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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME IN SECRET – Episode 15

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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022

Settings : ?? ITALIAN

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





?️ BELLA ?️

I’d f-__-king …ki|| that Salvador guy if he thinks he can ..

” Aaaah……..mmmmm” I screamed as someone covered my mouth from behind .

” Mmmmmmm” I tried to scream in pannick.

” Shhhhhhhh …. shhhhhhhh” he said as his fingers pulled me into him .

” Calm down Seniorita …..” He whispered softly and I nearly cried from relief .

” Kristov what are you …. doing here ? I asked shocked .

” I should be asking you that ” he said and shot at a guy who saw us first .

I looked in shock as the man fell to the floor dead .

” Omg you ….you ki||ed him …you ki||ed him ” I said pannicking .

He Didn’t say anything just pulled me with him .

” Aahhjjjt ! I screamed as the gunshots increased .

Someone shot at his left hand and he winced from the impact .

” Oh my God ….are you okay? I asked pannicking .

” Do me a favour Seniorita. ..” he said and I looked up at him .

” Shut up ” he said and I looked away in shock .

His arm was bleeding badly against his black polo shirt .

I Stared at how Hot he looked whilst sweating like that and still $h00ting at those guys .

His phone rang and he picked it up …

” Get out we gat you ” the person said over the phone and he ended the call .

” Let’s get out of here ” he said and pulled me with him .

How did we get passed those men inside ? I wondered and the next thing I knew he opened the door of his car and pushed me in .

” Kris ” I snapped angrily.

” Shut up” he snapped and I looked away Angrily .

He looked very angry and I didn’t want to add to his frustration .

He drove without saying anything to me .

” My car is still at the Club …” I said Camly .

He glared daggers at me and I shut up immediately .

He Drove into a Beach house and immediately he got out I walked out with him .

The place looked very Beautiful and luxurious .

” Boss ‘ his men Bowed and he just gave a nod and walked in .

My legs Ached badly from the running I’d done whilst in the heels and this man didn’t seemed to care .

” Kristov ….”

“Kris ” i called but he didn’t say a word to me .

” Wow so now I’m being ignored. Really ? I asked frustratedly .

He removed his belt and threw it at the opposite couch .

Sat down and peeled off his shirt .

I stared at how gorgeous he looked in his segziness ,why the hell is he a doctor again ? He could pass for a Calvin Klein model with his looks .

He got up and went towards his room then came back with a first aid Box .

” Your stupidity put you in this trouble Bella ….it was foolish of you to have gone into Salvador’s territory ..! He said and I flipped .

” Don’t you Dare call me Stupid ! ….your the cause of all this ..
.I wouldn’t be in danger if ….you didn’t play hero with me the other night ! I said Angrily.

” Oh so I’m the one that took you to Salvador’s club ? He asked Angrily I’ve never seen Him so Angry .

He’s always well composed and talks camly even when he’s frustrated .

” I don’t even know who Salvador Is …I went there to see Kelvin ! I snapped immediately.

” Kelvin ? You went there to see your ex ? What where you thinking Bella ! He screamed and I flinched .

” It’s my life I’m free to do wh@ťěver pleases me …I’d really appreciate it if you stop screaming at me like I’m yours ” I said and he ran his fingers in his hair .

” I’m trying to protect you Bella , you have no idea the sh√t you’ve put yourself in ” He said.

” I don’t need your protection Mr De Luca .

” Oh really ? If I was a minute late you’d have been naked on Salvador’s Bed right now and trust me when I say that sassy tongue of yours would have been cut off by now …! He fired Angrily and my eyes stung with tears .

” You keep proving Everytime that you are not mature …! He said and I bit my lower lip as I tried to control myself from bursting into tears .

” You went out in An outfit that does little to cover the upper half of your body …I can see your Whole B-__-bs right now …is that what you want ? Men lusting over you! He fired Angrily.

” Stop screaming at me Kristov ….” I said as my voice shook and drops of tears started to live my eyes .

” Those water works have no effect on me Suarez ….” He said and I just covered my face as I cried bitterly.

He just ignored me the whole time as he treated his wounds .

He didn’t even wince a bit whilst treating them .

I can’t believe he ignored me throughout .

He’s always so calm Why is he so angry



I really got Angry when I saw Bella in that outfit and not just that outfit ,when I saw her in Salvador’s Arms at the Club .

What was she doing there ? If Mas and I hadn’t gone there for Business she’d be toast by now.

We had a really Bad Argument when We got to my beach house .

I really snapped at her ,the anger I was feeling at that point I poured it Hot on Bella …

She tried to keep up with my anger and ended up Crying when she saw I was really Boiling in rage .

She cried for sometime and I just ignored her while treating my Injuries .

She wiped her tears and cried again .

My phone rang and it was Massimo .

” Are you home ? He asked.

” I’m at my beach house……” I said and he chuckled.

” Control yourself ….you’re angry ” he said and I walked out on Bella .

” I’m not angry ” I said immediately.

” You’re Angry kristov …you rarely get angry and we both know once you’re angry it’s trouble ….don’t scare the poor girl De Luca” he said and I looked away.

” she Acted stupid …” I said frowning

” Ah ….what would you have done if your woman acted like Aria …then ? Aria never understood the mafia life …at first she called us criminals at least Bella ….hasn’t freaked out yet …”

” You think Aria has a sharp tongue ,you should meet Bella then ….she has the guts to tell me she can protect herself ….!

” Did you even see what she was wearing ?

” Why is blood Boiling so much should I start ringing the Wedding Bells ? Fred asked .

” Bro you have me on speaker ? I asked and they laughed.

” Calm down ‘” Fred said and I cut the call .

She’s not my girlfriend ….Why am I so angry ?

I walked back into the Sitting room and she sniffed back tears whilst sucking on her lower lip but the tears kept flowing .

” Will you stop crying now ? You’re really just getting on my nerves ….I’m not in a good mood right now and your crying is Making me more mad

” You’re yelling Kris ” she said and I looked away as I rubbed my forehead to Control my anger .

” Yes I’m yelling , I’m yelling Because ….this is what you do to me ….stop playing with my head …” I snapped angrily and she flinched .

” This is unfair , .it’s unfair Because it’s my life …you have no right to yell at me like this. know what I’m going Home ” she said and tried to walk passed me .

I pulled her back and she gasped .

Before she could leave I slammed my lips on hers .

” Mmmn ….” She Mõ@ɲed In shock as I kissed her …the kiss wasn’t slow …or Romantic …it was hot and punishing.

I wanted her to register the fact that she was mine and no one else’s .

” Kr….” She tried to breath and mo*ned as my lips trailed her neck into her chest .

My lips made Contact with her soft petals and she cried out .

” Kri…..s …” She cried as I sucked her sweetly whilst running my hands on forbidden places .

” Be my girlfriend ” I said whilst realising the pressure than adding it again .

” Be my girlfriend Bella …”

” Mmmn ” she mo*Ned .

” …..Yes …yes …kristov ” she cried out

Her fingers racked my hair and I let her go after kissing her lips Again .

I stared at her and she looked at me in shock .

” We’re in a relationship now …Bella …”

” I didn’t say anything kristov …” She said shocked

” You just said yes ”

” That’s a lie ! She fired .

” Everything is fair in love and war ”

” Oh please ….I was under the influence ” she said and I chuckled.

” Influence of what ? I asked teasingly .

” You had your Smart mouth on my N**ples ….De Luca how do you expect me to think straight at that point …? She asked and I shook my head .

Bella is crazy

” You’re my Girlfriend now Bella no going back ” I said and she Chuckled.

” Fake girlfriend ….that too because I want you to protect me …”

” We’re in a real relationship …..” I said and she laughed .

” Now don’t tell me stealing kisses and sulking from my Mangoes has made you realize you want me ? She asked and I looked at her .

” Mangoes ? I asked and she Chuckled.

” I need to go home ..” she said and I pulled her right Back on my laps .

” Kris ….” She whinned .

” I need to go home I didn’t tell Cora I’d be with you ” she said as I kissed her shoulders .

” Stay with me tonight” I whispered whilst trailing kisses on her .

” Kris …” She whinned and I let her be .

” I’m not sleeping over with the way you yelled at me earlier and seduced me into being your girlfriend…

” Unless you’ve decided to sleep with blue balls” she said and I knew exactly what she’s talking about.

” Bella ”

” Don’t Say my name like that , You were so scary tonight is that how you behave in your family ? Mafia Blood ? She asked and I looked away.

” I’ve never been that angry my entire life … bring out the worse in me ” I said and she smiled .

” I’m not staying over krist”

” Why ?

” With the way you’re going I’d be on all fours ….by midnight …” She said and I burst into laughter.

” You need a filter …” I said and she rolled her eyes.

” I say it as it is ,i love how you kiss though ….” She said and squiled.

” You’re Blushing ‘

” I’m not blushing ”

” Awwwwwwwwn my fake boyfriend is blushing ” She squiled.

” You’re Crazy ” I said with a chuckle.


I want my own kristov ?

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