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Friday, October 18, 2024
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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” The Surgery was successful …ma’am your husband would be fine ” I said to the patient’s Wife as she sniffed back tears .

” Thank you so much Mr De Luca …” She said emotionally as her teenage daughter pulled her into a hug .

I smiled politely at them as I walked passed them immediately .

I removed the stained gloves as I trashed them in the waste bin outside the theater and walked towards my office .

I got into my office and frowned when I saw Lana my girlfriend Sitting on my office chair .

” Kristov” she said as she walked over to me and kissed my lips softly .

” Lana What’s Wrong ? I asked her and she rubbed her hands nervously .

” Let’s go out tonight … maybe have dinner together or …” She trailed and I checked my watch .

” I’m so sorry Lana …I have Dinner with the Boss already ,he’s been inviting me for sometime and I can’t turn him down ” I said and hurt flashed in her eyes .

” Kris ….this has been going on for sometime now ,you always have an escuse when I ask for us to meet ” she said and I looked at her confusedly.

” Lana I’ve been busy , it’s ….” I trailed.

” It’s what ? Kris …you’re a nice Guy ….you’re caring sweet and the best thing that could happen to any woman ….but I just ….I can’t do this anymore I just can’t ” she Cried as she bit her lower lip .

” What do you mean by that ? We’ve been together for more than 6 months…Lana ”

” I know Kris but ….can’t you see we’re not meant for each other ? You’re Always busy and I can’t ask for your time because you’re not willing to give it ,I’m not even the type to ask for your attention ….” She said and I stared as she pulled her jacket close .

” Why ? …” I asked again and she sniffed .

” You have commitment phobia Kris ,you just haven’t seen it yet , ….. you’re scared to give your all ….and I ..” she trailed as her lips Quivered .

” I’m sorry I couldn’t be the right one for you , I’m sorry ” I said and she gave a nod .

” It’s okay I’m getting arranged marriage with someone else by the way ….” She said and I gave a nod .

” Good luck with your life Lana ” I said without looking at her .

” You’re so sweet ” she said as she walked into my arms and kissed me softly .

” See you around ” she said and walked out of my office .

So I’m officially Single again , Not bad , no woman less stress .

I shrugged as I sat down on my office chair and ran my fingers in my hair .

My phone rang and it flashed my elder Brother’s number .

Frederico ..

Fred’s calling me ? Now what I hope they’re not up to something crazy again ?

I’m from a large family and ,that too one of the Richest and number one crime family of Italy .

A mafia family and I lived my life differently although I have a very good relationship with my brothers and help with the business sometimes .

Both my elder Brother’s Massimo and Frederico are happily married and act like love sick puppies around their wives .

It’s cute though , but I don’t think I’m ready to act like that just yet ….

I prefer my space and peace of mind …

Massimo is the Don and Frederico is the Second in command of the familia .

My younger brother Emelio helps with the business too but he’s mostly out touring the world cause he’s a superstar .

Sergio on the other hand is the brains of the mafia ….as he’s in charge of the technology he works hand in hand with both Fred and Massimo .

My phone rang again and I picked it up .

” Hey bro what’s up ? Can you come home right now ? He asked and I frowned .

” Wait why ? I asked and he chuckled .

” Nothing we just want you home for lunch ” he said and I groaned frustratedly .

” I’m having a bad day bro ” I said and he laughed crazily on the other end .

” Told you ,you need a woman go get laid bro ” he said and my jaws literally just dropped.

” Why do you all feel everything is about segz ? I asked and he chuckled .

” Trust me ….meet the right woman and you’d know what I’m talking about ,now get your A*s down here …we want a full house …” He said and I groaned

” Fine I’m on it ” I said and cut the call .

I removed my Work suit and walked out of my office Sluggishly .

” Hey Kris …”

” Hey Doctor Kristov ….”

” Good afternoon … doctor Kris …” The nurses greeted as I walked passed them on the hallway and I gave a nod with a polite smile .

” Good afternoon Kris honey ”

” Good afternoon ma’am fair ” I greeted the matron and the older lady Chuckled .

” What’s up with the frown you look like a pregnant. ..woman with that face ” she teased as I signed out .

” It’s nothing I’m perfectly fine ” I said and she raised her eyebrows .

” You young man have to start thinking of ways to have fun , you’re too young to bury yourself in so much work , I’m glad you’re taking the rest of the day off” she said and I smiled .

Matron fair liked to act like my mother and it’s super cute just that she’s one of the people that strongly believe I need to get laid .

It’s crazy how they think Lana and I didn’t have a segzual relationship , we did and we are Quiet compatible.

But Well ….with time the spark died …

And we’ve both decided to end things on mutual understanding .

” I’m only going home because Mr Suarez has invited me for dinner tonight … Wouldn’t wanna dissapoint him again ” I said and she Smirked .

” Have fun ” she said and I shook my head as I walked away

I got to my Car and immediately I got in …I drove towards the estate as I used my other hand to loosen my tie .

I got into our estate and walked out of the car and into the mansion .

” Hey Uncle Kristov ” Fred’s son …greeted as he walked passed him .

” Hey Red , where’s your Dad ? I asked.

” They’re all at the garden ….for lunch already ” he said and I gave a nod as we both walked towards the garden together .

” Here comes our holy brother ! Fred teased immediately he saw me coming and his pregnant wife smack his arms .

” Aria ….c’mon your hands no longer feel soft it’s like you’ve become iron Man after this pregnancy” he snapped and everyone burst into laughter .

” Thanks for having my back Ari ” I said to his wife as she high five with Massimo’s wife Grace .

” We always gat your back Kris that’s why you need to get married …” Grace began and I began to fake cough .

” Ha it’s fake …I know it’s fake that cough is Definitely fake . ? fake ” Massimo said pointing at my face .

” Devil ” I mouthed and he laughed .

” Are you gay or what ? My mom asked and Dad chocked on his glass of wine as he coughed Badly .

” Wtf what makes you think I’m gay ? I asked in shock .

” You have refused to settle down …” She fired immediately .

” Since when did not settling down start making people Gay ” I asked and my brothers stifled a laugh .

” I’m hundred percent straight I like women not men “I said and everyone burst into laughter .

” Can y’all be normal ? I asked and they looked at me then burst out laughing again .

Oh God .


?️ BELLA ?️

” A little to the right Bella …ya ….” Mike the photographer said as I posed with the expensive designer Bags .

After the long hours of $h00ting , I walked out and my manager ran towards me .

” Are you okay Bella ? She asked and I gave a nod .

” I’m fine …I just need to get a long warm bath and get some beauty sleep I’m tired ” I sighed softly as I Catwalked out of the venue with her .

My body guards made sure the crazy bloggers and paparazzi stay away from me as they took pictures .

I was already used to the flashes of camera so I didn’t border .

” Actually about the beauty sleep part ….I don’t think you’d be getting any of that just yet , we have to get you ready for tonight your father has a dinner party tonight and sent you a message . He’s expecting you ” she said and I groaned .

” f-__-k Cora you shouldn’t have replied , you should have pretended like you didn’t see it …” I groaned frustratedly and she chuckled .

” He knows you’re in town …Bella …your Dad has his eyes everywhere ” she said and I sighed .

That was right anyways …I’m the black ship of the Suarez family and he’d do anything to make me stay in my limit .

I come from a family of Doctors … like my grandfather was a Doctor …he married a Cardiologist …then my Dad is a Doctor …mom was too before we lost her .

My older brother is a surgeon and my immediate elder brother is one of the best dentist in the country …

Even my Dad’s current Wife is a Nurse ….now you know why I said I’m the black sheep of the Suarez family .

My Dad would’ve done anything to make me Doctor ….Well I did go to med school and dropped out immediately ….

I’m currently Attending college … getting a degree in fashion and Design much to my father’s dismay .

I’m always on the news for one reason or the other
, Well it’s my fault that the media stalks me 247 …I can’t even breath properly because before you know it ,I’m on the internet ….

Currently the trending news is the fact that I broke up with Kelvin Ries ….the movie star .

” Are you okay Bella ? Cora asked with concern .

” I’m fine I’m just worried about the drama that awaits Me tonight over dinner ….. everyone feels I’m the bad girl C’mon that wouldn’t be the case if they let me live my life” I said
and she Chuckled .

” Just be a good girl tonight babe ….just for tonight ” she said and I Smirked .


Are you thinking what I’m thinking ?

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