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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Make me scream holy 🙏}








Let’s do well with the likes, comments and
shares if you want an episode tomorrow 😊



Jade narrowed her gaze inqusitively at Festus
as she said that. Curiousity got a better part of
her and she couldn’t help but ask who the
person is

“Thelma Willow” Festus answered taking a sip
from his wine

“That inquisitive prosecutor of yours? Why are
you dragging her into this when she is clearly
against us. She granted the arrest permit”
Fabian voiced out his thoughts

” She is the right person for this, she will cover
everything up without traces. I’m sure she would
have learnt her lessons by now” Festus replied.



Thelma just stared at him hoping he would
choose her, every part of her was hoping he
would shun Hazel. Father Micheal tore his gaze
from her and that made her heart skip beats.

‘Is he going to choose her?’

‘does that mean that I am nothing to him as he
had said?’

She couldn’t help but think

“You said you have something to tell me Hazel”
He said turning to face Hazel fully. Hazel
smirked at Thelma before turning to Father

“Let’s talk outside” She said

Thelma staggered backwards as she watched
the both of them leave, she could feel her nerves
failing her. Her heart was breaking, a drop of
tear escaped from her eyes without her

She grabbed her bag before rushing out of the



Sister Abigail chuckled lightly as she read the
comments to the anonymous post she made.
She eat from her packet of chips with a smirk
playing on her face.

She is actually the one who posted the pictures
of the activities in the underground selling
house which had gotten the media attention.

The door suddenly opened and that made her
flinch, she meant to hide her phone but Father
Micheal already saw it.

“Why are you hiding that?” He asked.

“It’s nothing” She mumbled tucking the phone
behind her back

” Mind if we talk a bit?” He inquired taking his
seat beside her, she just nodded without saying
a word, her eyes not meeting his.

“I am Reece, Micheal is my baptismal name. I
am an NIS agent, as you might have suspected,
who is out to catch those guys” Father Micheal
blurted out

” And….why are you telling me this?”

“We might be on the same course and we can
help each other out for the benefit of all” He

” FBI” She said simply before leaving, her nun
gown dragging behind her.



Festus smiled lightly as Thelma stepped into
the office, he had ordered for her to come to his
office as soon as she arrived.

“Welcome back to work” He said with a smile

“Thanks sir” She muttered, her expression was
looking very gloomy

“Is everything okay?”

“What do you have for me?” She retorted with
another question.

” The selling house case, I want it to go down
smoothly. The people are charging the city hall
to court and you will be the prosecutor in charge
of the case. Do well and make everyone proud”
He said handing a file to her

” More like…do well and make you proud, you
wouldn’t have opened an illegal business in the
first place” Thelma muttered

” Did you say something?” He inquired with
furrowed brows

“No…. I’ll do well and make the city proud, sir”
She replied with a slight bow and meant to
leave but he called her back.

“One more mistake from you and consider
yourself gone from the city. I’ll do everything it
takes to get you transferred out of Daham city,
you’ll start afresh else where and I am sure you
don’t want that” He said more like thr_@tened
her. She just nodded in understanding before



Fabian and Felix stood in front of the safe; the
had a box with them. John who was watching
them curiously moved closer.

“Are you both trying to open the safe? It
wouldn’t work except you are complete right? It
requires you all finger print” He said only to
receive a glare from Fabian

He opened the box and brought out a plastic
which had a recorded finger print, there were
three of the plastic in total. The wine glass from
which they drank from at the villa had their
finger prints so they just had to copy it into a
plastic like finger

“Are you sure this will work?” Felix couldn’t help
but ask

” I paid a lot to make this and I will do
everything and anything to get my money back
in double and triple folds” Fabian answer.

He handed over a plastic to Felix and another to
John who just stared at it strangely. He took
one for himself.

“We are all going to place it together at once
and the safe is going to open” He said with
determination in his voice, he averted his gaze
from one person to another to ensure if they are

Felix nodded and John had no choice but to
nod too. They all moved closer to the metallic
safe, they exchanged glances with each of them
their hearts racing, unsure of the unknown.


Sister Abigail furrowed her brows as she
hastened her steps, she heard footsteps behind
her. The person started walking fast as soon as
she did.

“Not tonight” She mumbled increasing her pace
too and the person did the same. She gripped
on her rosary really tight mumbling some
prayers of protection.

The person drew close and in no time he was
right behind her. She turned swiftly and with an
elbow, she hit the person on his chin as it came
unexpected to him.

The person staggered backwards a little before
charging back at her in full force and speed this
time. She dodge his attack back flipping to
somewhere far.

“As much as I don’t want to do this but you
asked for this” She mumbled removing her
rosary, she tucked it in her pocket before
mumbling a prayer.

“Bring it on you sn of a Ɓîtçh” She said
ferociously beckoning on him the come closer.



Hazel kept on smiling as she watched Father
Micheal who stared back at her blankly, it felt
like a real date to her. She blushed at the
thought of that and without knowing, she
chuckled causing Father Micheal to raise a

“Reece” She began taking his hand from the
table, she stared deep into his bright eyes and
that alone caused sparks in her tummy. He is
doing things to her without his knowledge.

“Do you know why I love you and why I would
never let go of you no matter what happen?”
She began looking at him passionately.

“I love you because it’s you, I love you and there
is no reason for that. I ransacked my brain for a
reason but I found none. I love you because I
love you” She added shamelessly

” But we both know that we are not compatible
and that was the main reason we broke up” He

” We argued a lot, we took unnecessary breaks
till we had to call it quit; but at the same time,
we had pleasant memories, every moment
spent with you was worth everything and I don’t
regret anything” She added

” I still love you and I want us to come back
together” She proposed

” Why?” Father Micheal couldn’t help but ask.

” I have searched around; gone on blind dates,
I’ve come across thousands, no… A million but
there is none like you. Sometimes I wonder was
I charged by you? You got me whipped beyond
imagination. I promise to be more
understanding, I promise to be more patient, I
promise to be the best girlfriend ever. I promise
to always stand by you, I promise to support
you in everything” Hazel mumbled

” You are still looking for your sister right?” She
asked suddenly

” Yeah… And I am going to find her at all cost,
punish those b@stards who took her, I promise
to take revenge” Father Micheal said with gritted
teeth, he was looking determined as ever.

“I’ll help you out, I don’t mind what it takes”

” Let’s just get back together” She added giving
him that irresistible look.

Meanwhile, someone was watching them the
whole time.

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