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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IRRESISTIBLE LOVE – Episode 47 & 48

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•|{Deep secrets unveiling}|•

°Same day°
“Wait so prof asked you both to come back tomorrow? That’s cruel”a girl chuckled as they walked down the silent walk way.

“He’s so mean,I wish I could quite the course at this rate”the second girl said.

“Don’t you think it’s getting late?”the first girl muttered fearfully.

“Let’s just get the chemicals for our home practicals and leave”the third one who had been silent for a while said and pushed the door but it didn’t open.

“It’s like someone locked it from inside”the first said.

“What’s that smell? I’ve smelt it before…..oh f_ck it’s a dangerous gas”the second snapped closing her nose Instantly and the rest dis the same.

“Look someone is inside ,on the floor!!!”

“Senior Francecsa!!!”the third yelled fearfully.

“She’ll die we need to get her out of there”the second yelled horrifically and tried opening the door but it didn’t bulge.

“Someone locked it from the outside!!”the third said.

“Wait here we’ll go call senior Xavier or anyone to help”the second yelled and the first dashed off with her leaving the third girl behind.

“Please don’t die senior Cesca”

The girls ran hurriedly to the senior department and met it empty.

The two girls kept running hurriedly out the school premises since the halls were all locked up already.

They rushed down the other gate and luckily Princeton’s car parked outside,he was the only one left though Jorge and Roger stayed in front.

He sat in back ready to leave when the girls rushed to his window

“ Princeton….”the first sttuttered and Princeton blinked confusedly.


“Se.. Francecsa!!.. unconscious….Lab….”that was all Princeton managed to listen to before rushing into the Institute.


Jorge and Roger immediately came down the car and ran after him.

Princeton breathed heavily immediately he got there and began trying to open the door.

“f-__-k!! It’s locked”he cussed and immediately went for the window.

Jorge and Roger came at that moment with the two girls and the two guys began trying to break down the door but it still didn’t bulge.

“Doll!!!”Princeton yelled madly when he saw her laying on the floor through the window and he immediately broke it without thinking.

“Sir!!!”Jorge gasped

“The gas is deadly!!!”the third girl yelled but Princeton already jumped in with his bleeding arm.

He coughed immediately he inhaled the atmosphere air and he swooped Francecsa into his arms lifelessly.

“Do…ll wake up!”he yelled but she remained lifeless,he began hitting the door with his leg and it broke down right in front of Jorge and Roger.

Princeton rushed away with Francecsa in his arms blood trailing down the corner of his lips and more pumping down his arm,he got to the car and placed her in ,he entered hurriedly and drove off.

Roger and Jorge rushed back to where the car was and sighed.

“Looks like we’re taking a taxi”Jorge sighed.

“So she’s the cutie he always talks to on the phone,we should really be expecting more of this drama “Roger chuckled and Jorge smacked his head.

“Boss is going crazy and you’re joking?”Jorge frowned.

“You’re usually worst than I am ,seriously!!”Roger chuckled.

Taxi stopped in front of them and Jorge immediately hopped in leaving Roger behind.

“Heh!!! Jerk!!!”Roger yelled. The girls came out together all looking worried.

“Heh! Won’t you all go home it’s getting late for you little girls”Roger said.

“We are leaving now, thanks”one muttered.

“I hope Senior Francecsa is alright though,can you please tell us if she gets better “the other said and Roger nodded not like he knew them,he just had to nod.

Another taxi stopped and the three girl entered leaving Roger behind.

“Still can’t believe that jerk really left me”Roger scoffed inwardly.

Princeton kept fuming furiously on his spot,he was surely not gonna take it lightly with who ever did this.

The nurses already treated his bleeding arm though the pains got worst after carrying Francecsa,the glasses cuts were stinging harshly but that was less of his concern presently.

The doctor came out of Francecsa’s ward and Princeton immediately rushed to him.

“She’s fine now,we gave her some injection so she’s woken up”the doctor said and Princeton ran in.

Truly Francecsa was awake ,her face and nose were still red from the effects and she was given glasses.

“Cherie?”Francecsa muttered weakly trying to make out his face through the glasses.

“What’s with the glasses?”Princeton turned to the doctor who stood behind him.

“That’s what I was about to tell you,the gases made some temporary damages to her eye sight so she won’t be able to see clearly for some time”the doc said and Princeton nodded a bit relieved.

Princeton walked to Francecsa and engulfed her in a tight hug and she buried her face in his tummy inhaling the only thing she wanted to right now.

No words were exchanged but they both know that what had just happened awhile ago could have separated them and that brought some new fear into Princeton something he never actually thought of,how his actions would affect her safety.

“Cherie I…”

“Don’t talk just stay with me”Princeton muttered and Francesca nodded,the door suddenly opened and Princeton was quick to move away since he was standing.

“Egg!!”Xavier yelled rushing to Francecsa’s bedside and Jorge and Roger entered next.

“We saw him searching for her on our way so we told him”Jorge said.

“That’s fine”Princeton nodded.

“what happened?!!”Xavier said rubbing her cheeks lightly.

“Someone locked me up in the lab with a dangerous gas,but the doctors said I’ll be fine,there were only little side effect “Francecsa said weakly.

“She can leave now right?”Xavier finally turned to Princeton who’s hands were tucked in his pocket.

“She can go,Jorge will drop by your house with the drugs”Princeton said and Xavier nodded and carried Francecsa in his arms.

“Thanks,you’re really a best friend,I owe you even though I h@ťě to admit it”Xavier smirked and Princeton return the sly smirk.

Xavier began walking out of the ward and Francecsa kept staring at Princeton,he smiled at her and she pouted sadly and blew him a silent kiss.

“It was obviously a ploy”Jorge said when Xavier was out of sight.

“Yeah and when you left me there I went back and found this”Roger said and Princeton turned to him.

Roger brought out Francecsa’s shattered phone and a wrist band and handed it to Princeton.

The phone was all battered with cracks on the screen but it still had light on it. Princeton began searching it and saw her last text before the incident surprisingly it was from him?

He fumed angrily already knowing who conspired all this and to strengthen his idea of the suspect,the wrist band had a inscription that belongs to the white house.

“I’mma ki|| that Ɓîtçh!”Princeton muttered coldly squeezing the phone angrily.

|•PRESIDENT HOUSE•| [White House]
Sienna threw her phone to the wall furiously when she found out Princeton saved Francecsa from a source in the hospital.

“I did a clean job,so he shouldn’t have an idea it was me,it’s fine”Seinna said and her eyes widened when she didn’t see her wrist band on her hand she panicked even more.

“He’ll…. he’ll find out…. How will I do it? He’ll h@ťě me,why d..did I do it?”Sienna sttuttered fearfully and she bursted out loudly.

“Baby!!”Laurene yelled rushing into to the room and immediately went to hold Sienna.

“What happened baby,you’re crying?”Laurene asked worriedly caressing her face softly.

“Why did I do it mum,I behaved like a Ɓîtçh mum!!!”Sienna cried even louder and Laurene got more confused.

“Darling?!!”Noah rushed into the room next and Seinna immediately rushed into his arms.

“Dad!!! I don’t want Princeton to leave me,I know he made a mistake and but I made a even worst mistak,she survived and he’ll find out I tried to ki|| her daddy!!”Sienna yelled devastatingly and Noah eyes widened, he pulled her away from his body quickly.

“Who did you try to ki|| darling,tell me I don’t get anything you’re saying”Noah said and Sienna tried breathing slowly.

“Princeton and Francecsa are dating,I found out after the basketball match we had at school yesterday so….so I tried to ki|| her!!!”Sienna cried childishly.


“Yes dad but I left a lot of mess,I’m not a ki||er they’ll surely find me and Princeton will h@ťě me so much dad I won’t be able to handle that dad!!!”Sienna broke down in another round of tears and Noah immediately pulled her back into the hug.

“It’s fine darling daddy will always give his princess what she wants. Prince is yours and yours alone”Noah said simply and Sienna smiled cutely on his shoulders.

~Next day~.
|•{AK Institute}•|
Some how the news of Francecsa’s accident already spread round the school blog,looks like those three girl really did thier parts well cos every have Francecsa pitiful faces.

🗣️Can’t believe someone tried to ki|| her!!

👤Who would do such a thing?

🗣️Only monsters I tell you….

👤I just pray they catch the foo!!!

Francecsa sighed when she came down the car,she adjusted her glasses and turned to Xavier.

“I’ll drop you off in class, let’s go”he said holding her hand and she smiled cutely.

“Now you’ll act the body guard brother till the day ends”Francecsa chuckled.

“I’ll do that for a year if I have to egg”Xavier said seriously and they both walked in together.

“Senior Francecsa!!”one of the girls from last night said and she turned with Xavier to see them standing there.

“Uhhnn!! I’m so happy you’re okay”

“Swears I was really scared”

“You’re my role model,I was really scared you’ll get hurt”the three girls chipped at once and Francecsa blinked cutely.

Jorge told her about them already.

“I don’t know what to say seriously,thanks so much”Francecsa smiled and thier smiles widened.

“You should have seen the way senior Princeton broke through the window ,he really wounded a lot”the first said and the rest immediately closed her mouth. Francecsa eyes widened but she quickly covered it up with a smile.

“Blabber mouth…sorry we’ll leave now”they waved and walked away happily.

“So cute”Francecsa said before Xavier could say a word and continued walking.

“Baby gal!!”Kitty screamed and rushed to hug Francecsa as soon as she walked in Roxie joined the hug and Francecsa smiled lightly.

“I’m fine seriously!”Francecsa groaned

“No you’re not seat down”Chase said pushing her gently to a seat beside his.

“How did everyone hear anyway? The whole institute is talking about it”Francecsa groaned.

“It’s on the school blog some girls posted it,on the junior site”Kitty said and faces the screen of her phone to her.

“I swear I was so worried that gas is only known for damages thanks gravity senior Princeton was able to save you in time unless God knows what would have happened “Roxie sniffed.

“You know that side of the story to? It’s finished “Francecsa laughed.

“It’s not funny Cesca”Chase said.

“That’s the problem ,it is cos I’m fine see?”Francecsa smiled and they nodded.

“But still we aren’t letting you out of our sight today,so no running off”Kitty said.

“Yes mama”Francecsa nodded obediently and they laughed loudly.

“Wanna hang out tonight? That’s if it’s fine for you”Chaee whispered into Francecsa’s ear.

“You don’t have to,but you can take it as a payback since we didn’t get to hang out the last time”Chase said again and Francesca nodded with a warm smile.

“Gosh you look even cuter with the glasses”Chase smiled and Francecsa laughed.

~•Adelie’s mansion• ~
°Night° 7pm.
Princeton kept rolling a basketball on his fingers as he walked up the stairs. He went out to play with Xavier and he just got back now.

He walked into his room and walked straight to the bathroom,he took a quick bath and came out his hair sticking segzily to his face.He wore a baggy black pants and a black designer t-shirt and began walking to Adelie’s room.

“Isnt she back yet or maybe I’ll just pick her up myself”he mummered and knocked on her door which was just five feet away from his.

“Little nanny!”he yelled but no reply came so he opened the door and walked in meeting it empty.

“I guess she hasn’t come back yet”he mumbled and almost turned around when something caught his attention.

He walked to her bed and picked up the pink baby shoe that was lying uncovered on the bed.

“She didn’t tell me she was expecting a baby or maybe she has a new babysitting job?,is she really gonna leave me?”Princeton scoffed and made to drop the shoe when the golden “P” came to view and he squinted his eyes on it.

“What’s this? How is it possible, Serafine said such design only belong to my wears,so… how?”Princeton muttered confusedly.

“Prince, I’m…..”Adelie stopped at the door when she met him standing there but when she saw the shoe in his hand her eyes widened fearfully.

“How did this get here? It should have been thrash years ago right?”Princeton muttered calmly showing her the shoe clearly.

“It obviously isn’t any other babies’ cos it has this writing and you only started babysitting me when I turned five so….”Princeton stopped talking when Adelie bursted out in tears and he blinked confusedly.

“I’m so sorry Princeton I had no choice…I…I couldn’t just let them take you away I swear I didn’t know all this would happen when I agreed!”Adelie cried louder.

“I was right….you couldn’t have had it except…..”Princeton eyes widened slowly.

“I’m so sorry baby,I swear I am ,I made such a big mistake,I’m you’re real mum and Jacqueline is your aunt,my elder sister!”Adelie cried and Princeton felt something in his heart shatter to tiny pieces.

“Your kidding right? This has to be some kind of joke, everything right?”Princeton chuckled dryily and Adelie shook her head.

“I’m not ,I’m your real mum baby,I am… I’m…”Adelie cried and Princeton sttagered back like someone had dropped an heavy weight on him.

“So what was your excuse?”he sttuttered his and she looked up tearfully at him.

“Name your excuse!! You couldn’t just have done all this willingly right? That’s what you want me to believe!!”Princeton shook his head tears falling freely down.

“Princeton I really didn’t mean to,I swear I didn’t “.

“I’m not ready to hear any of this keep them to yourself !!!,I’ve heard enough”Princeton said holding his banging head tightly and like that walked out of the room .

“Baby please don’t leave me!! I’ll die,I swear I didn’t mean to… your my life…my baby!!”Adelie cried devastatedly falling helplessly to the floor.

°Reno’s mansion°
Francecsa kept smiling cutely at her segzy reflection in the mirror,she already stopped using the glasses since the effects from the gas reduced a lot after she took the pills,so now she’s getting dressed to meet Chase.

Her kitten purred between her feet and she picked it up gently in her arms rubbing it fur and it meowed satisfactorily.

“Don’t worry pup we’ll be back from the vet tomorrow and you two can go back to your fun chase”Francecsa smiled and like in agreement the kitten licked her fingers softly.

Her phone suddenly rang ,she dropped the kitten gently on the floor and immediately went to get the phone. Jorge got a new one for her on Princeton’s order.

“It’s Chase”she mummered and was about to swip green when the door suddenly bursted open and Princeton walked in with teary eyes.

“Mon Cherie?!”Francecsa muttered worriedly and moved towards him but he was faster and immediately pushed her back to the wall claiming her lips hard.

Her phone dropped to the floor shattering again but she was less concerned,she slipped her arms around his waist deepening the wet kiss.


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