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Friday, October 18, 2024
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IRRESISTIBLE LOVE – Episode 11 & 12

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°{Mon Cherie!!}°
“Serafine?!!”Princeton eyes widened and Xavier dropped his hands.

Serafine took some steps closer her tight lemon gown hugging tightly to her segzy figure,she pulled off her sunshades and smiled.

The next minute they both ran quickly to her engulfing her in a tight hug and serafine smiled wider.

“Uhnn!! My babies haven’t grown a bit they still miss me this much?”Serafine chuckled and Princeton and Xavier immediately pulled back.

Serafine Andre-Kings, Enzo’s younger and only sibling so she’s Princeton’s aunt but she’s more like a sister figure to the boys and also because she’s just twenty five, crazy right?
She had a late birth.

“You didn’t tell us you would be coming today, we’d have come pick you up ourself you know how these Paris guys keep staring at you”Princeton scolded.

“Are you serious Prince am older I can take care of myself “Serafine said and Xavier nodded.

“Yeah but you look to small to be called an adult”Xavier mocked and serafine immediately threw him a glare.

Serafine turned to the guy they wanted to attacj earlier who was standing at the entrance and he took some steps closer.

“You know the jerk?”Xavier said also staring.

“You both were really gonna hit him I told you both to stop bullying just because you can”Serafine said and they both rolled their eyes and she dragged their ears hard .


“Guy is my pa’s younger brother,so you three should be friends “Serafine said and Xavier scoffed.

“Guy?or Gay?”Princeton laughed.

“Your mum gave you three friendship neck chain when you were small right? He’s gonna be the extra,you don’t have to be friends if you don’t wanna just be nice”Serafine said.

“Now excuse me Ms principal complained about you two bullying you team mate”Serafine said and began walking out segzily.

“Are we supposed babysit!!”Princeton yelled after her and she winked back.

“You don’t have to you need one yourself”Guy muttered blankly and began walking away.

“Attitude? Really now there two of them”Princeton frowned.

“What do you mean?”Xavier smirked with folded fist beside him and he immediately ran away.

°Andre-Kings Island °
Adelie walked into the mansion but instead of walking to Princeton’s side of the island she went somewhere else.

She stopped right in front of a huge door and knocked gently,the door was opened by two guards and she walked fully into the suite.

“Lady Jacqueline? I want to meet her”Adelie smiled at one of the guards.

“In her office, she’s allowing visitors so you can go in”the guard said and Adelie nodded with a smile and walked to the room. She took long deep breaths before pushing the door open and walked in gently.

Lady Jacqueline sat regally on a red sofa chair,her red gown flowing richly to the floor and her red nails dragging on the table as she stared at some files.

“Ma’am….I mean …My la…dy. I need some money for…”Adelie stuttered.

“I gave you some bundle of cash last week… Adelie”Jacqueline said bluntly and turned to face her.

“Yes my lady….but I need more money to prepare Princeton’s favorite food and I’ve been using mine for a while”Adelie said fearfully.

“Are you saying I can’t give you money to take care of my son!! We are the richest face in France so what will a wrench like you have!! Huh?!!”Jacqueline yelled.

“I didn’t mean that my lady I just need more money”Adelie said her head bowed lowly.

“That’s your business…you lier.”

“What’s going on here?”Enzo said and Jacqueline quickly stood to hug him.

“Honey you’re back,you didn’t tell me you’d be coming to Paris straight from Italy”Jacqueline smiled.

“It came suddenly,so what’s going on here?”Enzo asked and turned to Adelie who was already shaking badly.

“S..sir I need more money to get somethings for myself “Adelie stuttered and Enzo turned to Jacqueline who was smiling akawardly.

“Is that the problem,you should have just given her , she’s the nanny of our heir”Enzo snapped.

“But honey I gave here enough last week…”

“Nothing is enough for Andre-Kings only heir,don’t compare my son to some bundle of money, she’s the one who took care of him since he was born so if she needs more money we’ll give her”Enzo said with a frown,he walked to a locker safe and brought out four bundles of Euros and dropped it on Adelie’s shaking hands.

“That should be enough for this week,if it’s not ask my pa to give you anytime you need it,no need to disturb my wife”Enzo said and Adelie nodded.

“….thank you sir…”

“Get lost!!!”Jacqueline yelled before she could finish and Adelie immediately ran out,she got outside of the suite and held her chest tightly and slow tears slid down her face.

•~Andre-Kings Institute~•
~•Junior class•
All the students stood in front of the test result board where their test scores for all subject are pasted, students kept rushing in to check their scores but soon as they see their scores they walk away with sad faces.

“Can’t believe it’s finally out! I can’t breathe,am f-__-king scared! Can you breathe?”Kitty kept blabbering as they walked closer to the board

“Chill girl b isn’t that bad unno”Roxie chuckled staring at the board .

“I got a B!!! Yes!! Guess who’s getting a new limo!!”Kitty yelled.

“I got a C,I guess I didn’t read enough,that or Ms Jillian h@ťěs me”Roxie pouted

“It’s not that bad we’ll read harder next time,sleepovers at my place?”Kitty winked and the two stuck hands.

Francesca stood silently beside them eye checking the board from bottom and she kept biting her lips nervously as she did.

“Look babe you got and A+ and you’re first on the list!!”Roxie gasped and Francesca immediately looked up, truly Roxie was right,her name toped the board and Chase and Brigette came after.

“Huh?”Francesca blinked but it turned into a wide smile.

“What’s your secret?”Kitty said.

“I’ll tell you later,see you in class!!”Francesca said happily and immediately ran off.

Roxie and Kitty exchanged glances and Kitty shrugged.

“Let’s head to class”Roxie said and they were leaving when Brigette rushed in pushing them roughly.

“She got and A? How can she be better than me?”Brigette yelled.

Chase, Simone and Pierre walked into the hall that same moment.

“Cos she got brains and you don’t,I wonder when you were given birth to maybe your brain was cut off with the placenta”Roxie smirked


“I don’t see the need to bark you won’t wanna lose your voice along with your brain right?”Kitty said with a smirk and Brigette lost it completely.


“Your mum?”Roxie winked and walked away with Kitty. Brigette folded her fist angrily on the spot and chuckled dryily.

“Maybe I’ll just end you two before that Ɓîtçh”Brigette muttered and walked out of the staring students.

“They really showed her”Simone chuckled.

“Wow newbee was first”Pierre winked and Chase scoffed.

Chase eyes kept following Brigette as she walked away farther,he can’t help but feel she’s up to something.

Francesca kept running till she got to the senior class but she didn’t meet him in there.

“What’s up egg?”Xavier asked behind her and she turned quickly.

“Where is python?”

“Python?…. Princeton?”Xavier laughed and Francesca nodded.

“Seriously those he knows you call him that?”Xavier said.

“He’s in the changing room,but why are you looking for him?”Xavier said.

“Nothing important”Francesca said and ran off again.

“When will she actually stop running?”Xavier shook his head and walked into the class.

“Xavier!”Avril yelled and he went to sit with her.

“Hey babe “Xavier winked.

“Call me that in mason’s presence and your easter’s turkey”Avril smirked and Xavier chuckled.

“Do you know where he is anyway,I haven’t seen him since math class,I think he’s mad at me again”Avril said and Xavier shrugged.

“Useless!”Action snapped and Xavier chuckled again.

Francesca stopped running when she met Princeton coming out of the changing room and without thinking she rushed and hugged him tightly.

Princeton blinked confusedly,his hands hanging in the air.

“Hey doll?”Princeton said and broke the hug lightly.

“I got an A I toped the class!! You’re the best tutor ever!!”Francesca gushed and Princeton chuckled lightly.

“Really only an A it’s expected after all am your tutor”Princeton winked and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

“I guess I won’t see you till Monday”Francesca pouted and Princeton pulled her cheeks gently.

“Don’t think far doll,study on your own tonight”Princeton said and she nodded.

“Bye Mon Cherie!!”she winked and immediately rushed out before he could talk.

“Mon Cherie?”He muttered and slowly smiled.

“You smile when you’re alone but not with your fiancee”Sienna said at the door and Princeton frowned.

He didn’t say anything and just walked away.

“Prince wait I didn’t bring my car so can you please take me home?”Sienna said cutely, Princeton stopped on his tracks.

“Jorge will be here to pick you up, I’ll take my bike”Princeton said coldly and left.

“Gosh!! He’s so hard!!”Sienna pouted.

“You really think he’s yours”someone else said at the door and Sienna smiled.

“Yeah he’s all mine”Sienna smirked and Lilah walked in front of her.

“I like your vibe,am Delilah but everyone calls me Lilah”Lilah said and Sienna furrowed her brows.

“I thought you’re with that Ɓîtçh?”Sienna said and Lilah chuckled.

“Let’s just say am getting bored I need something new”Lilah said and Sienna nodded.

°~Andre-Kings chocolate group of Companies~°

Princeton bike parked in front of the company and jumped down before taking off his helmet.

“Sir we’ve been expecting you,the crunchy treats company chairman came personally to meet you he said you have been avoiding his meeting”A female worker said,his pa

“True still am”Princeton sighed and the pa smiled.

“The minister also arrived he’s in the waiting room,after that you have two meetings to be present in I cancelled the rest”she said and he nodded.

“And my dad?”

“He’s presently back from Italy”she said and he furrowed his brows.

*And when did that happen,he doesn’t even tell me anything anymore*Princeton scoffed.

“Let’s get over with everything”Princeton said bluntly and walked into his office.

°~RENO’S Mansion~°
Francesca laid on a sofa in the living room watching a movie ,when…

📩Meet us at the club house,let’s party,don’t think of saying no!!. Francesca read, it’s a message from Roxie,she bit her lips and sighed.

“Gosh!! How those she even expect me to tell Xavier he’ll never agree”Francesca muttered and suddenly heard Xavier coming downstairs,all dressed.

“Where are you off? “Francesca sat up quickly with furrowed brows.

“Dad isn’t back yet?”He said ignoring her question.

“No…we both know he’s more late on fridays,but that doesn’t answer my question flake “Francesca said , Xavier wore his leather jacket properly and winked.

“Gonna f-__-k with someone tonight obviously”Francesca smirked.

“Egg I’ve told you to stop saying that word your brain can’t hold it,you’re still childish”Xavier frowned.

“No am not….f-__-k! f-__-k!! f-__-k!!! f-__-king !!!….”

“Cesca!!!”Xavier yelled.

“I’m seventeen for Christ sake”Francesca groaned, Xavier took some steps to her and pat her hair roughly.

“Stop being all grown up I want my little sis forever “He winked and she chuckled.

“Stay home,dad will be back soon”Xavier said .

“And you?”Francesca smirked.

“See you in the morning egg”Xavier winked and left.

Francesca stayed at the door for a while immediately he drove far she rushed upstairs to her room and quickly entered the bathroom.

Within some minutes she was done and all dressed in a black armless really short gown and bumshort,all black.

“segzy..”She muttered staring at the mirror ,she applied little lipstick and walked out of the room.

Her way downstairs the door opened and she froze on the spot, luckily it wasn’t Xavier nor her dad.

“Sneaking out i see”Serafine smirked and Francesca heaved out a sigh.

“You scared me …can you please drop me off at the clubhouse it’s not far from school…please”Francesca said with a cute pout.

“No young lady that’s not working on me”Serafine scolded.

“Please am not gonna be alone my friends are there”Francesca pouted more cutely, Serafine stared defeatedly at her .

“Fine..but am not filling in for you I only came to meet your dad and he’s obviously not here,so let’s go I’ll drop you”Serafine said and Francesca hugged her tightly.

“You’re the best sis I’ve never dreamt of having”Francesca gushed and serafine gave her head a light smack and chuckled.

They both left he house to Serafine’s car and drove off immediately.

•~•Club house•~•
Serafine dropped her off a while ago and kitty and Roxie both arrived together.

“Babe!! You look gorgeously hot!”Roxie winked and Francesca smiled.

“Come on girls friday party to the late nights!!”Kitty yelled.

“Do you think they’ll let us in?”Francesca muttered and Roxie rolled her eyes.

“Yeah you look eighteen sweetie,let’s go”Roxie dragged them in.

Jorge stopped the car in front of the Reno’s mansion and Princeton got down. The house was obviously quiet,so he walked straight to Francesca’s room.

He opened the door and met her sleeping he wanted to leave but stopped when he noticed something odd about the figure so he walked closer and pulled off the duvet to meet pillows,he immediately frowned.

“It’s past nine and she isn’t back yet? She obviously snuck out so where is that chipmunk?”He frowned deeply and brought out his phone any students that gets admitted into the institute info is always sent to him so he saved hers.

He searched for it “Crazy doll🦋”and immediately dailed it.

The girls kept dancing crazily to the music all obviously drunk and high but that didn’t stop them.

“They’re really drinking theirself out”Chase muttered beside Pierre.

Pierre didn’t utter a word her only kept staring at Roxie dancing segzily to the music.

How come he didn’t know she was this segzy?

They were both bored and decided to come here but Simone was busy to join.

Francesca phone rang for the tenth time on the table and that was when she picked it, they were all seated already.

“Who’s that?”Kitty chuckled drunkly and Francesca shrugged and slid green.

“Where the f-__-k are you?! And why is the place so loud! It’s past nine ,I’ve been calling you!”Princeton snapped over the phone and Francesca’s eyes widened.

“Cheri? Clubhouse!!!”She yelled drunkly and the phone dropped from her hands.

“Gosh I need to use the restroom or I’ll burst”Francesca winked and left.

“Doll!!”Princeton yelled and Kitty curiously took the fallen phone.

“…She’s using the ladies room ….rest”Kitty muttered drunkenly and cut the call.

Francesca rushed into the bathroom and instantly two figured came out of hiding.

“That’s her,do what ever you want with her ,send me the video and get your dough”A girl in a hoodie said and the huge guy with tattoos smiled.

“My pleasure she looks to hot to resist anyway”he muttered and also went in.

“Now you’re done for you won’t even be able to look at anyone’s face by Monday”the girl smirked and pulled down the hoodie cap,to be none other than….. Brigitte.She smiled and walked away.

Francesca kept staring at her bloody pants

“Why now?”she pouted and slowly pulled them up with her bumshorts.

She was washing her face in the zinc when she noticed the presence of the guy.

“Hey beautiful”

“What are you doing her it’s for ladies only”Francesca stuttered fearfully.

“I came to do my job just stay still and I promise it won’t hurt a bit”he winked and immediately pinned her to the wall.

“Hey!!! Let me go!!”Francesca yelled trying to pull away from his grip but it was futile the alcohol already cleared from her eyes but she crying madly instead

In a quick move without haste he pulled down her bumshort and P@ŋtîēṣ with a hand while the other pinned her hands to the wall.

“Please don’t am begging you…Please!…. I just please…”

“I wanted to make you unconscious and take you to a decent room but I can wait you’re so segzy”he muttered lustfully and brought out his hard di*k.

“No!!! Please!!…stop!!!! ”

“Mon Cherie!!!”


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