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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Make me scream holy 🙏}








Let’s do well with the likes, comments and
shares if you want an episode tomorrow 😊



Meanwhile, somewhere in the dim-litted bar and
in a nice angle that can capture their faces,
someone took numerous pictures of them. The
person left as quietly as he came, no one even
noticed him

“I’m actually……

Father Micheal paused on his words belching
loudly, he turned to look at Sean with a
narrowed gaze.

“Why do you want to know? I don’t think that we
are that close for me to disclose anything to
you” He said blinking his lashes rapidly

Sean sneered at him gulping from the bottle, he
was dead drunk while Father Micheal was a
little sober.

“But we are team” Sean muttered

“And you thinking I’m that daft to believe you? I
know that you are sent by them and that you
are not fully on my side” Father Micheal said
with a slight chuckle. Sean’s eyes widened
immediately but he quickly composed himself

” But I helped out in the arrest, I wouldn’t do that
if I’m not on your side” Sean said

” Wh@ťěver” Father Micheal muttered standing
up. He meant to leave but Sean held him back

“I’ll advice you to be very careful, you have lots
of enemies now” Sean said before releasing

” They are free to come, I’ll send them all to hell
on a shuttle bus” Father Micheal grinned before



Galaxy paced around Scorpion’s room waiting
for him to come out of the bathroom. After what
seems like forever, he finally did. He had only a
towel on his waist revealing his tatooed chest,
his broad shoulders, abs and muscles. That
alone made her wet down there but she
controlled herself from not rushing to him.

“What are we going to do about Wasp? What if
he talks? I think we should get him out of there
as soon as possible” She stated her worries

” I didn’t choose a weakling as a gang member;
he should be able to endure wh@ťěver that
comes” Scorpion replied simply lighting his pipe
which he puffed the smoke.

“Should I go with some members of the gang?
We can raid that station and get him out” She

” That will only make things worse, I’ll wait for
Festus to do his thing and get him out without
causing the public’s attention drawn to us”
Scorpion replied

Galaxy nodded in understanding moving closer.
Without being told, she went down on her knees
before him. Her hand went to his Ďïčk which
was covered with the towel, she grabbed it
feeling the hugeness in her hands.

“May I?” She asked looking up to him, Scorpion
just gave a simple nodded and she yanked the
towel off him leaving him st3rk naked and
shamelessly, she stroked his long and veiny
manh**d. An excited gasp escaped her lips and
she bright his joystick to her mouth.

She started sucking on it like she wants to
remove milk from it; she was giving him a
perfect b|__wj_b. He let out a satisfied groan
grabbing her hair, he pushed her forward
wanting her mouth to contain the whole of him
and that made her choke in the process.




She started moving on a very fast pace as he
had commanded



Jade furrowed her brows as she watched Hazel
who was staring at the television. Her attention
was not entirely on the TV, which Jade noticed,
she was lost in thoughts.

“Sweetheart?” Jade called her daughter and that
jolted her back to reality.

“Mom” Hazel answered taking a deep breathe

“Is everything okay? You look stressed out, is
anything bothering you?” Jade inquired with
concern in her voice

” I met Reece today” Hazel blurted out

“Hold on…. Reecee, you mean the one you broke
up with you?”

” We didn’t break up, we just took a break and
we are going to return together in due time”
Hazel said with an eyes roll.

” That’s equivalent to break up…. I’m pretty sure
that he already has his eyes on other girls, he
might have a girlfriend already” Jade reasoned

” And I don’t care, I want him and I must get him.
I’m going to make him mine” Hazel declared

” But there are thousands of men out there who
are wanting to date you, why are you so hooked
on just one man?”

” That’s because I’m in love; I’m in love with
Reece, I love everything about him, I love the
way he speaks, the way he laughs,the way he
walks, the way he frown. I love his anger, his
cuteness, I love that fact that he’s handsome, I
love the fact that he knows how to treat a lady
right” Hazel replied staring at the space
dreamily with a blush on her face.

Jade just watched her daughter with a pleased
look, she moved her hand to her hair brushing it



Felix relaxed on the couch, sipping from his
wine slowly while waiting for Fabian to round
up with his online meeting before coming to join

“And we’ll call it a day” Fabian said and
disconnected the call. He stood up immediately
going to Felix

“I am sorry for the delay” He apologise settling
down on one of the couches.

” I actually called you here to discuss something
very important. Let’s team up” Fabian proposed

” Huh?”

” Let’s make a team, get the slush fund for
ourselves, that means a lot of money right? It
sounds like a good deal, right? You can use
your own share of the money for your
campaigns and you’ll surely get the votes of
most people” Fabian added staring at him while
waiting for his response



Thelma had her both hands crossed behind her
back as she waiting for Festus, who was
sending dagger glares at her, to speak. He had
sent for her as soon as she arrived at his office

On noting his countenance, he was looking
really pissed off and he didn’t hide it. She bit her
bottom lips expecting the worse.

Festus suddenly grabbed some files on the
table and threw them at her direction making
her flinch

“Have you lost it?” He asked

“No sir….” She replied when it appears as if he
was expecting a reply to the rhetorical question
he asked.

“I’m doubt if you’re in your right senses…..what
stupid stunt did you pull out? I heard that you
were the one who granted the arrest permit of
Wasp” He said

” I was only doing what was right” Thelma
answered in a low voice

” What is right you say? The only right thing is
you obeying me as your boss. I gave you a clear
instruction to remove your hands off this case.
Besides, it was already concluded as suicide, do
you have to go that far?” Festus yelled banging
his hand on the table angrily.

” He committed a crime and as one who stands
for fairness and justice, should I have allowed it
slipped?” Thea asked causing him to scoff
loudly. He stood up from his chair going closer
to her in slow and calculated steps

“There are instances where you should be a dog,
keep quiet when you are asked to, stay put
when commanded to…..

Festus paused on his words raising her head up
by holding her chin, he made her face him.

“And do you know what happens when a dog
does not obey its master? It is cut off” Festus
added with a sly smile sending shivers down
her spine. She was deeply scared but she tried
not to show it.

“You are to be obedient and loyal, as a dog, to
your superior” Festus uttered. Thelma just
nodded her head without saying a word, she
was too dumbfounded to speak.

“You should take a break for a few weeks so
you can return to your right senses” Festus said

” Huh? I’m fine, I don’t need the break…..I….I
promise to do just as you have said. Just let

“It’s a suspension but think of it as a break to
cool your head. And, you are off the case,
another prosecutor will take over. Forward the
needed files to me” He said with a note of



The Archbishop stared at Father Micheal keenly
relaxing well on his chair. Father Micheal had
that confused expression on, he was still
wondering why he was sent for by the Bishop.

“I heard you sent for me” He had to break the ice

“You know…. The Catholic faith had always
maintained a high moral standard and a great
prestige too and we won’t let anyone corrupt
that” The Archbishop said causing Father
Micheal to furrow his brows. He was wondering
where the conversation was heading to

“A priest must be of good conduct, respectable
and be of good discipline too. You were taught
that in the seminary right?” He continued

He went for his lower shelf and brought out
some pictures which he pushed over to Father
Micheal, they were pictures of Father Micheal
and Sean drinking at the bar.

“An unholy place and doing unholy stiffs, does
that make you a priest? A priest who gets drunk
on alcohol, a priest who chase after the things
of the world….

“How…how did you get these pictures?” Father
Micheal couldn’t help but ask

“Is that the main concern right now? The issue
here is why have you chosen this path? Why do
you choose to do this even after being
converted?” The Archbishop literally scolded

“Where did you get these pictures?” Father
Micheal asked again with a slight frown on his
face, ignoring the Archbishop’s questions

“The source is still anonymous”

Father Micheal tapped the table lightly staring
into the space in a way that shows that he was
in deep thoughts.

“What do you have to say about this?”the
Archbishop queired and as expected he got no

“You are suspended Father Micheal” He blurted

” What!!?”



“Reece!!” Hazel called out loudly rushing to
Father Micheal who was about exiting the
cathedral. Father Aaron had just finished with
his sermon and everyone was about going

Thelma who was within earshot furrowed her
brows, she turned to them them swiftly with a
frown playing on her face.

“Who is she? Why did he even answer her?” She

Hazel held Father Micheal by his hand, linking
their arms together.

“Let’s go” She said to Father Micheal with a
smile making Thelma scoff

“He should have just snapped her hand off, her
smile is so fake…. she’s not even beautiful one
bit” She said jealously

Hazel led Father Micheal out of the cathedral
agsinst his wish. Thelma kept on staring at
them not taking her eyes off until Cindy tapped
her, jolting her out of her revive.

“Let’s go home, you don’t plan on sleeping here,
do you?” Cindy said with a sneer

Thelma stood up facing Cindy, she raised her
chin, throwing her head backwards like she
wants to take pictures

“How do I look? Beautiful right? My looks alone
would make a thousand men fall at my feet
right?” She asked causing Cindy’s mouth to
drop agape. She wasn’t expecting the question
obviously, not from Thelma

“No….it’s the opposite, you are a real wacko”
Cindy replied kissing her teeth

” That’s not true!! I’m way more beautiful than
her” Thelma pouted

” Beautiful in what way? Just your look alone
would scare people away instead of bringing
them close” Cindy added



Sister Abigail kept on staring at Father Micheal
as he helped her peel the oranges, they were
sitting directly opposite each other. The whole
cathedral was quiet and calm.

“What are you doing to do about your
suspension? You can apologise for your
misconduct and receive any punishment
whatsoever that they want to give to you” She

” I’m fine with the suspension” He answered

” But you are a vicar here, you can’t just get
suspended like that” She mumbled

” I’m fine with it really, I’ll just reflect on my
mistakes during this period” Father Micheal said
calmly, way calmer than his normal tone

Just as she was about to say something, his
phone rang out loudly. He furrowed his brows
on seeing the caller; Old lady prosecutor.

“Yo!” She screamed as soon as he picked
making him remove the phone from his ear. She
laughed drunkenly

“Where are you Father? Did you leave me too?
That’s so harsh of you” She mumbled

” $h|t! I’ll be back” Father Micheal said hanging
up. He left not waiting for a response from
Sister Abigail. She stared at the half peeled
orange thinking really hard.

An idea suddenly popped in her head and she
quickly took her phone. She crept to his room;
the board with the pictures were still there.
Wasp picture added in it and an arrow
indication directed him to Fabian.

She took snaps of it before leaving as quietly as
she entered.



Festus let out a sneer as soon as Sean entered
the living room; he had actually been waiting for
his arrival. He rushed at him landing a punch to
him at once.

Sean’s face turned sideways and the area got
red immediately. As he was still recovering from
the pains accompanied with the blow, Festus
pushed him to the ground. He landed roughly on
the floor hurting his back.

Festus started stepping on him, kicking him all
over, at all part of his body. Sean released
groans as the pains was unbearable for him but
he endured all without lifting a finger,not like he
could do anything.

“You led the arrest of Wasp right?” Festus
questioned while breathing hard, he had
stopped kicking Sean who was sprawling on the

“Answer me when I talk to you” He yelled
grabbing Sean by his collar, he made their faces
close and then landed a punch on his face.
Sean threw his head backwards weak and
dejected at the same time.

“I ..I had to arrest him ….there were lots of
evidences pointing at him so I had no choice
but to do what I did, I couldn’t help it” Sean

Festus chuckled lightly running his hand
through his hair obviously pissed. He grabbed
the wine bottle which he was drinking from and
smashed it on the wall

“Now he’s talking back, you lowly thing” He
cursed walking towards to window. He tuck his
both hands in his pockets

“Wasp must get out of there” He blurted out


“You heard me right….I don’t know how you are
going to do it but Wasp must be out as soon as
possible” He added

” But….but the public’s attention is on the case,
it won’t be easy for us to…..

“Us? There’s no us in this. You will do it yourself
and the right time is now” Festus cuts him off

” I….I….

“Then get ready to lose your job with just a blink
of an eye” Festus interrupted rendering Sean



Valerie opened the door carefully trying not to
make a sound as she did that. She had an
hoodie on as she made her way to a car already
waiting for her just outside the house. She kept
on looking around as she moved towards the

She opened the car door and got inside the car.
Jade was already in it, she had her pipe lit. The
whole place was stuffy and smells from the
cigarette too made Valerie cough.

Jade let out a chuckle putting the cigarette out

“You still haven’t gotten used to it, how bad” She
muttered turning to face Valerie fully.

” It’s been a while” She added with a smile

Valerie just nodded her head without replying,
she was playing with her fingers nervously
which Jade noticed.

“Did I make you uncomfortable?” Jade inquired

“No” Valerie muttered in a low voice

“Your daughter…..” Jade began causing
Valerie’s heart to skip beats.

“What happened to her?” She asked
immediately and that got Jade laughing really

“The concern look on your face for me” She said
with a smile which left as soon as it came.

“Or should I call her, our daughter?” Jade
pressed further

Valerie turned to Jade sharply



Thelma let out a grin as soon as she sighted
Father Micheal; she beckoned on him to come
closer using her hand. He rolled his eyeballs
already regretting answering her phone call and
rushing to the bar.

He dragged his leg reluctantly to her

“You came faster than I expected” She said with
a drunken smile. He was breathing heavily, an
evidence that he ran.

“You should stop drinking you know, your
drunken attitude sucks” He muttered causing
her to burst into laughter.

“Look who is talking? Coming from a priest who
drinks” She taunted grabbing the bottle to take a
gulp but he took it from her, keeping it far from
her reach.

She leaned closer to him

“Were you worried about me?” She inquired
belching loudly

“Who’s that lady that talked to you at the
cathedral?” She asked further, she narrowed her
gaze at him expecting a reply but she got none
making her recline back to her chair with a cute

“And you know the hurtful part of it….. You
replied her, why did you do that? Why did you
talk to her even when you know that I was at the
hall? You even gave her your attention, you
should have just snubbed her. Your attention,
your time should be given to only me” She
blurted out trying to stand up.

Father Micheal just watched her spewing those
words. He watched her curiously and keenly and
at the same time wondering how she got to him.

She finally stood up but not without staggering,
her balance on the floor was not well enough.
She was almost falling but he reached out to
her, he held her by her waist. He stared deep into
her eyes wondering why and how she got him
doing things he is not supposed to do; like his
rushing to her immediately after the call

For the first time he got to watch her keenly and
notice her features; his eyes trailed from her
eyes to her plump lips

“Cute” He blurted out without knowing

She suddenly raised her hand to his cheeks and
she pulled it making him groan.

“And the kiss too…. It hurts when you said that it
was a mistake and I was foolish to agree with
you. It wasn’t a mistake to me but it’s the best
thing that has ever happened to me” She said
with a dejected sigh.

“And I want that best thing to happen to me
again, it’s not a mistake this time….. Can I kiss
you?” She blurted out

Before he could say jack, she crashed her lips
on his and holding his head, she explored
deeper into his lips

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