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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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IRRESISTIBLE LOVE – Episode 23 & 24

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“What the heck do you think you are planning to do with her?”Princeton muttered coldly dragging Francecsa closer,his other fist folded tightly and she blinked thrice.

“We can do it here if you want?”Chase grinned and Princeton raised his folded fist to his face but Francecsa rushed to their middle.

“Mon Cherie what are you thinking?,he wants to help me study “Francecsa muttered in a naive tone and Princeton eyes widened.

“Yeah,you quit so I said I would help,it’s not a problem right?”Chase smiled charmily and Princeton scoffed.

He remembered he was still holding Francecsa and quickly let go.

“I don’t care if you two study or not,what’s my business?”Princeton scoffed and walked away.

“Huh?”Francecsa blinked repeatedly on the spot.

“Weird? C’mon let’s go”Chase said and held her hand again.

They got to her room and she began setting up the necessary textbooks on the table.

“Mon Cherie, that’s what you call him?”Chase muttered from the wall he’s resting on.

“Yeah,I call him that when….we…still talked”Francecsa muttered.

“You know it means sweetheart right or you didn’t?”Chase said.

“Yeah ….let’s start the class?”Francecsa said changing the topic.

Chase nodded and sat down opposite her.

Princeton knocked on Xavier’s door twice and he opened it quickly.

“It took you long enough “Xavier scoffed and wore his cross bag around his neck.

“Where are you going?”Princeton furrowed his brows.

“You mean where we are going? Yeah let’s take a stroll,it’s been a while “Xavier winked and Princeton sighed.

“I should have made something up not to come then”Princeton muttered and Xavier chuckled,he threw his arms around Princeton’s shoulders and they both left together. Both on different speed bikes.

They stopped their bikes in front of a supermarket and Princeton was first to jump off his motor bike.

“Why are we here?”Xavier said taking off his helmet.

“Yourgurt”Princeton winked and Xavier frowned.

“Are you joking?!!”Xavier bursted out in laughter and Princeton nodded.

“Fine but after that,let’s just take a stroll”Xavier said and Princeton nodded.

They both walked in and since Princeton already knew where the stall was he didn’t waste time on getting there,he packed up a dozen of yourgurt with chocolate and the funny part is he could get them free from the company they belonged to AK anyway but he prefers this.

Xavier also packed some for Francecsa as normal or she’d cry for real if she found out he came back empty handed.

Princeton took out more five and stuffed it in Xavier’s bag and he squinted his eyes.

“Add that to what you wanna give who ever you want to”Princeton said and Xavier blinked.

“I didn’t get that at all but am sure you meant Francecsa,are you two that close?”Xavier asked and Princeton shook his head.

“I’m a fan of a yourgurt lover”he muttered.

Xavier also nodded.

They both left the stall and the walk was quiet,a yourgurt stuck between Princeton’s lips as he sucked onto it slowly savouring the taste.

They suddenly saw a police car parked by the road and Xavier winked.

He brought out a dagger and Princeton also got one like they planned it.

They sneaked to each side of the car and bursted the tires at one, immediately the sirens began blaring they both took to their heels.

“Hey!!! You two!!”

They didn’t stop running and the hot chase only got worst when other police officers joined ,like the chase wasn’t enough_

Princeton sighted another police car and he rushed to burst the tire too those police also joined in the chase and now they were running hellishly with ten officers behind.

They jumped over a fence and the next moment they turned back the police increased!!.

“Yes!!! They were the one who ruined my tire last month!!!”an officer yelled joining the hot chase.

“I’ll get you both today!!”

“What the f-__-k!! How did they multiple!!”Xavier yelled.

“When did we burst his tire?!!!”Princeton yelled.

“We interrupted him from flirting with a minor remember? He ended up in hospital for a week”Xavier yelled back.

“We’re gonners for sure I can hear my ancestors calling me already “Princeton said turning back at every moment.

“It was your idea to stop him dimwit!!”Xavier yelled breathlessly,his heels stinging badly.

They cut through into an alley and both hide there breathing out of their noses.

“I swear after this I’ll repent”Princeton muttered in a Ç0çƙy tone.

“Let’s attend church service next week,I know a cute reverend sister”Xavier winked and Princeton immediately smacked his head.

“You got me into this nut job!!”Princeton snapped and Xavier immediately blocked his mouth with his palms.

“Shh!! Someone is coming”Xavier whispered and Princeton eyes widened.

The officer kept walking closer his gun well stationed in his palm ready to pull the trigger.

A mouse suddenly crept on Princeton’s legs and he screamed like a girl.

“Who is there come out!!”the officer yelled.

Xavier slowly let go of Princeton’s mouth and raised his hands his two fingers bent.

“At the count of three”Xavier whispered.



They both jumped out at once and tackled the police to the floor ,Xavier pulled off his trousers and used it to tie his legs, leaving him in his pink beach boxer,then stuffed a socks in his mouth,while Princeton tied his hand up with his shirt. So now he was left only in his underwear.

“What the f-__-k!!”Princeton laughed out, staring at the cute boxer.

“Wait isn’t he the flirty police man?”Xavier squinted his eyes on the helpless man on the floor.

“Yeah,he is so weak,your wife must be lamenting”Princeton clicked his tongue with a smirk.

“Let me go!! I make you both rot in jail!!!”the officer yelled.

“Do you know who I am ,my dad obviously owns shares from where you get your salary, pencil stick”Princeton crouched beside him with a smirk.

“What do you mean!!”

“Hey!!!”the police yelled behind them and their eyes widened.

“Don’t move, raise your hands behind your head and turn around!!”

Princeton took some steps back and Xavier did the same.

“Don’t move or we’ll $h00t!!”an officer said, Princeton smirked and moved again.

“Princeton st….”that was all Xavier could say before a bullet shot straight at Princeton.

Princeton fell uncounciously immediately.

“Why did you $h00t!!!”an officer yelled.

“Princeton!!!”Xavier ran to crounch beside him,his hands roaming around his body to find the bullet.

“Princeton!!! As in Andre-Kings!!!!”they yelled and ran off,even the man on the floor began hoping away helplessly.

“Jerks I’ll ki|| all of you!!”Xavier screamed madly shaking Princeton on the floor.

“Come on wake up,jerk….don’t even plan on leaving me here!!”Xavier yelled and when he didn’t get a reply from Princeton the tears finally came out,the place was dark and only the moonlight shone dully over them.

“It’s all my fault i shouldn’t have forced you to come out,you’re the only friend I have how can you leave?”He palmed face ,his tears slowly falling down his red face.

“Xavy please pass me my bag my throat is dry ,I want yourgurt “Princeton muttered.

“I promise if you wake up, I’ll buy you all the yourgurt you can dream of,please just wake up”Xavier muttered,he didn’t clearly here what Princeton said,more like he didn’t hear at all.

“Xavier am serious there is yourgurt now,give me that first you can buy me one later”Princeton said and Xavier removed his palms from his face slowly opening his eyes.

He saw Princeton smiling widely his palms under his chin,he has actually been staring at Xavier’s drama.

“C’mon you spoilt the movie”Princeton whined cutely.

“You!!!”Xavier yelled and no one has to tell Princeton to dodge what was coming, a big stone!!

“f-__-k!!! Are you planning to ki|| me!!”Princeton yelled.

“You got me worried like it was my fault,so I might as well ki|| you jerk!!!”Xavier yelled and Princeton sighed.

Xavier made to punch him again but Princeton hugged him instead.

“My best friend is such a cry baby “Princeton muttered and Xavier immediately pushed him off.

“Don’t do that”Xavier muttered.

“You always wanted a hug”Princeton said .

“How did you dodge the bullet it was a direst hit”Xavier asked checking out his body to be sure.

“Well am a direct hit myself,my acting was a five star”Princeton winked.

“I wasn’t crying ,I was worried your dad would run mad if he finds out his only heir died”Xavier smirked and began walking away.

“Hey wait for me,don’t forget my yourgurt!! Where are you going?”Princeton yelled.

“To buy your coffin!!!”Xavier yelled back and Princeton chuckled running after him.

•Next day
~•Andre-Kings Island • ~
The maid’s kept running around performing different set ups for the engagement.

Its two days away but Jacqueline was all decked up with list of things to do.

The Andre-Kings hall was in the island and that’s where their Prince engagement would be done and the after engagement party.

“Lady Jacqueline,you have a visitor”a maid said and Jacqueline nodded ,her eyes not leaving the iPad in front of her ,the maid’s sliding each photography of cakes to be ordered.

Laurene walked in and immediately she reached where Jacqueline sat,they gave eachother a light hug.

“You didn’t tell me you’d be coming?”Jacqueline smiled.

“I didn’t plan to either but its my daughter’s engagement I had to help”Laurene said.

“Oww…. No need for that we have all the maid’s to help out but you can check out my choice of cake”Jacqueline smiled and joined her in checking the types.

Adelie squeezed the hem of her dress when she saw that, Jacqueline looked up to see her standing and frowned.

“What are you doing here? Do your job and leave!!”Jacqueline snapped.

“Ye…yes ma’am”Adelie said nervously and ran off.

“Still can’t believe she’s still naive after staying here for nineteen years” said.

“Let’s not give importance to worthless things darling”Jacqueline smiled and turned back to the iPad.

~•AK Institute •
It’s the normal school schedule but everyone were all hyped up by the up coming party.All except……

“To be honest I really wanna party hard today but my mum won’t allow me unless it’s a general party that’s why I can’t wait for the engagement party”Kitty said sadly and sipped from her strawberry juice

“It’s just two days away kitty,then we can party hard all night”Roxie winked.

“So are we picking dates? Let’s make it more fun”Pierre said behind them.

They are all sitting together.

“My date is obvious I don’t need to pick, my honey bunch knows herself “Simone and winked at Kitty and she choked on her drink making the rest laugh.

“Uhhnn…so cute!!”Francecsa said for the first time and they all laughed again.

“Baby gal is it only me or you’re getting more beautiful “Roxie winked and Francecsa smiled.

“Yeah what’s the secret “Pierre asked.

“Yourgurt is the best formula for flawless cuteness “Francecsa gushed and they laughed again.

“So Chase who’s your date?”Simone said with a smirk.

Chase looked up at Francecsa and thier eyes locked,and she began hiccupping.

“Baby are you okay?”Kitty said and gave her the juice.

She sipped it slowly avoiding Chase eyes,she stared up eventually and saw him smiling, she looked down again .

“So it’s official shopping tomorrow”Roxie shrieked and stuck hands with Kitty and this time Francecsa joined.

“What about me?”Simone pouted and Kitty stuck out her tongue at his face.

“Try that again and you’ll feel my tongue on that”He smirked Ç0çƙily and Kitty face reddened in embarrassment.

Everyone exchanged glances and laughed again. Except Roxie.

she was busy with her phone, another message popped up and she smiled cutely and turned to the girls.

“I’ll be back soon”She winked and ran out.

“Meet us in he lab!!”Kitty yelled after her.

Pierre kept staring at Roxie till she was out of sight wondering what have taken her attention this past days.

It’s all noisy only the noises of the students were heard.

Everyone is currently present even Roxie,she ended the call with her secret admirer a while ago, so she was back in time.

“Where is the tutor am getting lazy”Simone pouted sucking on his lollipop.

“You mean to say tired”Kitty frowned.

“You’re here to correct me baby”Simone gave her a firlty look and she scoffed.

“Jerk”she mumbled staring back at the chemicals.

“No teacher is around now so why don’t we just deal with her? She’s getting too clingy don’t you think?”Someone snarled beside Brigitte.

“Did I ask you to talk!!moron!!”Brigitte yelled and the girls flinched.

“I’ll deal with her my way,wait just a bit”She gritted her teeth angrily staring at Chase and Francecsa.

“Hey give me that back we can’t mix it, it’s dangerous!”Francecsa yelled trying to reach out to the beaker,he swiftly held her waist and pulled her closer.

“Dangerous,like me and you?”He said with a flirty look.

“No way…”Francecsa smirked and tried pushing him off but that same moment Princeton walked in with their lab attendant,she quickly gave him a kick and he let her go,but Princeton saw them anyway and he didn’t spare her a glance before walking to the front.

“Good morning students,your teacher won’t be chanced to come today so Prince will take you guys today,be nice if you’re not you know the consequences….”

“No need for introduction they know the consequences of distractions”Princeton muttered coldly his eyes on Francecsa.

“Okay sir I’ll leave”the lab attendant said and walked out.

“So let’s start,you’ve got all the chemicals in you’re front ,so wait for my instructions before you mix anything “Princeton muttered and picked up a marker ,he stared at Francecsa but quickly looked away.

They started the mixing already and half of the hall already understood what they were meant to do apart from that laughter’s rented the room and Francecsa and Chase weren’t excluded.

“Hey!! hey!! Careful!!!”Francecsa giggled as the substance fumed in the beaker.

” I told you am the best”Chase winked and she chuckled cutely.

Princeton stared at the two only the thought of ripping Chase’s head kept trailing in his mind and it was beginning to surface cos he was staring so hard,his fist folded tightly.

Chase touched her shoulders again and he lost it. He hit the table loudly and the whole hall died in silence.

“Carry on with your work,my part here is done “he muttered,hands tucked in his pocket.

He stared at Francecsa and Chase for the last time before walking out

“That was scary”Roxie heaved in relief.

“Are you okay?”Pierre said before he knew it and she glared dangerously,he immediately shifted back.

“It’s perfect”Francecsa said to Chase and they both stuck hands like they had a successful mission.

“This is boring let’s do something else”Brigitte said from the other end of the class, giving Francecsa glared as she walked closer.

“Dance off!!”One of her minions yelled and brought out a music player.

Roxie shut the door and smirked.

“I’m on team Cesca anyone else..”Roxie yelled.

“Me!!”Chase, Pierre, Simone, Kitty and some others yelled and Francecsa eyes widened gravely.

“Huh? Me?how…” Francecsa stuttered.

“You got it kitten”Chase winked and she smiled.

Brigitte clenched her jaws tightly but talked anyway.

“TEAM B!!”some people yelled and the music began playing.

🎼You can put your body on me baby…..

🎶 Put your body on me …..

Roxie walked into the circle formed by the students and started with her leg moves,she moved back swiftly and one of Brigitte minion enter shaking her but* .

Simone was next and once he entered the center they all had to move back cos of the way his hands were flying in the air.

Everyone had their turns and now it was Francecsa remaining.

🎼Am 28 she still calling me a baby…..

She pulled off her labcoat and stepped into the circle flowing with the beat.


She bent down low and began whinny on the spot shaking her a*s slightly.


Brigitte kept fuming on her spot,her hands folded behind her.

Francecsa made another move to raise her leg but Brigitte entered the circle at that moment and kicked her leg and Francecsa began falling.

Chase quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her to him sending both of them to the floor.

She fell untop him and everywhere went silent,she raised her head slowly to meet his intense gaze.

“You’re cute….”he muttered against her lips and she swallowed.

Crazy enough Princeton passed by and stopped on his spot when he saw them.

His fist folded tightly wounding his knuckles

If there is another word for anger then you’d probably see the smoke above his head.

Crazy smoke 😂🤣🤣


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