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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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~|~ ~|~
Xavier sighed after opening the sixth door .

“If she came with mum she should be hiding”he muttered closing the seventh door, his parents yells are still rumbling downstairs but he wasn’t bothered.

He walked down the stairs and the two stopped arguing and both turned to stare at him.

“Baby didn’t you miss mum?”Beatrice smiled and Xavier scoffed.

“You obviously didn’t come with her again”Xavier muttered and began walking back upstairs.

Beatrice bit her lips sadly and sighed.

“You’ve seen what you caused just let her stay with him and you can focus on your drunken fiance”Robert said and Beatrice immediately gave him a glare.

“He’s no drunkard Robert you’re just angry he is better than you”Beatrice yelled and Robert sighed loudly. The argument continued.

Xavier shut the door to his room loudly and rested his head tiredly on the door listening to their meaningless arguments.

A girl slowly crawled out of the bed and wrapped her arms around him hugging him tightly.

“Snowflake!!”Francesca screamed and Xavier stood straight with a wide smile.

“Egg?”He muttered and broke the hug to turn to her, his eyes stayed wide a bit at how beautiful she looked ,her long brown hair flowed down her shoulders and she’s wearing an overall but still looking cute.

“Why did you make me search so much for you? Geez!”he said and roughed her hair.

“I sent you so many texts but you scolded me instead so I decided to make it a surprise like it used to be”she pouted and he pinched her nose.

“You changed a lot egg ,you look even cuter”Xavier pinched her cheeks and she chuckled.

“We were little when we last met so it’s obvious I’ll look more stunning”She said flaunting her hair and Xavier laughed.

“You look more handsome snow,my friends in London keep asking me to give them your number”Francesca said ,Xavier smiled.

“Really?”Xavier smirked and Francesca made an eye roll.

“I told them you’re a play boy a no go area”She winked and he scoffed.

“Bad egg”he said and she smiled.

“Who was that earlier he came out from our house so am sure he came to meet you”Francesca said staring out the window like she would she him again.

“Oh…. Princeton? He’s the best friends I always told you about”Xavier said and she nodded.

“Any problem?”Xavier furrowed his brows.

“Nothing bump into him earlier”she muttered and bent down to carry the kitten rubbing her legs.

She sat on the bed and also carried the puppy to lay on her laps.

“How can you even take care of these two? they are natural enemies”Xavier said.

“It’s the best combination, crazy “She winked and he chuckled sitting down beside her.

The door opened loudly and Beatrice stood pissed at the door.

“France take your bags out of the car your dad and I decided you’re staying”Beatrice said and Xavier’s eyes widened.

“Really? decided? It was more like a ninja combat”Francesca muttered , Xavier immediately bit his lips hard to suppress the laughter .

Francesca turned to Xavier and winked.

“Come help with my bags please there is alot”She pouted and he nodded.

They both stood up and left Beatrice standing sadly by the door.

“Can’t believe she’s this happy to leave me,am I such a bad mum?”Beatrice sighed and walked downstairs.

“Thanks for finally being reasonable Beatrice”Robert said with a smile and Beatrice scoffed.

“She won’t be able to last a week without me and once she calls am flying back to get her!!”Beatrice yelled and began walking out of the house angrily.

“f-__-k! Egg how many bags did you have to bring?”Xavier groaned and fell tiredly on the couch.

“I didn’t bring everything though so stop complaining”Francesca rolled her eyes as she pulled the fifteenth bag in.

“Baby, are you done parking you luggages already? I called the guards to do that and you don’t even need those junks anymore your wardrobe has been filled up”Robert said.

“Dad!!”Francesca screamed and immediately ran to hug him tightly.

“I sent your credentials to AK Institute since last week for a transfer so you’ll start tomorrow” Robert said patting her head and Francesca smiled widely.

“Finally am gonna study in Paris,thanks so much pa!”Francesca screamed hugging him again.

“You two looked like you planned all this “Xavier said with squinted eyes and father and daughter laughed.

“Fine….yes we planned it but your mum wasn’t ready let go of her,so she sabotaged her engagement “Robert smiled and Xavier furrowed his brows.

“And how?”

“I ordered frogs for the engagement dinner and stole mum’s ring,I returned it after the engagement though her finance got so mad he asked mum to bring me here just what we wanted “Francesca winked.

“She took after me”Robert chuckled and stuck hands with Francesca.

“You two are crazy”Xavier laughed and they all joined in the laughter.

“Now I wish I saw her face”Xavier chuckled.

“I want yoghurt”Francesca pouted.

“Sorry baby we don’t buy that since you stopped coming”Robert said.

“Let’s go my room freezer is stocked with it”Xavier said pulling her with him.

“Later dad!!”Francesca winked and Robert chuckled.

“Finally some real laughter in this house that witch’s plan didn’t work after all”Robert smiled.

>><< °Next Morning° Francesca rushed out of the bathroom and walked quickly to her closet . "Dad was really right about stocking them up,gosh I love everything"She smiled and took out a short skirt and simple top before applying little lip balm on her lips simply but she still looked freaking cute. The puppy and kitten began rubbing her leg and she bent to rub their ears. "I won't take long ,you two can play around till am back no fighting"She muttered and raised the kitten to kiss it's head then the puppy next. She put them down and grabbed her phone,bag and glasses before walking out of the room. She walked to Xavier's room and gave the door a knock before opening and she met him all dressed checking out himself in the mirror. "We both know you keep looking more handsome by day snowflake,you don't need a mirror to confirm"Francesca smiled and walked to the mini freezer in his room,she brought out six yogurt and stuffed them in her bag,Xavier shook his head. "You're addiction for those are worst now"He chuckled and grabbed his car keys. "Hmm.... The last time I remembered you're not a fan of yogurts"She muttered staring at him. "Still not, Princeton takes them a lot so I keep them for him"He said,she nodded and that was when he actually noticed what she was wearing. "Are you that?"he muttered frowning. "Yes flake please let me wear it, you know I love short.....desole"She pleaded and he sighed. "Fine.....just try not doing too much"he muttered and she smiled . He held her hand and they both left the house to the car. •~ AK Institute ~• Xavier stopped the car and Francesca came out first and her mouth slowly fell open. 👤Wow is that Xavier's sister. 🗣️ She's segzy. 👤It obviously runs in the family. Students kept mummering. "Whoa it's prettier than I heard and some many cute guys!!"Francesca grinned,Xavier smirked and flicked her forehead with his finger. "Ouu!! Why do that?"Francesca frowned and they began walking in. "Rule one of the institute stay away from trouble and guys"Xavier said and Cesca raised her brows . "Is the last one part of the rule or you made it up" "Just do it Egg!"He groaned and she nodded . "Senior Xavier miss Jillian wants to meet you in her office "a little girl said . "Why now?"Xavier groaned and faced Cesca. "Stay close I'll meet you here don't go too far"he said and she nodded staring distractedly at the environment and as soon as he was out of sight she began walking around. Eyes kept peering at her as she walked and she had to bring out her mirror to check her face. "I look okay,they must have not seen such beauty"she smirked still checking and she bumped into someone. "Hey! isn't your glasses working!!"Brigette yelled "Sorry....I wasn't ....... "Who do you even think you are? You're obviously a scholar what's with the low trend?"one of her clings said and Francesca raised her brows confusedly. "Am sure she's just a low scholar"another blue haired girl said. "Is it how it works here? cos I really don't get your issue with me I already apologized first so if it's not enough for you hit your head on a pole"Francesca said with a glare and walked out. "Spicy!"Pierre chuckled. "She looks new never seen her around,but I doubt she's a scholarship student"Simone smiled. "I said this semester would be a new take out"Pierre smiled staring at Brigette burning face. Chase only kept staring at Francesca's retreating figure quietly and slowly a smile crept on his lips. "Whoa! He smiled!"Pierre chuckled and Chase scoffed and walked away. Brigette kept burning furiously on the spot her hands folded tight still staring at Francesca retreating steps. The two girls beside her only exchanged glances quietly anything else will mean their heads being cut off. "Can't believe how bratty they are who is she anyway? They are really gonna bring out the devil's incarnate soon"She muttered already standing back at the spot Xavier left her earlier but he wasn't there. "Did I maybe take to long?"She muttered and her phone suddenly beeped in her hand. 💌Snowflake: Where are you? Didn't see you at the spot. 💌Oh....sorry am there now. She sighed after sending back. She stood there for a while and her eyes suddenly met a beautiful building. The curiousness in her didn't take long to surface and like that she began walking to the direction of the building. "He won't mind if I check it out"she muttered still walking. ~•Senior class• ~ Monique kept flaunting her hair and swaying her hips as she walked into the class and all attention turned to her, especially Warren who kept staring hard. "Your still interested in her?"Mason smirked and Warren scoffed and reluctantly looked away. Monique turned to Princeton's seat and smiled when she didn't see him there. "Moni!!"Cecile and Lilah shouted from the door and immediately ran to her giving her a tight hug. "Enough you two you're spoiling my dress!"Monique yelled and pushed them off. "I missed you so much girl,I tried calling you from Chile but I just got too busy"Lilah said and Monique scoffed. "I see that's why you both bounced my calls even after you got back!!"Monique shouted and pushed the two out of her way and walked out of the class. "What's wrong with here I didn't bounce her calls?"Cecile muttered. "I totally did hearing her yelp and worries during the summer would have ruined my phone"Lilah muttered and also walked away. "What's wrong with both of them?"Cecile muttered. She walked to a locker and sat quietly staring intensely at Mason, he caught her gaze and smirked. °. ° ~ Prince's Lounge~ °. ° Princeton kept smoking slowly from the cigarette in his hands,his upper body bare and segzy, it's rare for him to smoke but presently he's bored so he decided to lit it up. He barely took two puffs when the door opened and standing there was Monique in a really segzy and exposive dress. She walked segzily towards him and the only things his eyes were on,were her exposed bo*bs. "Baby I really missed you and even though you told me not to be desperate I can't help it"she bit her lips segzily trailing her hands on his bare chest and he smirked slyly and leaned in for her lips kissing her roughly and she smirked. His left hand immediately went for her a*s and he squeezed tightly holding his burning cigarette in the right. "Hmm..."She muttered and wrapped her arms around his neck giving him more access to her but he got interrupted by the door and when he looked up his eyes locked with Francesca's,she blinked and managed to mouth out "Sorry",she turned and ran off again and his eyes slowly went wide. "It's her"he muttered and Monique stopped kissing his lips to stare at him. "Are you okay ,who where you...."She turned to the door but didn't see anyone. "Leave"Princeton said blankly pulling away from her and she blinked in confusion. "Why we where actually..... "Leave now. Am being nice!"He snapped, Monique swallowed and stomped out angrily. Princeton immediately walked out of the room for some reason he was curious to know if she was still in the lounge. "Maybe I'll tell brother am in the lounge that would be better"she muttered,she remembered Princeton from yesterday's encounter so she knew this was also Xavier's lounge. She began texting but she wasn't looking at where she was heading to and her head hit something hard. "Ouu!....."she looked up and her eyes went wide when she saw Princeton standing there with his upper body still bare. "Huh? I'm sorry...I"she stuttered walking backwards but her leg slipped and she began falling, Instinctively Princeton caught her waist and pulled her back to his chest,her hands went to his hair and she swallowed hard. Yesterday suddenly came into Princeton's head and he kept staring hard at her face like he didn't have a choice. There faces just inches away,she stared at his bare body and her face instantly paled red,she wasn't breathing anymore. Her heart are skipping beats so rapidly. "You're not breathing?"Princeton blurted against her lips and her face paled more. Tbc🌹

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