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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Make me scream holy 🙏}








Let’s do well with the likes, comments and shares if you want an episode tomorrow 😊



Thelma went down on her knees immediately without saying a word, she had her both hand clasped together. There she went down humbly, just for the sake of peace, for the sake of true justice, for the sake of uphold law and order, for the sake of a better city, for the sake of a better world.

She looked straight into Festus’eyes defiantly each part of her hoping he’ll accept her back. At one point or the other in life, we fall to rise. We humble ourselves so we could be lifted.

Festus’ eyes widened in shock, he wasn’t expecting that from her, not from Thelma Willow

“I apologise for misconduct and I am here to right the wrong if given a chance to” She said simply.

Festus reclined well on his chair taking a deep breathe

” Are you expecting me to welcome you with open arms? After the show you pulled? I thought you’ve actually grown the wings you needed to fly, you disobeyed my orders” Festus said

” And I have learnt my lessons and I wouldn’t do such again. Here I am humbly at your feet, I hope you pardon all of my mistakes and accept me back” Thelma said

” Is it just me or you are sounding more mature?” Festus said running his hand through his beards. He suddenly stood up going to her, he lifted her up by her shoulder

” That’s how a dog should do, apologize when its wrong and work only for it’s owner, don’t ever forget that” Festus said, Thelma just bower her head facing the ground.

” The prosecution office misses you and you are welcome back” Festus said tapping her in her shoulder

” Thank you so much sir” Thelma replied with a smile

” Now you get to work, we have a pending case in court and you are going to he the prosecutor in charge” Festus uttered making her smile widened the more

He urged in her to leave the office as he went back to his seat. Thelma walked out of his office with her heels making clicking sounds behind her. She paused on her step just as she got out

“And a dog also waits for the right time to strike, the right time to bite its master” She said with a smirk before leaving finally



“Or were you expecting me to say our daughter? She is your daughter since you agreed to keep the product of a one night mistake” Fabian added and a slap landed on his cheek. Jade glared at him with redden and pained eyes.

“Don’t you dare call her that, never ever in your pathetic life” Jade said with gritted teeth.

Fabian’s hand went to the spot she he rubbed it slowly

” What should I call her then?” He questioned

“Can you just stop!?” Jade shouted

” Stop what exactly?” Fabian snapped

” Stop with these madness, she is not a product of a one night stand. She is my daughter, the one I raised just by myself without no help from anyone” Jade said with gritted teeth

” What were you expecting me to do? I was getting married in a month’s time and you can’t just to me down with one $h|tty pregnancy”

” You are nothing but a greedy b@stard” Jade spat out in anger

” Call it wh@ťěver, that marriage brought me to where I am today. It gave me my biggest dream; a conglomerate” Fabian replied

” I was a fool for believing in your words, I was a fool for giving into your advances. I was so naive back” Jade said with tear filled eyes.

” At least, that one night stand gave you a companion to ease your lonely and pathetic life” Fabian retorted with a smile knowingly to piss Jade off

” Get out” She stated calmly taking a deep breathe

“As you wish” He said before walking out while humming. Jade threw some files at the shut door letting out a scream which soon turned into a weary laughter. She ran her hand through her hair as memories of that night came flooding in her head.



Jade took slow strides around the living room while bitting on her nails. Her phone kept on buzzing as notifications kept on coming.

“This is making me go nuts” Finn muttered standing up, he left at once without saying anything else.

“What are you going to do? You have to act fast or the hospital is going to get searched and what if….. I can’t even bear the thought of that” Felix muttered

” I wonder who is the d@mn b@stard to make such tweet and then an anonymous account? They are being on…..

“Wh@ťěver is their plan, I wouldn’t let that happen. I’m organizing a press conference right away, I’ll clear all doubts in that way” Jade said staring into the space



Thelma bowed lightly as she dropped the files on Festus desk and she meant to leave but he called her back

“Thelma Willow” He addressed her by her full name

“I actually feel pity each time I look at you” He added making Thelma to furrow her brows at the same time wondering what warranted such talk.

“I don’t understand you sir” She voiced out

” Do you know why I asked you to come to the selling house?” Festus asked and she shook her head in negative

“I wanted you to see things for yourself,I wanted you to know how it was” Festus uttered

” I don’t know why I am telling you this but I want to ……that selling house was were you were too before you were bought by the person you call mother” Festus blurted out.

” What!!?”

” She hasn’t told you yet? I thought she already did, she is not your mother but you were bought from that same selling house you didn’t want to save” Festus added

Thelma took a few steps backwards

” Wh@ťěver with disadvantages also has it advantages, nothing and no one is that bad, it has its good side too. It brought out Daham’s best prosecutor” Festus said referring to her.

“What do you mean?” She inquired



Jade waved to the press with a smile as she mounted the podium. She stood in front of the crowd of reporters, there were lots of microphone just before her.

Flickers from camera lights followed her every movement, then to the pinging of their laptops. Jade actually called for a press conference.

“I have been seeing lots of uploads all over the internet questioning the prestige of this dignified hospital. I have seen lots of rumoured posts so I am here to make it clear to you all” She began sounding confident as ever.

Among the crowd of reporters was father Micheal who also has a laptop just in front of him, he wore a suit and had a pair of glasses on. It was hard to differentiate him from the rest of the crowd since he was dressed just like them.

The only difference was that he was not pinging his laptop like the rest, the laptop wasn’t even turned on. He had that sly smile on his face as he watched her spoke, he was the only one that seemed uninterested in wh@ťěver she had to say.

“This hospital has been in operation for more than two decades and we’ve won numerous awards from the mayor; an award of diligence, best hospital in Daham city …. To mention but a few. We, as a corporation, had stood firmly against thick and thin” Jade continued

“Our integrity should not be questioned, we are open and steadfast in wh@ťěver we do. I urging all the citizens of Daham city not to be flawed by such baseless accusations. They are just rumors without any concrete proof and on our own part, we would do our best to get to the root of all this” She added

She scanned the crowd of reporters watching her countenance. A smile appeared on her face at what she was, they were all looking satisfied as ever, no one had a doubting look. A round of applause followed her speech.

“If there is nothing else, I’ll like to take my leave” She said finally with a slight bow.

Just then someone among the crowd raised his hand up

Jade turned to the person immediately, her eyes widened as soon as her gaze locked with the person. Her heart started beating fast, she could feel it slamming against her ribcage. She wasn’t expecting him there of any places

” And I hope you all would go to…go…to your respective broadcasting houses and stop with the rumors and also reveal the truth as u had spoken here” She said, her voice was quivering as she spoke

Father Micheal banged his fist on the table and that got the everyone’s attention on him, he stood up also. He had an envelope with him

“I have something to say” He said with a smile walking closer to the front where everyone would see him. The flickers from the camera lights followed him and mumbling arose from the crowd.

Bead of sweats formed in Jade’s forehead despite the fact that the room was air conditioned, she felt hit all of a sudden.

The inquisitive gaze of the reporters followed his every step to the podium.

“You have spoken well about the prestige of this hospital, you couldn’t do any better” He began

” Can….can you make…wh@ťěver…you have…to say brief?” She stuttered

“What if there were actually stains? What if the image of the hospital has been tainted?” He questioned

” Huh? The hospital has maintained a long standing record so what nonsense are you saying?” She retorted with a loud scoff

“Just who knows…. The hospital is not as “prestigious” as you claimed, it has its own dirty dealings. I am not blaming you for hiding all that record, who would want to wash his or her dirty linen in public? I? You? Of course not” Father Micheal said.

“Can you go straight to the point instead of beating around the bush? I am a very busy person” She said taking a deep breathe

” What if the rumors are actually true? What if they are not rumours but facts?” Father Micheal pressed further

” What $h|tty thing are you saying? The f-__-k! It is not a fact until it is proven to be true. If you have nothing to say, I’ll take my leave, I can’t keep exchanging words with jobless fools like you” Jade snapped

The crowd of reporters watched the whole episode with interest, they were noting everything and every word.

” What if there were evidence to prove the fact that this hospital is involved in illegal organ harvesting?” Father Micheal asked again causing a gasp to escape from the crowd of reporters

Jade banged her fist angrily

,”My hospital would do no such thing…. If you have anything else to say, you can press charges which you definitely, would lose” Jade replied

” And are you so sure about that? Your confidence right now is making me shake and feel unsure of myself” Father Micheal retorted with a laugh annoying Jade the more. It took lots of efforts from her not to slam his head against the wall.

” Well….. It could be the fault of the management then” he added

“We have no corrupt system here and I can vouch for that” Jade said with gritted teeth

“And you will resign if you find out that you have a corrupted management?” Father Micheal said more like a question. Another gasp followed from the crowd.

“What!!?” Jade thundered

“Or are you unsure of yourself? You were sounding confident a few moments ago” Father Micheal raised a brow

Jade turned to the crowd who stared back at her, even without them saying a word, she could tell they were expecting her to do the same. She swallowed into nothing wondering the mess she had gotten herself into and how she got to that point.


Father Micheal nodded for her to go on

“I, Jade Rowell, promise to resign if this hospital is involved in illegal organ harvesting” She said, not like she has a choice though 🙄

“Bang!” Father Micheal remarked

” I’ll take that as a promise, you can’t go back on your word” He added opening the envelope, he brought out the content with a smile on his face. There were pictures actually, pictures of the illegal organ harvesting that sister Abigail had taken, the ones they didn’t upload on the internet.

He threw it to the air, he brought out more and more and more, throwing it to the air; he smiled brightly as he watched the pictures fall back to the ground like love petals. The reporters struggled for it, each trying to get the pictures. It would be a hot news for their entertainment industry.

One of the pictures fell in front of Jade and she picked it up with shaky hands. Tears filled her eyes immediately without her knowing. She turned to Father Micheal

“You are fired!” He remarked then bursted into laughter

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