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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME IN SECRET – Episode 18

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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022

Settings : ?? ITALIAN

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot ,billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





?️ BELLA ?️

After the music Commercial with Jay , I did Designer Bags Photo$h00t for Camille’s Brand before calling it day .

Cora had to leave urgently for some important work and wouldn’t be back till next week .

I thought it would be best to Agree to go for the Wedding With Kristov since that meant I would be free for the weekend .

My driver dropped me off at the Hospital and as I walked in as usual all eyes where on me and I could feel Glares from some of the nurses .

I chuckled Because they’re definitely some of the envious Ɓîtçhes who where hoping Kris would notice them some day .

” Good evening Matron fair ” I greeted the older lady who looked like she was about to live too .

” Goodevning Amico ….you’re here to see kristov si ? She asked .

” Si ma’am Fair ” I said and she Chuckled .

” Your man would be out soon He’s done with his last Operation for the day and he looked Quiet Stressed ,give him a hot bath and massage when you get home …that Boring young man needs it ” she said teasingly and I blushed red .

This older woman is really something else.

” I will ma’am ” I said and she laughed.

” I wonder why Young children so shy when elders talk to them about these things ” she said to the other woman besides her and they both laughed as they walked away .

I leaned on the counter whilst waiting for my man .

Not too long I saw him strolling towards me and my Baby really looked stressed .

I Smiled when his eyes widened in suprise to see me at the hospital .

” Hey Big guy ” I said teasingly as I kissed his lips Sweetly.

” Bella …I told you it’s not safe …to come over right ? He said and I swooned at his cuteness then chuckled softly.

” You said you had your men around me right ,I have nothing to be scared about ….You look tired ” I said as i sent my hand to hid neck lovingly he chuckled.

Wait Does he think I don’t know what I’m doing ?

” Oh c’mon I might have dropped out of medical school but I know simple things ” I said and he raised his eyebrows

” I didn’t say anything ” he said camly .

” You laughed …. meaning you think I don’t know what I’m doing ” i said frowning .

I’m tired ” he said and I walked infront of him , I felt him hiss and I knew it had something to do with my jumpsuit being backless

” I got you take out , and before you ask about my day , it went well …Cora is out of town and my weekend is free for your EX’s wedding ” i said the last part with a frown and he chuckled .

I really didn’t like the idea of attending his Ex’s Wedding with him . C’mon …how do I look at the woman getting married without frowning .

She used to be Kristov’s girlfriend , she slept with my man

Okay Bella you slept with a man before meeting him too ” my mind mocked .

” I know I’m just jealous ” I thought too.

We walked out of the hospital together and as we walked towards his car his phone rang .

‘” Hello Bro ? ….what ” he said shocked .

” Is she okay ? Fine I’d be there ” he said and ended the call .

” What happened? I asked worriedly.

” My Brothers wife ….Went into labour . …It was crazy but she put to bed ..” He said and i squiled.

Don’t judge …me I like good news.

” Awwwwwwwwn I love babies ….what gender ? I asked.

” Still a Boy ” he said and I laughed.

” Oh y’all family of Boys ‘ I said and he shrugged.

” You sure you wanna come with me ? I’m going to the family estate ” he said and I looked at me nervously.

” Estate ? Isn’t it too early ? What if they don’t like me ! ” I pannicked straight away.

” Really ?I thought you said you loved meeting new people ? He asked teasingly.

” I didn’t say I loved meeting my boyfriend’s family …. barely Two days after we started Dating …” I said and he chuckled

” Scardy Cat ”

” Oh please I’m not a Scardy Cat” I said and he Focused on driving to the Estate .

When he got to the Estate …the gate scanned his car before letting him in .

I gasped when I noticed the Estate looked like a City on its on .

There were streets inside the Estate and Cars drove around .

I stared at how luxurious the place looked . And gasped in awe at the main mansion .

Kris packed his Car and We both walked out .

” Good evening Boss ”

” Welcome Boss ” the Guards greeted as we walked into the family mansion .

Immediately we got in A cute kid ran over to us , he looked Around Seven or eight.

” Uncle Kristov mom gave birth to a baby boy …I thought we were finally having a girl but no probs …I still love …” The kid blabbed and stopped talking when his eyes met me besides me his uncle jaws dropped .

” $h|t so you’re really not Gay ? He asked in front of me .

Did he just call Kris Gay ? I thought with a chuckle.

” Red ” He scolded

” Sorry …” He said laughing .

” You’re Gay ? I asked and he rubbed his forehead as I laughed .

” We both know I’m not Bella , Don’t listen to my nephew.

” Kristov My son ,you finally Decided to visit your mother huh ” A middle Aged woman said catwalking towards us and gasped when she saw me.


Another Beautiful woman whom I immediately recognized as the Donna from the pictures in his beach house … walked out and Her jaws dropped .

” Goodevning Cousin …..f-__-k ” Another lady cursed too .

” Do my eyes Decieve me ? She added teasingly .

” Holy ….moly … Kristov Brought a woman with him ”

” He’s finally proved he’s my son hehehehe the De Luca blood is really working this time around hehehehe ” An older version of him Said and I didn’t need someone to tell me it was his Dad .

” Would you Guys stop Doing this ,it’s not fair …” Kris said and I chuckled.

” What’s not fair is you hiding this Cutie from us ….come here Beautiful how did you my Brother Managed to hit a jackpot ? The lady from earlier asked .

” Yvonne ” Kristov whinned .

” It’s the other way around …I asked him out ” I said .

” Now we’re talking ,these De Luca men need some Sense in that head of there’s ” The Donna said and everyone burst into laughter.

” Why am I hearing the insults from afar ? The Don asked walking into the scene too .

” Ask Grace ” Kristov said.

” Good to have you around miss Suarez ,feel at home ” Massimo said and I smiled at their sweetness .

” Talking about feeling at home she’s definitely at home because I plan on spoiling all my daughter’s in-laws equally I can already imagine …the big celebration tonight …it’s double Celebration the Arrival of Reo De Luca and Kristov’s woman …” His mom Declared and the lady’s cheered happily .

” Hahahahaha y’all really thought he was Gay ? I asked laughing and two other guys joined us Downstairs and they Both looked shocked too .

” If you want we can give you Details of your boyfriend’s….” Grace trailed.

” I will really appreciate it if you Don’t …Grace Please” he said and I looked at him then chuckled.

” Nice to finally meet the woman who’s got our bro whipped” The one on Glasses said with a chuckle

” Sergio ” Kris scolded .

” You know what …let’s just go check on the mother and child ….don’t talk to any of them ” Kris said as he pulled me with him I could hear the laughter of his family members .

” They’re all so cool ,I can’t believe I just met the Coolest family and they’re mafia people …” I said and he chuckled

” They’re the Craziest trust me especially my sister in-law Grace and cousin Yvonne those too need help ” he said tiredly.

” You won’t blame them , they all thought you’re gay …you really haven’t brought any woman home ” I said smiling.

” You Bewitched me you see ” he said and pulled me into his arms from behind .

” Kris ” I chuckled and he laughed .

” Hey Bro ” He said immediately we walked into his room .

” OMG Kristov my favorite Brother in-law ….” The lady on the bed Squiled crazily.

” Babe relax ” her husband said and I chuckled .

One wouldn’t believe a woman who just put to bed was this energetic .

” Finally ” she said smiling .

” Y’all crazy ” Kris said as she laughed.

” Congratulations Aria ” I said and she Chuckled.

” Thanks Bella ,I see we need no introduction , you need to come around often …let us spoil you rotten …” She said smirking.

” I like the sound of that ” I said and we both chuckled.

” Why do I feel like …that’s a bad idea ? Frederico said and kristov gave a nod .

” Bella’s Bad influence ” Kris said and I turned to him .

” Hey that’s unfair ” I said and he rolled his eyes.

” I know you Seniorita … there’s nothing innocent about you ” he whispered and I pushed his face .

His Brother Pat his back and After checking up on the baby .

” Dinner’s ready” he said and pulled me with him .

We got to the large dinner table and I gasped at the Dishes on the table and how they where all sitting in Harmony.

It just made me so emotional Because I didn’t have this feeling anytime we had Dinner at my own home .

It always ended in my Dad calling me a failure and choosing his Wh*ring wife over me.

” So sweetheart I made lots of dishes I just hope you enjoy them ” his mom said.

” Thanks ma’am” I said smiling.

” Oh please call me Giovanna” she said smiling cheekily.

” Okay ” I said

” You can call me Santi ” his Dad said and I smiled.

” Okay ” I said and Kristov looked at me then Smiled .

” C’mon eat something. ..” I said and everyone looked at us teasingly .

” Awwwwwwwwn I can feel my grandchildren …. coming already” his mom said clapping her hands excitedly.

Kris and I looked at her in shock whilst everyone burst out laughing .

” Finally” Kristov said tiredly immediately we got to his room .

” I’m so tired ” he Mõ@ɲed and f-__-k …that really came out Șëx¥

” You know what ……c’mon ” I said and helped him remove the buttons of his sleeves shirt .

He looked at me confused .

” Wh…at are you doing ? He asked.

” Shhhhhhhh” I whispered teasingly as I removed his sleeves then went for his belt .

” Bella …
” He whinned.

” Shhhhhhhh sugar ” I said placing my fingers on his lips.

” Bella don’t ….” He trailed as I pulled down his trousers .

” Bella ..
” He warned .

” Calm down you worry too much ” I said and removed my jumpsuit.

He cursed under his breath as he stared at me .

I walked into the bathroom to get his hot bath ready .

” C’mon ” I said and he stared at me .

” Bella I’m not a kid …you can’t ..” he trailed and I pulled him with me.

We got into the bathroom and I gestured for him to take off his Shorts .

He took it off and I cursed under my breath .

” Get in the bathtub Big guy ” I said and he chuckled as he got into the bathub.

” I can’t believe you just made me strip in front of you and you’re still on your P@ŋtîēṣ .

” Shhhhhhhh” I said and got in with him .

” Take of your….” He trailed and I kissed his lips softly.

” Shhhh” I said and he stared at me with Desire .

” Just let me spoil you …” I said and he slammed his lips on mine .

“Hmmn” I mo* Ned into the kiss as I stopped his hands from trailing further he smirked .

” f-__-k ” I mo*Ned when he sneakingly sent a finger in .

” Kr..s…tov ” I cried out and he bit my ears softly.

” Sh…..” He whispered and my heart bit increased .

As he worked it he sent another one in and I gasped .

” I thought you’re a bad ..girl Bella ? You can’t even take my fingers properly….how would you take me ….? He asked and I cried out .

” …. shhhhhhhh ….” He said my eyes widened my jaws dropped in a mo*n Again .

Just then he slipped the fingers out and I stared as he smiled teasingly.

” Kris …” I said shocked.

” We’re here to take our bath Bella besides I’m sleepy ” he said and my jaws dropped.


De Luca men Sha …. hehehehe …?

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