De Luca man so you’d give me Details , if he’s Huge or Small …”she trailed

” Definitely huge ” I cut her short .

” If he likes it from the back or front ” she said and we both burst into laughter .

The Car stopped and Kris gestured that it was time to leave .

” I’d Call you Cora “I said smiling .

” You better do babes ” she said and Cut the Call .

Kris placed his hand at the small of my Back as We walked in ,I noticed a Beautiful Cameral skim lady smiling towards us .

She looked mature and Elegant , plus Decently Dress …but c’mon Why is she wearing Sandals …with such a long Dress ?

I know it’s rude but cmon …it ki||ed the whole vibes of the Dress …

She smiled at me and I smiled Back .

” Kristo ” she said and walked over to us then kissed both sides of cheeks .

” Lana ” he said gave her a polite smile .

” I’m Glad you Could make it …” She trailed whilst staring at me in confusion .

The guards pushed our trolley inside .

” This is My Girlfriend Bella Suarez and Baby this is Lana ” he said gesturing towards Lana .

” Oh ….you’re Girlfriend ” she said whilst staring at me with unbelieve .

C’mon it’s not like I was wearing something transperant , I was in a baby pink knee length Dress that hugged me in the right places .

And Milk colored heels , my hair was pulled in a messy bun but I think I looked presentable .

” Nice to meet You Bella ….forgive my manners , you’re a VS model right ? I just didn’t expect kristov to ….” She trailed and I stared at her in unbelieve .


What was she insinuating ? That Kristov was better off with women like her ? Or what ?

” Him to have moved on and brought a Date to your Wedding ? I asked smiling playfully .

” No it’s not like that” she said as her cheeks Burned red .

” You must be so tired from the journey …the Security would see you to your penthouse.

” We’d be having a small Dinner party At the beach later tonight , Please wear Casuals ” she said and escused us not after taking a final glance at Kristov and a fake smile at me .

Kristov didn’t say anything to me there , We both walked into the penthouse prepared for us and he threw his jacket on the Couch .

” Bella ….I didn’t like your reaction to Lana … outside , it was …. uncalled for ” He said Calmly and I looked at him .

” Uncalled for ? Kristov please ..let’s not fight , Didn’t you see the way that Lady stared at me ? Like I was a pest or something ”

” She was just suprised that I came with a woman ” he said and I stared at him .

” Are you trying to act blindeyed to the fact that she’s still inlove with you ? She wasn’t welcoming towards me I’m a woman I know when my fellow woman Doesn’t like it , Lana made it clear when she said ” so you’re a VS model ? I didn’t expect Kristov to go for a woman like you ” I said Angrily .

” So what am I ? A prost*tute ? I asked as my voice shook with hurt …I h@ťěd the fact that I was raising my voice and he was just calm about the whole issue .

It made me feel so stupid and childish …I h@ťěd the fact that immediately I get Angry … I cry .

” Bella ” he tried the hold my hand and I snatched it from his grip .

I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door .



And now she’s mad at me ? Why do women always read meaning to the smallest of things ? C’mon why the hell Does she feel the need to think Lana wants me ?

I mean ….Lana broke up with me to marry the guy her parents arranged for her ” I thought as I rubbed my face .

Oh C’mon Lana insinuated that She wasn’t your type of woman …c’mon “my mind mocked and I immediately felt Bad For Bella .

And to top it all I scolded her , she didn’t want to come to Lana’s Wedding ,I had forced her to come and now my Ex just ended up ruinning her mood .

I Can’t believe this is the Second time I’m making her cry , Bella is fiesty but I’ve noticed that she can’t keep up and Argument when it comes to me.

Maybe it’s the fact that I don’t say anything that gets her furious .

I sat on the bed waiting for her to come out . She walked out Quietly and I noticed she’d changed into Another Dress.

” Are you going out ? I asked and she didn’t say anything .

Oh God

Is this what a real relationship felt like ? I’ve heard my brothers say percifying a woman is not easy and here am I feeling this for the first time .

” Bella I’m talking to you ” I said and she stared at me .

” I’m going outside for the Dinner party ” she said like it was nothing .

” We’re not going to the Dinner party Bella …. We’re staying indoor tonight ” i said and she stared at me .

” You’re staying indoors , I’m going to the party ….and there’s nothing you can do about it ” she said and I bit my lower lips .

” Don’t push my Buttons Bella ” I said trying to control myself .

” You better go to the Bathroom right now and remove that Sl*tty dress before I rip it off your Body ” I said and she stood up .

” What makes you think I’d listen to you ? Didn’t you say our relationship was fake ……why are you so Bothered about your fake girlfriend …you Didn’t seem bothered when your Ex …said those mean things to me , infact you scolded me for giving her a come back ” she said and I ran my fingers in my hair .

” When I say something ,you f-__-king listen to me Bella Got it ” I Cursed and she looked at me … in suprise .

” You think you’re the only one who can Be stubborn ? I’ve had enough with your Stubbornness ….” He said and I stared at him nervously .

” I ….I’m sorry ” I said immediately .

I’d be Dammed if I let this man get more Angry than he already was .

” I don’t care about your sorry Seniorita ” he said as he stalked me Closely .

“You need to be punished …” He whispered in my ears and my blood went cold .

” Punished so Bad …that you’ll Cry and Beg …me …” He said trailing the Zipper of my Dress .

” Kristov …” I trailed .

” Sh…..hhhh….”

” Now Strip Seniorita ….” He said and my jaws dropped as he removed his belt .

Oh $h|t



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