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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IRRESISTIBLE LOVE – Episode 17 & 18

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•|{Setting boundaries}|•

~°Andre-Kings Island ° ~
°_A week later_°

Princeton kept staring at his reflection in the mirror no emotion on his face as he did,he didn’t plan to take Sienna’s side yesterday but his dad had some spy’s around so he acted perfectly and he’s been feeling this way since the incident in school.

Adelie walked into the room and met him still standing.

“I told you breakfast was ready”Adelie said.

“Must I eat there? bring my food up here instead am only eating breakfast at home because of you anyway”he muttered plainly and Adelie walked closer,she placed her hand on his shoulders and sighed, even though she’s older than him, he was obviously taller.

“You’re still mad at your dad’s decision?”Adelie asked but he kept staring silently at his reflection.

“Ms Adelie boss asked for you and young master to come downstairs”Jorge said from the door and Adelie nodded.

“We’ll be down soon”Adelie said and Jorge left, Adelie turned back to Princeton and turned his face to her,her hands on his hair.

“Just do what he wants, he’s your dad”Adelie said with pleading eyes and Princeton scoffed

“Why do you always take his side? You’re my nanny not his”Princeton replied with a scoff and Adelie smiled.

“That’s a yes let’s go”Adelie said and they both walked downstairs with Adelie behind.

Like every other breakfast the marble dining table was cladded up with different varieties of Paris best dishes all with exquisite taste,no doubt.

Immediately Princeton made his entry into the dining hall the guards bowed lightly in greetings and Princeton kept walking with his hands tucked in his pocket not giving any of them a glance.

Enzo looked up from his food and smiled lightly.

He dragged out a chair for his son and the maid’s almost fell with the glare Jacqueline gave them ,it was there job anyway.

Princeton stared at the jesture and raised his brows,he sat down neither less.

“Good morning dad……mom”Princeton muttered and Jacqueline smiled.

“How was your night darling”Jacqueline beamed and Princeton nodded lightly before facing Adelie.

Adelie quickly brought out the platter to serve him but the next thing Jacqueline said stopped her.

“Adelie,no need he’ll be eating what I told the maids to prepare for him, his favorite”Jacqueline smiled and Princeton turned to Adelie.

Adelie bit her lips sadly and nodded and began packing the food up but Princeton held her hand and she stared up.

“If it’s not made by Adelie am not interested”Princeton muttered coldly.

“but darling I made them specially for you”Jacqueline said.

“You prepared it or the maid’s did all the work?Since when do you care if I eat or not”Princeton said coldly.

“But …..”

“Enough,he said he wants to eat the food prepared by Adelie so it’s fine, nothing changed that’s how it works,it has been so let’s eat in silence “Enzo said and Jacqueline sighed.

“I’m hungry nanny ”
Princeton winked
and Adelie smiled lightly and began packing out the food quickly.

Jacqueline glared in silence picking on her food.

Minutes passed and only the sound of cutleries hitting softly on the plates clinked through the hall and the maid stood at corners waiting patiently.

Enzo dropped his cutlery and took a sip from his glass cup and cleared his throat.

“Sienna said you’ve been nice lately so she’s agreed to the marriage”Enzo said and Princeton furrowed his brows.

“She was all over the marriage before she even came here”Princeton rolled his eyes and Enzo nodded.

“She’s not a bad girl or bad wife material though, she’s exactly what the Andre-Kings family needs and once we are family with the president tariffs on our businesses will be taken care of and also the business needs “Enzo said and Princeton frowned immediately.

“That’s the problem money, business and fame!”Princeton banged the table loudly.

“What about me your son do you two even care if am happy with this!!”Princeton snapped and stood.

Enzo sighed and stood up also,he stared at Princeton and began walking away.

“Come with me”Enzo said without turning back.

“I’m late for class”Princeton muttered and Enzo turned to give him a stern look.

“Fine…”Princeton muttered and stood up, they both left the dining hall together and Jacqueline smiled secretly on her seat.

She dropped her spoon and turned to the maids.

“Pack this up”Jacqueline said and waltzed out.

Enzo stood regally both hands behind his back as he looked out the transparent glass walls staring down at all the magnificent luxury below.

Princeton sighed loudly behind him.

“Why did you call me?”Princeton muttered and Enzo spoke.

“Do you see it?”Enzo said softly and Princeton raised his brows before looking out the window.

“What? Cars….cars and more cars?”Princeton muttered and Enzo sighed.

“No just that every other thing around it,do you know something? A boy and his mum were abandoned by the world because he was an illegitimate and rapist son,his mum was R@P£D and nobody in the society accepted such people,his mum was young and naive at the moment so she did nothing to fight for her place in the society but her son did it for her,he did everything to keep her happy,his mom married a eventually to a drunkard and gave birth to his sister and things only got worst but that only strengthened him,he worked extra mile just because he didn’t want his children to end up suffering like he did he wanted to give them the world, luckily hardwork doesn’t deny it’s owner and he got everything the whole Andre-Kings legacy but finding a heir was hard,but after everything he was finally blessed with one,just one and that one is you”Enzo muttered and turned to Princeton.

“what was that?”Princeton blinked.

“You always asked for our family history when you were a kid”Enzo smiled and Princeton scoffed.

“So aunt Serafine is your step?”Princeton muttered unbelievably and he nodded.

They were so close even more than a normal sibling would be maybe that’s why he never noticed.

“I’m late for class dad”Princeton said and Enzo nodded.

“Your engagement is in two weeks”Enzo said and Princeton turned sharply.

“Is was supposed to be in the next two months “Princeton said.

“Sienna wanted it that way”Enzo said and Princeton sighed,he pushed his hands into his pocket and walked out.

Enzo stared at him till he left and sighed softly.

•AK Institute •
Xavier parked the car outside and Francesca was first to jump out and she didn’t even spare him before walking away.


“Babe!!”Kitty and Roxie yelled from the entrance and she immediately ran to them.

“Class starts in five minutes,Ms Jillian”Kitty said and Francesca eyes widened.

“I didn’t do my assignment”Francesca gasped and Roxie gasped dramatically with her.


“My kitten and puppy tore it”Francesca pouted.

“Well not to worry,I always have spare assignments note”Kitty winked and brought out a note from her bag.

“You’re a life saver Mon chat “Francesca grinned and took the note.

“Let’s go or we won’t be able to submit at all,I can’t afford failing her subject more”Roxie said and they all ran in.

Ms Jillian left the class a while ago and everyone was busy with there notes.

Francesca dropped her note after several attempts of reading in vain,it just wasn’t entering and Princeton made the situation worst by avoiding her constantly.

*He’s obviously still mad,why is he avoiding me so much?*She bit her lips sadly and Kitty tapped her shoulders lightly jerking her out of her thought.

“Are you okay you’ve been sighing since the class ended”Kitty muttered and she shook her head.

She turned her head when she felt eyes on her and she met Chase staring.

He smiled at her and she returned it warmly.

•Senior cafeteria •
Mason sat with Warren just them on a table at a corner,Warren eyes kept darting around Monique and immediately she noticed,she gave him a disgusted look and hissed.

“You swore solely that you were over her”Mason chuckled and Warren scoffed and turned away.

“I’m obviously not the only one with a messy head to handle”Warren muttered staring at Cecile who was giving Mason seductive looks from another table.

Mason also stared at her and surprisingly he didn’t look away, she’s cute no doubt but segzier.

He didn’t notice how much he was starting until he felt hands on his shoulders and the voice that followed-

“Hey baby,you came here without me? You’re not eyeing another girl right?”Avril smiled and Mason choked nervously on his drink.


“I’m just kidding baby!”Avril said and gave him a glass.

Warren smiled knowingly and sipping from his drink.

“This is gonna be interesting”he mumbled staring at Cecile who looked pretty annoyed on her seat already.

•Basketball room•
Francesca came rushing immediately she got a text from Princeton to meet her here running like her life depends on the meeting.

She had plan she’d apologize even if it means apologizing to Sienna she’d do it,she just couldn’t bare the cold shoulder treatment anymore.

Immediately she got to the room she pushed the door open and her gaze met Princeton back view, he’s throwing the ball repeatedly in the ball court unaware of her arrival.

Like the last time she rushed to hug him and as he did before,his heart beat rapidly ,he didn’t push her away either.

“I thought you were really mad at me,you didn’t come last night….I promise to apologize just please don’t ignore me,I don’t know why but it hurts like crazy “Francesca muttered against his back,he gently broke the hug and faced her the ball still in his hand.

He planned to talk more rudely to her to keep her away but just staring at those innocent eyes he felt guilty.

“You’re not still mad right?”Francesca muttered and Princeton sighed.

“You should be the one getting angry …doll I said mean things to you yesterday am sorry”Princeton muttered and Francesca smiled and hugged him again.

“I’m happy you are not mad at me anymore “Francesca pouted hugging tighter not expecting the next word.

“Doll… can you just stay away?”Princeton muttered and Francesca hands fell heavily.


“Wh@ťěver is happening this feelings….they can’t work… and you?….”

“What are you saying “Francesca muttered shakinly.

“I don’t know what we’re both thinking but I think it’s best to stop everything thing now before it hurts us…you”Princeton said more softly and Francesca sniffed tears already rolling down her cheeks,she couldn’t stay fine when he was angry at her and now he wants her to stay away?

She’d go crazy.

“How?”Francesca muttered.

“Let’s set the boundaries you don’t get involved in anything with Seinna and I’ll stop tutoring you…”Princeton muttered.

“N…noo!!”Francecsa stuttered senselessly.

“it’s for the best I don’t want you getting hurt in all this….I can’t ever feel what feel Francesca”Princeton said and Francesca began crying.

“Lies!!!”Francesca snapped tearfully.

“You’re just looking for a way to keep me away right? You don’t mean it!”Francesca cried more


“No!!! What happened to doll?” Huh?”Francesca cried.

“France….”he was about to say when Francesca stood on her toes she grabbed his shirt tightly and pressed her lips on his own softly and the ball in his hand fell bouncing around.

He froze on the spot and Francecsa used the opportunity to hold his shoulders firmly,it took him one minutes to snap out of it and he pulled out of the kiss roughly

“What was that?”Princeton said breathing high.

“I’m sorry…That’s my first kiss….you took it away , I’ll stay away like you wanted but I’m happy I got to give it to you”Francesca muttered sadly and ran out.


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