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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IT WASN’T LUST – Episode 21

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The condition is that you guys will tell us what really transpired between you people and the girls, how and why you hurt them so much. She also warned them to say the truth because that’s the only way she can help them especially if their stories matches and correspond to that of the girls

They both signed in relieve after hearing the condition the woman gave to them, and they decided to narrate the whole incident to them


Emma narrated the whole incident of the past to the women, how he impregnated UC and denied her out of fear and of been rejected and disowned by his parents.

The women were angry at Emma for running away from his responsibility but did not entirely blame him because he was just a little boy then

The same goes to Ben, she also chastised him for harbouring such evil intents against the poor girl

Ben and Emma pleaded and convinced them that they have become a changed and better persons

Finally the woman told them to go that she will talk to the girls on their behalf

The guys thanked them and exchanged phone contacts with them and promised to visit her from time to time


Later that evening, the older woman went to check on how UC and Josy is doing after knowing that the girls are fine, then she now entered into the issue that brought her to their house

She asked them how they encountered with the boys and what grievous offence they have committed that is not worth forgiving.The woman pretended that she has not heard or does not know but just wanted to find out if the boys were actually saying the truth


UC started first and told the same and exact story that Emma told the woman. She was all tears while narrating her ordeals and the mockery, rejection, pains and agony she went through during that critical period of her life

The woman consoled her and told her to cry no more because the deed has been done and that has been a long time ago

Josy narrated her own stories with tears too and the woman consoled her as well

After about 5 mints of absolute silence, the woman then asked them both a striking question she first started with UC

Uchechi my daughter, do you still love your son’s father?

UC starred at the woman in bewilderment and in a state of confusion.

Then replied…

Haba! Mama, that’s not possible, how can I love such a man that has no conscience? He rejected and abandoned me when I needed him most, had it been that I died back then I would have been forgotten by now.

UC was still talking when the woman cuts in

My daughter, I only asked you a simple question that needed a yes or no. Incase you didn’t hear what I asked before, let me repeat it

I asked you if you still loves the father of your son? the old woman asked and fixed her gaze directly at UC

UC was confused as what to answer, she knows she still love Emma as much as she loves him back then, but telling this woman that she still loves him will make her look cheap and easy to fool, therefore she decided to hide her real feelings of yes and say no

No mama nnukwu, I don’t love him

The old woman burst out laughing and clapping her hands, the two friends stare at each other in confusion and wondered what’s so funny that could be making her laugh so high and hard. The old woman stopped laughing and said

I know you must be wondering why I’m laughing, I will tell you my daughter. She picked up a mirror that was on the table and handed it over to UC

UC collected the mirror questioningly

The old woman said. Now look at your face in that mirror and repeat the answer you just gave me now

But why mama, UC questioned in confusion


After UC’s confession of love for Emma, she was consoled and advised by me and the woman to try and forgive him and learn to give him a second chance so that she will live a happy life

The woman also asked josy the same question that she asked UC, Do you love that young man my daughter?

Josy saw the question coming before hand and has already prepared for the answer.

No mama, I don’t love him, She blurted out and wants to continue but was cut off by the woman

I know you don’t love him my daughter because he said to your hearing that he wants to have you on his bed etc. Now let me ask you a question my daughter, have you ever thought about what would have happened to you that night if nobody appeared as a rescuer to you?

Well I don’t want to go more deep so as not to hurt you by reminding you the incident of that night but just remember these, it only takes a man sincere enough who is truly sorry and had regretted his previous actions to kneel down in the public and ask for forgiveness from a woman he loves.

But mama, Josy cuts in… I can’t ever love a man who has harbored and uttered such evil thoughts against me, his not a good man and can never be, his just pretending for the time been and the Bible says, as a man thinket in his heart so is he and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Josy said frowing at the advice the old woman is trying to give to her,for her to love a man that has such thoughts towards her

The woman seemed to be in a thoughtful mood while Josy smiled to herself with a feelings that she has out thrown and won the woman in the conversation

Very well my daughter, you have spoken very well but have you reasoned within yourself or tried to find out why that young man said those words? The old woman asked gently

Mama, that’s just the kind of person he is, josy replied nonchalantly

That’s not true my daughter, you are getting it all wrong.
Let go of your anger and resentment for him and try to know the reason why he said those words, then if the reasons are not convincing and suitable to you, then forget about him and know that I am not worthy to grow this gray hairs.

My daughter That man loves you, I saw it in his eyes and tears, he is very sorry for his words and will treat you right. He knows about your r@pe case and yet came to you for a serious relationship that might even lead to marriage. Be wise my daughter.

What an old woman sees sitting down even if a child climbs the highest iroko tree, he will never see it.

I love the both of you and will never see evil and do to you that’s why I decided to come into this matter, please reconsider and think about what I told you people, just know that everyone deserves a second chance.

The old woman comes to a conclusion as she stands to her feet that indicates that she wants to leave

Josy was thrown out of balance by the woman’s advice, she was confused and in so many arrays, what could be the reason for him saying that. Then UC interrupted her thoughts as she exchanges greetings and appreciation to the old woman.

Thank you mama, I and Josy heard every thing you said, we knew that it won’t be very easy but not withstanding, we will try our best to have a rethink. Thank you once more for your time and advice. She said smiling and hugs the old woman

Josy also thanked her and gave her a hug as her spirit continues to battle concerning all mama had said the old woman with a look of satisfaction, blessed them both and wish them all the best and took her leave

Immediately the woman left, UC sat on the bed with a thoughtful face.

Josy noticing these asked her what she could be thinking of

Don’t you see, don’t you think that this is our dreams coming to reality Josy? UC said looking at Josy.

Sitting up like someone who has been triggered. Wait a minute sis, you are absolutely right, I have forgotten all about the dreams and never thought of it until you reminded me now Wow! It could be oo!

Josy replied with certainty in her voice

Both girls remained silent as they both starred at nothing in particular each engrossed in her own thoughts.


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