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HomeKELECHI {Tragedy Of A Single Mom}KELECHI {Tragedy Of A Single Mom} - Episode 10

KELECHI {Tragedy Of A Single Mom} – Episode 10

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(☄️Tragedy of a single Mom☄️)


🥀Written By Hen R ica🥀


“Yuck…ahhh…what have you done young lady?…”I asked as she got up and kicked me…

I landed on the ground and picked up my dagger but before I could stab her with it, she dragged it from me and smashed my head on the wall…what the heck?…she’s so powerful…

“What do you want from me?..tell me..huh?..”she asked…

“Just be quiet you fool before I murder surrender before I ki|| you…”I said and was about pushing her down when blood started dripping from my nose…

“ Just go nurse your wound before you die untimely..”she said as I rushed to the sink beside the door angrily…

I feel so weak…I feel like i am going to pass out…I don’t know how I got injured in the nose…

“Want have you down to me you moron?…what did you eat?…you threw up in my mouth and look at what’s happening to me right now…you shall pay for it…”I said cleaning my fave with water but the blood continued dripping out if my nose..oh no…

“ Hahaha…you have to go the doc treatment okay?..”kelechi said and left me..I can’t let her go or else mom is going to ki|| me…how could I have just blew off this chance..thank God she didn’t see my face…

I rushed out and saw rita coming out from the backyard…

“Where is she? you captured her…”I said…

“What do you mean?..don’t tell me she could you be so foolish?..”Rita asked as I pushed her to the wall…

“Why didn’t you ki|| her rita…now bring her here DEAD OR ALIVE..”I said leaving…

I drove home and met mom looking into her mirror…hope she doesn’t know that her Plan is futile again…gosh…

“Where is kelechi’s blood frank?..”mum asked..,

“Erm…she escaped mom… I think I ate poison…look I am bleeding…”I said as she landed me a slap…

“You are a fool frank…now get me her little daughter…ki|| her because if don’t want to ever set eyes on that witch…go now..Lilian would be discharged today so I want you to attack Lilian and her mom…your target should be ki||ing Lilian…understood?..”mum asked…

“Ok mom…I have to go now to lay ambush for them..”I said and left…

I need the help of rita in this…


I left Rita’s place and and rushed to meet my daughter at the hospital…

I have to tell her about her life before rita does…I have decided to accept fate and let Lillian go because she doesn’t belong to me…I know her parent must be missing her so much…

I got to my daughter’s ward and met her lying on the bed in tears…

“ Mum…you haven’t been talking with me lately…”Lillian said …

“Lillian…I am sorry…I am sorry I hid the truth from you all this while…”I said holding Lillian in tears..

“Mum why are you sorry?…Mum what’s the problem?..”Lillian asked …

“I am sorry Lillian…I am not your mother…you have to go back to your real parent…Lillian I am so sorry…”I said in tears…

“Mum…stop crying…I love you so much so I won’t leave you…I don’t want to leave you mom because you are the only parent i know…”Lillian said smiling…

“I actually picked you up from a forest Lillian but I have decided to find your biological parents …Dontworry Lilian you would soon have a noble family as you have always wanted…”I said in tears…

“But mum,how will you succeed in finding my family?..”she asked as I smiled..

“Let’s just go home sweetie…”I said and took her to the doctor’s office..

After he prescribed some drugs for her, I took her home in my car…

We were already on our way home when we were attacked by some boys…

“Don’t harm me please…don’t hurt my child..”I cried as one of the fierce looking boys grabbed Lillian from me as another one hit my head with a battle axe and I fainted…


The boys took me into the bush and dropped me down …I was shocked to see a man and a woman…the woman looks very familiar…

“Now tie her up and ki|| her…I have to go get a hanky to take her blood…”the man said getting me scared…

One of the boys tied me up and took me into a room …he was about stabbing me with his dagger but I used my leg to kick a chair beside him and it fell on the man’s legs…

I got up and used another door to escape…I was about leaving the building when I started hearing hushed tones from one of the rooms…

I went close to the door and eaves dropped in their discussion …

“ this is the hanky do you just ki|| her now..”a man said…

“I can’t ki|| my best friend’s child Frank..please …I first kidnapped Kelechi’s child and dumped her in a forest and now you want me to murder the child and sacrifice her blood to your mom’s temple?… I can’t do that Frank …my conscience won’t let me do that… I can’t harm that child..”a woman said getting me shocked…so I am actually my mother’s child…nooo…

“ Shut up rita..take this and go ki|| her…I don’t care about your stupid conscience…now go…”the man said as I mistakenly pushed the door opened and I fell into the room…

“Get her now..”the man ordered

E don kas

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